Vengeance Born (The Light Blade #1) (19 page)

His banter was as warm as the heat coming from the fire.

“It might be a good thing if you stay there the night then.” She patted the bundle that lay on the ground next to the fire. “There’s only one dry blanket to sleep under tonight.”

His dry chuckle sent a thrill rippling along her spine. “What? Sick of my company already?”

But she didn’t say that out loud.

Leaning forward, she rotated the carcass on the spit, the scent of cooking flesh making her mouth water, delighted to discover she enjoyed his gentle teasing. She glanced toward the pool. It lay beyond the light of the fire but with her enhanced sight she could see Kalan’s face clearly in the darkness. He was grinning.

Her breath caught and, for the smallest second, Annika let herself forget the tension of the last few days. Just once she wanted to indulge in the pleasure of the moment.

Tilting her head to one side, and keeping her expression bland, she pretended to consider his question. “You’re tolerable, I suppose, for a human.”

“Tolerable?” Her smile broke free at his mock, outraged tone. He swam to the side of the pool closest to her and hooked a wet arm over the edge. One dark eyebrow arched as his gaze locked with hers. “That’s not what your eyes are telling me,

Chapter 12



ER eyes
. Annika stiffened. Her smile froze then faded. Kalan didn’t need enhanced sight, just the flickering flames of the fire to see the color of her eyes.

Bracing his hands on the rocky edge, he surged from the pool, the movement graceful. Long, lean limbs and hard, toned muscles glistened wetly. Water sheeted off him as he walked to where he’d left the blanket, and retrieved it.

Her heart began to pound. She tried to look away but couldn’t stop herself from staring. He had the sleek, powerful body of a warrior in his prime. All raw, masculine strength. The steam curling off every inch of his smooth skin gave new meaning to the word

Kalan took his time drying, so comfortable with his nudity it made her envious. As if aware of her scrutiny, he turned, his gaze locked with hers. The connection, the hunger of arousal glittering in his eyes sent fire racing through her.

“The blue in your eyes right now reminds me of glacial ice on a cold winter’s day.” He tossed the wet blanket over a boulder to dry and bent to retrieve his clothes. He pulled on his breeches. “Beau-tiful.”

An automatic rejection rose in her throat but instead she breathed deep, seeking his scent, needing more than just visual clues to ascertain the truth. The fragrance of heated male drifted across the distance separating them, earth and spice, the same one she’d detected in the barn the night before.

Like a
addict she inhaled again, biting her lip as it settled heavily in her lungs. The herbal plant was used by the
to lower new blood-slaves’ resistance to servitude. Burning the leaves induced a euphoric daze. The longer it was inhaled, the more they required next time to reach that state.

Kalan’s scent proved just as alluring. If he smelled this good, what would it be like to actually taste him? The image of her running her tongue along the skin of his throat formed in her mind and the heat in her cheeks spread much lower.

Annika squirmed where she sat, fighting the sensation. Hadn’t she learned her lesson last night? Nothing could come from being attracted to a human. She looked away.

“Annika, don’t be ashamed of what you feel.”

His soft admonishment caused her cheeks to flame afresh.

Her gaze snapped up, snagged his. He’d shrugged on his shirt. “Have you any idea how many times I’ve wished that my eyes were just one color?” She hated that she never seemed to be able to control her emotions around him.

“You see them as a flaw?”

His incredulous tone wrenched a derisive laugh from her. “How can I not? Once the
or human-slaves could interpret the colors what do you think they did, Light Blade?”

“I won’t use that knowledge to hurt you.”

“So you say now.”

A muscle flexed in his jaw and the emerald color in his eyes darkened. “If my honor isn’t enough to reassure you, perhaps my words will be.”

An air of tension radiated from him but it wasn’t anger. On bare feet he padded around the fire to crouch in front of her. His tongue swept across his bottom lip and his brow dipped a little as if he was debating telling her something.

“What you’re feeling… I’m experiencing it, too…” He exhaled an unsteady breath. “It brings me pleasure knowing that you enjoy looking at me.”

She wanted to deny his words but the hunger in his gaze intensified, and with him so close she knew his scent had altered, strengthened, spice mingled with light citrus with just the faintest tinge of smoky surprise intertwined with trepidation. No heavy, putrid odor of repulsion.

She searched his face for any sign of deceit. The human part of her couldn’t credit he’d admitted to being attracted to her, her demon half insisted she trust her instincts. Which should she trust—her heart or her senses?

Kalan watched the flecks in Annika’s eyes change from black to pale bronze. She looked as astonished by his admission as he felt.

“I’m a demon…”

Her whispered words, an echo of his own the evening before, pierced his gut. Her pain challenged him.

,” he refuted.

“You think I’m tainted…”

Less than three days ago he’d have agreed with her. Three days ago, if they met anywhere but in that dungeon below Savyr’s keep, he’d have driven his blade into her heart and used his Gift to kill her. But she’d saved his life, given him his freedom, and called into question everything he believed to be true about demons.

“Annika, I don’t understand the attraction between us any more than you do.”

“You continue to toy with me. Why?”

If the situation wasn’t so tenuous Kalan would have laughed. Her suspicion and distrust grated against his pride.

He shook his head. “I’m not toying with you. I have no ulterior motive.”

“You claim you’re attracted to me, yet last night you were repulsed by the idea that you almost kissed me.” Her accusation was shadowed with pain. “Am I to believe you’ve had a change of heart in less than a day?”

Her disbelief was justified. He ran a hand through his damp hair. “Annika, I don’t know what else I can say—”

“Prove it.”


