Unraveled (Love in Salem, book 2) (13 page)

“I'm so sorry you had to go through that, baby.  I swear I will beat the man senseless if I ever have the good fortune of getting a hold of him.”

Shaking her head, Atayla sighed.  “He’s not worth it.  Besides, he can’t hurt me anymore.”

“Damn right he can’t.”  He growled before taking her lips in a toe curling kiss.  “And he was wrong, Atayla.  You are so damn sexy just the way you are.  I wouldn’t want you to change a thing.”

She shoved against his chest to get him to release his hold. 

“You don’t have to lie to me just to sweeten things.  I know I'm overweight, but nothing I have done has ever worked to help me lose it.  I'm doomed to be fat for the rest of my life.  I’ve come to terms with it though.  At least I thought I did until I met you.  Seeing that woman come in today and watching her ogle you just reminded me of what I will never have.  The
worst part about it is that I wouldn’t blame you if you’d rather have someone who looked like her.”

Shaking his head, Aidan tried to make sense of what she was saying.  Did she honestly believe this crap?  How could she have believed the lies that bastard told her?  Well, he was going to thoroughly enjoy proving her otherwise.

“I'm going to tell you something, and I need you to believe what I say because I promise you it is exactly how I feel.”  He paused to gauge her reaction.  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.  Sweet and sexy.  These curves that you loathe?”  He ran his hand along her side from her breast to her hip.  “Sinful.  They are what attracted me to you in the first place.”

Atayla looked at him dubiously.

“You were standing there at the counter with your back to me.  All I could think about was running my hands all over your body.”  He smiled.  “You did remind me of my dream girl after all.”

She smiled shyly.  “Still, I'm not exactly what men want in a woman.  They prefer women like Carla or Abby or Claire.”  She shrugged.  “I’ll never look like them.  It doesn’t matter how I starve myself or exercise.”

“Thank God for that too.  You shouldn’t worry about what other men think or want.  All that matters is what I think and want.  You are mine and I think you are sexy gorgeous, and I don’t want you to change anything other than how you see yourself.”

“That’s hard to do when it’s been drilled into my head how unappealing I am.”

Kissing her breathless, Aidan laced his fingers through hers and lowered her hand until it rested on his cock.  He was already hard and achy just talking about how sexy he found her.

“Is that why my dick is hard enough to bust my zipper because you are unappealing?”

“I know you find me appealing.  The sensible part of my brain knows you are attracted to me.  It’s the insensible part of my brain that keeps getting in the way.  It’s more a kneejerk reaction, really, and I can’t seem to stop it, especially when I see other women lusting after you.  I can’t help but be jealous and insecure.”

Rising to his feet, Aidan pulled her up to stand beside him.

“Let’s go to the bedroom and let me show you exactly how secure you should be with your sexual allure.”

Biting her lip, she nodded.  He led her around the corner and to the bedroom, stopping to kiss her when they reached the bed.  Slowly, he lifted her dress up, slipped it over her head and looked his fill. 

The bra she wore was the same color as her skin tone with transparent straps.  He didn’t even know she was wearing a bra until it was revealed.  The panties that she wore were a scrap of lace that wound around low on her hips and caressed her pussy with a wisp of fabric.

From now on he would wonder what secrets she wore under her sassy dresses and whether they were as racy and teasing as these.  He could easily see himself bending her over the desk in the office,
his or hers
, in order to find out.

After removing her bra, he smoothed his hands up her back and grasped her shoulders, bending her upper body back slightly. He kissed her collarbone, the upper swell of her breast, and worked his way down until he had one of her nipples between his lips.

Her breasts were extremely sensitive, and he drew out of her breathy sighs and excited gasps.  He reveled in them, surrounded himself with her pleasure.  It was her desire that fed his.  Her bliss that nourished him.

Lowering her down onto the bed, Aidan caressed both her breasts.  He lifted the heavy globes and kissed every inch of their skin.  First circling his nose around each areola he then used his face to pet her, relishing the softness of her skin.

Trailing kisses down the outer curve of her breast, he continued a downward path until he reached her hip.  He nipped the soft flesh gently causing her to jerk and gasp in surprise.  Her gasp turned into a moan as he laved the offended area with his tongue.

Downward he continued until he reached her soft thighs.  There, he licked and nibbled until her entire body vibrated with need.

“So soft.  Your skin feels like satin.”

Hooking her panties with his fingers, Aidan pulled them down her legs and tossed them to the side.  He slid his hands back up her legs and grasped her knees so he could open her wide to his view.

He loved looking at her, though she didn’t understand why, but his arousal visibly intensified whenever he did so.  His heated eyes felt like a physical touch as they took in the sight of her wet pussy and he licked his lips in anticipation.

Moving away from the bed, Aidan tore his clothes away from his body.  As soon as he was naked, he settled between her thighs and sucked her clit into his mouth in a move so aggressive she knew this wasn’t about foreplay.  This was about his need to devour her. Lucky for him she had a need to be devoured.

It didn’t take long for her reach her peak, and it took even less time for her to topple over the edge.  She cried out as her first orgasm enveloped her.  It may have been short and sweet, but it was no less potent than any other orgasm Aidan had ever given her.

Crawling back up her body, he took her mouth in a feral kiss.  She had expected him drive into her body, so she let out a surprised squeal when he lifted her to her knees and turned her so her back was against his chest.  His arms banded around her waist and he pulled her tighter against him, kissing the side of her neck. 

“Look in the mirror, baby doll.”  He whispered in her ear.

Straight ahead of them was the large mirror that sat over the dresser.  It showed every inch of her front, clear down to the impression her knees made in the bed.  Embarrassed to have so much her exposed in this way, she buried her face in his neck.

