URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin (38 page)

Read URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin Online

Authors: Shantel Johnson

‘My cinnamon apple, you know you did me wrong/

Chapter Two

I was back in the same spot where I promised myself I would never come back to, Pink Printz. I used to work at Pink Printz as a stripper for three years until I got pregnant. Once I lost the baby due to a fall on stage, I took it hard and said I would never step foot back into this realm because it is just not worth me risking my unborn’s life. Look at me now, crawling back to the pole just to raise some money for bail. I promise that this is the last time you catch me swirling and grinding on stage for cash.

As I walked backstage, I heard a few grunts and moans from a few of the girls. There were all new girls in here now; I didn’t recognize any of them. I am only twenty-six but these girls where much younger, and some even prettier, but I knew for a fact they were not rocking the stage like I did in my glory days. I used to get money as if it was falling from the sky.

“Buttah? Is that you?” I heard an all too familiar voice, but I didn’t see where it was coming from.

“Buttah? What are you doing back here, girly?” The voice asked from behind me.

I whipped my head around to find Lusty right on my heels. Lusty and I were great stage partners back in the day. I mean we used to rake in the dollars every night, leaving hoes mad that we were ever born.

We embraced each other. “Girl, long story. I just need to make some quick money to be real with you.” I said as I shook my head.

“Nothing wrong with that at all. Getcha’ money, boo. You see I ain’t going nowhere any time soon.” Lusty was still the same; the same money-hungry slut that was still shaking her ass for money damn near six years later. She done birthed three babies since working as a stripper and worked all the way up until her due date. That was some nasty shit, but a lot of men are into a pregnant fantasy.

“So can I use your station to change because it don’t seem like these new girls are too friendly.” I asked her.

She gave me a funny look. “Now you know damn well that you don’t have to ask to use my station. Just make sure you clean it back up and wipe everything down when you leave.” She went to retrieve some glitter and began rubbing it on her chest. “I have to go do my set now; I will see you later on. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat or something.” She said as she began walking out of the backstage area.

I sat down and looked at myself in the mirror. I know Rock better make sure he turns his life around when he comes home because I be damned if I live my life like this again. I shook my head and started unpacking my bag. Deciding to wear a one piece wraparound G-String that barely covered up my nipples or my trimmed pubic hair, I turned around and looked at my backside.

“You need to be doing some squats because that ass is not sittin’ right, honey.” Another stripper hated as she walked past me.

“Yea, but I bet this ass brings in more money than you ever could.” I admit, being depressed and everything about losing my baby a year ago, I lost weight and was on the slim side now. My ass was nice, but not plump like you would think a stripper’s ass should be.

“Now you know you lying on that one.” The girl continued on as she applied her lipstick in the mirror next to me. “Good luck making money tonight.” She giggled with two other girls as they walked towards the front of the building.

“Hatin’ ass bitches.” I mumbled.

I heard giggling from the side of me. “Yea, they all are like that. They hate when they see competition. You good.”

I smiled. “Well, that will cause them to have a beat down where I’m from.”

“I feel you.” She said. “I’m Strawberry, I heard you were trying to get a few dollars and quick tonight. I may have an opportunity for you.”

I looked at this girl strangely. “Like what? I ain’t into any orgies or lesbians.” I stated.

Strawberry was a light skin girl who looked of a mixed race. I examined her body as she undressed and found the reason why they called her strawberry, her nipples were the color of a ripe strawberry. I don’t know her race, but she was not black, white, or Latina. A pretty girl with piercing green eyes, I sort of felt insecure around her but I knew I had it going on as well.

My skin was the glistening color of a black Barbie doll. My eyes are large just like my lips. I had the classic African and Jamaican nose that most are ashamed of but I thought accentuated my beauty. I am proud of my heritage. My looks almost were model-like but who am I to brag.

Strawberry laughed. “No. I am supposed to go to a hotel tonight with these two men I occasionally service. I was to bring another girl from here with me so we could have a little, fun.” She emphasized the word fun, “and since she didn’t show up tonight, how about you come with me.”

