Unexpected Destiny (Assassins and Sweethearts Book 3) (5 page)

She let go of the stick and turned around. “Absolutely.” She ducked under his arm and headed for the door.

“Liz, wait up.” He hollered for the waitress, but Liz kept moving. She knew he would catch up and the thought of him chasing her had her wild with need.

Once out the door, she turned the corner and headed back to his place. At least this time, she knew where she was going. As she approached his building, she looked up at the star-filled sky and breathed in the crisp night air.


She stopped dead in her tracks. About five feet ahead of her, a man leaned against the brick wall. He looked awfully familiar, but she didn’t want to step any closer. His arms were crossed and his brows were squeezed into an unfriendly angle.

“Are you a friend of Aidan’s?”

“Here, Liz.” Aidan stepped beside her and pushed his keys to her hand. “Go on upstairs. I’ll join you in a minute.”

“You sure?” She turned to him, nervous to leave him alone.

“I’ll be up in a few minutes. Make yourself comfortable.”


Aidan watched Liz disappear into his building and fought the need to follow her. Without being able to see her, he couldn’t know for certain she was safe. He tapped his fingers against his hips. “What are you doing here?”

“What are you doing, Aidan?” Gavin walked toward him. “That’s your target, isn’t it?”

“I met her at the bar tonight after the auction.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” Gavin shook his head when Aidan didn’t offer anything further. “What are you going to do with her now?”

“Nothing that’s any of your business. Besides, we’re just letting off some steam. She’s a nice girl.”

“A nice girl? What the fuck, Aidan.” He slapped the backside of Aidan’s head. “You’re going to get yourself killed and she’ll end up dead anyway.”

Aidan pushed his brother back a step. “Come on. You know me. I don’t get involved with targets. I finish my jobs clean and ahead of schedule.”

“It only takes one girl.”

“Like Vivian?”

“Yeah, like Vivian.” He stepped closer and grabbed hold of Aidan’s shirt with both hands. “She’ll ruin your life.”

“I don’t think it will come to that.”

“Well, think again.” Gavin patted Aidan on the cheek and walked to his car.

“Someone mugged her a couple of weeks ago. Today, her apartment gets ransacked and possibly two contracts are made on her life.”

Gavin turned around. “How do you know all this?” He pointed to Aidan’s apartment. “Did she tell you?”

“No. I saw the bruises on her neck and there’s no way she faked the surprise at the state of her apartment tonight.” He dipped his head and rubbed the back of his neck.

Gavin released a huge breath. “You know, if you had a full staff, you could be all over this already.” Gavin walked to the corner of the building. “Too bad Ethan hadn’t forced the situation earlier.”

“I’m still surprised you’re fine with Nadia working for me.”

“Hey, I actually like Nadia. I think she’s good for both of you. But this girl…” He looked up at the building. “You can’t trust her.”

“I know how to protect myself.” Aidan kicked a rock and swallowed a childish retort.

“See that you do.”

“She hasn’t seen the husband in over a year.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I’d like to know who really ordered the hit. The police think Reese is dead. I’m not so sure.”

“Lots of questions.”

“I know.” He gazed up at his kitchen window. “I’ve got Sam working on it. Just, send him anything you find.”

“Okay.” Gavin held up his hands. “My guy’s working on it too. Keep an eye on her.”

“Will do. Thank you, brother.”

Gavin disappeared into the shadows of the alley.

Aidan texted Sam and made sure he was still fishing for information. Maybe by morning they’d have some answers.

He ran upstairs and kept moving until he reached his door. Respect for Elizabeth filled him. She’d faced a lot in the last year and she still held her shit together. Little did she know she was trading a husband who probably abandoned her, or worse, for a night with an assassin.

He wouldn’t delude himself into thinking he was good enough for her. There was no way to know how this was all going to play out, but first things first. The woman deserved pleasure and he had no problem taking her there as many times as he could while he figured it out.

He pressed his ear to his door and listened while his heartbeat calmed.


Too much silence.

He pushed open the door and slipped inside. He found her standing at the sink, naked as the day she was born, and gazing out his kitchen window at the full moon. Moonlight draped over her pert nipples and down to the top of her perfect soft ass.

He pushed the door shut with some force to announce his entrance.

She turned and peered at him over her shoulder. “Hi.” She toyed with her silky chocolate hair. “You told me to get comfortable.”

“I’m glad you did.” He took slow controlled steps toward her, taking off his shirt and slipping off his shoes as he went. His need to act like a gentleman flew away as his cock stiffened. Damn, she was fucking gorgeous.

The moonlight danced off her eyes to the tops of her breasts.

