UnholyCravings (8 page)

Read UnholyCravings Online

Authors: Suzanne Rock

Did she want to be bound together to Soren for eternity? It
looked as if she didn’t have any choice. He had already entered her body. That
meant that the process had already begun.

The only thing left to do was to embrace it. She’d worry
about the implications later.

“She feels different,” Soren said.

“Different how?” Donar asked.

“Better… Shit, so much better.” He shuddered again and Tara
felt a little of her magic drain from her body. A breeze blew threw the alley,
leaving goose bumps on her skin.

Soren inched forward, pressing her closer to the wall. Then
he pulled back. The sweet friction heated Tara’s channel and caused her to
moan. He moved with agonizing slowness, allowing them both to adjust to the new

He was right, this felt better than any sex she had ever had
in her life. Tara had heard that sex with a spirit-mate was better than regular
sex, but she had no idea just how good it could be.

The air around them heated, and the breeze picked up. Soren
continued to thrust and retreat with agonizing slowness. She felt every inch of
his cock rub up against the smooth muscle of her channel. She flexed her
fingers, scraping her nails against the wall as Soren’s darkness seeped into
her mind.

With each push the darkness inched farther into her mind.
She embraced it, knowing that this was part of Soren. If she was to be his
mate, then she needed to accept all of him, both human and

She tightened her muscles as Soren straightened, quickening
the pace. Cool air brushed her back as he dug his fingers into her hips. Her
magic built, eager to touch the darkness pushing its way through her body. She
bent lower until their torsos formed an “L” shape. His thrusts became harder,
more hurried. Tara’s cries filled the air as the pressure and need pumped
through her veins.

Tara opened up her wings and let it go. Light filled the
alley and Soren cried out her name. She closed her eyes and widened her stance,
allowing him to go deeper. Her spirit raced higher and higher, until she felt
herself balancing on the edge of something vast and extraordinary. There she
hovered until she felt a dark presence beside her. She touched it and felt
Soren’s presence in her mind. She called out his name as they both toppled over
the edge into oblivion.

Tara had sex before, but nothing like this. The blending of
emotions was an experience more intimate than sex, more prized than physical
satisfaction. She embraced Soren’s emotions, his fear over what was happening,
his hatred of the
who made him, his awe over her body and
magic. Wave after wave of emotion crashed through her and she took everything
that Soren had to give.

As his thrusts slowed, Tara felt herself drifting back to
earth. The wind around them had died down and the light of her magic dimmed.
She let out a long breath as Soren stopped and ran his fingers over her wings.

“You’re incredible.” His voice was soft, but unmistakable.
Tara warmed with the praise. She could feel his wonder, his amazement over what

“I can feel your emotions,” he said.

“And I, yours.” She shivered under his caress. Touching an
wings was the most intimate contact of all, even more intimate than touching
her breasts or pussy. It felt right for Soren to touch them. He was a part of
her now and she was a part of him.

“Have you been satisfied?” Donar asked.

“Yes, master.”

“Good. You may stand aside.”

Soren moved and Tara started to straighten.

“I didn’t say that you could move.”

Tara winced as pain burst from her backside. “I can’t?”

“No. Soren has had his turn and now I want

He sounded cold and clinical, but Tara knew that it was
Donar’s darkness talking, not him. She saw the conflict in his bright eyes and
the stiffness of his jaw. Donar was fighting his basic urges and losing. She
had to try to help him. Tara couldn’t offer him what she offered Soren, but the
didn’t need the binding ritual to feed.

She started to fold her wings into her back, but Donar
placed his fingers along the rim, stopping her.

“Leave them,” he said. “I want you to give me what you gave

“I can’t.” Once an
started a binding process,
there was no turning back. She’d forever be a part of Soren, and he’d be a part
of her. It couldn’t be undone.

“You can and you will.”

He didn’t understand. Tears stung her eyes as pain rippled
through her body. She wanted to. Sweet mother earth, she wanted to bind herself
with Donar and help him deal with his darkness, but Tara didn’t think that she
had it in her. Most
didn’t have the power to bind one
let alone two. Her magic had chosen Soren. It was finished.

“Do you understand?”

