Vaewolf: Damn the Darkness: The Prophecy's Promise (Hearts of Darkness Book 3) (36 page)

“Thank you. What about you, Shelby? Have you and the doctors figured out what’s going on with us?” He pointed to himself and Caitlin and Jackson.

“I have some genealogy slides to show you while Max goes over the descendant report, and then Dr. Victor Salazar will review the vampire history that coincides. Many of you will be surprised to find you may have a distance relative sitting somewhere in this room.” There were a few smiles and a couple of giggles. “Shall we begin?”

The light’s dimmed, and Shelby proceeded to show how generation after generation of supernatural beings, interbred outside their species.

“…even with humans, which produced the situation we have today. Dr. Max Hamilton will show you an example using his chart and Dylan Macgregor’s. As you can see, they sprang from genetics of the same great God Odin, only to end up here working together for the same cause.”

Chatter rose around the room as people pointed to names on the diagram and smiled at someone across the room. Max stood to speak and the slide changed. “This may seem more complicated, but it will show you in color how the gene pool has turned into preternatural genetic primordial soup.”

By the time Max finished his presentation, people seemed genuinely interested in where this information was leading. “Dr. Victor Salazar will explain the relevance of what we’ve been researching.”

Victor stood and identified his background, but when he admitted who had sired him, there were a few ripples of displeasure.

“No one knows more than I do the effects that the presence of evil can manifest within a society. The essence of evil in Amyra came at the hands of her lover, Baphomet, but if we go back farther in her lineage, perhaps we can understand why our esteemed Niccolai took care with his sister. Zeus, her father, the same as her brother’s, chose to sire children on many women—one of whom he loved and one he merely lusted for. When the lust was satiated all that remained was the girl child, Amyra, a threat to his wife and a reminder of the great god’s error. So he banished the child from Olympus to the streets, and there she remained until Baphomet found her. Even kindness born of evil, to a child starving for attention, is kindness nevertheless.”

“What does this have to do with whether Dylan and Caitlin should be bound? Our Jackson is our future?” One of the wolves raised that question.

Salazar pointed to the top of the genetic chart. “See all the colors as they spread through the leaves of this chart? Then he flipped to the other genealogy chart. “Look at the names, the genetics—fae, and minor gods, witches, wolves, shifters, vampires, psychics, berserkers, and
. We all have potential evil within our genetic makeup. But until a made vampire goes through metamorphosis, many of these genes remain recessive, never manifesting. What is the determining factor in this question,” he pointed at the wolf, “about Jackson? We are looking for a solution to the fertility problem. See here?” He pointed at the chart. “And here?” Again he pointed. “And here? Merging these factors may give us back a fertile chromosome…here.” The place he was pointing read: Caitlin Donovan. “Her background mix, and the blood that turned her, along with the chromosomes of the two men she imprinted on, may create the potential for the fertility serum we’ve been searching for.”

The room was dead silent.

Dylan stood and examined the charts. Caitlin and Jackson did the same. Then Dylan turned to Shelby, Caitlin’s maker, knowing she would never put her progeny at risk. “Do you believe this will work?”

Shelby’s eyes were glassy with emotion. “I do. I could not say it if I didn’t believe it.” She raised a finger of warning, hugging Caitlin. “You must be careful to follow the process precisely. Take your time and think this through.”

Caitlin rushed up to Jackson and dragged him over to Dylan. “We’ve thought it through.” She pointed to everyone in the room. “New world…new rules. I pledge my blood to you all for the fertility serum which will enable us to continue to protect the human realm. In exchange, you will help us create an army and keep the demons in the Underworld.” As she raised her glass in toast, Jackson raised his, and ever so slowly, Dylan followed.

“What’s the hesitancy?” Jackson asked taking Dylan aside.