He licked his lips. “You look good enough to eat.”

She turned fully toward him right as he reached her. He clamped hold of her nape and sealed his lips over hers. Intense heat flowed through him and stiffened his dick. He wanted inside. With a push of his tongue, she granted him access and he invaded her mouth, brushed along her tongue in languid sweeps.

He caressed her neck with one hand and the other found her breast. The soft pillow swelled in his hand. He pulled until his fingertips found her nipple and he pinched.

She pulled free from his lips and gasped. “Ah, it hurts but don’t stop.” She arched into his hand. “I love how that feels.”

Latching onto her neck, he alternated between sucking her neck and pulling her sweet tit. The urge to plunder her pussy with his rock hard cock was driving him crazy. He nibbled his way along her jaw to claim her mouth again. After giving her nipple another tight squeeze, he released her.

She tried to pull free but he swallowed her scream by swiping his tongue around hers. Then he picked her up. She wrapped her gorgeous legs around his hips. Heat greeted his dick and he knew he couldn’t wait another second to get inside her.

He set her bare ass on the counter. Aidan had little storage in his apartment. He didn’t have a lot of stuff either. However, it seemed strange to keep the condoms in one of his kitchen drawers, until now. “Stay.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” She scooted back on the counter, rubbed her thighs, and then spread her legs wide.

Once he was back by her side, he made quick work of taking off the rest of his clothes. The whole time he watched her pussy, her warm, wet pussy.

“Aidan.” She reached for him. “I need you.”

“I’m here.” He caressed her cheek and stroked his cock a couple times. An overwhelming need to claim her, to make her his, took his breath away. He put on the condom and then worked his cock head up and down her slit.

“Aidan,” she whispered. “I need you inside me right now.”

He pushed in, but not too far. After pulling out slightly, he pushed farther inside. Intense silky warmth greeted him and the last of his restraint disappeared.

“Oh!” She reached forward and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her breasts to his chest.

“Yes, so tight. So fucking tight.” He fully seated himself within her and stopped. A strange sensation fell like a blanket over him. His gaze locked on hers. The moment filled him from somewhere deep inside. Not able to wait a second longer, he claimed her mouth, swiping his tongue from left to right and then he dove deeper, just as he thrust his cock into her pussy.

Each time he hit home, she moaned. It was the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. “You feel like heaven.” She moaned again.

He ached for more of her as he ravished her body. Thrust after thrust, he plucked her tit and nibbled on her neck.

“I’m going to come.” Her pussy squeezed him as she arched back.

“Go ahead, sweetheart. Come all over my cock.”

“Ah!” she squealed and her pussy contracted around him, milking him to release.



Tingles of goose bumps raised all over as the emotion of the act hit her with its full force. This stranger had brought her so much pleasure. And not only that, with him she’d forgotten her troubles for a time. He’d lifted the dead weight of worry and filled it with an electrifying need for more of him. She squeezed him tighter.

Aidan lifted her from the counter while his cock remained inside her. She wrapped her legs around his middle and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

They’d laughed. They’d enjoyed simple things. This was how life was supposed to be. Not struggling to be something she wasn’t or pretending everything was fine when her life had come completely undone.

He set her on the bed, pulled out of her and then he strode to the bathroom. She drew the blankets around her shoulders and curled on her side. A moment later, he slipped in behind her. She rolled over and curled into him.

“I want you to stay here until we figure out why you were mugged and why your place was broken into.”

“Thank you. I don’t want to be anywhere else. You’ve made me feel safe and distracted from this crazy mess. I appreciate it more than you know.” She dragged her finger in lazy circles around his chest. “When Reese first disappeared I was frightened all the time. I can’t stand to go there again.”

“I will help you get through this.”

She got up on her elbow. “I know you don’t want to talk about what you do but you have to give me something. Why are you helping me? We just met.”

He rose up on his elbow too. “It doesn’t feel like I just met you.”

“I know.” Her body relaxed and relief washed over her. It was a hard thing to trust her instincts, but no place on earth had ever felt this comfortable.

“I’ll tell you everything but not tonight. Let’s get a good night sleep and then we’ll talk it through tomorrow.”

“I’m holding you to that.” She blinked a couple of times. “I’m suddenly very sleepy.”

“Go ahead and sleep. I’ve got you.” He pulled the covers over her shoulders.

Her eyelids fought to stay open a few times. She snuggled into him and his soft lips kissed her forehead as she drifted off to sleep.

Light met her eyelids hours later. Aidan was still warm and snuggly next to her. She stayed put for several moments, enjoying the satisfying comfort he gave so freely. With a lift of her head, she peeked at a snoozing Aidan.

