Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2) (21 page)

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I’m done.

I throw the keys down onto the table as we walk into the house after leaving my moms. It’s dark so I flick on the lights hoping not to wake a sleeping Jason. Alex walks in the door with him snuggled up into her chest. I can see she is struggling with his weight a bit so I take him from her and bring him to his room.

I quickly and quietly change his diaper, dress him in fresh pajamas and lay him down. He’s peaceful and while his chest rises and falls I think about watching him with Noelle. The way he is comfortable with her, the way she was holding Savannah, I’m feeling so much more than I ever thought I could for her. It’s scary. She looks good with children and I would love to see what ours would look like. Placing a kiss onto his head I tell him I love him and prepare to say goodbye to Alex. She is going to spend the night with her parents so they can leave early and see another specialist in Wisconsin.

I walk into the living room finding Alex slung across the arm of the couch and glance at my watch. It’s 7:30 P.M., and Noelle will be here in half an hour. I haven’t let Alex know that I asked her over, well told her, and I prefer if she was gone by the time Noe arrives.

I’m not sure exactly what I am going to say to Noelle, but I need to hear if she feels anything for me and if so to just be patient. I truly believe that I need to focus on Alex and Jason’s last few months together.

“Are you still planning on hitting your parent’s house tonight?” I ask placing my tired body beside hers. Jason had us both up early this morning. She sleeps in his room but I have a monitor just in case she needs any help. He was up bright and early at 5:30 A.M. wanting to play. She told me to go back to sleep but I couldn’t. So I watched them play.

She doesn’t answer so I reach over and squeeze her knee. She jumps up chuckling and looks over at me.

“Yea, I have my bag ready. You look exhausted,” she says shoving her shoulder into mine and stands up to, I assume, take her bags outside.

I try to shut my eyes for a moment and fall asleep thinking of Noelle. Her blonde hair wild and falling into her face. Her body straddling me and I’m gripping her hips.

“Trent.” A voice calls out but it’s not Noelle’s, it’s Alex’s.

“Trent,” she says again but in my dreamlike state I don’t answer. All I can focus on is Noelle’s eyes and the feel of her rubbing on me.

“Please open your eyes.” Alex begs and I finally fulfill her request, desperate for her to leave so that maybe when Noelle gets here we can continue my dream.

My head flies back into the couch in surprise when I find Alex’s face inches from mine, her legs on either side of me.

“Alex, get off me.” I push on her hips gently. I know she is very weak.

Her eyes look heartbreaking and desperate. “I need one more thing from you, Trent. One more item on my bucket list.” She attempts to grind on my still hard dick from my dream of Noelle.


“Alex, I can’t do that for you. I can’t.” I plead with her. I don’t want to deny her, but I don’t think I can bring myself to do that when I’m thoroughly in love with someone else.

“Please, Trent. I need to feel like a woman again, not some broken scared girl. I want you to make me feel like you used to. Loved and cherished. I need that from you.”

Before I can protest again her lips are on me. Her hold on me is feeble, and I easily push her away but before I can tenderly diffuse this delicate situation I find Noelle running from the door.

I scream after her pushing Alex to the side. She yelps in discomfort but tells me to run after her. By the time I get outside it’s too late. Noelle is already speeding down the street.

I run back into the house telling Alex not to leave until I get back and grab my keys and wallet. I make it to my truck in record time and speed all the way to Noelle’s house trying dozens of times to call her on her cellphone. It rings and then goes straight to voicemail.

I dig into my console looking for the spare key to the house Erin gave me years ago knowing that when I arrive she most likely won’t let me in.

I told her I didn’t want Alex and that we weren’t together. Then I invite her over and she sees what she has been thinking all along? Shit!

I slam my hands on the steering wheel when I pull in and her car isn’t there. Reaching for my phone I send her a text.


Me: Where are you???


It’s agonizing waiting the entire minute before she responds.


Sunshine: On my knees sucking someone off.

Me: Noelle, tell me where you are!


Five minutes pass before my text pings again but this time it’s Erin.


Erin: WTF Trent! You better tell me what’s going on but right now it’s in your best interest to stay away from her. I’ve got her here.


God damn it! I jump out of the truck, slamming the door and kicking the tire.


I crouch down onto the pavement and pull hard on my hair in desperation to feel something else besides dread.

I was getting somewhere with her. The night in the bar I could tell she and Jace were on the fritz and she told me I was the other guy. Then her reaction to the messed up family dinner we had. I see she feels something for me and I know why she is pulling away. Besides Alex, I know she still has reservations about it not working out and her relationship with everyone in my family.

I could care less about that shit. When Noelle Grant becomes mine, and she will, there will be no need to worry about it working. I’ll marry her in an instant and she will be mine, forever.

I have to see her. I need to make this right. Zipping onto the main road I call Erin. She doesn’t answer so I hit “end” and call Walker.

“You’re fucked, dude,” he answers. “I thought you said you weren’t banging Alex?”

“I’m not!” I yell into the phone. “She just got there a fucking minute too soon.”

“Yea, that doesn’t sound shady at all, Trent. I hope you aren’t coming here because it’s not a pretty sight. I had to keep her from waking Savannah.”

