Read URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin Online

Authors: Shantel Johnson

URBAN: Chosen By A Kingpin (39 page)

For the rest of the night we mingled amongst men involved in every type of business. I didn’t run into Strawberry at all and I was fine with that. I was happy that she chose me to spend an evening away from the hell that was my life. Tonight had me feeling like a fairy tale princess. I never experienced this in my life. Javier was so attentive towards me, and introduced me as if we were an official couple, as if I had not just met him a few hours ago. I met some of the most beautiful women I have ever witnessed with my own eyes. I’m talking about bad bitches only type of women was allowed entry into this exclusive party.

It was nearly three in the morning when we made it back upstairs to Javier’s penthouse. Not knowing the next move, I decided to sit on the edge of the bed and relax my feet. I have been on my feet since we left the room earlier.

“Here. Let me do that for you.” Javier grabbed one foot at a time and took off my shoes. “You have flawless feet.” He looked up at me with piercing brown eyes as he began kissing my feet after he rubbed them.

I didn’t know what to do. I know he was expecting me to have sex with him or else he probably wouldn’t give up the money later. So I figured, I may as well speed things up so I can get the hell out of here and back to my home. I am no man’s hooker.

“Look, if you want me to have sex with you, then just say so.” I rushed out.

He stopped kissing my feet and stared at me. He rose to the bed to sit next to me.

“If I wanted sex, I can ask any woman I want for that, who will willingly give it up with no sort of payment expected. Just to be in my presence I get flocks of women.” Javier stated but not with arrogance. “I wanted a lady tonight who could give me more than that; someone who could match my style and elegance. I don’t want sex from you. I want to make love to you.”

I stared back into his eyes and saw sincerity in his words. How could this be? We just met a few hours ago. The longer I looked into his eyes, the hornier I got for him. I stood up as I kept eye contact with him. I began taking off my clothes piece by piece. He sat there and watched me undress seductively.

“Lay back.” I instructed. I straddled him and began to remove his shirt. Kissing his soft lips, I moved down to his neck, then down to his chest, then I stopped. I looked back up into his eyes. I unbuckled his pants as we eye-sexed each other. Lifting off of him enough to slide his pants and underwear down, I was in awe at the size of his manhood. It seemed to grow the longer I stared at it, daring me to make a move.

“Do you have condoms?” I asked, ready for the challenge in front of me. I don’t know why I decided to have sex with him, but what the hell. This is what Rock gets for putting me in this position. A little fun will not hurt anyone.

Javier reached into a hidden compartment built into the headboard. “Here.” He gave me a magnum to put on him. After sliding it on the whole girth of him, I took the one eyed monster into my mouth and suckled it gently. “Mmm.” I moaned as I deep-throated, showing off my skills. I saw that he was getting worked up so I eased up on him and told him to stand up.

After he stood, I then laid on the bed and spread my legs wide open for him to see my whole world. My body may not have been perfect, but it sure is flawless. I laid my head back and begin to massage my body all the way down to the pot of honey. I motioned for Javier to come to me. In a trance, he followed my orders and brought his lips to my lips, as we began to kiss intensely. As we continued, I guided his manhood into my honeypot.

“This feels so goooood.” I moaned unintentionally. I was also hypnotized by his amazing love making. Not at one time did I think about Rock or the money Javier was going to give me.

“There is more where this comes from, baby. Let me take care of you.” Javier said as he slowly rocked in and out of me.

“I don’t know about that, baby. Let’s just take it slow.” I whispered as I bit down on his neck.

“No. I always get what I want, and what I want is you.” He flipped me over onto my stomach and arched my back up.

“Ohhh, we can talk about it later, right now I just want to feel this dick.” I began pumping my round ass into him until we both climaxed together.

We laid in the bed together until I dosed off wrapped in Javier’s arms. I haven’t felt this good in a long time, in fact, I never felt this secure with anyone. I wish this feeling could last forever but I know morning will come, and my fairytale will come to an end.

Chapter Four

I don’t know if I was supposed to stay the night or not, but I woke up to an empty bed and a guard sitting next the bed in a chair.

