Vaewolf: Damn the Darkness: The Prophecy's Promise (Hearts of Darkness Book 3) (30 page)

He admired her stark beauty lying naked as his fingers played over her skin, teasing her nipples, caressing her belly, fondling her most sensitive places. Lifting her knees, he parted her thighs, staring at her petal pink folds, open and glistening with her sweet creamy need. Hell, he wanted to enjoy the fragrance teasing his nostrils, arousing him beyond measure, and taste her. Soon he’d bury himself inside her, unable to hold his wolf off forever.

He lowered his head and nuzzled his way up her thighs, nipping, licking, kissing every inch of her exposed skin until she thrashed on the bed and grabbed handfuls of his hair. He loved making her come undone, and enjoyed watching her muscles tighten as she thrashed on the bed. When arched higher, inviting him to feast, he ignored the temptation and kissed his way past her knees. Spreading her legs wide, he hooked one leg then the other over his shoulders, and bent, softly nipping at her upper thigh. He licked the sensitive flesh at the juncture then smiled when she bucked, lifting high off the bed. Jackson sensed her body humming with need beneath his hands and mouth. The vibration inside her mounted higher.

“Dammit, Jackson, stop teasing and eat me.”

“The idea has merit. But beware the wolf?”

He wanted to, in more ways than one, but he also wanted her desperate and unthinking. Desires so turbulent and intense threatened to cloud his own judgment he considered backing off... At the moment, he thought he’d burst with anticipation, and to add fuel to the fire, he couldn’t help marveling at how exquisite she was when aroused.

“St-top talking and kiss me.” She said lifting her long legs until she had them wrapped over his shoulders. Her body arched up toward his mouth, silently begging him for the intimate kiss she needed.

He drank her in as she turned into hot liquid desire beneath him. “You are so damn beautiful when you’re turned on. I get hard just looking at you.”

There was no mistaking how much she wanted him. By the gods, he wanted her that much and more. He wanted her so fucking bad all the time. Unless he was buried inside her, he ached. Everything about her made him desperate. Yet everything in his nature told him to go slowly. His wolf was frantic to
her, mark her. The vampire in him wanted to taste her, and the man in him wanted to savor her. Holding back the animal inside him was pure torture, especially with her begging him. When he hesitated, she grew desperate, tightening her legs around his neck.

“Do. Something. Lick me before I go crazy. I want your tongue inside me and your lips suckling until I come screaming your name on a prayer instead of the curse I have in mind.”

Her vampire scent surrounded him, making her almost impossible to resist. But he wanted to control the situation and not be lost to all sane thought just because his wolf wanted to her.

He lifted his head, spread her legs wider so he could stare his fill at her oyster pale skin. Unable to resist a taste, he parted her with two fingers, opening her wide for easy access. He buried his face in her folds and inhaled deeply, reinforcing her familiar scent in his mind for all time. He lapped at her, closing his lips over her swollen clit, knowing she wasn’t far from a screaming, explosive climax and prayed her demands recognized who was pleasuring her. Prayed she wanted him at this moment and not...


“Jackson, more. More...p-please.” Caitlin had no pride where Jackson was concerned. He assaulted her senses, with his woodsy scent and his rugged caresses, scraping the tender flesh on the inside of her thighs with his teeth, abrading the skin with his heavy beard, then soothing it with his kisses, licking away the sting with his tongue.

With his mouth devouring her folds, his tongue thrust inside her, he brought her to that pleasurable place where she lost all sense of self and screamed’

“Kiss me. Take my blood, dammit. Now.”

She couldn’t believe how wanton she’d become. But Jackson didn’t act disappointed or disgusted with her demands.

“Demanding little thing aren’t you.” His hooded silver eyes flickered in the dark as he stared at her, his chest heaving, and his lips curled into a half smile.

“Yes, I am and desperate to have you inside me.”

From his slow leisurely appraisal, that wouldn’t happen until he was good and ready. Though he acted in control, his voice indicated otherwise. “Not yet, babe,” he said, his words rough with desire.

