Velvet and Lace (13 page)

Read Velvet and Lace Online

Authors: Shannon Reckler

“Thanks Grams.” She grabbed the elbow the older woman held out and she followed her inside. She smiled at the smell of breakfast. “You’ve been up for a while.”

“Well, after Patty called, I had to do something. So I made biscuits, gravy, and pork chops.” Her short grey hair was already styled for the day, brushed in waves away from her face. Her light blue eyes were full of concern. Daphne walked into her out stretched arms and took in Grams’ familiar scent.

She ran her hand through Daphne’s long blonde hair. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

Daphne shook her head and pulled away. “I don’t even know what to think, Grams, I can’t imagine why anyone would want to burn down my shop. I didn’t think it would be particularly welcome in Ambrosia, but I also didn’t think anyone would be that angry over it.”

“Angry over what, my dear?” Grams led her over to the kitchen table and then went over to make two plates. When she returned Daphne confessed what the shop really was and watched as Grams eyes bugged for a moment and then burst out laughing in a deep belly laugh.

“Oh lord, honey. You are definitely going to shake thing up around here aren’t you?” They ate in silence for a moment. Until Grams put her fork down. “It’s going to be the talk of the town for a while but I don’t think anyone is going to be particularly angry over it. Especially not angry enough to try and burn it down. We don’t have that kind of crime around here. Sure, Gary gets drunk every now and then and gets a little touchy feely with the women and occasionally the teens throw a rowdy party. But, honey, no one would burn down your shop.”

“Someone tried to, Grams. I don’t know who it was, but I know that someone has to dislike me enough to try and burn it down. I’m lucky that the fire department got there when they did. Trent says there isn’t too much damage and he and his crew should be able to fix it.” Daphne ran a hand through her hair. She finished her plate and pushed it away. Grams had been silent for a while and she looked up to see the older woman staring at her with a smirk on her face.


“I was just watching the way your expression changed when you talked about Trent. It’s about time you know.”

“About time? Grams, I’ve only been back in town for a few weeks.”

“And? That boy has been interested in you for years. He just had to pull his head out of his ass and get away from those stuck up pricks of friends he used to have.” Grams sipped at her coffee and Daphne sat quietly for a moment trying to let her words sink in.

“You are crazy. I was fat and ugly back in high school. I kissed him and he rejected me.”

“You are not fat and ugly. You never have been. Yu just let those mean bitches make you think you were. Trent never looked at you like that. I remember the way he used to look at him when you tutored him. He used to watch you when you had your head buried in a book.” Grams picked up the dishes and walked to the sink. Daphne was too shocked to move. “You’re curves have always been your best asset, my dear, and even though you’ve been rather conscious of your body. I’m glad to see you haven’t completely lost them.” She winked over her shoulder, as she began to wash the dishes. The silence was refreshing. Daphne sat listening to the water slosh in the sink, until a thought occurred to her.

“What was Grandpa like?” Daphne didn’t bring the topic up often, because Grams didn’t like to talk about him much. He had died in the same accident her parents did. They had all been returning from town. Daphne had been with Grams at the grocery store, while her parents and Grandpa had gone to run other errands. Daphne couldn't remember him much, because her parents had just chosen to move back to Ambrosia so that Daphne could grow up in the same small town that they did. They had only been in town for about a week before the accident.

Grams set the dishes down in the soap water and then dried her hands, before she came back to sit at the table. 

“Your Grandpa was the love of my life, Magnolia.” She took a deep breath, and Daphne almost regretted asking. She opened her mouth to tell her that she didn’t need to talk about it but her Grams silenced her with a look. “You’re fine. It’s okay. Rick was a very loving man. He worked hard so that I didn’t have to. He loved to dance and have fun. He loved to take care of me and I enjoyed taking care of him.” Her eyes were slightly misty, but the tears never fell. 

“Why did you never remarry?” Daphne had wondered that for many years. It wasn’t like there were no men interested. It just seemed that Grams never had any interest in them.

