Untitled (14 page)

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Authors: Unknown Author

    He stopped almost immediately.
    "Miss Shaw." He turned her about with an angry hand and leveled her with a vicious stare. "If you ever wail like that again, I will gag you and punish you twice as hard."
    She somehow managed to sob an apology and he let her go.
    Much to her relief, his temper subsided, the punishment was over, and he put the spoon back on her kitchen counter. She stood facing him, almost like squaring off, although he retained the upper hand.
    "Take off your t-shirt. It's time I saw what I've purchased for all my time and trouble."
    She hardly needed to be reminded how very naked she was below the waist without her pink pajamas. And though she felt ashamed to be in such a compromising position, she unthinkingly obeyed the command, knowing that not to do so went contrary to her own bizarre desires. Once completely naked, she stood before his scrutinizing eyes, feeling their heat, their passion and their critical judgment cause her real worry. She'd been laid bare. What if she weren't acceptable to the man she needed. What if he found her lacking? Too skinny? Too fat? Too shapeless? Too much a mess to bother with? Dear God, she'd just die if he rejected her!
    In spite of her restless mess of inane thoughts, her exhilaration soared so strongly that she could feel the juices leaking from her pussy and dampening her crotch. Meanwhile, the torturous moments of waiting went on so long that she thought she never would see an end. Then a purely erotic spasm shot through her body at his next command.
    "Hands behind your head, Miss Shaw and turn for me slowly."
    Just like she'd seen in kinky videos and at the X-Club, she raised her arms and laced her hands behind her neck, leaving her elbows wide, while doing her best to drive her nervousness away and take on the required attitude of submission. It helped that she felt punished, painfully made to atone for her failures, and that her ass was hot, still very hot. The heat of it spread; the sensation like long, sinewy fingers teasing her flushed skin. She collected her thoughts, trying to calm her anxious mind and let her body respond naturally to his command. Reminding herself of her true nature as a submissive woman, she experienced a sensuous flutter of satisfaction move through her body. She was now Captain Alain Danvers' submissive. All he required was her surrender and she could finally give that to him now.
    As ordered, she slowly began to turn and let him see the body he'd
purchased for all his
time and trouble.
    "I don't mean to be trouble, sir." She couldn't help herself. She never could keep her mouth shut at the right time. But her words brought him closer, drawn tight to her backside and clenching her firmly by the hair.
    "Shuuuuush…" he gently purred into her ear. "You've been a mess for a long time, isn't that right? Yes, or no that's all I want to hear you say."
    "Yes, sir." Tears welled inside her eyes and she couldn't stop from trembling.
    "And you want me to clean up your life?"
    "Yes, sir. I-I…" she was going to say more but stopped.
    "Well, I will not be cleaning up your life. I will not rescue you. But I will guide you. I'll train you. You'll be a damn good submissive by the time I'm done with you, and in the process,
will clean up your own life. I can promise you that."
    "Yes, sir."
    "Once you have this house in order, you'll spend most of your time at mine taking care of me. But for tonight you have your assignment. Do it nude, as though I have my eyes on you the entire time. Then when you're done, you call me."
    "But…" she stopped herself from babbling, and said simply: "Yes, sir."
    "Of course it will be very late, Miss Shaw. I expect that. But I also expect you to obey. If I say call me, then you call; I don't care what the hour is. You don't ask questions. You do as you're told."
    "Yes, sir."
    He finally backed off, although she wasn't entirely pleased to feel his energy withdraw from her. She wanted him close inside her space, inside her body, as he'd been in his office.
"Remember, no clothes, imagine that I'm watching you. It will be good practice for you,
for when I actually am."
"Yes, sir."
    As he was about to leave, he gave her apartment one last glance. "The painting in the corner. It's very good."
    She was tempted to turn around, but wisely ignored the sudden impulse. "You really think so, sir?"
    "I wouldn't have said so if I didn't. Now get busy, you have work to do."
    The click of the door latch as it closed was her cue to drop the pose and start working, which she did with a vengeance. Taking stock of her apartment, she was suddenly appalled by the chaos around her.
Alain could imagine Meredith Shaw taking all night to clean her disastrous apartment, but he got her call at 3:00 am, a good three hours before he anticipated. He'd slept for nearly five and was a little groggy when the phone rang, almost a repeat of weeks before when the frantic Miss Shaw had called him from the X-Club. The message was different this time.
    "I'm finished, sir."
    "Are you now, you're sure?"
"Yes, sir."
"Every last fast food container, newspaper, speck of dust…gone?"
"Yes, sir. It's all done."
    "The tables washed, the floors scrubbed and vacuumed, the bed made, your clothes clean, folded and in the closet?"
    "Yes, sir."
    "And the ledger?"
    "That's done too."
    "I'm amazed," he said. He truly was – so much done in so little time? It was possible given her motivation. "All right, then, you may go to bed. But no pajamas, just your lovely nakedness against the sheets. That's a standing order. Breaching that one will have you doing penance in a locked closet. Is that clear?"
    "Yes, sir. Perfectly."
Alain waited an hour hoping that Meredith would be asleep when he arrived, as tired as she was sure to be. He quietly unlocked the door and tiptoed inside. All was dark, save the streetlights that gave her apartment a strangely ethereal glow. Everything was in perfect order, as neat as a pin, just as he hoped it would be. It took just one glance to determine that fact, then he stood at her bedroom door and watched her sleep for several minutes before he finally stepped inside and began to shed his clothes, placing them neatly on the straight back chair in the corner by the door.
    Slipping beneath the sheets, he drew Meredith's warm body close to his.
    "Ohmygod!" she half-screamed.
    "Shuuuuuush," he gently covered her mouth. "It's Alain, my dear."
    With the length of her youthful body against his, his rising cock seemed to grow into a full erection within seconds, its hardness pressed as firmly against her as his mouth pressed against her lips.
    She received him with no reservations, feasting off the fact that he'd actually come to her. He knew it was hard for her to wait for moments like this. What she didn't realize was how hard it was for him to wait, for him to cautiously execute this affair based on protocols that thrust them both into tight-fitting roles. Not that these roles weren't natural to them both. He'd never been anything but an authoritarian, a controlling bastard by some women's definition, dominant to the bone. Meredith Shaw would always be the surrendering female for whom the romance of submitting to a dominant man was a lifelong dream.
    Taking her now in this rude way was permissible to them both. The punishment and the orders she carefully obeyed had all been designed so he could creep into her apartment in the dead of night and assault her naked body in her own warm bed. She would be in the proper frame of mind, jerked from the reality of her disorderly life and into his.
    Her lavish kisses threw out any worries about her being timid or reluctant under the circumstances. Once she realized the identity of her assailant, she welcomed him fully into her body, gasping from sheer pleasure as his cock thrust deeply into her steamy vagina. She was enough to make his raw passions bloom inside the sweet darkness of the room. He held her by the hair as he had before, pulled back her head and kissed her neck viciously enough to leave marks she'd be forced to cover up with her clothes at work. Their bodies fell into a natural rhythm, and while they worked single-mindedly toward climax, he grabbed her ass and pressed his fingers into her anal cleft, seeking the small, taut rosette of her anus.
    "Ohmygod!" He heard her fearful cry as his one finger pressed into the tight place.
    "Never been breached there?"
"No, sir."
    He kissed her lips again and slid down her body, his cock withdrawing as he backed away and took her breasts in his hands. He bit the firm nipples until they drew up into hard buds. Then his tongue circled about her belly as he listened to her sensuous moaning. As he moved further downward, he felt her seize up; she was already cumming by the time his lips began to suck her swollen clitoris. Her hands grasped at his body…his hair and shoulders, while her body clenched up taut as a bow. Once the fiercest of her spasms died away, he moved back up her torso and planted his cock inside her whorish pussy again, hearing her happy gasp, feeling her arms circle him in a torrid embrace. They coupled like this for several minutes, then, with no warning, he broke free and tossed her belly down against the mattress, raising her ass to greet his organ.
    She cringed in fear, expecting him to plunge his cock into her virgin ass. Instead, he surprised her, slipping his cock into her spasming love hole.
    "Oh, dear gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwd!" she roared, as another climax tore through her body.
    He held her hair like reins and smacked her ass as he rode her from behind. Once he deposited his seed deep, he pulled out, turned her languid body over and pressed his cock in her lips while straddling her face.
    She lapped the messy remains, smiling broadly.
    When his eyes caught sight of her face in the dim glow of the room, he was moved by what he saw. "My, you look happy."
    "Oh, I am, sir…" she sighed.
    Peeling himself from her sweaty body, Alain laid down next to her in the tight space of her bed, wilting comfortably beside her. Both were quiet for a time; he was the first to speak.
    "I don't mind your elation, Meredith, but you remember your place. While you're here. And in my house. And, most especially, at work. Whatever you do reflects on me. You fail me there, you'll seriously damage what we've begun. You understand that?"
    "I do, sir. I promise I won't fail you."
    "Or yourself," he added, turning so he could look her in the eye. "At work, you do your job; and when I see you at the station, there can be no reference to our relationship. I'll be the one to decide if and when it becomes public."
    "I understand."
    She was warm and generous and if he was right, dangerously in love. This was the price he paid for having a woman like Meredith to bed and use at will; the one price he shied away from so many times that he'd lost count. Now he was back again for another go round with a fragile creature who could well be his undoing.
    What did he want this time that he hadn't had before? And why in hell did he think that this lovely beauty could satisfy him when none of his other submissives had? Life had mysteries. He was in the business of solving such dilemmas. But for all the mysteries he'd solved in public life, he'd yet to unravel the secret of a good relationship. That he'd even attempt to find that magical whatever it was amazed him – just as he was amazed to find such an artful lover in a female as young and naïve as Meredith Shaw.