He’d force this climax out of her and try to squeeze out another before he entered her and filled her. Whenever he made love to her, he was relentless in his attentions to her needs. The devil knew she craved both his tenderness and his aggressive nature. The never knowing which to expect was what kept her off balance and on the precipice of orgasm from the minute he touched her until she detonated.

She was close to the explosion she’d been aching for. Grabbing his hair, she held him tightly against her and sobbed as she prepared herself for the impending orgasm.

He flicked her clit with his tongue, then drew it between his lips and suckled voraciously. When he shoved three thick fingers deep inside her, she gasped and shuddered. Then she clenched around them, shattered, and screamed his name into the night.

He lifted his face, watching as she completed her climax and collapsed. Then, he slowly crept up her body until his mouth lingered over hers. His muscular shoulders tensed above her, his forearms flexed, holding his weight. Jackson bent down and brushed his firm lips over hers, catching her lower lip between his teeth.

Still gasping and shuddering with aftershocks, she tasted herself on his lips. He finally cupped her face, pressed his mouth to hers, and drove his tongue inside to explore.

And, didn’t that have her ready to come again?
Oh, yes.

The silk shirt and slacks he wore felt decadent against her naked skin.
Nice contrast.
Silky and coarse. But the next time she came, she wanted him naked with her, body to body, skin to skin, cock buried deep so she could milk him with her orgasm. She wanted his heat inside and out.

“Lose the shirt so I can see that beautiful, ripped chest of yours.”

He leaned on one elbow and snorted. “You’re the one with the beautiful chest. Look at these perfect breasts,” he said, cupping one and flicked a fingertip across her nipple. “Those pale rose tipped disks. So lovely, so delicate. You have no idea what the feel of your skin against mine does to me.” He tugged, and her nipple contracted into a tight bead. “See how responsive? How pretty and pink?”

Caitlin parted his shirt, sliding it over his shoulders and down his arms. When it was at his elbows, trapping him, she traced one fingernail across his defined muscles and over his nipples. She sighed. “Look.” She pinched both of his small male nipples and watched them contract. Then, she cupped his balls while absently playing with one nipple until it poked at her, diamond hard—the cock and the nipple. “See how responsive?”

And his chest. She ran her hands across the planes and valleys and closed her eyes. And his hands—they were on her—touching, sliding, stimulating. She hadn’t even touched his cock, but she hadn’t missed how it jumped behind the material when she stroked his balls.

“You’re playing with fire.” He shrugged the rest of the way out of his shirt dropping it to the bed then stood up and unzipped. His fully erect cock sprang impressively from the dark thatch of hair at his groin, making her mouth water. As he removed the rest of his clothing she watched as each inch of skin became visible, and when he was finished, she held a hand up signaling for him to wait.

“Oh, Jackson, you’re a fire worth incinerating in.”

“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that and ruin all our fun.” He returned to the bed and maneuvered himself between her thighs, spreading her again with his knees. “I could eat you all night.”

“I need you inside me this time. Fill me up. I’m so ready I could scream.”

“Oh, you’re gonna scream, babe. I can’t be gentle. This is going to be the hardest fuck of your life.”

“Good, because rough is exactly what I need. Don’t hold back.”

Almost as a consolation, he wrapped a second hand around his cock. Two-fisting his length, he squeezed the base, fighting back the building pressure she could see pulsing in his straining balls.

If this was a power play, she wasn’t sure she could hold up.

She moved her hands into his midnight black hair, tugged his mouth to her breast, and angled her hips up against his.

A bead of sweat made a slow path from his dark hairline, past his brow, over his cheek bone, and down his jaw. The muscle in his jaw clenched when the rivulet dripped to her chest.

Her breasts fed his mouth as his fingers parted her folds, and his thick, hard length fed her slick, tight channel. “Yes,” she whispered as he entered her.