“Where is Javier?” I asked him, startled. I grabbed the sheets up towards my neck to cover my naked body.

“Get dressed,” was his only response.

Feeling used, I knew I should have stuck with my gut feeling and not given Javier any of my pot of gold last night. I quickly and angrily rose up from the bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up. I looked at myself in the mirror. “Why did you fuck him?” I asked myself as I couldn’t even answer my own question.

Knock. Knock. Knock. “You have five minutes.” The guard yelled through the door.

I rushed out of the door. “I don’t need your damn five minutes.” I grabbed my things and began walking out of the suite towards the elevators. I vowed to never do this again.

“Wait. This for you.” The guard yelled in broken English. He had a big bag from Saks Fifth Avenue. I snatched it from him thinking it was the gown I wore last night, I was planning on pawning it somewhere. Once I got into the elevator, I started crying. How could I be so naïve? Javier would never be with someone of my likes, someone he believes is a prostitute. We don’t even fall into the same class.

I walked the few blocks down to where Strawberry’s car was. It was still there, so I guess her date did not kick her out like mine did. I sat down on the sidewalk by her car to think of my next move. I have to get back home to Brooklyn.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. I heard a phone ringing and immediately realized they had put my phone in the bag. I looked at the number and did not recognize it. I decided to answer just in case it was Rock calling me.

“This is Monica.” I answered.

“Good morning, beautiful! I hope you didn’t forget about me already.” It was Javier.

“Really? So you really expect us to be on speaking terms after you kicked me out of your suite?” I asked him, already pissed off at the sound of his voice.

“Whoa, what are you talking about? I didn’t kick you out. I had a meeting this morning that I had to attend to in another state. I left after you fell asleep in my arms last night. I left everything you would need in the bag so that you know my words to you were real.” He paused. “Did you even read the card I left you in the bag?”

“Hold up.” I put the phone down and quickly scanned through the bag. I found an envelope on the bottom of a box. Deciding to open the envelope first, there was a card addressed to Monica Roberts. I don’t know how he knew my government name but I will address that later.


‘Good Morning my sweetheart,

I hope that last night was as magical for you as it was for me. I felt a real connection with you during our little time together and I hope you understand that I had to leave this morning due to circumstances at work. However, I am leaving you a set of keys to my Mercedes Benz, Valet number 1623. Feel free to keep it in case I never hear from you again, but I know that will not happen because you were feeling me just as much. Plus I can provide for you the lifestyle every woman dreams of.

I hope to see you again, but if not, I hope the check that I have enclosed to you is enough to get your boyfriend out of jail.

Until we meet again’


I was shocked. How did he know about me? How did he know of my situation with Rock?

“I don’t know what kind of sick joke you are playing, but I am not with it, Javier.” I grabbed the phone back up to my ear.

I dug deeper into the bag and found a set of keys and a check for ten g’s. I was quiet.

“I take it you found everything that I stated in my card.” He chuckled. “And just in case you are wondering, I found out everything about you last night. What do you think my guards do when they take your cell phone, and purse? They thoroughly investigate you so that I can know who I am dealing with. I know you are with a knucklehead who I know is not good for you. He cannot provide or do for you what I can.”

“Javier, I live a different life from you. I’m a girl from the hood, and you’re a man from wealth. Our worlds will never match up. You won’t understand my kind of living. But before I get into all of that, I do not appreciate you getting into my private life. I don’t know anything about you, so why should you dig in my life?”

Again he chuckled. “Just like I told you, I investigate every part of my life. You, my dear, are now a part of my life. I always get what I want, even if I have to wait patiently.” He paused. “I have some matters to attend to, but I expect to see you this weekend. Same time.” The phone clicked off.

The nerve of him; he must have me all the way messed up. First of all, I will not be seeing him this weekend because I am about to go bail Rock out with the money Javier just gave me, and two, our two worlds will never match each other’s, even though the thought of it is beautiful.

