Uninhibited (Unlikely Lovers) (15 page)

“No,” he gasped. “Do whatever you like.”

Wetting a washcloth, she lathered it up with a bar of soap. “When I woke up this morning, I realized I hardly know anything about you. If we’d met each other, say, at the office, I’d have already picked up on at least some of your likes and dislikes. So far, all I know is that you crave chocolate ice cream. What else do you like to eat?”


She rolled her eyes. “Aside from that.”

“You mean for breakfast?”

“Yeah. Do you eat bacon and eggs or
doughnuts or what?”

“Oatmeal, usually
—with fresh blueberries and stevia. I manage a health food store, remember?”

Right. Should’ve known…” She began scrubbing his chest, giving his nipples extra attention. Within seconds they were as hard as the pellets for a Red Ryder BB gun. “What’s your favorite Christmas movie?”

“A Christmas Story.”

“You’ll shoot your eye out!”
She grinned. “Mine too. We have so much in common!”

And we both know your brother.”

“Good point.” She scrubbed lower, dipping into his pubic hair. “
Neither of us has ever gotten enough sex—you and me, I mean. Don’t know about Todd.” Bypassing his cock, she washed his upper thighs.

“Are you gonna wash my dick or not?”

“Eventually.” Crouching down, she ran the washcloth over his legs. “Nice and furry. Guys who wax or shave or trim everything bug the hell out of me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said, sounding slightly breathless.

“What about you? Do you prefer to eat pussy that’s been shaved or would you rather it be natural?”


She peered up at him. “You sound kinda strange. Is your throat bothering you?”

“No—yes. I—maybe.
Emily, if you don’t do my dick soon, I’m going to—” He sucked in a breath and held it.


He exhaled with near-explosive force. “Nail you right here.”

She shrugged. “I prefer to be nailed
in the bed. But you’ll have to wait until we’re both clean and dry to do that.”

“No shower sex?”

“Not today.” Standing up, she stepped behind him. “Maybe tomorrow.”

trying to drive me crazy, aren’t you?”

“Maybe. Is it working?”


“Too bad.” She washed his back
before moving down to soap his buns. “Great ass, Alan. But you knew that.” Parting his cheeks, she swept the washcloth between them then teased his anus with her fingertips. “Gotta get this nice and clean in case I want to play with it later.”

Alan rewarded
her efforts with a moan.

“Nice, pinchable buns
too. What a treat!” She gave him a smack. “Turn around, Sweet Cheeks.”

A swift, downward glance was enough to assure her that she had his full attention.
Her gaze drifted slowly upward to his face, meeting his expression of raw, naked lust.

“Are you allergic to anything?”
she asked.

” He shuddered as she slid the washcloth underneath his balls. “Can’t use condoms.”

“Don’t they make
a non-latex variety?”

“Have to order them
—got some at home, though.” His teeth were clenched so tightly together, it was a wonder he could talk.

“You should carry them with you.”

“I’ve been
. Besides, I didn’t think I’d need one at a basketball game.” He shook his head. “I’ve never understood why sports are so popular. If you ask me, they’re a waste of good fucking time.”

I take it you mean that literally.” She began massaging his balls, which seemed to relax him a little. “How old were you the first time?”

He leaned back against the wall
, allowing her better access to his nuts. “Fourteen. I knew I couldn’t use a condom, so I pulled out and came all over the back of her skirt—pissed her off, big time.”

I’m almost afraid to ask this, but how old was

. I was precocious and quite fond of older women.”

“I think that was possibly illegal,”
she commented.

“Yeah, it was.
” Grinning, he spread his legs further apart. “I fucked a fifty-year-old woman on my twenty-first birthday. I told her she was too much woman for me, but the truth was, I was afraid I’d kill her. She was pretty tough, though. Maybe I wouldn’t have.”

truly was afraid to ask her next question. “How many women have you been with?”

“No idea. Never kept count. Some of them were only once—well, only one
night,” he amended. “You
how many times I can do it in one night, and I was even better when I was younger. I probably should have done them in groups. One woman has never been able to take it—not for long, anyway.”

She nodded grimly. “I’m doomed.”

“I dunno,” he said with a wink. “You seem to have held up fairly well so far. You’re tougher than you think.”

.” She doubted she’d be able to take the kind of rampage he would go on after all the teasing she was dishing out. She grabbed his dick in self-defense. “What do you want for breakfast? I don’t think I have any oatmeal.”

He gave her boobs a brief glance before his gaze swept
further down. “I should have thought that was perfectly obvious.”

She arched a brow.
“I mean real food.”

“Pussy juice is real food,” he insisted. “
There’s bound to be some protein in it.”

“Yes, but
right now, it’s
protein,” she reminded him. “And it’s not terribly fresh. Are you sure you want to eat that?”

“Wouldn’t be the f
irst time. Besides, I happen to like the taste of pussy juice mixed with cum, and cum definitely has protein. You could suck breakfast out of my dick.”

Emily wagged her head slowly.
“You are
fuckin’ strange—but I’m starving. We missed dinner last night.”

“Hadn’t noticed.
When I’m on a roll, I don’t even think about food.”

