Vaewolf: Damn the Darkness: The Prophecy's Promise (Hearts of Darkness Book 3) (28 page)

“Only you would know. He never shared his blood from the vein with me. Without you present, I’ve never been able to sense him. I sense him
you. That’s what I felt earlier, wasn’t it?”

A nod of her head confirmed he was right. “I haven’t felt him since he left. If he was here earlier, he’s gone now.”

The expression Jackson wore saddened, and then he stood up, walked to the window, and looked out into the night like if he focused hard enough, Dylan would appear. “It was as if he...” Jackson paused, before he finished his thought, “dropped off the face of the earth. Until tonight...for that moment...when I thought I felt him through you.”

“Would he stay in the area?” Caitlin followed Jackson to the window and hugged him from behind.

Jackson swore. “If Kyle hadn’t caught his scent, I would’ve thought I was losing my mind.”

“If he’s back, he has answers.” Caitlin grew excited thinking of the possibilities.

“Or none. Don’t get your hopes up.” Jackson turned from Caitlin. “If he hasn’t contacted us, he didn’t find what we hoped for.”

“I thought of that.” Caitlin nodded and dropped into the chair.

“Did he discuss his return plans before he left?”

“No. He ignored my questions about what would become of us if what he found wasn’t... I’m scared.”

“Why didn’t you tell me before?”

“I thought he’d change his mind, find a happily ever after for us. Or at least return and face us. Something. Anything. I should call a few old contacts and track him down.”

Jackson snorted. “If he doesn’t want to be found, all the agencies in the world wouldn’t be able to find him, including the FBI.”

“I know,” she said, disgustedly.

After her heightened vampire ability sensed Dylan, now she wasn’t sure what to expect from the future. Should she tell Jackson more?
Why not?
Time to fess up. After exhaling a long sigh, she took her time, choosing her words carefully.

“I-uh- caught a trace of, I don’t know—maybe
flash through my mind. A brief sense of what might have been Dylan touched me right before you came in. When I saw you standing there, I thought it was you I sensed instead of him. Or, I imagined it.”

“Did you?”

“I don’t think so. Not after hearing about Kyle,” Caitlin ran her fingers through her hair, tilting her head back, shaking it, “No, it was Dylan.”

She stared off at nothing, thinking about the last time she’d been with Dylan.

Jackson winced. “Stop thinking so loud—”

“Sorry!” Caitlin raised her hands and paced, staying to her side of the room while Jackson stood still as stone on the threshold. Obviously, he didn’t trust himself to enter. Honestly—could Jackson really handle sharing her, either? So far, he’d shown a remarkable ability to withstand Caitlin’s blunt explanations despite the jaw clenched together like a steel trap. “Surely, by now he’s heard about us...”

“...and the council changes.” Jackson growled. “What was the council supposed to do when I petitioned them to allow me to assume my role early?”

“Dylan knew what would happen when he left us without word all this time.”

If she hoped to find relief from her emptiness, it was going to take something special to seduce Jackson out of his broody mood tonight. She always needed to feed more after Jackson had been gone because of the full moon. She didn’t need a confrontation, she needed to his blood, and it looked like she was going to have to make this his idea.

No deep growl rumbled the way she expected. Instead, the vampiric hiss Jackson emitted for a change made him sound more like a jealous vampire and less like a raging Werewolf, not a good sign. The hands he fisted by his side were visual evidence of his disapproval, and,
oh yeah
, his eyes flashed black. Unfortunately, he was in vampire mode tonight. His physical control challenged her seductive attempts. Since his wolf was usually more aggressive, more physical, more willing, she doubted Jackson could control his arousal in Lycan mode. Maybe she should encourage the animal out of him.

She wanted him that badly.

“I’m never sure which I prefer dealing with, your vamp or your wolf.” She turned her back to distract him. His wolf appreciated her ass—round, firm, and high—irresistible to his wolf.