“Do you believe in soul mates, Daphne?” It was rare that Grams used that name for her.

“I’m not sure.”

“I do. And I know Rick was my soul mate. After his accident, I knew that there was never going to be another person who could fill the void that was created. I didn’t want someone to fill that void. I had you to raise and don’t think that that was a bad thing. You helped me get through a rough time. I loved raising you even though the cost was great.” She paused and it seemed like she was trying to keep the tears at bay. Daphne felt her own emotions rise. “I miss him, every day. But I’ve had a good life without any other man. I’m glad for my decision. Why did you ask?” She returned to washing dishes. Daphne knew that doing something as simple as the dishes or laundry had always calmed her grandmother.

“I think I’m in love with Trent. But that doesn’t make sense to me. It’s only been a few weeks. We’ve been on two dates. It feels silly to me.”

“Love is never silly, my dear, nor does it always make sense.” Grams smiled over her shoulder.

Daphne sat for a while, thinking and just listening to the sounds of Grams washing the dishes and the birds chirping outside.

“Why don’t you go lay down for a while? I bet you got dragged out of bed to go to that terrible scene and you’ve had a lot happen since then. Maybe your brain just needs a break. I can wake you up in a few hours.” Grams had finished the dishes and was now leaning up against the counter. Daphne nodded in agreement and headed up the stairs.





Chapter 8


Daphne had just got in her car, when her cell phone rang. She smiled at the name on the screen. “Hey. How is everything going?”

“Hello to you too, beautiful. Everything is wrapping up nicely here. We are putting the last coat of paint on now. You coming by to check on things?” Trent’s voice whispered into her ear. Daphne smiled at how happy he sounded.

It had been about three days since the fire and Trent had been a miracle worker. They had torn up everything that had been damaged and started over. Daphne hadn’t been by the shop yet but Trent wanted her to come make sure everything matched and was okay for her standards.

She pulled the Camaro into the parking lot and was surprised by the change. The parking lot was clear and empty, other than a few trucks she recognized as the crew’s. She couldn’t see any visible smoke damage like she had before. The window had been replaced and the store sign had been hung. “Velvet and Lace: May All Your Fantasies Come True.” Daphne smiled, feeling better than she had in days.

She stepped inside the shop and was instantly greeted by the crew. Owen and Carson were the only two working up front, painting over the sheet rock with the light lavender color she had picked out. The dark, cherry hardwood floor had been restored and there weren’t any more burn marks on the ceiling. It looked like they had cleaned and repainted it.

“You guys do amazing work.” She went over and kissed each man’s cheek, causing them to blush in turn. She didn’t see Trent so she headed back to where the stock room would be and found him sorting through the display boxes. She closed the door to the small room behind her.

“Hey, handsome, what are you doing?”

Trent jerked his head up at her voice, and dropped the box he was holding. “I was getting ready to start putting the displays together. The floor is all done and we can put displays up against the walls that are dry. The other two walls should be dry by tomorrow. So we might be able to have everything up and ready in two days.” He smiled and bent down to kiss her. She easily moved up onto her tip toes to meet his lips. His tongue delved inside and she gave up control to him, loving when he took control.

He pulled back and she dropped her arms to hold his waist loosely. His lower back was sweaty and she enjoyed the feel of his damp skin. She skimmed her fingers under his t-shirt, drawing small circles.

“If you keep doing that, I’m going to fuck you here.”

His harsh words sent a shiver straight down to her pussy, making her wet.

“That wouldn’t be so bad would it?” Daphne moved her fingers to the front of the waist band of his jeans.

“Daphne, don’t play with fire.” Trent kept his hands at his sides, his fists clenched tightly.

“What if I want to get burned?” Daphne reached between them and cupped his cock through his jeans. She reached for the button on his fly when there was a knock at the door.

