Vaewolf: Damn the Darkness: The Prophecy's Promise (Hearts of Darkness Book 3) (34 page)

She snorted at his idea of patience.

“We don’t have much time. He’s heading to Max’s.”

, it’s okay if I
wham bam thank you ma’am

Caitlin licked her way down Jackson’s chest, nuzzled his nipples, and then continued lower.

He gripped her head and stopped her. “No, you don’t.”

He flipped her on her back, tested her readiness, and slipped slowly inside her.

“Slow. We’ll pick up the pace when I’m ready.”

Her inner fae loved the alpha wolf’s dominance, and so did she in the bedroom.

Jackson opened his mind to Caitlin, while he and the wolf made love to her. She saw how he’d come to care for her, the woman his wolf had chosen, and how he’d experienced the pain her constant hunger for Dylan caused, right along with hers. He needed to see her satisfied.

As he touched Caitlin in ways that pleased her best, he filled her and stroked her. Then once he brought her closer to completion, she allowed him to sense how her love for him grew in spite of the hole in her soul.

“Omigod—omigod! You feel so freakin’ good.”

Caitlin was no push over, but then neither were either of the alpha males she’d imprinted on. Tonight she was going to convince the doctors to make Dylan see why they had to do this.




Chapter Forty Six

Vampire Infertility


Dylan sifted to Max’s place hoping to borrow a pair of pants before he ran into someone and to put distance between himself and the activities going on in his master bedroom. The thought made his teeth ache, and he forced every ounce of his self control to other subjects.

Once he dressed, he joined Max out at the lab. Victor was there and Shelby entered with Kyle soon after he did.

“You have the scrolls and the translation I brought back. Why did we both imprint on Caitlin? You must have some answers.”

Max was the first of the doctors to respond, “Nothing definitive, but we have some damn good theories.”

Victor said, “We may never have a real answer, but what we have transcribed from the scrolls you brought back confirms what I believed all along. The three of you must merge somehow to impregnate Caitlin. She must carry all the supernatural genes within her to become fertile.”

“And she’s damned close to carrying most of them now from what Shelby’s told me,” Kyle added.

Shelby touched Kyle’s arm. “I think you and Jackson must share your DNA to provide her with what is missing. Victor? Would you say it’s the balance or the content?”

“Balance more than content.” Victor pointed out, “We discovered the vampire weakness. Dilution of the vampire DNA is causing infertility in turned vampire men. The need for two mates of various species is needed to strengthen the gene pool and enable the women to become pregnant.

Max stood next to Dylan and showed him a chart. “Although Jackson isn’t a turned vampire, his wolf’s blood prevents him from impregnating a turned vampire mate alone. You’re necessary to carry on the Xenos line, but Caitlin also has wolf DNA according to her last blood test and it isn’t from Shelby’s. It’s a different line.”

“The answer lies with her biological genetic pool.” Victor stood up and placed a hand on each of Dylan’s shoulders. “This is the true reason Niccolai needed you...not to care for Jackson as you’ve always believed...but to be a true son to the ancient vampire and bond with his natural son’s destined mate. The three of you are the prophesy’s hope.”


“Shelby shared the good news, Dylan. Why are you upset?”

“There are serious consequences, decisions that impact others’ lives. The future of our entire species is at stake.”

“Duh! Do not act so damned condescending to me.” Caitlin had been through too much to put up with Dylan’s sulky attitude. “Jackson accepts your bond with me. I accept how my life will change. It seems the only one not considering all parties involved is you.”

“I’m sorry, Caitlin.” Three hours later, the information from the doctors had sobered Dylan when sex and nothing else could.

“I want the bond! I need to feel complete.” Caitlin slammed her hand on the table next to Dylan.

“No,” he snapped back. “I won’t risk it. I can’t now anyway. I’m hungry and weak. I don’t have control.”

“Really?” Caitlin’s voice took on a slightly higher pitch. “How hungry can you be? You took blood from that female back at the bar.”

Dylan’s head jerked up, and he raised an eyebrow. “How...?” Caitlin knew.

“How? She showed me.”

He was confused and surprised by her jealousy.

Jackson grinned. “Ah, yes, the cat fight.”

Caitlin gave Jackson a dirty look and poked Dylan in the chest. “She opened her mind to me and gloated once she guessed we had a connection.” Caitlin bristled. Her voice sounded uncharacteristically sharp. “I knew you’d have to feed, but until tonight I never comprehended what it would mean—”

“I didn’t do anything but feed—”

“I saw—”


showed me Antoinette.” Caitlin got in Dylan’s face and narrowed her eyes. “She climaxed. How?”

“I used the vampire push. I put the thoughts in her mind, and she felt the experience. I didn’t actually have to touch her to satisfy her needs while I took her blood. She wanted rough, so I accommodated her imagination. She liked kinky so I put kinky in her head. It was the least I could do in exchange for her blood.”

“How thoughtful and generous of you.” Caitlin cocked her head to the side and sneered. “But you won’t fuck me, your life mate. You’d leave me wanting for an eternity aching like this?”




“Whoa, I thought you said you didn’t do anything?” Jackson jumped in and Dylan sent a warning growl.

“Don’t! Don’t either of you say another word.”

She turned, strode naked across the room, and slammed the bathroom door behind her.

Jackson shook his head, and Dylan hissed falling back holding his head. The pain was unbearable. How long had it been since his last hangover?

“You got hard?”

“I was thinking of Caitlin so I could stomach feeding from another woman.”