“You know I love you like a younger brother, so the reluctance to share my mate with you has never been the issue. After seeing the scientific proof that I was meant to be part of the prophecy, that I hadn’t fucked everything up…is just mind boggling. You know? Hell—
the prophecy
one I’ve heard about all my life, the reason I fought all my life to keep the light, and plenty of times it was near impossible to find it, it had grown so dim. But to know all along I was meant for this…oh, gods, I could have ruined everything. You have no idea how many times I veered from the path—”

“Dylan, stop. You’re here now.” Jackson wrapped an arm around Dylan and held him until the panic subsided. “Everything is going to be all right. We are going to do this and fulfill the prophecy.”

Dylan started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Caitlin asked.

He picked her up and buried his face in her neck, then handed her to Jackson. “You Caitlin Donovan are the prophecy’s promise.”





Chapter Fifty One

Bound By Two


“So, three’s the prophecy’s secret number. We’re really ready to do this, right?” Jackson had all the props they needed to fulfill the prophecy ménage set up in the master bedroom.

The scrolls were laid out on a side table. Caitlin had on the moonstone necklace to protect her against Jackson’s wolf, should he get out of hand. Dylan and Jackson had already tested exchanging small amounts of blood in the last few days.

Dylan and Caitlin had already done two blood exchanges before he left her with Jackson. He’d been avoiding her to prevent himself from
her before Jackson. Now they were even. She and Jackson had performed their exchanges. The second time was the night after they sent Baphomet back to hell empty handed. After the fight, Jackson had told Dylan he thought Baphomet was right. There was something wrong with them if they didn’t have the balls to
Caitlin. Apparently, the demon unwittingly forced their hand. The decision unanimously supported by the researchers’ genome theory. The scroll inscriptions confirmed it.


“Tonight the timing has to be perfect,” Dylan warned. “Everyone understand the process? Let’s go over the plan one more time.”

“I think we have it,” Caitlin teased.

“Humor me, lass.” Dylan wasn’t taking chances. “Jackson and I will exchange blood first, then you, Caitlin will feed from each of us.”

“And while you both make love to me—wahoo—you’ll both take my blood. Relax. We’ve got it, Dylan.”

“Simultaneously. Don’t forget that, Jackson—”

“He won’t forget. Geez, Dylan. You’re worrying like an old woman.”

“I don’t want to be about sex,” she said. Under the circumstances, she wondered if either Jackson or Dylan would be able to respond sexually. The pressure had to be overwhelming for them if it was anything like it was for her. After all, she was a sex fae. Shelby and Simone generously had taught her a few tricks about using her faery dust.

The moonstone necklace contained a secret compartment. After her last fae orgasm, that night before the party, Caitlin had collected enough dust to fill the locket. She would leave nothing to chance. Psychological pressure wasn’t going to affect her males on her Binding Day if she could help.

“This requires strategic planning,” Dylan argued. Always the warrior.

“So far Jackson’s blood hasn’t disagreed with yours, so take a chill pill.” Caitlin was losing patience.

“That isn’t going to be the worst of the risks. The true danger will come when the vaewolf tries to
you, Caitlin. I’ll instinctively respond.”

The plan was to prevent the wolf in Jackson from surfacing until after the vampires bound her.

Jackson had been experimenting. “I’ve tested the Wolf’s Bane multiple times, and during the last full moon. I’m sure I can keep the wolf suppressed during the ceremony. But, once Caitlin is bound to us, Dylan, you have to leave so my wolf can

“Timing is everything.”

“Dylan, your control means everything.” Caitlin sensed he still had misgivings. “I have complete faith in you.”

She’ll be safe.” Jackson reassured him. “My wolf would never hurt his mate.”

“According to all the scrolls, Jackson’s wolf must
the ancient Wolf Goddess, Leto, within me. You mustn’t stop him, Dylan, no matter what. All the Lorean’s DNA must be merged within me before we can bear young. Then Max and Victor can create the serum from my blood for everyone else.”