“Uh, boss?” Owen’s voice carried from the hallway and Trent jerked away from her. Daphne smirked at the noticeable bulge behind his fly. There wouldn’t be any hiding from Owen, but she didn’t mind. “We just finished up painting and we were wondering what was next. Should we do something else here, or go back and finish the day out at your place?” Owen's voice carried through the door. Daphne pressed herself up against his back, rubbing her stiff nipples against him.

“Ah, umm, why don’t you just head back to the house? There isn’t much else to do here other than the last few touch–ups and setup, and we can’t do that until the paint is dry. We can come in tomorrow and help Daphne set everything up.” Trent’s voice was deep and husky and Daphne smiled against his back. Daphne reached around, stroking the tops of his thighs, but made sure she stayed away from his cock.

“Sure thing, boss. We will pack up and head out, should only take us a few minutes.” Owen’s voice got soft as his footsteps retreated. Trent stood rigid for a moment, she guessed he was listening to make sure Owen was far enough away.

Daphne yelped when Trent turned swiftly around and picked her up, and  then walked into the office, setting her down on the desk.

“That wasn’t very nice, Magnolia.” Trent winked at her and her nickname took on a whole other meaning. When he stroked his hand down his cock through his jeans, Daphne whimpered. “Is this what you want?” Daphne slowly nodded and bit her lip. She wanted to reach out to him but he stood to far away.

Trent nodded in her direction. “Take your shorts off.” He stood back, leaning against the wall so she had plenty of space to maneuver. She quickly stripped out of the shorts and eased out of her flip flops. “You didn’t take off your panties, Magnolia.” He raised an eyebrow at her.

“You didn’t tell me too.” Daphne raised her own eyebrow in challenge and he had a twinkle in his eye as he smiled down at her.

“Sit down on the desk with your butt on the edge.” His words were whispered as he stood there stroking himself. Daphne did as she was told. Her panties were a thong and no protection from the cold wood of the desk. She shivered as she settled where he instructed.

“Good girl, now spread your thighs.” Trent moved closer to her, but never touched her. She easily opened herself for him, her pulse racing as she eagerly awaited his next step.

“Tell me what you want.” He placed a hand on her knee, and shivered under his touch, goose-bumps raising on her exposed skin.

“I want you.” Daphne bit her lip, trying to play sweet and innocent.

“That’s not good enough, baby.” He rubbed circles on her inner thigh, but kept his hands away from where she wanted them. Daphne was getting frustrated.

“I want you to fuck me, Trent, with that gorgeous hard cock of yours. Is that better?” Daphne winked up at him, and slid just a pinch farther so that his hand moved up her thigh, just barely an inch away from her soaking wet pussy.

“Oh that’s much better, baby. Unfortunately for you, since you teased me, you aren’t going to get it.” Trent bent his legs so that he was kneeling between hers. He moved aside her thin scrap of black lace and took one long lick up her slit. Daphne moaned and gripped his hair, trying not to buck her hips.

When his tongue circled her clit, she screamed out his name. Daphne dropped her head back, holding herself up on flat palms against the desk. When he slipped two fingers inside her cunt, she began to see stars. She had a fleeting thought about how easily he brought her to the brink, and then he flicked his fingers up stroking her g-spot as he sucked on her clit.

Daphne instantly exploded just as fast as it all started, grinding her pussy against his face as he continued to ravish her vagina. She had to pull his head away because she couldn’t take it anymore. Trent licked his lips and as much as he could of his chin, clearly relishing her juices that were coating his skin.

Trent moved her panties back into place and then placed a loving kiss on top of them. He stood up and then placed a kiss on her forehead. He handed her her shorts and she looked up at him in confusion.

“What about you?” Daphne stood and held her shorts in her hand.

“I’m good, I wanted that to be for you. Plus I need a shower.” He grimaced as lifted one arm and he smelled himself.

Daphne quickly pulled on her shorts and placed a hand on his chest. “I think you smell amazing. And my orgasm was much appreciated but I think you deserve one too.” Daphne dropped to her knees and made quick work of the button on his fly and then slowly eased the zipper down, making sure she was careful of his erection.

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