Velvet and Lace (16 page)

Read Velvet and Lace Online

Authors: Shannon Reckler

“You love her don’t you?” Liam’s words caught him off guard as he watched the way Daphne’s dress fluttered and moved when she twisted.

“I do. Is it that obvious?” Trent smiled over at Liam when the other man nodded.

“Oh yeah, you got it bad. But I can only tell because I’m sure that goofy look is on my face with I look at Anna. And just out of courtesy for my better treat Daphne right.”

Trent nodded his understanding. He would never, ever hurt Daphne but he would say the same thing to himself if he was in Liam’s place. The continued to eat some of the food for a while before the song changed to a slower song, “When She’s On” by Chris Young. Trent excused himself and walked purposefully to the dance floor. Anna saw him coming and gave him a knowing look. Daphne looked over her shoulder as she rocked on the floor to the first lines of the song. Her eyes flared with heat and love and Trent almost stopped in his tracks.

Instead, he sped up and caught her by the waist bringing her flush against his body, bent her slightly back and brought his lips down on hers, pouring everything he was feeling for her into that kiss. It wasn’t an erotic kiss but the feeling of her fingers sliding into his hair sent a shiver through his body. He brought her back up and a whistle rang out.

He caught Liam laughing in the booth and he knew it had been him. He almost flipped him off but Daphne threw her head back and laughed. Fitting her into his arms, he led her around the dance floor, following the flow of the rest of the dancers. There was a sparkle in Daphne’s eyes and he would embarrass himself a million times to put that look on her face.

“You do know how to put on quite the show, Mr. Bradshaw. I feel like we aren’t ever going to be able to come here without putting on some kind of show.” Daphne lifted a finger and wiped at the corner of his mouth, presumably to remove some of her lip gloss.

He smiled down at her. “I think you like the attention.”

“Maybe.” She winked and he executed a couple of intricate steps, spinning her around him a few times, before bringing her back again. The song came to an end and he brought her in for a hug. When the song changed, Trent had to laugh. It was so fitting. “Firecracker” by Josh Turner came through the speakers. Daphne playfully punched him in the shoulder but she fit right back into his arms as they took off at almost a racing pace. It was a very fast two-step but once again Daphne kept up with him completely and he fell even more in love with her. He loved that she loved to dance.

He bent to whisper in her ear. "God, baby, I love to watch you move." He winked and she laughed. Then she began to sashay her hips more and she was sight to watch. He almost missed a step and she gave him a knowing look.

By the time the song was over they were both sweating. They took a breather and both went back to the booth to grab some water. They were alone when they got back, Anna and Liam had passed them headed to the dance floor. Trent high-fived Liam but he noticed the other man looked rather nervous as Anna dragged him closer to the square.

“You’ve got some good moves, Ms. Brooks.” Trent grazed her butt again. This time she didn’t brush her hand away. They were standing at their booth and no one was around them. She leaned into his touch, so he let his hand linger for a moment.

“You haven’t even begun to see all of my moves, Mr. Bradshaw.” Daphne leaned into his body, and placed her hand on his cheek. Then she placed a chaste kiss on his lips. He threw his head back and laughed, falling deeper and deeper in love with her.




Daphne still couldn’t believe the way her heart fluttered every time Trent whispered in her ear, or touched her, even if it was just a graze. She looked up at him, his laugh was incredibly infections and she loved the easy way they fit together. He was right. She did need this night out to take her mind off of the things that had happened recently.

“You want to wait for a while longer or would you like to go back out on the dance floor?” They had moved to sitting in the booth while they watched Anna try to get Liam to lead her around the dance floor. He was a very good doctor but he didn’t have a whole lot of rhythm.

Daphne was curled underneath his shoulder in the booth, and he placed a kiss down on her forehead. “Actually, I was thinking you should go save Liam and Anna. She loves to dance and I think she would love to be spun around by your awesome moves for a little while.”

“You are full of surprises, baby. I would love to dance with Anna. I just don’t want you to be jealous. You know I only have eyes for you.” His line was so cheesy, but she couldn’t help the way the butterflies moved in her stomach to his words.

“Oh I know. You haven’t even noticed the group of women in the other corner who ogle your butt every time we dance near them. But I know you will be good to Anna, and I have absolutely no jealous toward her. So go show her a little fun. Liam is starting to look nauseous.” She gently pushed him out of the booth and he held up his hands in surrender.

Daphne watched the look of relief cross Liam’s face when Trent asked to cut in and laughed as he raced away before Anna could protest. But as soon as Trent scooped her up, a huge smile spread across her face and she didn’t seem to mind anymore.

Liam reached for his beer and slid into the booth, with his leg propped up and his back against the wall so that he was able to see the dance floor.  “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have no idea if that was your ideas or his, but I thank you just the same. I feel terrible every time we come here. Anna loves to dance but I have two left feet no matter how many lessons she gives me.”

Anna and Trent danced for a few songs and Daphne and Liam chatted about the hospital and Liam’s hectic schedule. She wasn’t aware that Anna and Liam rarely got to spend the night together. With both of them working at the hospital, they were on-call most of the time and rarely got a day off together. Daphne felt guilty that she didn’t know that and decided she and Anna needed to spend some more time together.

She returned her attention to the dance floor, watching as Trent dipped, twirled, and two-stepped with Anna. He was an incredible dancer and she knew she was lucky. Watching wasn’t so bad either. Trent danced almost like he fucked and that was impressive. Every movement was calculated but fluid. It was expertly executed. It was seductive. Daphne’s scrap-of-lace panties were getting soaked watching his body move and thinking about what they could be doing if they were alone.

