Vengeance Born (The Light Blade #1) (30 page)

“You feel good… inside me… and on top of me.” Her husky words fanned the flames inside him. “Your scent is sharp and hot, like molten spice.”

Kalan ground his hips against hers, heard her breath catch, heard his own grow ragged. Her inner muscles squeezed him to the point of pain and he knew she was close. He quickened his strokes, loving the look of raw passion on her face and controlled his own desire, wanting to see to her pleasure before his.

Her eyes opened wide, the blue striations flashed silver, her back arched, sending him deeper inside her. She cried out. Pure satisfaction filled him as she shuddered in release. The sweet pain of her nails raked his back and he let himself go, wanting his own moment of ecstasy. Closing his eyes, he moved even faster. Her warm softness clasped him tightly and his body exploded.

Kalan heard the pounding of Annika’s heart beneath his ear as he regained his senses and realized he’d collapsed on top of her. While he doubted she had the breath to issue a protest, he knew his weight had to be crushing her and rolled to one side, taking her with him, his arms wrapped tightly around her. One-handed he pulled the blanket up over them, keeping the chill of the night from their heated bodies.

She snuggled in close to him. He smiled as he felt her lips brush his collarbone. That small, innocent action was enough to make him harden, but as her breathing evened out into sleep, he knew he’d have to wait to pleasure her again.

Having her in his bed wasn’t as disconcerting as he thought it would be. Her warm presence pressed against him felt right. Tonight she’d given him her trust and the peace that brought touched him all the way to his soul.

ANNIKA awoke surrounded by warmth and with the scent of Kalan deep in her lungs. It was morning. The candle on the bedside table had burnt to a stub and gone out, but there was light coming from behind the shuttered window on the wall opposite her.

She remained relaxed as she used her senses to listen to her surroundings, a habit she’d cultivated over the years living within the fortress. Her head rested on a muscled shoulder while a heavy arm lay across her stomach. She could hear soft, deep breathing close to her ear but nothing else.

Her heart picked up speed as fragmented scenes from last night slowly linked and became the memory of making love to Kalan. Latent desire mixed with bittersweet pain.

Mother of Mercy
, what had she done?

Slowly, Annika lifted her head. The sight of him sleeping, his handsome face relaxed, his jaw darkened by a night’s growth of beard hit her hard. Something inside her swelled and burst, filled her with an incredible warmth and tenderness. How could she dismiss or regret the most incredible night of her life?

His gift filled her with awe, but even more than that, she felt connected to him in a way she’d never experienced with another person before, not even Hesia. The intensity of the emotion was frightening yet also extraordinarily serene.

The arm curled over her ribs tightened. “Your eyes are silver.” Her desire rekindled at the sound of Kalan’s deep, sleep-roughened voice. “You look well-loved.”

Her cheeks warmed but she met his gaze boldly. She reached up to run her hand through his hair then cradled the curve of his cheek. “As do you.”

His chuckle came from deep down inside his chest. In one, easy movement he pulled her over him until she lay on top, her legs straddling his hips. She gasped as his erection slid against her tender folds. The intimate caress sent heat coursing through her but before she could comment his lips caught hers in a long, lingering kiss that had her squirming against him before he drew back.

Kalan’s hand smoothed over her back until his fingers caressed the curve of her hip. “Do you regret what’s happened,

The provocative nuance in his voice gave the name new significance. One she definitely liked.

“When I woke, I wondered what I’d done,” she murmured. He shuddered beneath her and that small sign of vulnerability pricked her heart. “But it was an instinctual reaction. If I’d had any doubts last night, Kalan, I’d never have slept with you.” Rising above him, she liked how his breath hissed in through his teeth as she undulated her hips against him. She felt him harden and grow even larger. “Nor would I be wanting more of your loving right now.”

His green gaze heated with renewed desire. His hands caressed the skin of her stomach before sliding over her ribs to cup her breasts. Her eyes fluttered closed as he plucked then rolled her nipples between his fingers, the sharp pleasure streaking straight to her core. When he trailed one hand down her body to caress the soft flesh between her legs, she grew wetter.

“I think you enjoy it when I play with you like that.” Kalan’s gentle teasing was nothing like she’d ever experienced before—another first.

Annika gasped as he shifted his hips and filled her unexpectedly. She dug her fingers into the muscles of his chest unable to stop the cry that burst from her throat. He was so long and hard inside her. Such a different sensation from last night.

His gaze glittered as he stared up at her, his mouth curving at the corners. “Take your pleasure. Love me this time.”

Shock raced through her like lightning. He was giving her control of their lovemaking? So used to having others demand that she submit rather than cede control of the situation to her, his unexpected gesture touched her heart.

Biting her lip, Annika hesitated, not quite sure what to do next.

“Ride me.” The hungry look on his face gave her confidence. He made her feel desirable. Sensual.

She rose up then lowered herself, moaning at the heat it created as he slid out of her then back in, filling her again. With his hands on her hips, he guided her into a gentle rhythm then, once she knew what to do, he continued caressing her breasts.

Annika tried to take her time, wanting to enjoy the wonder of him filling her so completely, wanting to gauge his reactions, wanting to give him as much pleasure as he was bringing her. But she was a slave to her body’s demands.

Her pace increased. She writhed against him, overwhelmed with the burning sensation building inside her. Leaning forward over Kalan, her long hair falling around their faces like a curtain, she shuddered. The new position trapped him hard inside her.

“Lady’s Breath!”
Her words were no more than a breathless whisper. A spasm of heat speared her womb. “Not yet—”

“Let it take you.” A hard flex of his hips accompanied Kalan’s low groan. “Let it burn us both!”

