Vacation Hell: Princess of Hell #4 (16 page)

“Impossible,” my mother countered. “She obviously did something. Look at him. He’s freaking prince charming on goody-two-shoes steroids.”

Eloquently put. As utterly gross as it sounded, my dad was now a polite and wonderful man, a boring dude just like my uncle.

“There must be a way to fix him. Maybe this is like the time Mom”—I cast her a glare— “did that spell to make everyone forget Lucinda.”

Gaia rolled her eyes. “Oh, get over it already. I did it for the good of the world.”

“The good of the world would be better served by you erasing pollution and not fucking with the climate.”

My mother glared at me. “Now is not the time for your hippie, eco views. Your father is incapacitated.”

“And has been since his decision to marry you.” I sulked. Perhaps one day I’d forgive my mother. Then again, probably not.

“Whatever your feelings on our relationship, we have bigger things to worry about now. And you raised a good point about how you managed to wipe my spell. Just do it again.”

I could have choked, and I would later on a cock or two if Mother had her way. The way I’d broken the spell last time had involved an orgy with three guys. Yet, would three be enough?

Why wouldn’t it be?
I tried to tell myself. Meanwhile, my thoughts strayed to a certain platinum-haired sea god. With four, I would be much more powerful.

Or was I being selfish? Why did I want to drag Tristan into my world so badly?

Um, because I am selfish.
I wanted Tristan. As Lucifer’s daughter, I would have Tristan. As a woman, I needed him.

And dammit, I really didn’t give a hoot if he wasn’t crazy about joining my growing harem. He would do it because the kingdom of Hell needed him to man up and put out.

“Uh oh,” Teivel whispered. “She’s got that look again.”

I had the look and the desire to save the day. “Mom, take Dad to his bedroom. I need you to keep him out of sight.” Lest his minions see him during this moment of weakness. “I’m going to try and fix this. Whatever you do, don’t leave until I’m done.”

And by done I meant I’d be nearby making magic with my lovers. A magic that I’d project at my dad and hopefully snap whatever spell held him.

Marathon orgy sex for the good of Hell. There were days I loved being a princess. And days I wished I were queen so I could chop off some heads without repercussion.

Chapter Eighteen

t didn’t take long
for David and Teivel to track down Tristan, but while I waited with Auric, I paced.

“I shouldn’t do this,” I muttered. “We have a good thing going.”

“We do. And it will still be a good thing tomorrow, albeit with one extra face.” Auric sat in a chair, completely at ease.

“I don’t want him.”

“Yes, you do.”

“He doesn’t want me.”

“Yes, he does. Or did you think tonight was the first night he spied on you?”

That stopped me. I whirled to face Auric. “What are you talking about? Tristan hasn’t come to the house, and this is my first time back to Hell since our vacation.”

“The man has been keeping tabs on you, or did you not notice the sudden influx of fish tanks all over the house?”

“Lucinda wanted a pet.”

“Lucinda gave him a way to see you. And he took advantage.”

“You allowed it?” Sometimes Auric was an enigma to me. At times, he’d rage with jealousy; at others, he was so calm and analytical I wondered if he was bipolar. Just another reason to adore him.

“Let me ask you, since you met Tristan, have you had any more urges to go to the beach? To bathe in salt water? Woken up from any strange wet dreams?”

I awoke wet a lot, but mostly because someone was fingering me awake. So much better than an alarm clock. “No, that all stopped, but I don’t get what you’re implying.”

“They stopped because you’ve found the element you need to complete that part of your magic.”

“Tristan is more than just an element,” I retorted. He was a man, with morals and honor and…

Auric nodded as if he heard my thoughts. “He is more than that, which is why I can accept it. You don’t just pick up guys because you’re horny, Muriel. You attract men that help complete you, not just magically but emotionally.”

“I barely know him.”

“Yet you know enough to care.” Auric stood from his seat and took me in his arms. “You are my life, Muriel, and that life includes other men.”

“How many?” I whispered.

“As many as it takes to fulfill your destiny.”

His words sent a chill through me.
What is my destiny?

At the moment, it apparently involved convincing an unwilling merman to have an orgy with me and three other guys.

The door to the mistress bedroom was flung open as David and Teivel returned, a stormy-looking Tristan held between them.

“Tell your boy toys to let me go,” Tristan spat through gritted teeth.

Boy toys? I let my anger at the insult bolster my courage. “My men are not controlled by me.” Except for Teivel in the bedroom.

“We are with Muriel because we want to be. We need to be,” David said, relinquishing his grip.

“It’s perverted,” Tristan spat.

“But fun,” I added.

“And perverted only according to those following the doctrines and morals religion created.” Auric entered the argument.

“So, that’s something you’re comfortable with. It doesn’t mean everyone is. I prefer one dick in the bedroom. Mine.”

I caught the lie and frowned, but Auric was the one who busted him.

“Is that why you’re watching us in bed every night?”