“Just keep emitting that scent and I will be out of control.” The hiss turned into the old familiar growl. His guttural words made her smile.

She was getting to him. Eventually she’d have to contend with his Lycan side, something he’d held back from her. Up until they were fully bound, they decided he would stay away during the full moon, a time when he had little to no restraint over his beast. But it was getting harder and harder for her to be without him. Yet, neither of them was ready to test his Were’s self-control without Dylan’s presence. Caitlin didn’t want to risk her new immortal neck. She wasn’t looking forward to being chased down by a sexually aroused, raging mate, either. Although she liked aggressive sex every now and again, even vampires could die if their heads were ripped accidentally from their bodies during a little rough foreplay.

“Okay if the big bad wolf is afraid of a little sexy fae like me...” She glanced away, addressing no one. “Then...”

“Go on...”

“Then nothing.” Caitlin stopped pacing and turned to face Jackson. “No more questions. Not now. It hurts too much to think of him.” Her fangs extended.

“I’m sorry, Caitlin. We need answers.”

“Well, Jackson, I need you!”




Chapter Thirty Six

The Wolf Needs His Mate


Jackson glanced at the window behind her. His need responded to hers. “Dylan can’t stay away forever. We have to find a solution.” His jaw clenched. “This has gone on too long, Caitlin.” Jackson’s arousal was blatant and his tension showed in his eyes and his jaw, but he didn’t move to go to her. “My wolf needs his mate.”

“Come here, Jackson,” she said, when she smelled the scent of his lust in the air. “Take away the ache for a while.”

“I want you to stop blocking our mental connection when you take my blood.”

When he probed her mind again, she turned aside. “Nothing stops me from choosing when and how to succumb to a demanding, overbearing wolf.”

The challenge was one they both enjoyed. At the moment, she didn’t want to fight him. She wanted him to fuck her.

“Look at me.” A slight tremor vibrated through Jackson’s body—not a good sign. Usually, he managed sustained control, but tonight he was losing the battle. “I can’t stand it when you shut me out.”

She reached out with their mental link, cocking her head to one side to scrutinize his expression. “You’re blocking, too,” she said.

“Surprised I’d hide my feelings? What about my pride?”

The loose hair falling across his cheek was too tempting to resist. She stroked it back off his forehead and dropped her hand to her side. Maybe her big, bad Lycan needed a little extra tenderness. A real possibility. Or he was hiding something else. More than likely, pride was exactly what it was. Pure alpha male pride. Or, perhaps he didn’t want her to know how her feelings for Dylan hurt him.

Jackson glanced down at her, frowned, and then looked away, avoiding her eyes. “Yeah, so?”

Caitlin stroked his cheeks with the backs of her hands until she reached his hairline. Then she ran her fingers into his hair and held his head in place so he couldn’t look away. “So this is how it’s going to be. You show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”

Desire flickered hot in his eyes. “Mmm, sounds tempting.” Chest to chest, his words reverberated against her breasts with a deep resonating tone.

Caitlin whispered, “I don’t like it any more than you do.” She allowed their eyes to lock and kept her deeper thoughts shrouded.

“Good.” The man’s snarl twitched the corner of his lip.

Realizing it was as close to a smile as she would get, Caitlin had to be satisfied with that. She pecked his full lower lip, and he nipped back, grinding against her harder, sending sizzling tension throughout her body.

Before she realized what he was doing, Jackson snatched her hands from his hair and inched her closer to the bed. He wrapped his arms around her, allowing his hands to drift down her back and dip inside her shorts. He slid the shorts, panties and all, over her hips, cupping her ass with his large hands. His fingers dug into her soft flesh, and he angled his hips between hers, pressing his erection into the “V” between her thighs. He lifted her so she straddled his waist, his cock nudging her swollen flesh.

She gripped his thick biceps for balance, sprang and locked her legs around his narrow hips.

