Read Waiting for Ty Online

Authors: Samantha Ann King

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Gay

Waiting for Ty (3 page)

Ty’s grin was small, bemused. “Be prepared. Didn’t know you were a Boy Scout.”

He’d never fucked a man before, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t fantasized about it, researched it, even engaged in some anal play with sex toys. “Eagle,” he managed to choke out.

Ty’s eyebrows lifted. “Seriously?”

“My parents’ idea.”

As Ty’s smile faded, the slashes in his cheeks disappeared. “I hate to spoil the mood, but I’ve never done this.”

Landon looked his fill at the man standing in front of him. Broad shoulders and chest, a sprinkle of dark hair around his nipples and that was it. The bulge beneath the soft fabric of Ty’s underwear twitched as if he’d touched it with more than his gaze. Ty’s hands rested on the indentation above his hips, the loosened waistband of his jeans caught just below.

Landon swallowed, though his throat was so dry it was difficult. “Me neither.”

He cupped the back of Ty’s neck with one hand and gently touched his lips to Ty’s. He tasted as good as he looked. Beer, pizza and Ty. All of his favorites. The two-day beard chafed his cheeks and jaw, so different from a woman’s satiny softness. Not better, not worse. Just different.

Except this was Ty, so yeah, it was better.

Ty worked at loosening the buttons of Landon’s fly. Every brush of his fingers against Landon’s hard-on was exquisite torture. This was gonna go fast—at least the first round. Later, after they’d recovered, they could take their time.

Landon broke the kiss. “Clothes off,” he ordered, then yanked his own T-shirt over his head as he toed off his tennis shoes but left his black athletic socks on. When he’d shucked his jeans and boxers, Ty was standing in front of him, bare-assed, his erection bobbing with each little movement. The hair surrounding it was short and looked soft and silky.

While Landon was admiring him, Ty dropped to his knees and looked up. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do this?” He flattened his tongue along the base of Landon’s penis and dragged it to the head.

Landon sucked in his breath and clenched his fists at his sides. Ty circled the crown with the tip of his tongue, and exquisite sensation shot from his groin to his toes, his fingertips, his scalp. The sight of Ty’s dark head bowed over him, the wet heat of Ty’s mouth on his cock, the thought that Ty shared his feelings—it all pushed him too close to the edge. And as much as he liked being sucked off, he really wanted Ty’s ass. That wasn’t going to happen if Landon didn’t stop him.

He gripped Ty’s shoulders, urging him up until they stood inches from each other. Disbelief and wonder coursed through him. Ty was standing in front of him, ready to fulfill his dreams. It was surreal.

He cupped Ty’s jaw. A twinge of fear that Ty might change his mind, might begin to question the wisdom of this, prompted him to breach the short distance between them, dip his head and capture Ty’s lips with his. This kiss was less frantic, slow and leisurely, but no less thorough, no less intoxicating, no less arousing. Landon’s fears melted into the soft warmth of Ty’s mouth. Chest grazed chest. Thigh brushed thigh, the sprinkle of crisp hairs like electrical conduits feeding his sensitized skin. Ty’s heart pounded against Landon’s. Their cocks bumped and nudged then settled perfectly together, side by side. It was as if they’d found home.

Landon’s hands seemed to have a mind of their own, exploring Ty’s body, getting to know his friend in an entirely new way. His senses were overloaded. The feel of taut skin over hard muscle. The musky scent of their sexual arousal blending to become one. The sweet, salty taste of the man who was about to become his lover. Landon knew so much about the cells that made all of this possible, but nothing in his enormous data bank of knowledge explained the wonder of it all. No description could do it justice.

Landon couldn’t wait any longer. He spun Ty to face the bed and then nestled his penis between rock-hard cheeks. Pressing against Ty’s back, he hugged him tightly. He caressed his smooth, muscled chest and thumbed his puckered nipples.

“Don’t move,” he said, then stretched around him and grabbed the strip of condoms to tear one off. He ripped open the package and leaned back just enough to roll it on. Dropping the empty wrapper on the floor, he reached for the lube and unscrewed the top. Squeezing out a glob of cool gel, he coated the condom then added a thick line on his middle finger and tossed the tube back on the bed. He ringed Ty’s anus with the coated finger, spreading the lube at the entrance.

Ty’s muscles twitched in response. “Ahh, yeah.” He sighed.