Liam’s attention was on his own wife, so there was no awkward silence. Daphne had to give it to her friend. She might be a better dancer than Daphne. Trent and Anna moved amazingly together. Daphne knew she could follow his lead well. But it seemed that Anna almost anticipated what Trent was going to do next, making her move an extension of his.

After a few more songs they returned back to the table, both laughing, smiling, and in need of water. Daphne glanced up at Trent, trying to keep the heat from her eyes but she saw his nostrils flare. He was standing at the end of the table and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

“Did you enjoy watching, baby?”

She nodded and sparks flickered in his eyes, mirroring her own.

“So I think we are going to head home.” Liam had slid out of the booth and was standing behind Anna with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Anna winked at Daphne and she knew exactly where they were headed since they had finally gotten some time off together Daphne couldn’t blame them. She hugged each of them goodbye and watching, laughing, as they scampered away.

“I think we should go home too.” Daphne whispered the words in Trent’s ear as he took a sip of his beer. He slowly lowered the bottle to the table and then slid out of the booth. Daphne smiled seductively at him, as she twisted her legs, purposefully giving him a peak at her panties as she scooted out behind him.

His hand was hot on her lower back as he took care of the bill at the bar. Trent nodded to Logan, and then walked her outside. When he helped her into the truck his had slipped into the crack of her ass. She almost moaned out loud but bit her lips to keep from drawing attention to them in the parking lot.

When Trent climbed into the driver’s seat, Daphne slid closer to the center console so that she could rest her hand on his thigh. He was tense as he pulled out of the parking lot. When she slid her hand up to rest in the vee of his legs, resting the back of her hand against his balls, he cursed. But she smiled when he never asked her to move her hand.

As they drove back to Trent’s apartment, Daphne grew bolder as she began to move her hand up and down, rubbing his balls slowly. She knew he was rock hard under his jeans and she loved the white-knuckled grip he had on the steering wheel. They didn’t say anything as they made the drive but as they neared the apartment Daphne moved her hand to stroke his length with her fingertips and he let out a harsh curse.

She never looked at his face. She was trying to be playful yet remain detached. It wasn’t working. Just the feel of his cock under her fingertips was making her pussy clench. She didn’t wait for him to help her out of the truck this time.

They walked silently to the door, at a slightly hurried pace. As soon as Trent unlocked the door, Daphne stepped inside and stripped off her dress. Standing in her demi-push up bra, lace panties, and her favorite cowboy boots, she felt sexy.

Trent slowly turned around from locking the door and there was a depth of fire in his gaze. He looked like a predator. Her first instinct was to run and she knew she would love the chase. She would love to be caught and perhaps punished. Almost as soon as the wicked thought crossed her mind, Trent lifted his lips in a half smile and crooked his finger motioning her to come to him.

“Do you have any idea how much torture that was? I could barely concentrate on driving.” She stepped into his embrace and his hands, once again, slipped down to her behind. He cupped her cheeks and lifted her hips against his, bringing her up onto her tip toes. He took a step forward and easily lifted her into his arms.

“Mmm, my favorite place to be.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, clinging to him as he walked through the apartment. She placed a kiss on his chin, his neck, his nose, and finally his mouth as he stepped into his bedroom.

“I enjoy this position too.” He ground his hips against hers, rubbing his dick against her core, grazing her clit. He set her down on the bed and then held up a hand for each boot, helping her wedge them off. Then he began to strip for her. With each article of clothing he lost, her panties got a little wetter but she made no move to strip them off. She was enjoying the gorgeous man getting naked in front of her.  

Once he was naked, she reached for him and he willingly stepped closer so that she could touch him. She ran her nails over his abs and sides. Then down to his thighs and knees and then back up again, repeating the motions. Each time she got closer and closer to his cock until she finally ran her fingertips lightly over his balls, loving the way they moved when she touched them.

His cock jerked when she ran her finger lightly over the broad tip. Trent put his hands on his hips, letting her explore freely. After a few moments, she gripped him firmly and slowly stroked his cock before she looked up at him.

“I want you to fuck my ass,” Daphne whispered.

Trent sucked in a breath at her words, and his cock pulsed in her hand. “Are you sure?”

Trent stroked her cheek and she leaned into his touch. “Yes, completely. I want that connection with you. I need that connection with you.” She stood before him and stripped off her bra and thong, leaving her body bared to his gaze. She slipped her hands around his neck and pressed herself too him. “I really want this.”

He brought his hands down to her neck and tilted her mouth up to his. With his hand buried in her hair, he held her steady and drove his tongue into her mouth. He was possessing and claiming everything she had to give him.

When they were both panting, he pulled away from her and stripped the bed of the comforter and top sheet, leaving just the fitted one. Daphne leaned back against the wall watching him. He disappeared into the bathroom and grabbed a few towels. Then he turned on the bedside lamp and turned off the overhead light, casting shadows throughout the room.

“Do you still have that toy bag here, baby?”

“I actually put it in the nightstand. I also brought a new bottle of lube so we would have enough.” She looked away.

“You planned for this?” Trent smiled at her, when she nodded.

“I told you I was sure. Unless of course you don’t want to do it. Shit, I didn’t even think about that. We don’t—” Daphne looked up as Trent placed a finger over her rambling lips.

“I want this. I really want this. It’s just the thought of hurting you that makes me pause. We didn’t even get to the large plug the other night. It’s going to take a little while to get you stretched enough to try. I can’t stress enough how much I do not want to hurt you.” He placed his forehead on hers, gazing down into her eyes. She leaned forward and kissed his chest then grabbed his hand and led him to the bed.

Daphne crawled into the center and pulled him along with her so that he was laying on top. They kissed for a few minutes, dueling tongues and fanning the flames of their desires. Daphne writhed underneath his body, wanting his hands everywhere. She loved the feel of his weight pressed against hers.

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