Unquiet Slumber (4 page)

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Authors: Paulette Miller


Gabriel glanced from Nathaniel to Marcus. “Although I never discount the words of the Seer, I’m beginning to see Nathaniel’s point of view.”


Nathaniel twisted quickly in his saddle to look at Gabriel. Raising his eyebrows in surprise, he shouted, “Ha! I knew you would learn to love me Gabby Boy.”


Gabriel clenched his fists and gave Nathaniel a deep growl. “I wouldn’t go that far, Lover Boy. But…” He hesitated, relaxed his stance, and said to Marcus, “Nathaniel does have a point. We’ve been traveling for many months with no success. If this warrior does exist, I don’t think he wants to be found.”


Marcus was getting frustrated with his brothers. He knew they missed home, but he also knew how important this quest was, not just to his people, but to all the people of Lagrangia. He needed to help them grasp the importance of their travels. He slipped into a lecturing tone as he said, “The war has cost us dearly and our numbers decrease every day. The Seer says that this warrior will help bring an end to the war and start a new era of peace. If there’s any chance that he exists, I for one want to find him.”


Seth joined the discussion. “But Marcus. How could a Draak that powerful exist without our knowledge? Since we can only breed within our own kind and not outside of our Sett, we’re able to track all of our births…” After a brief pause he added, “… as well as our deaths.”


As Seth spoke, Nathaniel winced and pointed his sword at Seth‘s chest. “Please don’t say the word ‘breed’. I haven’t been with anyone in so long that I’ve almost forgotten what a wiggling, naked, sweaty female underneath me feels like.” He grinned at the thought. “It’s too bad we can’t bear children with humans. There are a few women I’d be willing to share my seed with again, and again, and again.” He stared off into the trees with a wicked grin on his face.


Seth rolled his eyes but then pondered for a minute. He said seriously, “Is it true that human females can’t conceive from a Draak? Are we sure that we can only have children with a full-blooded Draak?”


Marcus, ever the historian, responded. “In my 221 years I’ve never known of a conception between a Draak and a human. Even if a human woman by some miracle did conceive, she could never carry to term. Both she and the unborn child would most likely die because their bodies are too frail to carry the strength of a dragon. I’ve seen enough children die in battle. I don’t need to see that in the bedchamber.” He shivered at the thought.


Everyone went somber and remained silent for a few minutes.


Marcus gestured at Nathaniel, saying, “No matter what ‘lover boy’ over there says, don’t try to bed a human. Unless you’re a seasoned Draak that has gained exceptional control over his body, you could take a human to your bed at night and find her dead in the morning. You’re very young and would most likely be overwhelmed by the experience and shift into a full dragon at a very inopportune moment. Imagine the results.”


Both Seth and Nathaniel winced and nodded. Given the look on their faces, Marcus knew they had the proper picture in their minds.


Marcus shifted in his seat and said, “Enough talk of finding women. Our quest is to find a Draak warrior. We’ve been chosen for this journey and I won’t fail, so let’s get moving. The sun has crossed the midpoint, and I’d like a decent meal followed by a good night’s sleep. Come, my young tracker. What does the map say about this area?”


Seth pulled out the map he had acquired in the last village. “Based on the map, twenty miles due East we should reach a thick woods called Hartwood Forest. It has a clearing with some rock cliffs that could provide us a protected place to stop for the night. The forest hugs the edge of a human village called Trille.”


Gabriel tapped the bow hooked to his saddle. “Good. I could do some hunting and get us some meat to eat.”


“And maybe we’ll just ‘happen’ to come across a stranded woman that could use my ‘rescuing’.” Nathaniel waggled his eyebrows.


Everyone rolled their eyes. Gabriel laughed and moved his horse closer to Nathaniel’s, saying “Only in your dreams!” He swatted Nathaniel’s horse so it jumped into a trot. Marcus and Seth followed, leaving Gabriel in his normal guard position behind them.


Marcus kept them moving at a brisk pace so that they would reach the clearing before nightfall. Other than Nathaniel, the rest of the group stayed quiet, remembering Gabriel’s daily advice that their enemies were always watching. The prospect of a night spent out of the saddle kept Nathaniel, however, singing loud songs about the joys of female companionship. Despite the added risk Nathanial’s bawdy singing brought to their journey, the Draak couldn’t help relaxing as they listened to their friend’s beautiful voice. His healing gifts worked through song as well, apparently, because they all felt more energetic and hopeful than they had in days.


Nathaniel’s voice only added to his appeal since his looks alone could lure any woman, regardless of race. He was striking, standing over twelve hands tall with long, wavy brown hair that showed a hint of red in the sun. His hair hung halfway down his back, and he always kept it pulled back in a ponytail. His eyes were deep blue and women swore that they twinkled when he smiled at them. No matter the situation, his naturally bronze skin exuded charisma, and women seemed to throw themselves at his feet the moment they met him.


Nathaniel wasn’t brought on this quest to seduce women. He was an exceptional healer from his Sett. Although Nathaniel looked in his mid-thirties, he was 175 years old, giving him well over a hundred years to practice his womanizing skills. Shortly after the quest began, he decided that he would give the youngest member of the group, Seth, lessons in the ‘joys of women’.


Young Seth wasn’t handy with the ladies but he was handy with a map. His exceptional tracking and mapping skills distinguished him from everyone in his Tracker Sett, guaranteeing him a place in this important quest.


Seth looked 18 but had just celebrated his 34th birthday. In Draak society, he was considered a very young adult who wasn’t yet old enough to take a life mate. He was still very awkward and unsure around women and therefore eager to learn all he could from Nathaniel. One particularly embarrassing evening helped Nathaniel realize just how much Seth needed his expert guidance.


