Uninhibited (Unlikely Lovers) (10 page)

Needing no further encouragement, she let loose a shocking barrage of erotic
phrases that had him thrusting so hard her fist slammed against his pubic bone with an impact she could actually hear. Within thirty intense seconds, he doubled over like someone had kicked him in the nuts, spewing semen all over her sleeve and letting out a yell that could have easily awakened the dead.

Sex with Chad
was downright boring. This was anything but, and so far all Alan had done was kiss her.

“My God, that was intense! You
really don’t hold
back, do you?”

Bending over at the waist, he braced
his hands on his knees, panting hard. Not even attempting to speak, he shook his head.  

I’d certainly never mistake that for a cough or a sneeze! Chad would just get a little catch in his breath, and if I blinked, I’d miss it. I mean, like…

His laugh
ter came out in a breathless gasp. “Glad you liked it. You can do that anytime you like. I wouldn’t dream of stopping you.”

What a concept!
She’d never been given such freedom before. “Really? Even in a car or a movie theater with popcorn oil all over my hand?”

Alan sighed like he’d died and gone to heaven.
“As long as we don’t get arrested.”

Holy shit.
She had never,
, been able to do anything she wanted with a man anytime she liked. “Todd was right when he said we were made for each other. Honestly, if I hadn’t been so depressed the night we met…” Ignoring the semen clinging to her sleeve, she flung her arms around him in a ruthless hug. “I missed you so much! I lost your number and about went nuts trying to find you. I’ve been to every store in town, and I’ve driven past Bennie’s every day, sometimes twice.”

You obviously didn’t check all the grocery stores,” he said, chuckling.

“I didn’t think of that.”

He kissed her cheek. “I’m the manager at Farmer’s Foods. I’m there almost every day. The rest of the time I’ve been afraid to leave my apartment because I thought you might call.”

Threading her fingers through his hair, she held his head between her hands, staring up at him, scarcely believing he was real. “I
’m so sorry I left you that night. I’ve regretted it ever since. I sent you an email this morning and I’ve practically worn out my computer checking for a reply.” She paused, planting yet another kiss on his delectable lips. “And, to think, my own brother was hiding you from me when he should have introduced us ages ago. I should smack him for that.”

“Actually, he
offer once,” Alan admitted. “Right after that last girlfriend ran out on me. I told him not to bother, that you’d hate me just like all the other women I’ve ever known. He told me you were different. Guess I should have listened to him.”

“Obviously he changed his mind when he got my message.”

Alan nodded. “He called home to check his machine after the game—I’m too technologically challenged to even
something like that. We came straight here from the stadium.”

“Did he tell you why?”

“Nope, just said he needed to stop by here on the way home.”

“Tricky little devil
. Remind me to hug him really hard the next time I see him.”

“I thought you were going to smack him.”

“Nah, I’ll hug him. He deserves it.”

Cocking his head, he studied her face.
“You seem a lot happier now. What happened?”

I have no idea, unless it was a delayed reaction to meeting you. My friend Kathy was telling us this story about squirrels getting into her bird feeder when I felt the change. I doubt that would’ve done it if I hadn’t met you first.”

I’d like to think I had
to do with it.” He paused for a moment. “So what do you want to do now?”

She shrugged.
“Wait until you’re ready to go again, I guess.”

“I’m ready
now,” he said. “I just wanted to know your preference.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” She laughed, but a
swift downward glance revealed that he wasn’t joking. Not in the slightest. “Did it ever get soft?”

must’ve missed it.” He drew in a deep breath and sighed. “Are you ever gonna take your clothes off, or do I have to do it for you?”

“I’m not quite as uninhibited as you are,”
she said. “Give me a minute and I’ll try to catch up, but—”

His eyes lit up.
“Okay, then. If you’re not ready to get naked, oral sex it is! I like it all, but I like that best.”

“You and every other man in the world,”
she said with a smirk. “Why

arched a seductive brow. “A woman’s mouth is warm and wet, and she can do fabulous things to a man’s cock with her tongue. Plus, getting to watch while she sucks your dick appeals to the voyeur in all of us.”

I must have a little voyeur in me,” Emily confessed. “I kinda like watching a man come in my face.” Even a gay man in a strip club. Stephen had done a great job, but Alan had him beat all to hell and back.

“Obviously we’
re going to get along very well.” Pulling away from her, he plopped down on the couch and leaned back, spreading his legs wide. “Come on over here and suck me, Emily. I can’t wait to watch while you go down on me.” His cock pulsed, spilling syrup all over his belly.

hesitated, once again rooted to the spot. “You are
a slut.”

Guilty as charged.” Dipping his fingers in the puddle, he spread it along his shaft, putting a shine on the perfectly shaped head. “Take a good, long look at this hard, dripping cock, Emily. You want to lick it, don’t you? Want to make it spew in your mouth?”

His dick wasn’
t the only thing dripping. Moisture flooded her aching core, and her nipples tingled with anticipation. She’d never been so turned on in her life.

“Hot, hard cock to suck, and your soft mouth on my dick.”
Groaning, he licked his lips. “Come on, baby. Suck me off and then I’ll eat your sweet, wet pussy.”

Although her reply was an inarticulate mutter, h
e seemed to understand her perfectly.