A bright glowing light filled the room and an otherworldly voice, spoke:

Do not fear the unknown, Dylan. Once I saved you from death and the darkness, and you promised to fulfill my request. Fulfilling the prophecy this night is my request. Child of my loins and child of my blood you are the hope of our world, and your mate is a gift from the gods. Merge the powers of the gods of old and rule with great wisdom.

The voice faded and the light dimmed until it was gone.

“Niccolai?” Caitlin asked.

Wordless, Dylan and Jackson, nodded simultaneously.

“Then I guess it’s all settled. Nice of him to drop by. Uh—he could have shown up—what d’ya say like a while back and saved us a whole lot of grief.”

Dylan was shaking his head, still silently staring at the spot in the room where the light had manifested, and Jackson scanned the room looking like, if he could, he’d drag his father back to answer a few questions.

When Dylan turned around his eyes were glassy, and he roughly cleared his voice. “The mental power it took to do what Niccolai just managed would have taken months to accumulate in his condition. No one can manifest light or speak while they are interned.”

“Then you boys should consider yourself lucky you have a father who cares enough to put our minds to rest. He apparently loves you both very, very much. And so do I. So are we ready to get the wedding underway?”

“It’s not a wedding.” Jackson groaned.

“No, it’s not. It’s more,” Dylan seconded. “And when the time comes for the real wedding,” Dylan grinned and chucked Jackson under the chin, “No ripping out of the tux.”

“Oh, you’re both absolutely correct. As soon as we’re done here, we’re planning the ‘Wedding of the Ages.’ I’m thinking fae—going to wear a huge flouncy dress and have an enormous long train made of real flowers. The crown and veil will all be made of flowers, too. And you both will be dressed appropriately in formal leadership attire—”

“Ready,” Dylan asked Jackson who nodded.

Both men shuddered and stared at each other and smiled.

“Enough.” Jackson gave Dylan a conspiratorial eye-roll. And for the first time since they decided to go through with this, Dylan genuinely laughed out loud. “Talk later,” Jackson said to Caitlin as he picked her up and kissed her. “Move to the center of the bed, now.”

Jackson picked up two glasses and handed one to her and Dylan toasted them all with the drink that looked like Champagne, but was actually a special tonic to keep them all more in control for the Binding Ceremony.

“I have a gift for us, too.” Caitlin said. “Something to relax you and make sure nothing interferes with you two making love to me.”

She finished her drink, put the glass on the side table, then sat back in the middle of the bed and opened her moonstone locket. Out spilled the faery dust. She sprinkled it over her body and wiped a small amount over her lips. “Insurance.”

“For what?”

“Timing is everything right. We can’t take chances on…anything,” Caitlin insisted.

“Wh-wha—” Jackson stammered, and his horrified look confirmed he was both astonished and insulted. “Is she saying what I think she’s saying?”

Dylan interrupted with heavily accented words, “Och, lass, donnae fash yerself, never in my verra long life…has
ever been a problem.”

His Highland brogue confirmed that, but no sense taking chances.

“And it definitely won’t be a problem tonight. I want everyone relaxed, unconcerned about anything. I leave nothing to chance.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “Now, come here and kiss me.”

“Like I need an invitation.” Jackson rounded one side of the oversized bed and joined her, then Dylan tentatively took the other side. Caitlin turned after kissing Jackson and touched Dylan’s chest softly. His sex rose and his nipples tightened. He trembled, trying to hold back until the faery dust and the drink kicked in together.

“What’s the problem, Dylan?” Jackson asked.

“Absolutely, nothing,” Dylan replied. “I never knew how ready I was for this. I’m looking forward to the home we’ll be starting, and finally to being part of a real family.”

Then the sex fae part of Caitlin emerged, this time working side by side with her. Her wings popped and her hair grew. After that, Dylan was all business. She kept Dylan focused on her and sex, while she maneuvered him to his back, and straddled him the way they planned.

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