With their bodies molded together, fitting like perfectly matched puzzle pieces, he said, “Maybe you’re right about letting it go. Just for now.” The words were spoken begrudgingly.

The size of his cock, growing bigger and stiffer by the second against her slick opening, indicated exactly how much he wanted her. He had to be physically hurting, bad. Sure, he’d be all agreeable with her now, under the circumstances.

But this was how she needed him tonight. This Jackson—big, bad, dangerous—snapping and growling. He lifted her T-shirt over her breasts with one hand, brushing his thumb across her nipple, and she finished the job of removing her top for him, whipping it over her head and tossing it aside.

His eyes traced a detailed path over her naked breasts with an expression burning her like a brand, making her nipples pucker beneath his scrutiny until they tightened into throbbing rosy nubs. He fondled them with one hand while his lips followed the path his eyes had taken and tasted her.

What she wanted was for him to rip off the clothes separating them. She didn’t want to think how, but she wanted his tongue stroking her intimate flesh until she couldn’t remember her own name. Caitlin sighed, the sound a mixture of satisfaction and concern. No, all she wanted to think about was how this alpha male...was all hers.

The cloth barrier between them wasn’t her only frustration. Soon Jackson would be demanding more answers from her so they could finish this. She couldn’t keep him out of her thoughts for long, and would never even try once he was inside her.

Caitlin knew why they were both so desperate tonight, and why Dylan was suddenly a topic of conversation, one they’d always avoided when touching. Who was she kidding? Who was he kidding? Deep down they both knew Dylan was back, and he’d been watching them.

She glanced beyond Jackson into the night—maybe he still was. His presence was like the brief feathery thought she’d felt in her mind earlier—and the fleeting pain of jealousy she sensed when Jackson touched her. It had been Dylan’s aggression she sensed earlier, when Jackson stood in the doorway, hesitating. And the insecurity Jackson felt about her feelings for him were because he too sensed Dylan despite what he believed.

Maybe they should invite him in.




Chapter Thirty Seven

Satisfying Her Sex Fae


Caitlin resumed her exploration of Jackson’s belt and zipper between breaks in her lap dance on his cock. “I’ve got to hand it to you, you are one sizzling hot wolf.”

Jackson moved her off his lap, rose, and purposefully stripped, while she got busy removing the rest of her clothing.

She plopped back on the mattress wiggling her fingers at him. “Wipe the drool, Jackson.” Leaning against the headboard, with her arms folded under her breasts, she gave a slow simmering grin.

When she pulled the sheet over them, Jackson looked like he wanted to cry. Instead, he ran his hands up her sides, pulled the sheet down so he could inspect her, and wrapped his arms around her, rolling to one side. Then he stretched to nuzzle one nipple, and mercilessly teased at the other. When they puckered under his attention, he fell back and lifted his hips between Caitlin’s spread thighs, his cock pressing hard against her swollen mound.

“Well, you’re certainly hard.” She sighed and rolled her hips back and forth, taking her pleasure like a cat needing a scratch. “And I could sure use another long, hard ride.”

“Dylan was a fool to leave you here with me unless this was what he ultimately had in mind.” He arched his back, allowing her the upper position so she could admire the full measure of his need before he resumed control. “You know how I feel about you.”

“Do that again. It feels awesome.”

“You like when I rub my cock over your pussy?”

She nodded.

“Then say it.” He gripped her behind the neck and pulled her into a searing kiss and released her. “Talk dirty to me.”

Caitlin grinned. “Uh, touch my...clit...with the tip of your cock.”

“You can do better than that.” Jackson held her back, waiting.

“I said, ‘clit’ and ‘cock’.” She grinned then pinched her tits and spread her legs wide so he could see how wet she was. She sucked a finger deep into her mouth and then inserted the same finger into her folds. No dirty words, but even without those erotic words, she could drive him wild. She slipped the finger in her mouth and licked. “Want a taste?”

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