Some days later, Alain came home from the station late, but not too late to see Janis going through the upstairs of the house grabbing things and stuffing them into her bag.

    She approached him with a generous smile. "You know, you look more content than I've seen you in some time."
    "Do I? "Yes."
    "So, why are you making off like a bandit?" he peered inside her large tote bag.
    "Just my things. I thought it might be time to clear out."
    "Did I say I wanted you out?"
    "You have your contracted submissive. You certainly don't have a need for me."
    "I think that's something that I should decide. Or do you no longer like the idea of being our third?"
    "Of course, I wouldn't mind being the third in a threesome. But I don't want to play second fiddle day to day. I need my freedom. You need yours. If you want to fuck, I'm certainly ready most anytime. But all these things…I need them to come home with me, Alain. Look at it as clearing the air here so you can introduce your subbie to your home without having to explain me."
    "That's really not a problem for me."
    "Well it is for me. I don't want to be explained. And, if I'm right, that little sub will do a whole lot better as your slavish servant without the onus of another woman hanging over your territory."
    He was dumbstruck. "What a novel way to break up with a man!"
    "Oh, Alain, was there really anything to break? I'm still willing to fuck and be taken down a notch when I get the urge, and you're willing. I might even come in handy as a good lesson for your sub. Maybe? But you give yourself a better chance for success if you don't complicate things too much at the start."
    "That's your learned opinion?"
    "Call it wise counsel."
    He laughed. "Well then take your things and get out."
    Leaning against the bathroom doorjamb, he watched her grab her toothbrush from his medicine cabinet. "You know, I have the strangest feeling this affair might actually work."
    She turned to him. "You're smitten, aren't you?"

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