Unsteady (The Torqued Trilogy Book 1) (48 page)

Read Unsteady (The Torqued Trilogy Book 1) Online

Authors: Shey Stahl

Tags: #General Fiction

“I am home.”

Dark and sardonic laughter spills from him as he waves the gun around the shop like a lunatic, his actions jerked and sudden, as if he has no control over them.

I begin to shake as the fearful images build in my mind at what he’s going to do with that gun. “What… here? You gonna play mommy to that little shit?” His angry lit eyes land on mine. “You must be fucking kidding yourself if you think these people are going to let you into their family. It’s only a matter of time before they realize what a piece of shit you are and then what? Huh?” His eyes blaze as he takes another step toward me and jets his chin up at an odd angle. He’s on something. He has to be. “What are you going to do then, Lenny? I’ll tell you what you’re going to do. You’re going to do the same goddamn thing you’ve always done. Come crawling back to me. Well, guess what? I’m not going to just sit around waiting for you to beg your way back into my bed. No. I’m here to take back what’s mine!”

As sweat pours from his brow, wide black eyes pin me. It’s glaringly obvious Ben is more than drunk. He’s high on something. Probably cocaine. It was always his drug of choice. If his eyes don’t give him away, his jittery movements do. He’s volatile, and there’s no reasoning with him.

“I’m not going anywhere with you, Ben. Just go.” I step back. I’m trapped now between Red’s toolbox and the welder next to it, my skin prickling with the threat of him moving closer. I can’t back up anymore, and I already have Nova squished. Darting my eyes to the back door, I try to breathe normally, try to see this situation for what it is and remain calm for Nova.

Ben dips his head forward, another exaggerated motion, trying to catch my blurry stare. “You want me to walk away?”

“Yes, I do. I want you to leave.” My words and body tremble, the thump in my chest making me painfully aware of the danger, and how it can potentially end. It’s in his staggered step, the low voice, the black eyes; all reminders he’s unstable and could react at any second.

He lowers his gun for a moment, looking at me with a mix of confusion and anger. “I gave you
and this is how you repay me?” He suddenly throws his arms to the side knocking over a tool cart. The loud crash and his sudden burst of anger sends a tremble through my body.

Then he moves his unsteady stare to Nova as she peeks out from behind my leg.

He blinks, focusing on her, his labored breathing faltering as if his heart is beating out of control. “What’s your name, sweet girl?” His voice is softer when he steps to the right to see her. He wants her to trust him. I know the voice because it’s how he got me into his life in the first place.

Nova’s eyes flicker to him as she wraps her arms around my legs. “Nova.”

“Where’s your daddy?”

“Not here,” Nova tells him, scowling. She’s lying to protect him.

“Are you lying to me?”

She’s seemingly unaffected by him and says, “No.”

“Hmm….” Ben laughs, straightening his posture stiffly and pointing the gun at my head now. “She must be hanging around you too much. Has that lying thing down good.”

“I never lied to you… Ben.”

“Yes, you did,” he spits, his words laced with accusation as he waves the gun around. “You lied and you know it.”

A warning voice whispers in my head, telling me to choose my words carefully. “The only thing I ever lied about was loving you.”

That wasn’t chosen carefully.

His eyes narrow, blinking rapidly. “You know what? I’ve changed my mind.” He begins pacing the space between us. “I’m not gonna take you back with me after all, no, it’s better we just end this

Here? Oh God, no, please no. Not here.

“It doesn’t matter now, does it?” His voice remains cold and lashing to the point, I flinch away from him. “Whether you loved me or not doesn’t matter because after today, you’ll
get the chance to love anyone.” He suddenly stops pacing and cocks the gun loading a bullet into the chamber.

Every muscle tightens, locks in place, and I can’t physically move. All the fear and shame for what I brought into their lives comes crashing over me. I think about a lot of things in that moment: fear, regret, blame, guilt.

All of that leads back to this moment.

I led Ben here.

He’s here for me.

He’s holding a gun, pointed at my head, because of my choices.

I put them in danger.