He was?

“Is that why, even now, your heart is pumping faster?” Teivel whispered by Tristan’s ear.

“I can smell his arousal,” David growled, his eyes flashing with the wildness he kept caged.

“Watching is one thing. I can’t be a part of this.”

“Why?” I asked the question as I walked toward him. He dropped his chin, but it took only a single fingertip to lift it. “Why are you fighting?”

He closed his eyes tight and didn’t answer.

I leaned closer and whispered, “You haven’t even tried it. So how can you know what you want?”

His eyes shot open and blazed with the storminess of a sea. “What if I did try and couldn’t handle it? Would you let me go?”

I wanted to say no, but I had to trust—such a disgusting word—that, once he tasted the temptation, he wouldn’t want to leave. “Help us make magic. Help me save my father. If, after that, you still don’t want me”—not easy words to say—“then you can leave and I’ll never bother you again.”

The promise hung in the air, noted by the forces that kept vows in check.

For a moment, Tristan stood silent, at a crossroad of choice, one where he’d enjoy extreme pleasure with me, the other where he’d die horribly by me. I already knew I wouldn’t take his rejection well.

The smart man chose to live.

“So how do we do this?”

Good question. We were in the right place at least. The room we’d borrowed was known as the mistress bedroom, as in where Daddy had kept his lady friends when I was growing up. He didn’t keep them in these secret chambers to protect my sensibilities, but more to ensure his other mistresses didn’t know about each other. My dad used to be the ultimate ladies’ man.

Now he was monogamous, the poor guy, but maybe if I fixed him, he’d also realize that he was better off staying away from the altar.

A girl could try.

I would also have to try figuring out how a fivesome was going to work. Nefertiti offered pointers, but as I’d learned since meeting my lovers, hands-on was so much more fun and informative.

The bed beckoned while the men kind of stood there, my three older lovers on one side taunting Tristan with smirks while my merman gave them an evil fish eye.

The posturing made me roll my eyes. “Boys, behave. Tristan has decided to give us a test drive, so the least you can do is get naked.” Before he changed his mind.

As to their coolness toward each other? I wouldn’t ask them to be friends. A little healthy rivalry would keep them on their toes.

Since it seemed rude to ask them to strip, given I remained clothed, I took care of matters.

The lacing at the side of my gown loosened with the pull of one knot. Four sets of eyes watched me. Excellent. My hands palmed my waist and gripped the red skirt. I tugged, the fabric clinging for a moment to the erect tips of my breasts before popping loose. In moments, fabric billowed down over my hips into a silken pool at my feet. I hooked my fingers into the thong I wore, red just like my dress.

“Anyone going to join me?”

It started with Auric, the alpha leader of my men. Once he moved, they moved, too, although given his alpha tendencies, I could see Tristan balked. His jaw set. For a moment, I wondered if he’d change his mind and walk out.

I willed him to stay and threw in a little gyration of my hips to help. That cemented it. Clothes went flying, and in short order, I gazed upon four utterly delicious, naked men.
Mine. All mine.

While they didn’t speak aloud, they apparently held some plan in mind as they moved, each with his own lanky male grace. I couldn’t help but feast my eyes on all of them. How had I ever gotten so lucky? While Auric would always be my first love, and soulmate, here were three more that I could say I loved, too. They belonged with me. In my bed and in my heart. They also belonged

Before they could reach out to grab me, I pounced onto the bed and put myself in a doggy position. I peeked at them over my shoulder.

While I knew I couldn’t get away with ordering Auric, David, and Tristan, there was one in the group who liked me to tell him what to do. “Teivel. Stroke yourself for me.”

The command excited him. His eyes bled to black as his fist grasped his thick shaft and pumped it. How I did so love to watch, yet I wouldn’t get much of a chance, given a very happy cock waved in my face.

A hand, covered in calluses and scars, stroked the hard dick. I knew that hand, and so I smiled as I peeked at Auric. “Is that for me?”

His reply was to grab me by the hair and guide my lips. Great plan. I opened my mouth wide and took him in. I let myself slide over his silken head, enjoying his length, stretching wide over his width. My tongue made its own wet mark, caressing skin as I pulled on his dick. As I pulled back, I suctioned, hard enough to hollow my cheeks. His fingers dug into my scalp as he let out a low moan. He wasn’t the only one making noises.

A glance to my left showed Tristan, not as shy as feared, stroking his cock, his eyes bright. A peek to my other side and I noted Teivel still playing with his hard dick.

But where was my kitty? I didn’t see David, yet I could sense him close by.

Try behind me. His hands palmed my ass cheeks. He spread me, and I quivered in anticipation. Warm breath fluttered across my pussy lips. I shuddered, and honey moistened me further.

As David blew on me, I couldn’t help but bob my head on Auric’s cock. Sometimes the wait for a lover’s intimate touch was as exciting as the act itself.

