Read Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance) Online

Authors: Sharon Hamilton,Melissa Schroeder,Elle James,Delilah Devlin,JM Madden,Cat Johnson

Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance) (3 page)

She watched the surf as it rolled in, and she could see why her brother and sister had been drawn to Hawaii. This was a soothing place. Oahu could be a jungle, that was for sure, but there was something so...relaxed. She could never live here. It would take an act of war to get her out of New Orleans. She had rebuilt her bar after Katrina, and she wasn’t leaving any time soon. But she needed to find time to return to Hawaii. She had a niece or nephew about to make an appearance, and she was sure Jocelyn and Kai would have children soon.

A little ping hit her heart harder than it ever had before. Thinking of her sister, her confidant, having a baby brought about yearnings she never thought she would have, not now. She thought they would come after marriage, but it was probably because the first Dupree grandchild would be arriving in five months.

Shannon shook herself free of her funk. This wasn’t like her. She had men. Not a constant stream of them, and she did have the problem of her career. Her business took up a fair amount of her time, so it had been a long dry spell between men. But for some reason, she hadn’t felt the need to scratch the itch. Not until she saw her brother coming down the escalator at the airport with Kade.

She closed her eyes and shivered. Damn, the man got to her. And if he didn’t take her up on her offer, she would write him off. His loss. She opened her eyes and glanced at the ABC Drugstore bag. She would throw away the condoms she bought and drink whiskey and eat the chocolate.

There was a knock at the door, pulling her out of thoughts of rebellion by gorging herself. She drew in a deep breath and approached the door. When she looked through the peephole, she sighed. It was an older Asian man. She opened it, and he looked confused.

The door across the hall opened, and a woman who was apparently his wife frowned at him.

“Sorry,” he said with a smile.

“No problem,” Shannon said, trying to fight the disappointment that now swamped her as she watched his wife usher him into their room. She was closing the door when a hand braced against it and stopped her. She looked up and found Kade staring at her.

“I told you I knew where your room was.”

His voice flowed over the words. He had been born in Australia, but his parents had moved to the US when he was younger. That accent still tinged his voice. It sent little tingles of heat racing through her blood.

“You didn’t change your mind, did you?”

He actually looked worried. The fact that he would think any woman in her right mind wouldn’t beg him to come to her room made him even more attractive.

She smiled and stepped back. “Come on in, Kade.”

Chapter 3

As Kade watched Shannon step back, he tried to calm his heart. It was smacking against his chest so hard he was sure she heard it. Lust hummed through his body. He was afraid if he didn’t control himself, he would completely lose it, strip her naked, and ride her like she was a mare in heat.

“Kade?” she asked.

He shook himself out of the stupor as he stepped over the threshold and shut the door behind himself. He flipped the deadbolt and took her in his arms. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized he was rushing, but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t be that controlled when he kissed her. He had waited too long to touch, to taste. She didn’t hesitate, but came willingly into his arms and pressed herself against him.
. His eyes almost crossed at the feel of all that softness against him. Her nipples were hard.

He kissed her then, taking her lips in a hot, open-mouthed kiss. She was better than he dreamed. As he dove into her mouth, she hummed against his tongue. Every hormone in his body screamed, begging for relief, but there was one thing he knew. He might never get to do this again, and if so, he would make sure this would last him a lifetime.

He kissed a path down her neck, enjoying the taste of her flesh. God, she was so sweet. She arched into him, and he swore. He almost came then and there. No woman had ever gotten to him like this. He pulled away.

“Turn around.”

His voice was rough, and he saw that her eyes widened slightly. When she did as he ordered, she did it slowly, her hips swaying as she turned. The woman was going to drive him insane. There was no doubt about it. His hands were shaking when he lifted them to unzip the dress. He was careful not to jerk the delicate fabric, but it was hard. As the fabric spilt, it revealed a black lace corset, stockings, and mother help him, a thong.