“Good luck with that twist of the truth.” Jackson frowned staking Dylan with his glare. “For now, bro, just try to talk your way into the bathroom.”

Dylan ran a hand over his scruffy chin. “Maybe you should try. I think you’ll have better luck than I will with the foul mood she’s in.”

The bathroom door popped open, startling both men. When Caitlin emerged, she was dressed for hunting.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Jackson growled.

“Out to find a donor. I still need to feed properly tonight.”

“Do you want me to go with you—?”

“Nope. Getting away from you two was my intention. I’m not in the mood to deal with either of you, right now.”

“I don’t want you hunting alone,” Dylan sat up on his elbows.

“Uh...I said...a donor. Lisette offered her blood. Isobel is going with me, and I’m not going off the estate. So live with it.”




Chapter Forty Seven



The door slammed shut behind Caitlin, and Dylan buried his face in both hands. He scrubbed them up and down in frustration.

“Women!” He stared up at Jackson. “What?”

Jackson chuckled. “Spill it. Tell me what you really found out about the situation.”

“If you two mate, there’s a good chance she’ll get pregnant. But we run the same risk as any other mixed birth. You could kill her during the mating ritual or she could die in childbirth.”

“That I won’t risk.” Jackson started pacing. “I can’t bind her without you. My wolf is getting stronger and more out of control the longer I go without

“There is a chance we could bind her together. I didn’t want to say anything in front of her. There’s one way to enhance her stamina.” Dylan looked away. “If she’s feeding from me while you
her, it’ll give her the strength she needs to survive the ritual with the wolf.”

“What are you crazy? She’s still new. She’ll be dangerously out of control during the ritual. You want her to drain you?”

“Hell, no. I don’t have a death wish. The solution is simple enough—I’d have to feed from you during the ceremony.”

“You’d risk taking Lycan blood?”

“Antoinette, told me Niccolai took your mother’s blood often.”

“Really? Maybe it could work. I am half vampire—”

“You are Niccolai’s descendant, and I have Niccolai’s blood. The link formed between the three of us because she’s descended from Amyra’s vampire line.”

“True. Dylan your father was actually a berserker, you’d be strong enough—”

“Wait, how did you know about my father?”

“You talk in your sleep when you’re drunk. Right now you have another problem.”

“What? The Others? We can deal with the pack and the council later.”

“No. Worse.” Jackson grinned and shook his head. “First, you have to deal with a jealous female. I don’t think your explanation regarding ‘not having kinky sex’ cut it with her. You’re going to have to come up with something more believable.”

“It was the truth—

“Wait.” Jackson held up a hand “Preaching to the choir, bro. Apologize to Caitlin and swear off all other blood for eternity—”

“Okay, forget it. Not an issue. Like that’s not included in the bond.” Dylan’s forehead smoothed when he ran a hand across his brow. “Psft, if we ever complete the bond, I won’t want or need anyone else’s blood. I can barely stomach it now.”

“I know and you know, but does she? A promise could impress her.”

“I am not starting our relationship off on a lie,” Dylan said, and Jackson cocked his head in question.

Dylan agreed the guy might have a point. “Okay, maybe you’re right. As a sign of good faith, I’ll apologize.”

“Give her time to cool down.” Jackson shook his head and gave a disgusted grunt. “I don’t know when I turned into your conscience.”

“Me either.” Dylan dressed slowly like a man with a bad hangover and the weight of the world on his shoulders. Exactly the case. “Give her a few minutes, then you follow her and Isobel. I’m going to call Victor and Max to see if they confirmed the last test.”




Chapter Forty Eight



“Dylan, Caitlin’s unprotected. She isn’t wearing the necklace. It’s in the bathroom, and guess what else…I found her phone on the night table.”

“Are you following her?”

“I’m on my way out the door, heading toward Lisette’s house.”

“Good, call me when you get there. Hey, one more thing, Jackson. Take the necklace with you. When you find her, put it on her, and remind her I said not to remove it again.”

“Right, will do.”


Caitlin was still fuming after she stopped by Isobel’s to pick her up.

“What is bothering you,

The darkness began filling her, overshadowing her fae light. That hadn’t happened before. Maybe she should calm down. Talking might help.

“I can’t believe Jackson sided with Dylan, after all our scheming to get Dylan to cooperate.”

, men always side with each other, especially brothers. I suspect you will be disgusted with them quite often.” Isobel gave her a patient, understanding smile.

“Oh my God, tell me it’s not true. I’ve imprinted on brothers, of a fashion, now I’m to spend an eternity standing up to not just one man but to two. It hardly seems fair.”

Isobel giggled and whispered, “But the side benefits are worth it, no?”

“No.” Caitlin griped, then thought about making love with them. “Ah, hell. Yes. Definitely.”

“Look.” When Caitlin and Isobel arrived at Lissette’s, her door was ajar and no one answered when she called out her name.

“She was expecting us.” Caitlin held Isobel back with one hand and told her to wait. “Let me go inside and see if I can pick up any mental images before you enter.”

“Caitlin, you’re weak. You need blood. Should you do this?”

“It’s okay.” Caitlin entered and sensed fear and violence, but not death. Someone else had been there, too. She waved Isobel inside. “They’ve taken them, the Halflings and Lissette.”


“Demons, and rogues.” Caitlin whipped around trying to get a bearing on them. “Can’t you smell them?” She walked outside to get her bearings and Isobel followed.

“Wait. I smell human.” Isobel sniffed the air and pointed to dense underbrush along the path to the bayou. “Yes. Over there. It’s Lissette.”

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