She ground against him, squeezing him tight, and reveled in his hoarse cry and the sharp pain of his fingers digging into her thighs. His spicy scent saturated the air around her. She savored the expression of raw need on his face as he stared up at her.

Kalan claimed her lips in a scorching kiss as heat surged through her. He thrust hard upward, gave a shout and spent himself inside her. The searing heat triggered her climax. Their kiss stifled her scream, her body convulsed and her senses exploded. She came in a maelstrom of fire and lightning.

Annika collapsed on his chest and they both lay there, skin sweat-soaked, panting. He held her until the last tremor shook her then just stroked her back, gently, as an almost surreal calmness descended.

“Kalan.” Enjoying the moment, she buried her head under his chin, and kissed the damp skin of his neck where she could see his pulse pounding. His inarticulate mumble brought a sated smile to her lips. “Thank you.”

“What for? Making love to you?”

“For that, but mostly for having the courage to see the real me. For making me understand that it’s all right to care and dream.”

Lifting her head, she pressed her hand against the center of his chest. She could feel the hard thump of his heart beneath her palm and took comfort in its steady beat. For the first time since crossing the river into human territory she looked forward to discovering what her future with Kalan would hold. She wet her lips, uncertain about sharing her thoughts with the man who was coming to mean so much to her.

“There’s something else worrying you, isn’t there?”

She hadn’t wanted to spoil their time together. “While I don’t regret the decision of making love to you, I’m worried about how our relationship will affect you.”

“In what way?” Kalan’s eyebrows rose high on his forehead.

“Your sister, your friends, the Council.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “What will they think when they find out—”

“We both know this Journey is going to be hard—” He cupped her face so that she looked at him and could see the truth in his gaze. “—but, with the
’s blessing, we’ll figure it out as we go. All right?”

Annika nodded and melted against him as he claimed her lips in a warm kiss, amazed at how quickly his touch had become familiar and comforting. It was strange letting someone else lend her their strength to vanquish her fears but she realized that trust allowed her to do that.

She could easily learn to love this man.

Chapter 21



HE array of stalls, tents, and holding pens had Annika turning her head left and right as she walked through the People’s Market. One of the first things she noticed about the gathering, other than the looks directed at her, was the noise. She’d heard the muted hum of voices even before she and Kalan had reached the north bank of the city where the market was held.

Now she was surrounded by hundreds of people, all engaged in conversations or bargaining. Hawkers extolled the benefits of their wares over their neighbors and, in the background, were the cackling, bleating, and bellowing of pens and crates of animals. Musicians entertained small crowds of people, a high proportion of them children. Their giggling and sounds of amusement was a music all its own. Very few of the slave-children at the fortress had ever laughed.

She caught sight of Kalan watching her and sighed to herself at the handsome sight he made dressed in his Light Blade uniform. “I’m sorry. I’m slowing you down but look at this place. There’s no order to it. No rows of stalls or lines of tents. They’ve set up everywhere. How do you find what you’re looking for?”

The tall warrior grinned. “The People’s Market was originally a field where farmers used to bring their stock. Over the years it’s gradually turned into this. As a child one of my fondest memories is coming down here with Kymora and my parents. The hubbub was exciting. Don’t you think it adds to the atmosphere?”

Nodding, Annika lifted her head as the aroma of roasting meat carried to her on the breeze. She craned her neck to see where it was coming from.

“The food court tends to set up in the northeastern corner of the market.” He motioned in that direction. “In another couple of hours this area will be deserted as everyone heads over there for a meal. If you’re hungry, we could go now.”

She shook her head. They’d eaten breakfast with Kymora again before parting ways. “Do you mind if I look at the wares?”

“Go ahead.”

She was grateful for his presence as she wandered toward a stall displaying woven fabric and rugs. The holder stared at her silently, a scowl on his face, and she wondered if he’d have said something to her if Kalan hadn’t been standing beside her. Several of the holder’s customers moved away from her, their disdain obvious.

“Why would he let someone like her come here?”

“Bloodsucking animal!”

She flushed and glanced toward Kalan, hoping he hadn’t heard their comments, glad when he didn’t react. He’d been so eager to show her the market this morning that she hadn’t the heart to refuse. Derogatory comments were a natural part of life for her but she doubted he’d let them slide.

“You have such a love for color.” She ran her fingers over the nap of a rug, enjoying the rough surface. “Such bright hues and variety of textures. I’ve never seen anything like it in the homes of the
. They favor more austere surroundings and decorate their walls with trophies of war. Weapons, shields, and the like.”

“Annika! Annika!”

She turned at the excited, high-pitched voice calling her name and caught sight of a dark, curly-haired child pushing her way through the crowded market.

“Rissa. What are you doing here?”

Dressed in what looked like a matching set of dark green breeches, shirt, and boots, the girl skidded to a halt, a wide smile on her face. “I’m over at the healers’ tent, helpin’.” She bobbed her head at Kalan. “Mornin’, Commander.”

He returned the greeting as Annika peered through the crowd to see the tent she spoke of. “A healers’ tent?”

“Every market day the healers and their trainees offer free treatment to those who need it.” Kalan indicated they should head in that direction. “It was one of the first needs I saw when I was appointed as
. Most of the poorer districts had little or no access to healers.”

The young girl grabbed her hand and tugged her through the crowd. “One of the best things ’bout being a trainee is gettin’ to go with the healers to market. You see all sorts of ailments ’n injuries. Why, jus’ this mornin’ I helped Healer Danna mix a gel for winter’s rash. Pretty ugly case of it, let me tell you…” Her nose screwed up but there was an animated sparkle in her eyes. “There’s lotsa learnin’ to be done, but even better you get to practice your craft.”

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