“You like that, don’t you?” he murmured. “You like hearing about my tongue licking your cunt
, teasing your soft, wet pussy lips.” He gazed up at her with heavy-lidded eyes. “I’ll lick it ’til you come, and then I’ll fuck you—from the side, from the front, and from the back. Really
you, baby—the way you’ve always wanted it.”

“Do you talk like that
all the time?”

Only when I’m in the mood.”

Yes, but since you’re always in the mood…”

Point made.” His wicked grin sent shivers up her spine. “Get your clothes off, Em. I want to see your slick wet pussy, your beautiful ass, and your succulent tits. Then I’m gonna eat you alive.”

No one had ever
said anything like that to Emily before, and she wasn’t quite sure how to react.

Be careful what you wish for…

“What have I gotten myself into?”

You can’t say you weren’t warned,” he reminded her. “I told you what to expect. You could have locked me out, but you didn’t. And if you think you liked that…” He nodded toward her semen-stained sleeve. “Wait until you’ve got it all over you.”

swayed slightly as her knees threatened to give way. What he said was shocking, but no more so than some of the fantasies she’d had.

“Warm, creamy,
sweet…” His eyelids drifted down as his lips curled into a smirk. “You like man-juice—would like to take a fuckin’ bath in it. Am I right?”

She’d had more than one fantasy where several men covered her with cum. The weird thing was, Alan seemed to know it—almost as though he’d been part of that orgy. H
e was reaching her on a very basic, primal level, fogging her brain with desire.

Wiggling his ass down into the cushions
made his cock sway back and forth, hypnotizing her with the thought of tasting it, sucking it, impaling herself with it. She blinked, shaking her head in a vain attempt to clear it, but his image was already burned into her memory. Even with her eyes shut, she could still see him sitting there, looking like every dream, every wish, every fantasy she’d ever had all rolled into one.

Where had he come from, and why had it taken
her so long to find him? Was he a gift from God or a punishment from hell? Would she live happily ever after with him, or would she be torn apart one more time?

lood pounded a heavy drumbeat in her ears as she stood poised at the brink of the precipice. Her next move was like skydiving with a questionable parachute, not knowing whether the outcome would be exhilarating or tragic.

Worst of all,
she had no one but herself to blame if she failed. The men she’d tried to love before weren’t responsible for her failures. They were only being themselves. She couldn’t change them, any more than they could change her. Alan was different—she could see that much already—but they barely knew one another. This was only lust, not love or genuine affection.

Then again, c
ouldn’t she simply enjoy him, have fun with him, and perhaps grow to love him? What was wrong with that?

Nothing, provided
everything went well.

She blinked again, her vision clearing to
reveal Alan watching her anxiously.

“I’m scaring you.
” He sounded flat, defeated. “Go on, admit it.”

she admitted. “But not the way you think.”

his lip, he turned away, wilting right before her eyes. The seductive bad boy was gone. She didn’t know who
man was, but he wasn’t the one who’d tried to entice her only moments before. Vulnerable, uncertain—possibly even wounded—this Alan was more approachable, more magnetic than the other one had been, and Emily was drawn to him. Drawn by the missing part of herself that needed him to fill the void—the reason she’d been searching for him so desperately.

He sat up, rea
ching for his pants.

“No, don’t,”
she said, putting up a hand. “I’m okay now.”

went to him then, pushing him onto his back as she melted into his arms, kissing him as though she’d lost him for a score of years instead of mere days. Rising up, she drank in the sight of him, memorizing his face, the way his eyelashes curled, the way his beard grew, the line of his brow, the contours of his cheekbones.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“So I’ll always remember your face, and if I ever lose you again, I’ll be able to describe you perfectly.”

“I d
on’t think you’ll lose me.” His smile was faint, but gaining strength. “I know where you live now, and I
you know where your brother lives.”

Yes, but I want to be sure. Besides, I like looking at you. You have such a nice face.”

“So do you,” he said. “I’ve always liked green eyes, and you already know I love your hair.”

“Guess I can’t ever change it, then, can I?”

He shook his head
, threading his fingers through the hair at her temple. “Wouldn’t matter what you did, I’d still get the same comforting feeling whenever I touched it. Everything about you makes me feel that way—your eyes, your shape, the way you move, your voice—and your face...” Tears pooled in his eyes as he gazed up at her. “If love were a woman, she would look
like you.”


Chapter 8


Emily didn’t protest or question Alan’s sincerity, but her searching eyes held his as though examining his soul. Did she believe him, or would she dismiss his words as a line of bull only intended to convince her to suck him off?

He held his breath.

A moment later, she smiled. Leaning down, she kissed him.

The touch of her lips set off another wave of emotion
, the same one Alan had felt when he first laid eyes on her. Lust and desire were nothing new; he knew those emotions quite well. This was a feeling unlike any he’d ever experienced.

He didn’t questio
n what she’d said about not wanting to lose him again. Even if she’d only done it to placate him, he could live with that—eventually. At the moment, he didn’t care, preferring to believe every word she said, surrendering himself to her completely.

assivity was foreign to him, and yet he drifted into a delightful haze while she explored his body with her lips, drinking in whatever it was about her essence that seemed so perfect, so intoxicating. The feeling grew stronger as she moved downward, reaching a peak when her tongue touched his cock. No one else had even
his dick in more than a year. The fact that it was Emily made it that much sweeter.

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