His finger easily slipped inside, and Ty pressed back into Landon’s palm, taking him deeper. Landon pulled out and added his index finger to the middle one before easing back in.

“Fuck me,” Ty ground out. “Now.”

Landon slipped his fingers out and, taking his cock in his hand, he guided the tip to Ty’s puckered hole. He didn’t immediately give in to Ty’s demand. Man would have to learn patience.

As if he was the one to teach him when his own cock was ready to explode. But he could draw it out a little. Ty was at his mercy...for now.

He circled Ty’s anus with the blunt head of his cock, then pressed it against the hole without breaching it, teasing the nerves at the entrance. When Ty pushed back to take more, Landon dug his fingers into his hips, stilling him. He pressed his chest into Ty’s broad back and murmured, “Hands on the bed.”

Ty instantly obeyed. Landon rested the side of his face against Ty’s back for a moment, relieved that the always in-charge reporter was letting him lead, that Ty trusted him enough to give up that control. A wave of protectiveness washed over him and if he hadn’t known better, he would have sworn that his heart doubled in size trying to contain his love. He would make this good for Ty. He wouldn’t give him any reason for regrets.

Landon tucked his knee between Ty’s legs and nudged them into a wider stance. Then Landon pressed his thumbs into his ass cheeks and spread them, making the entrance more accessible. At first the tight little ring of virgin muscle resisted, clamping down, closing off at the unfamiliar invasion. Landon massaged and pumped against it until the head of his cock popped past, then slid so easily inside, it was as if they’d done this a thousand times.

Ty groaned. “That feels—God, that feels good.”

Slowly he penetrated, a little at a time, looking for any sign of discomfort. The pace was torturous, but he didn’t want to hurt Ty. When his groin was flush against Ty’s hard, unforgiving glutes, Landon sighed at the pure rightness of the hot, slick channel. This was home. This was where he was supposed to be.

He kissed the back of Ty’s neck and murmured, “Are you ready?”

“Been ready,” he replied, his voice tense.

Landon slid out and thrust back in, the friction of that slow, controlled movement drawing his balls up. Tyler was tight, tighter than the women Landon had been with. But then, he’d never fucked a woman’s ass. Was it because he was the first to breach that barrier, or would it always feel this good?

He ground his teeth together in an attempt to delay the inevitable. Ty’s back was slippery with sweat. Landon licked and kissed along his shoulders, savoring the salty flavor as much as the feel of his smooth skin. He didn’t think he’d ever get enough of tasting, touching this man.

When he couldn’t stand it any longer, thought he would die of pleasure, he picked up the pace, and Ty met his thrusts without hesitation. Landon straightened, eager to go deeper still. Ty arched and threw his head back then abruptly took control of the tempo, his movements choppy and short. His breathing mimicked the change of pace, coming in quick, shallow gasps. Landon recognized the signs. Short of pulling out, there was nothing he could do to delay Ty’s orgasm, and he wasn’t willing to go that far to maintain control.

Ty stopped. His breathing, his thrusts ceased. The veins and muscles in his neck strained. In those few seconds, Landon continued to stroke, hard and fast, until Ty cried out, his muscles clenching, rhythmically massaging Landon’s cock and sending him over the edge just behind Ty. Landon’s seed pumped, shooting and filling the tip of the condom, bathing the head of his penis in wet heat. Landon gulped air, his raspy breathing mixing with Ty’s.

“Fucking incredible,” Ty moaned.

Landon couldn’t speak. Elation and wonder seemed to infuse every cell of his body. He reveled in their joining, in the simplicity of this moment. Because it really was simple. Why hadn’t they done this years ago? Why had they waited? Sex had never felt this perfect, this right.

Beads of perspiration trickled from the ends of Ty’s dark hair down his neck. Landon drank the glistening drops as he pressed kisses against his best friend’s damp flesh. Their heartbeats slowed. He pulled out, nestling his still-sheathed penis in the valley of Ty’s ass. But Landon was reluctant to let go. Instead, he tightened his arms and held on.

Chapter Three

Ty woke up sprawled on his stomach in Landon’s bed. He listened to Landon’s slow, soft breathing, which was occasionally muted by road noise. The rain had stopped. No more drops thumping against the roof. Light from the living room filtered through the door, along with bursts of sound from the TV. That was probably what had awakened him. They’d been too busy getting busy to turn everything off before they’d crashed. He should take care of it now, but he didn’t want to risk waking Landon.