“I don’t give a shit. I’m on my way.” I hang up and push the accelerator down now knowing where she is.

The house’s lower level is lit up and before I can turn the knob to walk in Erin is whipping the door open and shoving me back outside.

“No!” She yells pointing her tiny finger at me. “If you know what’s good for you then you’ll go home and let her seethe. She is pretty pissed.”

“Erin, I have to see her. To explain. It’s not what it looked like.” I stop trying to push my way into the house and sit on the stoop.

“So, Alex wasn’t straddling you in your living room?” Her hands meet her hips in disapproval.

“She was but I was pushing her off, Erin. I swear!” I stand up and yell towards the door. “I SWEAR!”

Erin slaps my shoulder and shushes me. “Savannah is sleeping. I told you I have this. I’ve tried to help you, Trent, and now I need to be there for my friend. You need to go home. Try tomorrow.”

My eyes look to hers begging for someone to understand. “What’s going on with Alex…it’s not my story to tell. I gave up on pursuing Noelle because I was tired of trying to compete with Jace. Then my issues with Alex were keeping me away, but now I can see she might feel for me what I do for her and I’m tired of protecting Alex. Noelle holds the key to my happiness and I love her, Erin. I need her to know that.”

She pulls me into her for a hug. I feel protected and secure even though I’m an entire foot taller than her. She’s my big sister, and I love her for always being on my side no matter what…even if she doesn’t think what I’m doing is right.

She pulls back to look at me. “Go home, Trent. Give her some time. I’ll try to diffuse this.”

I nod, relenting…for now.

I get back to my street, frustrated that I gave up, but knowing that Erin has it under control. She knows how much Noelle means to me, though she still doesn’t know why I’m allowing Alex back after all the talks we had after she left. I swore I wouldn’t let her back if she tried, and it looks to everyone like I’m a hypocrite.

I call my mom as the truck sits in park in the driveway.

“I already heard from Erin,” she answers. “Trent, baby boy, I understand your loyalty to Alex. You’ve always been a faithful man, and I know what’s going on with her is tough but Alex and I have talked. We want you happy. Do what you need to do to be happy.”

Holding the phone to my ear I look down and my head falls onto the steering wheel. “I love her, Mom. I love Noelle and I feel like at every turn we are being pulled apart. I just want things in my life to be simple for once. Is that too much to ask?”

“Nothing worth it is easy to attain. If this pursuit of Noelle is tough just think of how sweet the reward will be.”

A few weeks back I came clean to my mom about Alex. As much as I would love to tell the rest of the family and get them all off my back I want Alex to be the one to explain. If she wants them to know she can tell them but my mom dragged it out of me. She has a way with making her kids do what she wants.

I hang up and walk back into the house trying to keep my anger and sadness at bay. Alex didn’t know that she was on her way and I feel for her. I understand she wants to feel like a woman but my love for Noelle runs stronger than that. It runs through my blood and seeps through my body. I don’t belong to myself anymore. Noelle has ruined me and built me up all in the same instant. I pray to the Gods above that this whole summer can be fixed.

Alex is at the dining room table tissues scattered around. Her eyes are bloodshot and her body looks more tired than usual. She looks up at me, tears spilling down her cheeks. “Trent, I’m so sorry. I feel stupid and embarrassed.”

My head falls back and I look up towards the ceiling, taking a deep breath. Her sobs get louder, and I drag my feet over and kneel in front of her.

“Alex. You didn’t know she was coming and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.” I pull her face down to look at me. “I would love to be the one to make you feel like that again but I just can’t. For that I’m so sorry.”

She sniffles and nods her head in understanding. “I know. It’s not only your heart that belongs to her. When you love someone so deeply every fiber of your being is theirs.”

“Noelle does that to me.” I take a deep breath knowing what I’m going to say might hurt. “When you left, Alex, my world shifted. A wall went up, and I focused on doing my best for Jason and me, but feeling like it wasn’t enough. When I would pick him up, Noelle would tell me she was proud of me for going after my dream. When she was playing or sleeping with Jason, my wall would come down one brick at a time. When I realized I wanted her and was over you, I hid it. Now she knows I can’t do or think about anything else besides her. I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. I’ve fucked it up enough.”

She smiles at me and takes my hand. “You have to tell her about me.”

“Not my story to tell, Alex.” I shake my head side to side. “Even with your permission I can’t do that.”

“I understand,” she says standing up and walking to the front door. “I’ll see you in a few days.”

I silently watch her leave and just as the door closed my text pings again and I pull my phone out of my pocket.


Walker: Erin is sleeping with Noe in the guest bedroom. Cock block.

Me: That’s my fucking sister, asshole!

Walker: I overheard their conversation. My advice…give her a few days and then strike.
She's hurt and confused right now. Dude, you messed up but she's not done with you yet. Trust me, just give it a few days. If she didn't care she wouldn't be this upset.


As much as my brother in law’s aggressive tactics irritate me, he does know what he is talking about. To make my sister fall in love with him after her fuck up of an ex cheated on her, he has to know what he’s talking about.

I’ll give her a few days and then I’m going full force.

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