David loved to tease. His mouth touched me, just not where I wanted. He placed feather-light kisses on my inner thighs, and every so often, he blew on my sex.

Delightfully distracting, so much so that when a mouth, make that two, one on each side, latched onto my hanging breasts, I squeaked, my teeth clamping down for a moment on Auric’s cock.

Oops. He drew in a sharp breath and thrust his hips, letting the flat edge of my teeth drag along his skin. A little pain went well with pleasure.

Maintaining a rhythm proved hard, given David finally lapped at my sex, his raspy tongue dragging against my sensitive flesh. As if that weren’t exciting enough, Tristan and Teivel bit and sucked at my nipples, sending jolts of pure pleasure to stimulate me further.

My head bobbed on Auric’s shaft, his threaded fingers tugging me back and forth. A hum vibrated his length, as I couldn’t help making noise at the intense pleasure of it all.

David worked my clit so well, his tongue, flicking rapidly across it, drawing a small climax from me, the waves of it rippling my channel. Before those tremors could subside, David moved, the bed dipping slightly just before he slammed his long cock into my moist sheath.

I cried out, the sound muffled by the shaft in my mouth. The lips working my nipples drew harder, and the men’s hands touched me, rasping along my skin with delightful friction. Given my distraction, Auric took his cock away from me, the jerk, but only because he had more nefarious plans.

“Teivel, hold her hands above her head while I take a turn fucking her.”

Oh, the dirty words. I almost came on David’s pumping cock. My arms were pulled and the wrists locked in Teivel’s cool grip. A glance showed my vampire kneeling on the bed, his cock jutting like the hardest of marble from his groin.

“Feed it to me,” I ordered.

“Don’t give it to her,” Auric countered. “Make her look and crave.”

Look but not touch? The cruelty.

Even crueler, David withdrew, but only so another could take his place. I knew this cock. Thick and hot. Auric always stretched me when he penetrated. He seesawed a few times, and I mewled and wiggled, beyond the point of bliss. Just aching for him to finish me off.

Instead, Auric slowed. “Come here, merman. I want you to see how wet she is.”

I couldn’t see, yet a part of me knew what happened. Auric withdrew from me but only so he could grab Tristan’s hand and press it against me.

Those fingers trembled.

“Fuck her.” Auric whispered the command, and David repeated it. “Give it to her.”

“Give it to her hard.”

For a moment, nothing happened, and I feared we’d spooked Tristan.

I cried out when his cock slammed into me.

“That’s it,” Auric crooned. “Fuck that sweet hole of hers. Get her nice and juicy because you’re going to need that lube when you take her ass.”

I’d long lost my fear of things going into that hole, but it seemed the idea was a new one for Tristan. He paused in the act of fucking me, not long, before he slapped against me, harder and deeper.

I panted and stared with longing at the cock out of my reach. It didn’t help that glances to my side showed David and Auric stroking themselves, waiting for their turn.

“Switch with me,” Auric commanded.

Tristan withdrew, and they swapped spots. I clawed at Teivel’s thighs because that was all I could touch since he held my wrists pinned. Auric’s hard thrusts rocked my body, the fat head of his cock slapping my sensitive G-spot.

The pleasure within me coiled, tightened, readied itself for—

I let out a scream as he took his cock away. Did he not see how I throbbed and needed it?

It was David’s turn again, and as he poked me with that long shaft of his, he didn’t piston me like Auric and Tristan. On the contrary, he took his time, slowly pushing in, grinding, then retreating. Over and over and over.

It was enough to make me scream as he brought me to the edge of my orgasm and stopped.

“I think it’s time,” Auric announced as he lay on the bed beside me. “Teivel, place her on my cock.”

Was there anything more decadent than one lover obeying another? Teivel’s cool hands lifted me and positioned me over Auric’s throbbing cock. When I would have shoved myself down, his hands stopped me, slowed my descent so that I was practically sobbing by the time I’d fully sheathed him.

A shudder went through me and another. I needed to move so badly, to rock upon that cock. But they wouldn’t let me.

“Bend forward, Muriel.” This time, I was the one being ordered.

I threw myself on Auric’s chest, loving how it allowed me to squirm on his cock.

He caught my lips and the sounds I made as the hard tip of a shaft probed at my rosette. Slick with my honey, the cock popped in, and I heard a sucked-in breath.

“It’s so tight.” Tristan couldn’t hide his straining wonder.

“Push in farther,” David advised. “She can handle it. Muriel likes it hard.”

Did I ever.

As Tristan pushed his way into me, Auric thickened in my pussy. The man might have occasional jealousy issues, but he was a sexual creature at heart. He loved the decadence of sex. The musky aroma of it tickled the senses. The salty sweat slickened our skin. The pheromones perfumed the air and accompanied the gasps, groans, pants, and the fleshy smacks of skin on skin.

Tristan might have hesitated at first, but that didn’t last. He was soon pounding at my ass, his fingers digging into my waist.

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