Read Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance) Online

Authors: Sharon Hamilton,Melissa Schroeder,Elle James,Delilah Devlin,JM Madden,Cat Johnson

Uniform Desires (Make Mine Military Romance) (60 page)

Lace stepped close, hugging Maya’s back before moving away. “Go.”

Angel released her, but snagged her hand. He gave both girls a two-fingered salute, then tugged Maya in the direction of the cab.

Ten minutes later, he took the keys from her trembling hands and unlocked her apartment door. His gaze swept the space, locking on the hallway that led toward her bedroom. He closed the door. “I’ll let you get a head start.”

Maya turned and ran, giggling toward her bedroom, stripping off her blouse and cami. Hopping from one leg to the other to get rid of the silky trousers. In her panties, she jumped into the middle of the bed, but Angel was right behind her, wrestling her to her back, then lowering his massive body over hers.

“A bed that doesn’t squeak,” he said. “This is quite a step up for us.”

She plucked at the buttons of his shirt. He’d already lost his jacket and his shoes. “Too many buttons.”

He arched an eyebrow and knelt over her, gripping both sides of the shirt and opening it, buttons flying.

Her eyelids dipped, her fingers raked his chest while he hauled the white undershirt over his head and tossed it aside.

When he settled on top of her again, she touched the large scabbed scar on his shoulder. “Should you be doing something this strenuous so soon?”

His eyes narrowed. “Let me worry about that. I’ve cooled my heels for weeks, wondering if you’d let me back into your life. I’m here, baby. With nothing but time on my hands.”

“And I have the week off.” She walked her fingers down to a flat male nipple and gave it a pinch. “How will we pass the time?”

“There you go again. I had a plan. I’d go slow.” He leaned on one arm and opened his pants, freeing his cock, which fell heavy and hard against her mound. “You have no patience.”

“I have plenty. I’ve waited a whole damn month for this.” She reached around him and dug her nails into his hard butt. “Don’t be mean and make me wait a second more.”

Angel nudged her legs apart, then found her center, tapping her pussy twice before sliding between her wet folds.

Not until he was lodged deep did she feel as though this was real. “It’s happening.”

“What, baby?” he murmured, beginning to move inside her.

“This. Us. I was so afraid I’d never see you again.”

Angel’s expression softened. He dipped down and kissed her, continuing to rock inside her. “I wasn’t sure you’d still want me. Thought you’d come to your senses once you were back in your old environment.”

“Thought it was just the adrenaline?”

“Yeah, we had quite the adventure.”

Maya traced the smile on his mouth. “I love you, Angel Rickman.”

“I love you, Maya Cordoba.”

His words loosened the knot she’d been carrying in her chest for the past month. “Even if I have two left feet and got my license in a Cracker Jacks box?”

“Did I say that?”

She laughed and scraped her nails down his back. “You did.”

“I didn’t mean it. You were perfect.”

“I was distracted. Couldn’t stop looking at you.”

“I noticed. Every time your gaze ate me up, I got a little harder.”

A grin spread on her lips. “I noticed that, too.”

Angel dropped down and gave her a hard kiss. When he pushed up, he changed the angle of his thrusts, the strength of his movements jostling her hips. And then he rolled, taking her with him.

Breathless, she found herself on top of his body, but he still had control, forcing her up and down his shaft until she caught the rhythm he wanted. When she was moving faster, he palmed both breasts, massaging the globes then tweaking the tips. He urged her higher, and leaned up to capture one nipple with his lips, sucking it hard.

With just the tip of his cock still embedded, she circled on it, moaning when he bit her nipple and moved to the other breast.

She was wet, fluid coating his broad cap, and she shoved at his chest until he released her nipple, and leaned back, and she circled downward, screwing onto him with each rotation of her hips.

Again, he rolled them until he had her on her back, and entered her with ease. His hands gripped hers, moving them up the bed, and his fingers interlaced with hers. He rocked on top of her, his weight pushing her deep into the mattress, his cock gliding in and out, each inward movement ending with a grind that teased her clit.

“I’m almost there,” she moaned, then peeked from beneath her lashes, half afraid he’d come to a screeching halt and flip her again.

“Then come for me, baby. Let me watch.”

He let go of her hands and cupped her bottom, rooting deeper, their bodies grinding together, her clit on fire. Sex had never been like this. Mind-consuming. The pleasure so great she felt like weeping. She writhed beneath him, her legs moving restlessly, then cupping his hips.

His movements quickened, powerful, targeted thrusts striking just the right spots. As the first explosion hit, she arched her back. “Angel!”

“That’s it. I’m right there. Baby, baby...”

Hot spurts of moisture bathed her channel, and she eased down beneath him, watching the emotions ravaging his face. Relief, desire...wonder. She felt the same, happier than she’d ever been in her life. Home at last inside his embrace.

Afterward, they cuddled together, bodies still locked intimately, as their hands petted and rubbed. Exploring each other in a lazy way they’d never managed or had the time for before.

“Will you marry me?” he asked, his gaze capturing hers. His breath held.

She smiled. “Yes.” His long exhale made her smile all the wider. “Thought I was going to have to give you CPR.”

He grunted, an eyebrow arching. “I have a couple of jobs I can choose from. One’s here. My own team.”

Her eyes widened, and her heart raced. He’d move here to Chicago to be with her?

“The other job’s in Miami.”

Something in the way he said it, quietly and without inflection, told her that would have been his first choice, but he was giving them a chance. Letting her make the decision. “Tell me about Miami,” she said softly.