She was definitely going to kill him. Blood rushed to his groin, and his head started to spin again. The dress fell away and pooled on the floor at her feet. When she turned around, his eyes almost crossed.

The corset was tight, pushing her generous breasts up to the edge and almost over the top. The stockings were attached by garters. As he allowed his gaze to drift down, he had to sigh. She was made for him. There was no doubt in his mind. He didn’t like thin women, disdained them. He liked a handful of a woman. One who knew her worth and who had more curves than he could explore in a lifetime.


He could barely hear her voice. He lifted his hand and skimmed the tips of his fingers over the delicate flesh above the lace. She shivered then moaned as he slipped his digit between her breasts.


He looked up at her and the frown she was giving him. “Don’t say no now.”

She smiled at that. “Not on your life, it’s just that…you have a lot of clothes on. I’m almost naked.”

He didn’t do anything. He couldn’t. He was still trying to come to terms with the fact that the woman he had lusted after for so long was standing in front of him in a corset.

He swore then that he was positive there was a God.

Apparently, she got sick of waiting. Shannon stepped forward and took hold of his shirt.

“Arms up, Seal.”

He did as ordered, unable to fight the smile curving his lips. He knew it would be like this. Softness, tenderness, fun, and love. She tossed the shirt behind her and immediately had her hands on his chest.

“Lord, you Seals know how to build some muscles.”

The wonder in her voice shot straight to his dick. She splayed her hands over his pecs and smoothed them over his flesh. He was sure she could feel the way his heart pounded against his chest.

“I like that you aren’t all waxed.”

He snorted. "No military man would do so, babe.”

Her gaze flashed up to his. "Yeah? I bet there are a few.”

“Let me rephrase that. No self-respecting Seal would wax.”

“Ah,” she said and nodded as she slipped her hands up over his shoulders. The lace of her corset scratched against his skin, and he was amazed he didn’t lose consciousness. There was so much he wanted to do to her, with her. But he couldn’t go into full Dom mode, not with Shannon. Tonight was more about sharing, caring, and living in the moment.

He bent his head and kissed her. This time he wasn’t so out of control. Slowly he tasted her, nipping at her lips, then finally he delved into her mouth. He walked her back to the bed until her legs hit it. He pulled back and pushed her a little. She took the hint and fell on the bed, a laugh bubbling up from within her. That joy was something he would remember for the rest of his life. He didn’t doubt it.

She was laying on the bed, her hair tousled around her head now, and that sexy smile inviting him to join her. He did then, undoing her corset and garters. He slipped the lace from her body, but he didn’t remove the stockings. Next he worked the tiny thong down her legs. It was wet with her arousal, the musky scent of it sending his libido to new heights. He kissed the flesh just above the band of the stocking, then the other leg. He worked his way up to her sex. She was hot, and damn, so wet.

Need crawled through him, urging him to take, to plunder. He couldn’t control himself, couldn’t wait. He had to have a taste of her. He set his mouth against her pussy and leisurely licked her. She shivered and moaned against him.

He savored her, slipping his tongue inside of her and allowing the flavor of her to dance over his taste buds. God, every little bit of her was exquisite, inside and out. Adding a finger, he enjoyed the way her muscles clamped down on it as he worked in and out of her. He could just imagine sliding inside, having those inner pussy walls tugging on his cock. He sighed against her as he slipped his tongue up and over her clit.

She shivered, moving against him. He sensed her approaching orgasm and pulled away.

She moaned in irritation and gave him a dirty look. He laughed and worked his way up her torso, kissing and licking her sweet skin. When he reached her breasts, he took one hardened nipple into his mouth and sucked—hard. She moaned again, slipping her hands into his hair as he slid his other hand to her breast and teased the nipple.