Tara thought of how Donar put himself in danger to save her
and Soren back at the hotel. She thought of how his eyes shone bright with
desire as she stripped for him. It didn’t feel right for her to give Soren
everything and him nothing. He craved her and she craved him. That had to be
worth something.

“I’ll try, master.” Tara might not be able to bind her soul
to him, but she could offer him an outlet for his lust and violence. She could
offer him her body.

Donar pressed his naked body up against her backside. She
felt his thick cock press up against her backside. Despite just having sex,
desire sparked in her lower abdomen once more.

Donar eased her wings apart and curled his body over hers,
just like Soren did moments before. “Now, my dear, you will come for me just
like you did before.” He placed a soft kiss against her neck. “Only this time,
you will feel much more pleasure.”

Chapter Eight


Tara shivered as Donar’s words echoed through her mind.
this time you will feel much more pleasure.
She believed him.

There was something about Donar’s voice that made her want
to obey his command. Donar had a firm hand, but also a softness that he kept
hidden from people. She heard the thread of uncertainty behind the command.
Even now, as he straightened and ran his trembling fingers down her spine, she
felt his vulnerability.

The knowledge made her want him more.

He reached the curve in the lower spine, then slid his
fingers down to her ass. She arched her back, pressing her flesh into his
calloused palms. His touch felt so good, so right.

“Are you ready for me, little one?” Donar asked as he
slipped his fingers between her legs.

Tara closed her eyes. She groaned as Donar inched his long,
thin fingers through her damp folds.

“I see that you
ready. This is good.” He eased
both hands in between her legs and spread them apart. Then he moved away.

“What are you doing?”

Donar’s hand connected with her backside,
sending a spark of pain to ride up through her torso.

“Don’t question me,” he said. “Just feel.”

She heard shifting behind her, and then Donar was underneath
her. She looked down and saw him sitting on the pavement, his long, pale body
taut and ready. She bit back a groan as her gaze focused on his cock. It was
longer and leaner than Soren’s and she wondered how much farther Donar would
reach inside her pussy when he finally entered her.

And he
enter her. He had to.

Donar reached up and squeezed her breasts. “So beautiful,”
he muttered.

She watched him lean up toward her chest. He moved slowly,
giving her plenty of time to back away if she wished.

She didn’t want to.

He took her nipple into his mouth. Tara groaned as pleasure tingled
through her breast and reached out through her body. He squeezed the mound as
his tongue and teeth did wicked things to the sensitive tip. First he’d nip,
then he’d lick, creating alternating sensations of pain and pleasure. It was
perfect. Tara felt the world begin to fade away as the erotic sensations took
hold of her.

He moved from one breast to the other, repeating the same
delicious torture. She wanted to reach down and thread her fingers into his
hair, hold him close to his skin. She didn’t dare move, however. Any movement
would break the sexual tension that was building around them and erase the
erotic spell he was casting over her body.

He moved down from her breasts, kissing a trail along her
soft abdomen. She began to wiggle under his touch. He was going so slow…

He reached up and slapped her ass. “Don’t move, or I’ll have
to punish you.”

The punishment was tempting, especially if it involved more
spankings, but Tara didn’t want his kisses to end. She tried to hold herself
still as he continued the slow, deliberate path toward her mound.

When he reached her hairline, he grabbed her hips to hold
her steady, then used his tongue and teeth to lick and nip a line along the
edge of her mound. Tara groaned and curled her fingers, digging them against
the brick and mortar of the wall in front of her. Her body filled with so much
tension, so much anticipation, that she felt like she was going to explode from
the pressure.

Then he shifted lower until he was directly under her pussy.
This was it, the moment she was waiting for…

He blew over her opening. His warm breath rushed against
her, causing her skin to tingle. She wiggled with anticipation.

“I said don’t move.”


“But what?”

Tara opened her eyes, looked down the length of her body and
met his questioning gaze. He looked so sexy, sitting there naked beneath her.
His eyes had turned bright red and his cock appeared strong and ready.

“I want…” The words stuck in her throat. What did she want?

She wanted everything from this man. Everything he had to
give and more.

“What do you want, Tara?” he asked.