With death staring me in the face, I know I have no choice but to stand here, and I also know any second Red is going to come walking in behind me and Ben will see him. I even count the seconds from the time I hear the latch of the backdoor to the ten seconds it takes for him to appear.

I turn slightly, stiffness marring my movements as my gaze shifts to Red as he takes the first step inside, met with Ben holding a gun.

His steps are hesitant. He knows he needs to be careful the moment he sees the gun pointed at my head.

Ben notices him and turns to aim the gun at him. “Ah, yes, welcome to party, Red. So nice of you to join us.”

Slowly, Red looks at me, all emotion gone from his face as he swallows, his jaw flexing.

There’s a moment when he stares at me, his expression darkening with an unreadable emotion. I swallow hard, trying to manage a feeble answer as to why I’ve put his daughter in danger. “Oh God, I’m so sorry, Red.”

His furious stare sweeps to Ben. “Lenny, where’s Nova?”

Ben smirks and tilts his head in my direction. “Oh, don’t worry, Red. Your precious little girl is right here. Safe and sound… for now.”

At that moment, Nova takes a deep breath and moves from behind me stepping to my side so that she is in clear view of not only Red but Ben.

Red spots her, and I can see a small flicker of relief flash across his face, but his relief is short lived as he turns his gaze back to Ben. “Get the fuck out of here before I shove that gun up your ass.” Each word is a growl, a distinct warning, but he doesn’t move from his place by the door.

Ben gestures to Nova with a sharp nod. “I wouldn’t be so tough acting there,
. I can bring you to your fucking knees right now and you know it. You may not even care what I do to Lenny, but we both know what you do care about, what you are afraid of.” And then he points the gun at Nova’s head and snatches her by the hair to his side.

I gasp in horror, my hand flying to my mouth, a sensation of intense sickness and despair sweeping over me. “Don’t hurt her!” I scream, grasping in thin air attempting to catch her. I’m not quick enough.

“Daddy…,” Nova whispers, her word shaking as she winces in pain, her lips imprisoning a sob from letting go.

Ben kicks my knee, buckling my stance immediately. “Shut the fuck up! Stay back!”

I want to kill him for touching her, and it’s everything I can do to stay still. Standing up, I refuse to show any pain.

Red takes a step toward Ben, unable to stand there. There’s fire in his eyes. It courses through him, burning steadily until he is engulfed completely. “Let her go, you piece of shit.” He shakes his head when he speaks, every muscle rigid.

“No. I don’t think so. So tell me, Red, how long have you been fucking my wife?” Ben asks him, keeping a tight grip on Nova’s hair.

My heart hammers erratically as a hint of arrogance touches the corners of Red’s mouth. I can tell he wants to say some smartass comment that’s guaranteed to piss Ben off, but he has enough sense to know the danger we’re in and the fact that his daughter has a gun pointed at her head. In his eyes, I can see his struggle to remain impassive, refusing to give him the satisfaction of an answer.

“What’s the matter, Red?” Ben’s eyes narrow, rigid, hard, cold, black eyes that hold no repercussions of his impulsive actions. He begins to pace again, dragging Nova with him. “Cat got your tongue or is it that you don’t want your little girl knowing how her daddy is fucking a lying whore?” Red has his arms by his side, but I can see them twitching, his body’s natural reaction to protect his daughter. He wants to run to her, but it’s taking all of his strength to hold his ground.

“Daddy!” Nova screams again, tears running down her face as she tries to break free to run to Red.

Ben is quicker and grabs her hair, yanking her to the ground and away from Red. “Where do you think you’re going, you little shit?”

“Nova!” I scream, watching him throw her like a ragdoll.

“Let. Her. Go!” Red growls.

Ben quickly grabs Nova off the ground and grabs a hand full of her curls to keep her at his side.

“Why should I, huh? I mean, you’re the one sleeping with my wife.” Ben’s eyes glaze over, tears forming. It’s the drugs. They make him emotional. “Where I come from, there’s consequences for that.”

“You fucking son of a bitch!” Red’s control is fading. “Let her go!”