Her bladder reminded her it was morning. She slipped from the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, pulling the blanket from the couch as she went.

After she washed up, she watched Aidan for a while. Curiosity took over and she looked around the large almost empty room. Once in the kitchen, she tripped over his pile of clothes.

“Oops.” She giggled.

She picked up each item, folding it and loving the idea of caring for this man. When she grabbed his jacket, she noticed the envelope inside.

She looked back at Aidan. He hadn’t moved, still peacefully asleep.

She debated whether or not she should invade his privacy. It would be stupid and reckless. He didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. No, but she needed to know something about him. It was probably just bills or something humdrum anyways. In light of recent developments, she was desperate to be out of the dark on something.

She pulled the envelope from his jacket. There were no markings on the outside. She slipped the paper free from the envelope and froze at a picture of her and Reese staring back at her.

Flashes of white light swirled around her causing her head to spin. She couldn’t get her vision to focus on the words in front of her. All she could see was the word death and her picture clear as day at the bottom.

The heavy blanket fell from her shoulders. She swallowed hard around the ball of fear forming in her throat. Pressure pushed on everything and her breath came in and out in short bursts. She grabbed the blanket and held it to her chest. With the document laid on the island, she spread it flat and kept her gaze on Aidan. It was clear on several counts. Her heart pounded and it took the concentration of every muscle to keep her reading.

Liz was scheduled to die, tomorrow at the latest.

There wasn’t a lot of information on the page. The top documented the order. Husband wants wife dead. “Rat bastard.” Below, it listed her home address, her name, and at the very bottom, their wedding photo.

She looked at her face from that perfect day. “You idiot.”

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out who’d ordered the hit and who was to carry it out. Aidan’s name was nowhere on the letter but it was in his pocket. What she couldn’t figure out was what kind of shameless evil audacity it took to romance a woman and then kill her for money.

She should run, call the police like he talked her into not doing last night. “Holy hell,” she whispered. If she wanted to live, she should grab her things and get as far from Aidan as she could. He was going to kill her. She clutched the blanket to her chest. Why wasn’t she running? For some stupid reason, she couldn’t believe Aidan would hurt her. She hung her head.


“I’m right here.” She let the venom in her thoughts coat her voice.

He climbed out of bed, wrapped the sheet around his hips, and crept toward her.

“Well? Don’t keep me waiting any longer. How were you planning on killing me?” She grabbed her purse from the island and inched back. “I’m all ears.” She cleared her throat. “How does a man kill a woman after he’s had sex with her? After he’s promised to protect her from whatever is after her. Tell me, Aidan, because I’m curious as hell.” She shut her mouth and felt her nostrils flaring. Her hands had a death grip on the sheet and her purse, as if she could wring the truth out of him.

He jetted closer and she held up her hand.

“Not another step. Please, just tell me I’m wrong. Explain this.” She pointed to the paper and waited. “To think I was feeling bad for invading your privacy.” She inched closer to the exit to get just out of his reach “How silly of me to worry about hurting you when it was your plan for me all along. Was it you who trashed my place? The whole night must have been quite the amusement for you.” She stopped with her hand on the door. “Say something!”

“I could never hurt you.” He eliminated the space between them.

She swung for his face, but he blocked it. Then he seized the top edge of the blanket and pulled. She stumbled into him and he wrapped his arms around her. “Let me go.” She stomped on his foot and he released her. She made it back to the front door before he grabbed her again.

When she struggled against him, he pressed her into the door. His strength was unwavering. She desperately wanted to go back ten minutes, back to her blissful morning. Her body hadn’t forgotten how deep Aidan had gotten into her body. Her deliciously sore pussy wanted him. It seemed treacherous, but with his body pressing against her, her body filled with need.

“Damn you, Aidan. Let me go,” she cried out.

“No, I won’t. Give me a few minutes to explain and if you still want to leave, I’ll take you somewhere safe where you won’t be alone.”

“Like I’d trust you again. No, thank you.”

He pulled her from the door, swung her over his shoulder. From her upside down position, she spotted the bed still messy from their sleep and then he set her on the couch.

She scrambled to the far end and placed her purse in front of her, like a shield.

“Those documents are exactly what you think they are. Someone has ordered your death.”


“It’s all done anonymously. But it appears Reese is paying for it.”

“Reese is dead.” She closed her eyes. Moisture pushed at the backs of her lids. She didn’t want to hear anymore. It was like the threads of her life were being torn apart. “Isn’t he?”

“I don’t know. No one but the heads of the auction know the parties involved. I don’t know for sure who ordered the hit and that person doesn’t know who won the contract.” He reached to her, but she scooted off the couch.