While visiting a tavern, an exceptionally curvy woman with breasts barely contained by her tight corset walked up to Seth and sat herself on his lap. She began to run her fingers through his short, red hair while saying what a lovely boy he was. When she whispered some other places she wanted to put her hands, Seth panicked. He jumped up, dumping her on the floor, and ran from the room while mumbling something about checking the horses. After everyone was done laughing, Nathaniel left the tavern to find Seth.


Nathaniel found him in the stable, brushing the horses and sulking. He called out, “Hey Seth.”


Seth grunted in response.


Nathaniel knew how embarrassed and frustrated Seth was. He walked over and patted his shoulder saying, “Don’t feel bad. We’ve all been through what you’re going through.”


“Not you.” He replied in disgust. He had yet to see Nathaniel even slur a single word with any woman.


Nathaniel shook his head. “You’ve only seen me in the present day. Remember that I’m almost 150 years older, so I’ve had a few years of practice. Believe it or not, I was once like you.”


“Ha! A Blue would never be like me. Your Sett has a natural ability when it comes to seducing women.”


“Trust me when I say that I was once awkward and unsure.” While looking around to see if anyone was nearby, he leaned in closer to Seth. “Can you keep a secret?”


Seth was intrigued. “You know I can.”


He motioned Seth to join him on some hay bales nearby. “If you tell anyone what I’m about to tell you, I’ll lock you in a room with a bunch of overly friendly, naked women.” He took in a deep breath and said, “Believe it or not, when I was your age, I was very arrogant and overconfident.”


Seth laughed, thinking that Nathaniel was still one of the most egotistical Draaks he knew. Given what he had seen on this quest so far, his big head seemed well deserved. Seth quickly apologized so that Nathaniel would continue.


Nathaniel ignored his outburst and started his story. “I was raised mainly by Duncan, an older cousin of mine. I thought I knew everything and didn’t take advice from anyone. Actually, until I knew better, I tried to do the opposite of whatever anyone told me. I was a real handful.” He chuckled at the memory.


“One day, I decided I was ready to experience adult Draak life. Duncan warned me that I was still too young, however, I thought differently. When he couldn’t convince me otherwise, he guided me toward choosing someone safe. Instead, I chose a much older and very experienced Healer Draak. I thought she was stunning and truly believed that I could handle her. Well, I showed up and tried to let nature take its course. I wanted her to like me so badly, somehow I flared the mental connections I use in healing. I had very little control on my talents back then and my body over did it a thousand fold.”


Seth, with his eyes locked on Nathaniel, asked, “What happened?”


“Let’s just say that I was way over my head and, before we even really got started, I ended up running out of her home. I was so focused on getting out with my body parts intact, I raced out the door without my clothes. I was too embarrassed to go back in and get them, so I headed home naked. As fate would have it, I ran into a group from my Sett, including Duncan. I tried to play it cool, acting like everything went better than planned. Then, I heard my name being called. I turned and saw my intended love interest coming after me with a fire of desire flaming in her eyes. She wasn’t about to give up her offered toy.”


Seth gasped. “What did you do?”


Nathaniel chuckled. “The only thing I could think of. I screeched like a girl and hid behind Duncan, begging for his help.”


Seth let out a loud laugh.


“Looking back, I have to admit it was funny. But at the time, I was scared to death. It took several of the males to distract her from her target and Duncan used his charm to break the mental hold I had on her. Needless to say, none of them have let me forget it. It was a very long time before I decided I was ready to try again. When the time came, I heeded my cousin’s advice. I found someone more appropriate for my first time.”


“Given the way women fall at your feet, why haven’t you taken a life mate?”


Nathaniel shrugged and replied, “I guess I’m still not ready. Since the magic has never blessed one of my unions, maybe it’s just never meant to be. However, I find the hunt quite enjoyable.”


Seth sighed and, with a twinkle in his eyes, he said, “I think I want to fall in love right away. I can’t wait to have a mate and a family of my own.”


Nathaniel shared several more embarrassing stories, leaving Seth bent over with his sides hurting from laughing so hard. They talked for hours until their traveling companions found them and they headed back to the tavern to stay for the night.


If Seth was to take lessons about women from anyone, it should’ve been from Gabriel. At 382, he was the oldest member of the quest. He had been mated three times and had many children. Despite his success with Draak females, Gabriel had a tendency to scare human villagers because of his appearance. Standing almost a head taller than Nathaniel, he was bald and covered in tattoos and scars. He was one of the strongest Draaks and the current leader of the Royal Guard, which was an elite group of warriors sworn to defend the Seer and the Draak home village of Haven. His natural protective instincts led him to evaluate each town’s defenses and escape routes before relaxing with his more charismatic companions. Contrary to his severe demeanor, Gabriel was renowned as a patient, self-controlled Draak who excelled at teaching.


Just before the quest began, Gabriel retired from his position as Draaken, the leader of his Warrior Sett. Thanks to his extensive experience, the Seer had initially asked Gabriel to lead the quest, but he had declined. He suggested that Marcus would be a more effective leader, offering instead to mentor Seth and provide the travelers protection.


Marcus was slated to be the next Draaken for his Architect Sett. At 221 years old, he was renowned for his exceptional negotiating skills and his faultless military strategy. Unlike Gabriel’s rugged presence, Marcus’ sharply groomed beard and mustache and tall, lean posture inspired confidence and trust in both friends and strangers. Although these traits made him the ideal leader, he was struggling to motivate the members of the quest after months of fruitless searching.





Chapter 3 - The Hunt



Marcus and his men reached Hartwood Forest later that day. While following a narrow trail that led toward their intended campsite they heard a rustling sound behind some bushes. Gabriel slid off his horse, grabbed his bow, and walked quietly toward the sound. 

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