Her mind filled with all kinds of erotic images. Pictures of
her and Donar, then her, Soren and Donar together. She wanted so much from
these men, but would they be willing to give her what she needed?

“Do you want this?” Donar reached up and ran his tongue
through her folds.

“Yes.” The word came out as a hiss as pleasure surged
through her body. Tara closed her eyes and bent her legs slightly, pressing her
body closer to his waiting mouth.

Donar slid two fingers through her folds, then spread them
apart, revealing more of her opening to the cool air. She shivered at the new
sensation. Then Donar dipped his tongue between her folds and ran it along the
edge of her opening.

She groaned at the intimate contact. He felt so good, so
right. Her world dimmed until her entire focus was on the man beneath her.

Around and around he went, tracing her opening with her
expert tongue. Tara tightened the muscles in her channel, hoping to drag him
deeper into her body. He evaded her, preferring instead to tease the outer rim.

He slid his tongue up over her slit and pressed it against
her sensitive bundle of nerves. Tara gasped as pleasure vibrated out through
her torso. Her clit was so sensitive, so swollen, that the gentle contact set
her nerve endings on fire.

“You taste so wonderful, Tara. I want to feast on you when
you come. And you
come for me, Tara.”

He flicked her sensitive nub once more.

“Yes, master,” she whispered.

He continued to torture her clit as he slid one finger
inside her core. Pleasure vibrated up her body, causing Tara to shake with

Donar slowly retreated, the sweet friction making her groan.

He repeated his torment, pushing his finger deep inside her opening
while he massaged her clit with his tongue. Tara felt lightheaded as pleasure
surged. Again and again he tortured her, thrusting his finger into her pussy
with a steady pace. Each time he entered, her muscles tightened and the sweet
friction sent ripples of desire through her system.

He exchanged one finger for two, then two for three. Soon,
Tara was bucking against his face, riding the wave of longing and need.

She heard him groan against her. He shifted from her clit to
her slit and back again, tasting the moisture that collected there. The
pressure built, and she raced toward that unseen goal.

“Now, Tara. Come for me.”

She cried out Donar’s name as her orgasm crashed over her
body. Intense pleasure consumed her, and her whole body shook. Donar shifted to
her slit and drank her orgasm. His moans of delight heightened her pleasure
until she felt as if she was flying.

The orgasm was strong, similar to the one she had with
Soren. It made her feel invincible. Tara wondered if it was because Donar had
made her hold back, if it was because she was following his commands.

As his movements slowed, Tara felt herself float back to
earth. She turned her head and caught Soren’s gaze. He still held his long,
thick cock before him as if it was a sword.

Tara slipped her gaze down to Soren’s claves, then traced
the long snake tattoo on the side of his leg. It wrapped around a long sword
that ran along his thigh. The snake head was turned up toward his navel, and
right above it, she saw a heart branded on his skin.

The tattoo wasn’t there before. It was the mark of their
first joining, the brand signifying that they had started the process to become
spirit-mates. Each time they have sex more of the tattoo will fill in. When
they became one in spirit, the tattoo would finish. For the rest of their
lives, they’d both carry an external mark of their joining, announcing to the
world that they were one.

Was that why she felt the need to serve Donar? Was she
actually feeling Soren’s need to please his master?

Maybe it was part of it, but the thought didn’t feel
completely right. She had the urge to follow Donar’s orders long before she
started bonding with Soren. Maybe she and Soren were more alike than she
originally thought.

“Soren, come here.” Donar’s commanding voice filled the

Tara inhaled as Soren’s excitement filled her mind. What did
Donar have in mind?

“It is time to finish the feeding. You may stand in front of

Soren walked to the wall and then took Tara by the wrists.
He helped her to straighten, and then massaged her hands. Within moments he
dropped his gaze to her mouth.

“There’s something about you…” He pressed his lips against
hers. The kiss was soft, almost reverent. He gently urged her to open to him.
She did. He entered her mouth, exploring. Even though she had just had two
orgasms, Tara felt the desire building inside of her once more.