I stood up from and walked back towards the Four Seasons. I passed the keys to the front desk and told them I would not be needing the car and to give them back to the Penthouse on the top floor. Walking out of the hotel, I had a lot on my mind. I could have been a petty chick and took the car that Javier was offering to get me home, but instead I decided to take the subway so that I could clear my mind and figure out my next move.

After forty-five minutes, I was back in Brooklyn. I hailed a dollar cab and took it the whole way home. The first thing I did when I opened my door is run to the shower. I had to wash off the past 24 hours of my life. I spent at least twenty minutes in there just reflecting on the last few hours. I went from being at home asleep, then waking up to the news that my man was down at the detention center locked up with a bail that I could not afford, to becoming a temporary stripper all the way down to a call girl for the night. Now I have a wealthy man who wants to take care of me. If I didn’t know for a fact that this actually happened in less than 48 hours, I would call myself a liar.

I finally got out of the shower and sat at the edge of my queen sized bed. I went through the bag that Javier had set aside for me. I reached inside to grab the check and examine the authenticity of it. It was real. Javier had written me a check for ten thousand dollars. I stared at it for a few more minutes. This is the most money that I have had in my hands at one time since being a stripper years ago.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. My phone was going off again. This time I looked down at the caller ID and realized it was Chantal, Rock’s other child’s mother. I answered in an irritated tone.

“How can I help you, Chantal?”

“Listen, I now Rock is in jail and all that, and just like the dumb hoe that you are, I know you are going to bail his ass out because you are just too damn stuck on the dick.” She sang into the phone. “But, what I am calling to let you know is that I need you to tell Rock that I am having contractions and soon going into labor, so once you bail him out, he needs to get to the hospital and see his newborn daughter.”

Oh hell no. Now see this is the mess that I am not going to deal with. “Bitch, what? You’re pregnant? To Rock? You are out of your damn mind.” Beyond pissed, I began to curse her out but then realized, my issue is not her, it is with Rock. He is the one who keeps putting me in these situations. Situations to have me looking stupid in the streets. “You know what, you can have Rock. You and Tiny, and Rebecca, and Shirleen, and Cameron, and Alexis, and Dawn, and Tamika, and the rest of fuckin’ Brooklyn. I’m done.” I hung up the phone.

Pacing the floor, I dropped down and began crying. I don’t know how long I had been down there but I knew I was heartbroken. I was just about to go bail Rock out but now having second thoughts. One part of me wants to bail him out to confront him with the news I just received but the other part of me wants to leave him in there to rot until one of his other women bail him out. I silently sat there and cried my eyes out for the rest of the night.

The next morning, I heard some sounds I didn’t immediately identify. Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz. That’s when I figured out it was someone ringing my buzzer to my door. I looked out of the window and spotted an all-black stretch limo in front of my building, mind you, I am in the hood of all hoods of Brooklyn, so seeing a limo in front of my building stuck out like oil in water.

Ring. Ring. I quickly grabbed my phone as the buzzer was still going off, with my head still stuck out the window.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Monica, stop looking out of the window and come down to see me. I have a surprise for you.” I recognized it as Javier’s voice. “Come now, I will be waiting.” He hung up the phone.

Bzzz. Bzzz. I ran to the door and let the person who was ringing my bell in. It was the same guard who rushed me out of the hotel yesterday morning.

“Here. Boss wants you to wear this. Put it on, and come with me.” He passed me a beautiful red silky dress and a pair of red bottoms to match.

“But I…” I tried to get out but was told to just do it. Thinking back a few minutes earlier to the phone call with Chantelle, I decided what harm could going out with Javier do? I needed something, or someone to take my mind off of Rock.

I ran into my bedroom to quickly freshen up and get dressed. I glanced at myself in the mirror and quickly took a selfie. I hurriedly uploaded the picture to my Instagram. Now I was set to go.

Javier’s bodyguard guided me down to the awaiting limo. I slid inside and was amazed at how huge the inside was. It was almost the size of my small apartment to be honest. You could tell this was a personal limo just for Javier. He had a mini bar on the side, a flat screen television on the opposite side, and music playing in the front. I was in awe. I looked around and eased into the seat across from him.

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