Little by little, she was killing him. Pleasure took hold of his body, of his mind. At this point, he wasn’t sure how much longer he would last. He was a man who loved foreplay. He thought with Shannon he would take hours. He had dreamed of it for years, planned it. Then when she was so out of her mind she was begging for relief, he would take her.

There was no way he would make it. He didn’t have the ability to take it slow. If he tried, there was a good chance he would embarrass himself.

She arched up against him, pressing her crotch against his pants. Even through the cotton fabric, he felt her heat. He knew then it was imperative that he got naked ASAP.

He gave her breast one last lick, then he rose to his knees. He was ready to undress, but apparently she was sick of waiting. She sat up and took over the job herself. He didn’t wear underwear, so when she unzipped him, his straining cock sprung free. Her eyes widened, and she wrapped her hand around it.

“Oh, Shannon, yeah...”

His words trailed off as he lost the ability to speak. He watched her dip her head and take the tip of his penis into her mouth. The first flick of her tongue pulled a drop of pre-come from him. He shuddered, and he knew he should tell her to stop. There was every chance that he would lose it, lose complete control and come right then in there. But instead, he watched as his cock disappeared between her lips and into the deep recesses of her mouth. It was possibly one of the most erotic things he had ever seen.

She took it slowly at first, just pulling in about half of his cock. But soon he was thrusting in and out of her mouth, and she was humming against his sensitive flesh.

He pulled away right about the time he lost it. It was when he looked down at her that he realized he hadn’t brought protection.


Before he could say anything, Shannon solved the problem. "In the bag on the table.”

He noticed the plastic bag then. He jumped off the bed, got rid of his pants, and pulled out the box of condoms. His hands were shaking with desire, and he could barely get the box open as he crawled back up on the bed. When he did, the condoms went flying all over the bed beside her. She laughed, the joy of it loosening something in his heart. As he looked down at her, he couldn’t believe that this woman, with her loving nature and her beauty, wanted him.

“I don’t know about you, but that seems pretty ambitious. But you
the first Seal I’ve gone to bed with.”

He looked at the condoms and couldn’t fight the gurgle of laughter. He grabbed one. “I don’t like to waste anything, so we better get started, babe.”

He ripped open the condom and had it on in record time. He wanted it fast and hard, but he knew he couldn’t push her. He would probably have to leave in the next few hours, knowing his luck. So he decided he would at least try and take it slow.

He slipped his hands over her belly, enjoying the way her muscles quivered beneath his palm. So soft, so silky, her skin amazed him. He would never get enough of her, he knew that much. He slid his hands to her hips and pulled her up. With one hard thrust, he entered her. At first he worried he had been too hard, but the next moment she moaned. The sound of it filled the quiet room and filtered into his soul. He started to move, tried to keep himself in check. He was a man who was known for his control, but where Shannon was concerned, he barely had any.

It didn’t take her long. She was coming apart beneath him, and he couldn’t stop his own orgasm. Her muscles clamped down hard on his cock, pulling him deeper into her warmth, and he lost himself. With one long, hard thrust, he came, shuddering as he moaned her name.

He collapsed on top of her. She grunted then laughed and wrapped her arms around him. He leaned up and looked down at her. Fuck, there wasn’t a more beautiful woman. Oh, physically, plastic surgeons had perfected the female face. But never once had he seen a woman who produced such joy. He had seen some horrible things in his life, and being with her lightened his load.

“You really are too beautiful for me,” he said, embarrassed by the way his voice had roughened.

“Oh, really? I will have you know that you and Mal were the topic of discussion among many of the women. Two hot—not my description of Mal, but theirs—Seals… I am the lucky one here.”

He couldn’t tell her how he felt. There were thoughts in his mind, things that he should say, but he didn’t know how to put it into words. Hell, Kade wasn’t really sure what he felt. All he knew was that his heart was in his throat and that the man he was an hour ago no longer existed. Not after this. He had known it would be good, but Kade hadn’t known exactly how much this would mean to him. He’d had great sex before, but this was something else.

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