“Don’t be shy.  Look in the mirror and see what I see.”

Atayla shook her head, unable to obey his command.  The feel of his hand caressing the line of body set her blood to fire.  She could feel it coursing through her veins and into her heart, which began to pound fervently as his hand dipped in between her legs to rub against her clit.

“You’re beautiful, Atayla.  Look at yourself and see how beautiful you are.”

Opening one eye, she peeked at the erotic image in front of her.  Seeing the way his eyes ate her up like candy gave her enough courage to turn her head forward.  With one arm banded around her waist, the other continued to seek and caress everywhere it could reach.

“I want to take you like this.”  He nipped her ear.  “Watch you as you watch yourself enjoying the pleasure and love that I give you.”

She couldn’t speak through the pulsing arousal assailing her.

Using his upper body, he bent her forward enough to grab a hold of his cock and sink it inside her molten depths.  Tortuously slow, he slid in and out until he was fully seated.

“This is my favorite position.”  He whispered.  “Do you know why?”

Atayla shook her head, unable to voice any words.

“Because all your curves are on display for my enjoyment.  Because as I fuck you,” He thrust into her, “I can watch your breasts bounce and sway.”  As if to punctuate his claim, he began thrusting harder, faster.

Atayla couldn’t take her eyes off the scene displayed before her.  Her friends had always told her she was a sexpot, but she never believed it.  She never saw herself as anything other than less than desirable. 

Now, as she watched, Aidan raised his hand and cupped the underside of her breast to feel the weight bounce against his palm, she knew that he meant what he said.  It didn’t matter what anyone else thought because
thought she was sexy and in return she

She watched, unabashed as his hand traveled down to mound where he petted her for a moment.  It was a tease really because he knew she was about to shatter into a million pieces.  Whimpering in tortured pleasure, she grabbed his hand shoved it between her legs.

He chuckled deviously.  “Poor, baby.  Need something?”

“Please, Aidan.  It hurts!”

“Can’t have that now, can we?”

He tapped his fingers against her clit a second before he surrounded it and began a milking motion that sent her spiraling out of control.  Aidan roared his pleasure as her pussy contracted around his cock and sucked the seed from his body.  It was at that moment he realized he forgot to don a condom. 

“I’m in love with you too, Aidan”

God, he hoped so, because if she bore the fruit of his carelessness he was going to need her love to ease the way for her forgiveness. 










Chapter Thirteen









Aidan rang the doorbell shortly before eleven.  The game was set to start at one, but he wanted to arrive early so the beer they picked up on the way had time to chill.  Also, he knew Jasper had built in a new grill on his deck, and he wanted a chance to play with it a bit while the food cooked.

Atayla shook her head.  The man was a grilling machine.  She learned over the past few months that it was almost an obsession for him.  Luckily she hadn’t gained any weight even though she was eating better now than she ever had before.

Not that Aidan would have cared.  He had more than proven to her that he loved curves on a woman and had no compunction about showing her exactly why.  Dear God, some of the sexual shenanigans he introduced her to were surely illegal in some states.

She sure wasn’t going to complain though.  She was happy and content for the first time in her life.  It had taken her twenty-six years to get to this point, and she was damned determined to relish every moment.

“What are you smiling about?”  He inquired, his own happiness shining through.

“Because I’m happy.  Because you are mine and I’m glad I have you in my life.”

As he bent down to give her a sizzling kiss, the door suddenly opened, and a deep chuckle invaded her moment of bliss.

“There is a spare bedroom down the hall if you need it.  I would hate for the neighbors to call the cops on you for indecent exposure.”  Jasper’s smile was pure mischief.

Aidan laughed.  “You have really bad timing, my friend.”

“Then you shouldn’t have rung the doorbell.”  He shot back playfully then greeted Atayla.  “Nice to see you again.  I hope this butthead has been treating you well.”

“The best.”  She grinned.

Jasper stepped aside so they could enter the house and took the beer from Aidan.  He led them out onto the back deck where he was setting up for the upcoming festivities.  There
were deck chairs surrounding a table large enough to seat eight people with several other seating arrangements placed strategically around the area.

The grill was one of those built in jobs that had stone hot plates to each side of the grill and two small refrigerators on either side.  This man obviously loved to cook as much as Aidan.  Atayla look over to see if he started drooling yet.

Of course, Aidan saw her expression and began to laugh, obviously in tune with her thoughts.  “No need for a hanky quite yet, love, but I am mentally sizing up the dimensions of my own deck.”

Atayla smiled.  No doubt he will have this same set up by next summer.  The man was shameless. 

They all looked over when a lovely young woman came walking out of the house with hamburgers, hotdogs, and brats piled high in a deep aluminum pan.  She tucked the pan into one of the refrigerators before turning and holding her hand out to Aidan.

“Hi.  I’m Chloe, Jasper’s girlfriend.  You are?”  She gave him a slow perusal.

“This is Aidan and his girlfriend Atayla.”  Jasper answered in way of introduction. 

Chloe smiled at Aidan, not even acknowledging Atayla standing right beside him.  Aidan pulled his hand from hers and gave Jasper a disgruntled look, but he wasn’t paying attention to the exchange.  His focus was on starting the grill and preparing the meat Chloe had brought out.

It was obvious that Jasper’s girlfriend was used to being the center of attention.  She practically hung on Aidan, who had inched closer to Atayla in hopes that she would take a hint.  She also had an annoying habit of talking over Atayla or just dismissing her completely.  Luckily, other guests began to arrive and Chloe had a new audience to prance around.

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