“Why me? “ I asked. “I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. Plus I’m not into meeting strange men and fucking them for doe.”

“Well, what if I told you that these men are rich. They are offering forty-five hundred for just three hours of our time.” Now this girl caught my attention with that number. That was almost half of what I needed to get Rock out. “I am asking you because you seem like you need the money, and don’t really want to be here dancing for four or five nights to make the same amount of money that you could make in two to three hours’ time.” Strawberry pitched. “So what do you say?”

“I don’t know. I will have to think on that one for a few and will get back to you after my set.”

“Well if you want to come, I am leaving here in about a half an hour. Meet me by the side door if you want to go.” Strawberry shook her head. “You can trust me; this is a good opportunity for both of us. We don’t have to do anything we don’t want to do. All we really have to do is get this money. I just don’t want to go by myself but if I have to I will and just keep the nine g’s for myself.” She walked away from me and into the showers behind the changing stations.

I sat there for a few minutes thinking on what to do. The choice seemed obvious. It would make sense to get this quick money by going with Strawberry, but I don’t know this girl, and I don’t know these men we are going to meet. I guess I will take my chances and see what happens. I will do anything to make sure my baby is home with me ASAP. My mind is made up. I quickly washed up, changed clothes and met Strawberry at the side door like she said.

“You ready?” She asked.

“Not really, but let’s do this.” I said unsure of what was to come. I pray these guys are not psychopaths because even though Strawberry brought me into this to make money, I will damn sure leave her ass behind just so I can save my own.

Chapter Three

“Remember what I said, you don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to do. But do expect to do something because they are not just going to pay us for nothing.” Strawberry reminded me as we pulled in front of the Four Seasons Hotel in midtown Manhattan. If you are familiar with New York City, then you know this hotel is more than a regular hotel. It caters to the wealthy. Everyone from Princess Diana to the Boston Celtics to President Clinton all the way to Barbara Walters have stayed at this luxury location. I guess for over seven hundred dollars a night, if you have it, why not live the way you are accustomed.

“Girl, trust me, I am not doing anything unless it is collecting this money. I have things I have to take care of.” I spoke letting her know that I was ready for almost whatever to get this money. Almost anything meaning I will not degrade myself just for a dollar.

Strawberry pulled out her phone and texted a number. A few minutes later, she told me it was time to go.

We parked in a parking garage not too far from the hotel and walked up the block. As soon as we approached the huge building, the door man opened up the doors and bowed his head to us. We entered the beautifully decorated lobby and headed right to the elevators. I could have sworn I spotted Nene Leakes in the lobby talking with Tamar Braxton. Not to look as if I was new to this lifestyle, I continued on behind Strawberry, feeling out of place in my Seven Jeans, tank top and shoes from payless. Strawberry had on all designer clothes of course.

“Have you been here before?” I inquired.

“Yes. I have met Georgio twice before here.” She pressed the private elevator up. “Georgio is one of the wealthiest men in Abu Dhabi. He comes to the United States for political reasons and also to spoil American women like me.”

Impressive, I thought. If he is that rich, then I wonder if he is willing to cough up a little more money so I can have my man back home with me.

We stepped off of the elevator into a room with four guards. They checked us for any weapons and also took our cell phones from us. I was going to protest until Strawberry assured me that it was for confidentiality reasons. A few minutes later, we were instructed to follow the gold carpet into a room at the end of the hall. We were to change into whatever was hung up on the door.

Once again following behind Strawberry, we finally entered a two room suite. On one door there was a beautiful silver long flowing dress designed by Vera Wang, and on the other door to another room was a very low cut, shimmering in silver diamonds, black gown. I could not identify the designer off hand, but I’m sure this piece of material cost my whole year salary and more.

“So how do you know which is yours?” I asked Strawberry.

“That’s the thing, sometimes I luck up and get Georgio, or sometimes I end up choosing the wrong dress and going with whichever partner he decided to bring. By now, I know his style, and I know silver is his favorite color so I will wear this silver gown and you will take the other gown.” Strawberry directed me.