“Don’t come near me right now.” She held out her hand. “I can’t. I just can’t.” She made her way back to the kitchen, closer to the door and her escape.

“I’m glad I won your contract.” His honesty, as shocking and distasteful as it was, made her breathing even out.

“I appreciate you telling me the truth, but you’re scaring the shit out of me.” Every muscle in her body tensed.

“Hold on now. I’m not glad because I want to kill you or anything.” His hands flexed in and out of fists.

“Oh, give the man a medal. He doesn’t want to kill an innocent woman.” She found her shirt and pulled it over her head. “You’re a real gem, Aidan.” She struggled with her jeans until she got them to cover her butt. “What the hell am I even talking about? This is nuts.”

“Look. If I have the contract then no one else has it.” He huffed out a big breath. “But…”

“But what!”

The door opened and a beautiful woman walked in. “Hi Aidan, I’m a little early for our meeting and—”

“Who’s this?” she shrieked. “Is this your murderer’s assistant or something?” When neither offered anything more, “Is she your lover?” She crammed her feet into her heels.

“No.” They both said at the same time.

“Don’t let Ethan hear her say something like that,” the pretty one said. “I’m Nadia, Aidan’s Human Resources Manager.” She held out her hand and Liz just stared at her.

“I’m so out of here. You’re all crazy.” She stuffed her underwear and bra in her bag and pushed past Nadia to make her escape.

Without looking back at Aidan, she ran down the stairs and out of the building. One of her heels cracked in half. She kicked them both off and sprinted down the street. She kept running even when white hot flashes of pain shot up her legs and through her side.

Block after block flew past her. She jabbed her fingers against the growing agony, it felt like it threatened to tear her in half. Fire filled her lungs. She stopped short and threw-up in an alley. Her hand landed on the brick wall just in time to stop her skull from ramming it. Rolling knots churned in her belly. She emptied her stomach again.

“This can’t be happening.” She leaned against the wall and took several deep breaths. The cool stone and the dampness on her skin chilled her through.

What in the hell was she going to do? Leaving town and changing her name seemed the only option if she wanted to live.

She reached for her grandma’s necklace, but it wasn’t there. All her muscles contracted until she remembered she hadn’t worn it last night. Cruel dread froze her to the spot. She couldn’t stand the thought of never seeing it again. She tapped her head on the brick. It was all she had left of her family. The one thing that reminded her to fight for her future. A reminder of the one true thing she had in her life except for Sherrie and Emily.

Tears rolled down her cheeks and she slid to the ground. She’d never see them again. She’d miss Emily’s wedding. Emptiness swam around her head creating a deep void for all the things she ever needed to fall into and disappear from her life forever.

Her hands went limp and she rocked back and forth.

She needed to get up. She had to run. Staying alive had to be her focus. Except, she had to get her necklace. She could walk away from everything if she had her necklace. How the hell did she do it without being detected? Her mind went blank.

“My phone.” She pulled it from her purse and tossed it into the dumpster. Next, she needed cash, her necklace, and a toothbrush. She spit the vile gunk invading her mouth once more. “Yuck.”

If she could get in her apartment, in no time she could have everything she needed. She peeked around the corner, across the street, nothing stuck out as suspicious, not that she knew what suspicious looked like. Hell, she’d slept with the man hired to kill her. She squeezed her eyelids closed. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

She hadn’t cried when Reese disappeared. She wouldn’t cry over Aidan either. A big wet drop rolled down her cheek. She brushed it away, determined to prove he hadn’t gotten the better of her. After maneuvering back to the sidewalk and into a crowd of shoppers, at the next corner, she got onto a bus.

She prayed if anyone was watching her place, they’d only be watching the front. Supposedly, only residents knew about the back entrance. In no time, she was downtown, in the garage, and then riding up the elevator to her apartment.

The doors clanged open. She should ride right back down and get as far away from there as she could. Instead, she took a peek at her floor. It was deserted, except for her neighbor’s tattered work boots. His wife wouldn’t let them in their place due to the smell. She looked down at her bare feet. To protect her soles from the broken glass in her place, she’d have to deal with the smell.

After stepping around the corner, she slipped into the large boots. A rancid smell flew to her nose. After a quick shake stole through her, she checked her watch. Two minutes and no more. Two minutes and she’d leave this all behind, including the stinky ass boots.

After escaping the elevator, she maneuvered down the hall and listened at her door. Nothing. She looked back to the elevator. Walking away right now would be so much smarter. Tension tightened her shoulders and her heart raced. Walking away from all she had left of her family was not an option. Two minutes.

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