Soren’s fingers curled into her head and Tara realized what
he wanted from her. He nudged her down and she obeyed. Tara bent over until her
head was level with Soren’s cock. It was slightly shorter than Donar’s, but
thicker. She moistened her lips as she grabbed the base of his shaft in her

“Ah, this is good.” Donar stepped up behind her and placed
his hands on her hips. “You please us, little one.”

His voice contained the low, abrasive sound of his
but she also heard his underlying eagerness. Donar reached in between her legs
and ran his finger through her folds. “You’re very wet.”

“Wet for you,” she said.

His hands trembled over her skin. “You’re amazing,” he whispered.
It wasn’t the voice of the deahman who spoke, but the more human side of Donar.
She heard his awe, his yearning. He didn’t believe that she could want someone
as damaged as him. He couldn’t be more wrong.

Donar positioned the tip of his cock against her opening. “Go
ahead, little one, take him.”

Tara moistened her lips once more, then took his erection
inside her mouth. She slid slowly down his shaft, moaning as his salty taste
exploded across her tongue.

“Fuck.” Soren threaded both hands through her hair and held
her head close to his body.

Donar eased forward, guiding himself through her slick
channel until his hips pressed flush with her backside.

“This is how it should be,” Donar said.

“Yes,” Soren replied. “It feels…”

“Exquisite,” Donar said.


Tara agreed. There was something about being with both men
at the same time, knowing that they both found pleasure in her body and hers
alone, that warmed her to the core. This was better than sex with Soren, better
than Donar pressing his tongue against her clit. Two men were definitely better
than one.

Tara started to work over Soren’s shaft. Donar retreated,
then thrust once more. Back and forth, advance and retreat. The three of them
worked in unison as the sexual tension in the air increased. Tara felt Soren’s
rising need and Donar’s struggle for control. Once again a breeze picked up in
the alley, scattering leaves along the pavement.

Darkness poured through her body. Soren’s darkness and
another presence.
She recognized the dominating presence in her

The pressure in her body continued to build until Tara could
no longer hold back. She released her wings and felt a surge of power leave her

Donar cried out and thrust harder, faster. Soren groaned and
performed shallow thrusts inside her mouth. Tara’s longing built and she
started to race toward that unseen goal.

She widened her stance, allowing Donar to go deeper. Each push
made her body shake. Her mind blanked and her skin tingled. She was climbing

“Tara.” Donar grunted as his thrusts became deeper. He
grabbed her wings and pulled them back toward him, riding her as hard as he
could. Before she knew what she was doing, she embraced his dark presence.
Magic poured out of her wings, through his hands, then his arms. She felt it
spread through his body just as his darkness had filled her mind. The two
magics swirled together, mixing into a bond that would last a lifetime.

She grabbed Soren’s cock with both hands and focused on
giving him pleasure. Up and down his shaft she moved. She felt his cock jerk
and fresh precum wet the tip. Soren was close.

“Now.” Donar’s voice slapped through her body and it
responded instantly. She came hard and fast, her body filling with ecstasy as
Soren’s own orgasm filled her mouth. She drank it, reveled in it. And then with
a mighty cry, Donar filled her with his own release.

The sensation of both men losing themselves in her body, of
both of them finding pleasure in her, lifted Tara higher than she ever had been
before. Her orgasm tore through her consciousness, and stars filled her vision.
The men continued to thrust and she floated away on a sea of pleasure.

Eventually their movements slowed and Tara drifted back to
earth. The wind had died down and the darkness that filled her receded. She
felt spent, but happy, more happy than she had ever felt in her entire life.

The men eased away, and Soren helped her to stand. She
wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder, unwilling
to let him go.

After a while, Tara released Soren and turned to face Donar.
His eyes were clear of the taint, leaving behind a beautiful emerald. They
called to her with a sadness that touched her heart. Tears filled her eyes as
she sensed his loneliness. He was too full of pride to go to her however. There
was also a touch of shame over what he had done. He thought she’d hate him now
for being hard with her.

“Finished?” Tara asked.

“Yes, and now we must go to this hiding place you speak of.”
He bent over to retrieve his clothes. “It would be best if you hid your wings.”
He picked up his belt, which had become separated from his jeans. That must
have been what he used to hit her earlier.

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