I walked over to the door with the gown I was to wear. It was simply beautiful; I just hoped it fit my slim curves.

“Go into the bathroom and use the basket on the whirlpool to wash up with. Do not put any deodorant on. They prefer natural smells.”

I looked at Strawberry as she said no deodorant. I don’t know about her, but I am not stepping out of this room without any deodorant on. Heading into the bathroom, I noticed a gift basket with all kind of scents to freshen up with. I relaxed in the whirlpool for about twenty minutes and then got out to use the perfumed oil in the shower.

After drying myself off, I noticed there was no need to actually put deodorant on because the gift basket was scented to stay on you for 18 hours. I slid the gown over my body and admired my body in the triple curved mirror. It fit me perfectly. If only I had my cell phone back, I would have taken a few selfies to post on my Instagram.

Knock. Knock. Knock. I heard a knock at the door. The opposite door of where I had come in from.

“One minute.” I ran to the door where Strawberry was and she said that was the call. It was whoever was to be my date for the night. She said it was okay to open the door, and that she would be leaving out with her date in a few minutes.

“I promise you that everything will be okay. We are not going off of the premises. There are guards with you at all times.” Strawberry calmed my nerves. “You will be fine.”

With that being said, I heard the knock on the door again. I glanced at myself after applying more lipstick and eyeliner on. I slowly walked to the door and opened it, before me stood an amazingly handsome Hispanic male of about 6’2. His skin was the color of beach sand outlined with thick dark black hair. His eyes were deep-set and an off brown color with perfectly thick eyebrows arched above them. He was neatly shaven and was wearing a Keffiyeh around his neck, covering the top part of his all black suit.

“Hello, beautiful. What is your name?” He spoke with an accent I could not immediately identify as he smiled and kissed my hand.

I stared at him for a few seconds, trying to take my eyes away from his flawless face. “Um, Um, I’m…” I hesitated; unsure if I should give my real name or stage name.

“I’m sure your name is not ‘UmUmIm’.” He smiled again.

I finally smiled. “I’m sorry. I’m Monica.” I blurted out. I decided to be real with him. He doesn’t know me, just as I do not know him. I doubt we will ever cross paths again after tonight.

“Call me, Javier.” He took my arm into his arm. “Come. It is time to go.”

I followed his lead as we walked side by side as doors opened up in front of us. We were led into a big ballroom like area where there was a gathering of sorts. I saw nothing but beautiful women on the arms of wealthy men. The men were mostly middle-eastern or Asian. The women however were mostly Caucasian American. It was just me and two other darker skin women in attendance. I searched the room to see if I spotted Strawberry anywhere but I had no luck.

“Don’t be nervous. You are in good hands, beautiful.” Javier gently pulled me by the shoulders and inward to him to kiss me on my cheek. I deeply inhaled his scent
, Straight to Heaven
by Kilian retailed at over two hundred dollars. I knew this because I had splurged a little buying Rock this same cologne for his birthday a few years ago.

Javier grabbed my hand and led me towards a group of men dressed similar to him.

“Javier, nice to see you again. How was the meeting this morning?” The older gentleman asked my date.

“It went rather well. I closed the deal.” Javier shook hands with the man. “But tonight, we are not going to talk about business, it is a night to celebrate our success as wealthy men.” Javier grabbed two glasses that were being passed around by the waiters. He passed one to me. I sipped the wine and it tasted as if it was created by God himself.

“Absolutely. So who is this beautiful woman on your arm tonight?” He asked.

“This is my date Monica. My soon to be American Bride.” Javier responded, causing me to choke on the wine. “Monica, this is my Uncle Roberto.”

“Ahh, nice to meet you. I hope you keep my nephew very happy.” Roberto grabbed my hand and kissed it softly.

Caught off guard still, I answered the best way I could. “Um, I will try my best.”

“If you are in this family, you never try. You just DO.” Roberto smiled. “Nephew, I must go mingle. I shall see you next week at the family compound.”

Roberto walked away from the conversation with a peck on the cheek to his nephew and a smile and wink for me.

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