She swallowed convulsively. “Kiss me.” Her chin tilted. Flecked with green, her eyes sparkled in silent challenge.

His pulse began to race, his body grew hot, and
Lady’s Breath
, he was getting hard, turned on by her dare. Closing the distance between them to place his lips on hers took little effort to imagine. A single heartbeat and he’d finally discover what she tasted like.

None of what he was experiencing was making any sense and until it did, kissing her wouldn’t be a good idea.

Her lip curled the longer he hesitated. “Your scent might reek of desire but you’re still disgusted by the fact you’re attracted to a demon.”

“Not disgusted,
,” he denied, and deep inside that was the truth. It was frustrating that she continued to see him in such a negative light. “Try confused.”

With that, he dipped his head and slanted his mouth over hers. For the barest moment Annika stiffened, and then placed her hand against his chest to grip his shirt and hold on. He buried his fingers into the soft strands of her hair at the back of her neck to steady her.

Merciful Mother
, her lips were soft, silky, and sweeter than any fruit he’d ever consumed. Kalan traced them with his tongue, allowing himself to enjoy their texture and taste, feasting on and teasing himself with the scintillating combination. He sucked on the fullest part of her bottom lip, grazing it with his teeth.

The small voice in the back of his head warning him to stop, that kissing her was a mistake, was drowned out by the blood pounding inside his head. Every heartbeat spent tasting her wasn’t enough to satiate the need building in him.

He groaned; the wild, untamed sound wrenched from deep within his chest. Dropping his other hand to her waist, he pulled her up against him.

Annika twisted away from him, her breath coming in small gasps. In the firelight, her lips shone wet from their kiss. Her eyes glowed a pale ice blue, almost silver. “Kalan… I can’t…”

The waver in her voice drew him back from the edge, checked his desire.
Lady’s Breath
, he’d never intended to lose control so quickly. He dropped to his knees, his own breath ragged, and gripped his thighs hard to stop himself trembling.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“You didn’t.” Her shudder indicated otherwise. Her head dropped. Guilt dampened his arousal. Her voice fell to a whisper. “I’ve never done that before.”

“What? Kissed?”

“Yes.” She gave a half-shrug before meeting his gaze head-on, the obstinate tilt to her chin back. How could such vulnerability and incredible inner strength coexist in this woman? “Human or demon. I didn’t think you’d do it…”

She didn’t know how to kiss? The thought of teaching her sent a thrill racing through him and was enough to rouse his hunger back to life. Now wasn’t the time though. She had to understand something first.

Heat curled in the pit of Annika’s belly at the flare of hunger in Kalan’s eyes. Was he remembering their kiss? She laced her fingers together, resisting the urge to touch her mouth.

His scent saturated the air, heavy, drugging her senses, tempting her as nothing ever had before.
Lady of Light,
it made her burn, ache. Her lips tingled, felt swollen, and the spicy flavor of him lingered on her tongue. She’d give anything to taste him again.

She tensed as he lifted his hand and reached out to her. The backs of his fingers trailed along her cheek, then he cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand.

“Annika, I liked kissing you.”

She shook her head. “You’re a Light Blade warrior—”

He placed a finger across her lips to stop her speaking. “I’m a man who enjoyed kissing a woman.” His deep voice slid through her, its husky tone caressing the length of her spine.

The meaning of his words sank in. She stilled, hating how sincere he sounded, but even more she loathed how her heart leapt in hope at his declaration.

“You lie…” Her words were hoarse, harsh, unforgiving.

She lifted her gaze to meet his as the silence spun out. The barest hint of a smile tilted the corners of his mouth, promising so much, and the impact of it hit her low in the stomach.

When Kalan spoke his tone was gentle. “Kiss me this time. See for yourself how much I enjoyed our first encounter.”

Her eyes widened. What he suggested was madness. What did he expect to come of this?

One dark eyebrow inched upward. “Afraid?”

The softly delivered dare sparked her temper. She planted a hand against his chest, fisted it in his shirt then hesitated as his smile grew. She didn’t know whether to push him away or pull him closer. His scent teased her nostrils. Aroused male. Her nerves sizzled.

Human weakness tempted her with the need to know what it would be like to kiss him again, only this time fully aware of his intentions and free to give rein to the desire burning within her. To know that what she felt was reciprocated in him.

“You want to, Annika. I can see it in your face.”

The blatant hunger in his gaze raked against her, as tangible as fingers against her skin. She tightened her grip, her lips so close to his she could feel the moist warmth of his breath against her skin. He didn’t force her closer or cover the remaining distance himself. He waited, his green eyes darkening, heating.

That she aroused him was irrationally satisfying but she had no business feeling this way.

“You’re trembling.” Kalan’s whisper stroked sensitive nerves. “Does it help to know, so am I?”

Lady’s Breath, yes

Annika closed her eyes. He made her
more than any other person had. He made her
what existed in her imagination but had never believed possible.

Until now.

The shudder that raced through her was one of hot excitement. She shoved indecision and doubt to the back of her mind and pressed her lips against his.

She tasted his desire. It was fierce and spicy, just like his scent, igniting a burn that started at the tip of her tongue and wove its way rapidly south. She kept her touch feather light on his chest, unsure of his reaction. Even through his shirt she could feel the heat in the heavy curves of muscle stretching the width of his shoulders and down into his corded arms, male flesh, solid and hard beneath the palms of her hands. A first for her outside the healer’s domain.

She heard the soft rasp of his hand sliding over her dress as he cupped the curve of her hip, his grip firm, sure as he pulled her in against the hard length of his body. His heat engulfed her. Every sensation pushed her to the edge of reason.

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