The tingling began the trip up the base of her spine, and her center throbbed, yearning for more. His hips began the pace, plunging in and out, feeding her hungry sex fae.

Damn, she loved the way his cock stroked her. But most of all she loved his heart.

He rose on his knees above her and held her hips higher to take her deeper. “Take it, Caitlin, take all of me.”

She moaned. “Give me more. Take what you need,” she begged, “harder, faster.”

Thrusting deeper, and fiercely, his teeth brushed against her shoulder, he stopped mid-thrust, lifted himself off her, and bearing his weight on his arms, biceps bulging with strain, shook his head.

“Not this way. What I need tonight, Caitlin, is what the wolf needs.” His canines extended, and the silver in his eyes swirled faster as he approached his climax, but Caitlin knew he’d wait until she was ready again and closer to climaxing before he finished. He wouldn’t risk changing while inside her.

“Flip over. I need to take you from behind so I can get deeper.”

He didn’t wait for her to do it—he flipped her to her stomach, splaying her arms out at her sides, he lifted her hips and spread her knees. Then he buried himself inside her in one swift, easy motion.

Face down, Caitlin groaned with pleasure into the mattress.

He slapped her ass, and rubbed her clit with his other hand. The slap wasn’t hard, but Jackson’s hand was hot, his body sizzled.

“Dammit, Jackson, you’re burning up. Come before you shift.”

“You come—then I’ll come. You have no fucking clue how hot I get when you come around me.”

And he didn’t have a clue how his aggressive nature fueled her own fire. She wanted to fight him, defy him, mold him, break him, submit, and surrender all at the same time. It was maddening to want someone so badly you could turn your back on your own nature and your old habits.

“Now Caitlin. Come. Stop fighting it. You’re gripping my cock like a tight fist. Give it up, darlin’ give it all up.”

It was especially good when he entered her from behind this way. His hard cock curved inside her, stroking that special spot with each thrust. The sensation felt amazing, indescribable.

“Caitlin, Caitlin, you’re killing me here.” He thrust deeper holding himself high inside her as the heat and the lust erupted around her.

When he picked up the pace, she couldn’t stop the scream or the orgasm he drove out of her. Balls slapping against her, he pumped harder, stimulating her with his words and actions. Finally, as he ejaculated inside her, she climaxed again with him.

She never held out long when the wolf side of him wanted to dominate. They collapsed on the bed together in a heap.

“Hot,” Caitlin muttered.

“Yeah, damn straight. Hot!”

“Yes, but no. You’re too hot.” She couldn’t move under his weight. “Roll off or shift,” she grumbled.

Jackson seemed to come to his senses, quickly rolling off her. As steam rose around them. He’d left behind scorched skin at every contact point and pain as soon as the air hit her skin.

Too late. A low snarl defined his disgust with himself. “Are you all right?”

He shifted into the wolf quickly to prevent his heat from doing any more damage to her delicate skin, but not before he’d burned her.

“No problem. It’s okay.” She scrubbed her hand through his fur. “I’m healing already.”

The heat had built too fast for Jackson to control. He’d practically forced her climax from her, and then he’d released his own. It wasn’t until she said something that he finally noticed her reddened skin.

He should have pulled out sooner, before he hurt her, but he hadn’t been able to resist the gripping spasms of her second orgasm. He’d been too distracted by the tight, wet embrace around his dick to think with his head. By the time she’d complained and he noticed the pink tinge to her skin, he’d just finished jetting like a fire hose. Then he’d been unable to pull out. His Lycan nature swelled his cockhead when he came to keep him inside his mate until all his ejaculate was spent. Too late to retreat or shift, his bad judgment injured his mate. And even after, he caught his breath and inspected the damage, Caitlin’s pretty ass was still too red to suit him.

When he could extricate himself, he shifted, jumped off the bed, and shook. The wolf left her, trotted into the bathroom to cool down and compose himself. Once he felt in control, he shifted back, wet three cold wash cloths, and returned to cool down her hot spots.

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