“Daddy!” Nova cries, sobbing now. “He’s hurting me!”

Ben shakes her. “Shut the fuck up!” And then he slaps his hand across her mouth, letting go of her hair to keep her silent. She’s going to bite him. I just know it. Silently, I beg her not to. If she does, it’s over. He’ll shoot her in the head. I can tell by the fitful expression on his face, he would pull the trigger on her without a second thought.

Tears forming in Red’s eyes, he knows it too.
“I’m going to kill you!” he vows, his body convulsing in anger. “Let go of my daughter! I’m going kill you…
I’m fucking
….” He can’t finish, he can’t even catch his breath when Nova begins to scream hysterically, fighting against the hold Ben has on her.

I pray right then Tyler can hear this from upstairs. I want her to cry louder so maybe she has a chance at surviving this.

“Ben, let her go!” I scream. “She’s a little girl and has nothing to do with this.”

He turns to me, eyes wide and crazy with anger. “This is your fault.” He holds the gun tighter to Nova’s temple, the metal of the barrel making an indentation against her skin. “She’s going to die because of you.” He shakes his head erratically, his voice somewhat quiet, yet holds a coldness I can’t shake. “That’s on
. Everything’s fucking on you, Lenny.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Red roars, his face blazing with wrath as he steps forward once more. “Let my daughter go!”

“Now, now. No need to yell.” Ben’s voice is suddenly calm and relaxed as he eyes Red. “What did you think was going to happen, Red? Do you think I’m going to just let you take what’s mine? Fuck you. Touch what’s mine and there will be hell to pay.”

“I’m going to say it one more time, you take that fucking gun away from my daughter’s head or I’m going to kill you. Lenny’s not your goddamn property. She left you. Get that through your thick skull. It’s over. You’re never getting her back.”

“You’re right, but not because you said so. No. It’s because
is where it ends.” Ben lifts his chin, giving Red a nod. “Let me ask you, does this feel familiar to you? I read about you, you know. Amazing what you can find on the internet these days. Didn’t your wife die because you weren’t man enough to save her, am I right?”

Red reacts in one swift movement twisting around to the tool cart beside him and sends it crashing to the ground.

Please, God, let Tyler hear this!

“Ah, look at that. What’s the matter? The truth hurts, don’t it? You’re losing control now. I’m getting to you, aren’t I?” Ben glances at me and smiles. “Even the toughest of them fall.”

“You got nothing on me, you fucking son of a bitch.” Red never moves his belligerent focus from Ben. “You think you’re a man? You come in here with a gun threatening a child. You’re nothing! I can promise you one thing, you’re not walking out of here.”

I reach over and try to pull Nova away from Ben’s grasp, but all my attempt does is piss him off more. He takes the butt of the gun and slams it into the side of my face. “I told you to stay there. You never fucking listen!”

Stunned, I blink rapidly to regain my vision.

With the force of Ben’s movements, Nova stumbles to the ground, her knees hitting the concrete as she falls from his hold.

She scowls at Ben and stomps on his foot. “Leave her alone!” she screams at Ben and grabs onto me.

Holding her to my side, I use my other hand to feel the side of my face. It’s wet as blood rushes from a gash on my cheek. My eyes instinctively go to Red as he picks up a jack handle and takes a step toward Ben.

A wicked smile curves Ben’s lips as he leans in to whisper harshly in my ear, his eyes on Nova. “Looks like he’s ready for a fight now.”

When Red takes another step, Ben reacts and fires the gun.

The bullet just misses Red’s left foot and ricochets off the lift and into the wall. “I said stay the fuck there! Stay back! Don’t move!”

Red stops immediately as Nova lets out a cry of horror, her hands over her ears as her wailing cry pierces my ears.

I have to do something. I can’t stand by any longer and let this happen. “Enough, Ben! Okay? You win. I’ll leave with you! I will. Just leave them alone.” I reach for Nova, scrambling with lies, anything to get him to lose focus on Red and Nova. “Please!” I scream, a suffocating sensation threatening to swallow me whole.

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