“Knowing you, I’m not surprised.” She glanced down at his dick. “Think it’s clean

not quite.” His eyes drifted over her again. “And we haven’t washed you yet.” He quivered in her grasp. “What do you say I come all over you and then I’ll do you?”

,” she chided.

“I meant
you. Not fuck you.” His lips curled into a slow smile. “Great soap, by the way. Nice and creamy.”

It’s made with Shea butter,” she replied, squeezing him a little harder. “Mom gave it to me for my birthday.”

He nodded. “We sell a lot of that
kind at the store.”

“Wouldn’t surprise me if that was where she got it. She’s been trying to get me to shop there for years.”

“And why haven’t you?”

She snorted a laugh. “Do I look like I’m made of money? All that organic, natural stuff is way too expensive for my budget. Besides, it gives Mom something to nag me about—and I get the soap for free.”

“Can’t argue with that logic. Tell you what. You come by the store sometime when I’m there, and I’ll give you a discount.”

“Yeah, right. And then you’ll nail me by the frozen foods.”

His smile dimpled his cheeks and crinkled the corners of his eyes.
“Nah, too cold back there. I prefer the produce department. More room.”

“You’re incorrigible
.” Not to mention adorable. “But you’ve got a dick that won’t quit, which, given my recent history, makes me willing to overlook the fact that you’re so weird.”

“Stick with me
, baby, and you’ll never have that problem again. Speaking of which, you’d better aim my dick where you want it. I’m about to blow.”

Lacing her fingers together, she made a tunnel with her hands before increasing the speed and strength of her strokes. “Surprise me.”

His eyes rolled back in his head. “Oh,

Seconds later, he shot a wad that splattered her right in the bellybutton.

Great shot, kid! That was one in a million
,” she quoted.

He laughed. “Didn’t know Darth Vader was my father, did you?”

“No, but I had my suspicions. I already feel like I’ve been seduced by the dark side of the Force.”

“And the Force is strong in this one.”

“No shit.”


Alan took his time bathing Emily, giving extra attention to all of her nooks and crannies and spending an inordinate amount of time on her tits and ass. He would’ve kept going, except for one unfortunate detail.

“Um, Alan.
The water’s getting cold.”

“And I promised you breakfast, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.”

Taking her hand, h
e helped her out of the shower and grabbed a towel. “Better get you good and dry first.” Toweling her off was almost as much fun as washing her, and he made a point of being very thorough. Afterward, he wrapped the towel around her and combed her hair back with his fingers. Lifting her face to his with a knuckle beneath her chin, he gazed into her eyes and was lost once again. “I can’t imagine waking up to anything more beautiful.”

Without giving her a chance to reply, he
dipped his head and kissed her. She made his whole body melt every time—except, of course, for his dick. “Your last boyfriend was a complete moron. You know that, don’t you?”

She sighed. “I’
m beginning to believe it—might take more convincing, though.”

“I promise
to keep kissing you until you’re sure,” he said. “Any man would be lucky to have you.”

He had the satisfaction of seeing her blush.

“I mean it, Emily. There’s nothing wrong with you. It was all

She replied with a brief nod, but he could still see the hurt in her eyes. “I better get dressed.”

He wanted to tell her not to bother, but let it pass. Most women weren’t comfortable being naked all the time, and he’d enjoyed undressing her. “I’ll start on breakfast.”

* * * *

Alan managed to unearth a box of oatmeal, but had to make do with raisins and brown sugar in lieu of blueberries and stevia. Still, he had to smile. He hadn’t made
servings of oatmeal in a very long time.

The tea
kettle was whistling when Emily came in to the kitchen wearing an over-sized Mickey Mouse T-shirt, pink sweatpants, a pair of fuzzy purple slippers, and no bra.


“If you think that outfit will discourage my dick, better think again.”

“Darn. Guess I should’ve worn my frumpy old robe.”

He poured boiling
water into the teapot. “You’re forgetting I already know what’s underneath it.”

She glanced at
his groin. His dick, which had been flaccid for a few moments, saluted her. “I see you’re not bothering to hide anything.”

He grinned. “You’d know it was there
, especially if I was wearing sweats. They really show the wet spot, and my dick can make a tent in just about anything.”

“True.” S
itting down at the table, she picked up her spoon. “I haven’t had oatmeal in ages.”

“Considering how deep I had to dig to find it, I’
m not surprised.” He pointed at the bag of powdered doughnuts sitting in the middle of the table. “I’m guessing that’s what you usually have for breakfast?”

cowling, she pushed the bag out of his reach. “You sound like my mother.”

need to eat healthier.”

Ha! This from a man who craves ice cream and wanted me to suck breakfast out of his dick.” She took a bite of her oatmeal. “I eat healthy…sometimes.”

He fully intended to help her with that, but he also knew most people didn’t like
anyone fucking with their diet. He could be subtle when the need arose. “And I eat
healthy sometimes. It’s a matter of balance and moderation.”

She arched a brow
. “You? Preaching moderation?”

“Yeah. Crazy, isn’t it?”
Might be best to change the subject.
“Any plans for the day?”

“You mean aside from getting nailed after breakfast? Not really. My original plans kinda flew out the win
dow when you showed up.” She smiled sheepishly. “No need to go out looking for you anymore.”

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