She listened as he told her about his home, the large family she’d never heard anything about, the work that sounded so exciting. Maya dropped her cheek to his chest, breaking with his gaze. “Will you be undercover there?”

“No. I’m done with that. I’d be the head of my own team. Working with local law enforcement and the Coast Guard.”

Maya remained silent for a few minutes, thinking about the possibility, and what this change would mean to her partners. “I can establish a home office. Work remotely. I’d have to come back here from time to time...”

“I’d come with you. If you like.”

She looked up at him. Saw the way he waited, so patiently, to hear what she thought. Ready to give her whatever would make her happy.

was what made her happy.

And they could make this work. Sure, she’d miss her friends, but they’d understand. Maybe, eventually, they’d want to open another office in Miami.

Her decision felt natural. Inevitable. Hadn’t she known the moment she met him that her life was about to change? “I choose Miami.”

Angel cupped her cheek. “You don’t have to decide right this minute. And you have your partners to consider.”

Breath caught in her throat for a second, and she shook her head. “I like the idea of starting fresh. With you. It will adventure.”

Angel leaned toward her and kissed her mouth. “I won’t let you regret a minute of it.”

Maya held his gaze and squeezed her inner muscles around him. “I won’t let you regret marrying me.”

“Baby, that will never happen...” He rolled her beneath him, sliding deeper into her.

Maya let go of all her worries, gazing up at the man she would marry, knowing he’d be her greatest adventure yet. “Just think—I can learn deep-sea fishing, scuba diving.”

His head shook, and he groaned. “I’ll be an old man before I’m forty.”

Maya grinned happily. “We could honeymoon in an undersea hotel.”

“I was hoping for something less exciting. A cabana on a beach.”

As he moved lazily, each thrust ratcheting up her heart rate, she decided a cabana would be just as much excitement as she could bear. Maybe she could talk him into skinny-dipping at midnight. “A cabana,” she agreed, then bit his shoulder. “But I get to tie you up.”

“Baby, you can try.” He laughed and nipped her ear. “You can try.”


The End

About Delilah Devlin

Delilah Devlin
is an award-winning author of erotic romance with a rapidly expanding reputation for writing edgy stories with complex characters. Ms. Devlin has published over a hundred twenty stories in multiple sub-genres and lengths with Atria/Strebor, Avon, Berkley, Black Lace, Cleis Press, Ellora’s Cave, Kensington, Kindle, Montlake Romance, Running Press, and Samhain Publishing. In 2014, she will add Grand Central to her list of publishers when
releases! To learn more about Delilah at

Check out these recent releases:


Crescent Moon

The Caitlyn O’Connell Novels:

Shattered Souls

Lost Souls

Delta Heat series:

Five Ways ‘Til Sunday


A Perfect Trifecta

Twice the Bang

Book 5 - Her Forever Hero


J.M. Madden


When the boss’s pregnant, unwed daughter needs rescuing, disabled Marine Grafton Parks proves he’s still a hero


Kendall Herrington is drawn to her handsome new security guard, prosthetic hand and all. The man is totally wrong for her, but on a lonely Christmas night, in a wine-laden effort to get him out of her system, she gives into her body’s demands. She regrets her actions almost immediately and tries to rebuild her defenses.

Former Marine Grafton Parks knows Kendall Herrington is pregnant; she’s just too stubborn to admit it to herself. But the luscious woman better come to her senses soon, because the board won’t allow an unwed, pregnant female to run the multi-billion dollar Herrington Corporation. Even if she is the boss’s daughter.

As they struggle to come to terms with each other, an unexpected danger threatens their very lives. Will they survive long enough for him to be...Her Forever Hero?



This is dedicated to all active duty and former service members who have given their time and energy in any capacity to protecting our shores. We love you and value you, and appreciate everything you’ve done.

May you and your families be blessed and stay safe. And always have love in your hearts!

Chapter 1

She was about to spew.

Grif watched uptight and luscious Kendall Herrington try to control her nausea in the midst of the board meeting around her. She had done pretty well for the last few minutes, but he’d memorized every expression on her cool, smooth face, and knew she had about reached her breaking point.

Now, the conundrum was, did he help her out by interrupting this volatile meeting so that she didn’t have to? He could slip up behind her, whisper into the delicate curve of her ear some falsely important message and escort her out of the room. It would look legitimate and would save her image. She could step into her office, use her private bathroom and these stuffed shirts would be none the wiser.

Her full lips compressed and her pale eyes glazed over as the man to her right tried to hammer home his point.

No more time.

Stepping forward, deliberately in front of the shark beside her, he leaned down into her space. Her wide green eyes fluttered shut as he whispered into her ear. “You should probably step out before you compromise yourself.”

Her eyes opened and she gave him a sharp look, but nodded her head. Pushing to her feet, she addressed the table. “Gentlemen, excuse me for a moment please. I have an issue I need to deal with.”

A couple of them shook their heads, as if they couldn’t believe there was anything of more importance than what they were talking about. Her father shot her a look, both concerned and aggravated, but nodded her away.

As she walked the length of the table to the opposite end of the room, Grif hoped he was the only one who noticed how shaky she was on her too-tall boots. As soon as the door closed behind them, he gripped her elbow in his hand to help her down the hallway, but she pulled away. “I’m fine, just a little nauseous. Must have been something I ate.”

Right. Something you ate. Or was it something you screwed? The woman had to be delirious if she didn’t realize she was pregnant.

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