Landon was on his back on the other side of the bed. The white sheet draped across his hips seemed to glow in the gray night. His shoulder-length hair, golden in the sunlight but dark now, feathered across the pillow. Ty’s chest swelled at the familiar face in such an unfamiliar setting.

They’d made love.

Guilt wrapped its clingy, grasping fingers around his heart. Ty rolled onto his back and threw an arm over his eyes. He’d screwed up royally. His butt’s satisfying soreness emphasized just how royally. Still, he had to admit that was the best sex he’d ever had. Not counting wet dreams, it was the first time he’d come without his dick in a hole, whether it was a mouth, a fist or a woman’s pussy.

He’d have never guessed that Landon was so freaking dominant in the bedroom. It was a side of him he’d never seen before. Considerate? Yeah. Polite? Hell yeah. An all-around nice guy. But not a take-charge kind of guy. Where had that come from?

It was a surprise. A nice surprise. Ty liked mixing it up every once in a while, but most women were reluctant to take the lead. The fact that quiet, shy Landon wanted him badly enough to take control? Scorching. He wondered how Landon would feel if Ty returned the favor. Just the thought of fucking his friend had the blood abandoning his brain for the more pleasurable climes of his dick. It wasn’t just the sex. Ty loved Landon. They’d been two-stepping around their feelings for years.

Thing was, they couldn’t go public. He didn’t know how Landon’s family would react, but he knew what would happen with his own. They’d disown him. As for his career, well, that might be a little dicey.

So where did that leave them? Those fingers of guilt squeezed his heart.

Man, he’d fucked this up big-time.

Goddamned beer.

Goddamned game.

How the hell was he supposed to make this right? How was he gonna get them back to where they’d been? Was it even possible?

“You awake?” Landon asked, his voice raspy with sleep.

The mattress bounced and creaked. Ty dropped his arm and turned his head so his cheek pressed against the pillow as he looked at his friend. Landon raised his arms above his head and stretched his long body. The muscles in his shoulders and chest bunched and flexed. The sheet slipped below his hips to reveal an impressive hard-on.

Ty’s mouth watered. “Yeah, I’m awake.”

Landon flipped over on his side to face him and bent his top leg toward the ceiling so Ty had an unobstructed view of the full monty—long and thick and begging for attention. Ty’s dick responded, but Ty didn’t.

Landon wasn’t big on talking. It was one of the things Ty liked about him. After spending his days interviewing people and chasing stories on the phone, Ty liked quiet. Landon didn’t feel a compulsion to chatter about nothing to fill the silence. He was happy just being. But they needed to discuss what had happened. Or maybe not what
happened but what was
happen next.

“We need to talk.”

Landon shook his head. “Not now.” He placed his hand on Ty’s chest, his fingers spread across his heart.

Ty longed to cover Landon’s hand with his own, to lace their fingers together and forget about everything they couldn’t have. He sighed and stared up at the ceiling, afraid of what he’d see in Landon’s eyes. Afraid of what Landon would see in his. “We shouldn’t have done this.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. But it’s done, so let’s enjoy it.”

“I really think—”

“We’ll talk tomorrow. Not tonight. Tomorrow is soon enough.” The warm hand on Ty’s chest slipped lower over his abs.

Landon’s fingers brushed his cock, and Ty sucked in his breath. Landon sat up and straddled Ty’s hips, then slowly lowered himself until their engorged cocks nestled side by side. The unfamiliar weight of a man felt good, right. And not just any man, but this one.

They needed to talk now before this went any further, before their friendship suffered irreparably. He hoped to hell they hadn’t ruined it already. His gut tightened at the thought.

Landon leaned down and placed his hands above Ty’s shoulders. His hair curtained the sides of his face, and the small silver hoop in Landon’s left ear played hide-and-seek through the strands. Only the one ear was pierced. It was Landon’s sisters attempt to degeekify him. Oh, they’d aimed for both ears, but Landon had fainted within seconds of the first piercing. It had scared Nikki and Meredith enough that they’d skipped the right one.

“Look at me,” Landon said.

Ty’s gaze met Landon’s. Thanks to the light from the living room, he could just make out the small crescent scar above his right eye—Landon’s baby sister’s handiwork. He almost lifted his fingers to touch it, trace it. Meredith had been young, five or six, when she’d thrown the rock at him.

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