Read Waiting for Us Online

Authors: Dawn Stanton

Waiting for Us (15 page)

Our food is placed on our table by a teenage server. She flushed a little when she caught sight of Sean and all his hotness.
The poor girl.

"So you must still be in school if you're only with us for the summer."

'Yeah, I'm going into my second year of law school at Beacon University."

"Nice. So you and Cory are friends?" He asks.

"I don't know if I'd use the word friends to describe us. He is my older brother Jake's best friend."

"Oh, I get it now. He likes to play the big brother card with you, right?"

"Yeah, something like that," is all I reply because what else could I say?
I've had a crush on him for ten years now and he fucked me against a lifeguard shack without telling me he had a girlfriend. No thanks.

"I was thinking about warning you away from Cory and his spiel, but I'm glad I don't have to. He is quite the Casanova and he leaves a trail of broken hearts behind him.
Yeah, tell me about it.

"No need to worry about me Sean, my eyes are wide open to what Cory is like." I take a bite of my salad savoring the tanginess of the feta cheese and Greek dressing.
If only I hadn’t fallen for his bull five years ago.

When we return from lunch and are getting on the elevator Cory enters it at the same time.  I'm giggling at something funny Sean said and Cory doesn't look happy about it. He catches my eye and taps his watch as if to say, you're late but I still have five minutes to spare. I give him my best "piss off" look and turn back to Sean.

"Thanks for lunch Sean. It was really nice of you to take me."

"It was my pleasure and I'm looking forward to making a habit of it," He says with a wink. At this point, we've reached our floor and the three of us are heading past Candy's now empty seat and down the hallway toward Cory's office. Sean stops at the door directly across the hall.

"This is me," he gestures at the door with his head. "Don't be a stranger. He says with a smile before walking inside and shutting his door.

We're not even all the way through the door before Cory is grabbing my hand and yanking me inside. He closes the door with too much force and the sound reverberates through the room. I yank my hand free from his grasp and snap at him, “what the hell Cory?"

"What were you thinking, going out to lunch with him?" He barks at me.

"I was thinking that I wanted to go to lunch with him. He's fucking hot."

"He is a manwhore that uses girls."

"That's just rich because he pretty much told me the same thing about you. I told him I already knew what a disgusting pig you are so he doesn't need to be concerned about me. I should have told him it was too late; I'd already fallen for your bullshit once before." I pause and take a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down.

"Hailey, I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Isn't it ironic that the person who made me feel the worst I've ever felt, is the one concerned with my feelings now. Pfft!"

" Hailey, I'm sorry, I never," I cut him off before he can say another word.

I yell out. "Don't you dare apologize to me now. You've had over five years to make amends and you haven't even tried. So spare me your concern about Sean. I don't need another brother and I certainly don't want or need your opinion on anything to do with my personal life. Maybe you should put more energy into thinking about how your fucked up actions have consequences and less into who I spend my time with."

"Let's get back to work," is all he says before sitting in his chair behind his walnut desk.

His six foot plus frame and broad shoulders make him appear large and imposing, but he isn't going to intimidate me. I've bitten my tongue for too long about what happened all those years ago. What we did made me feel like a bad person. I felt horrible about myself for more time than I care to think about and really he's the one that should feel shameful. In that moment, I didn't even know about his girlfriend, Lulu.

The rest of the day passes by with Cory giving me instructions and me speaking only when he directly asks me a question. At the end of the workday I’m practically running to the elevator to get away from him. Sean is leaving at the same time as me so he walks me to my car.

"How did your day go?"

"It was fine...lots of filing and highlighting...nothing I haven't done for my dad hundreds of times." He laughs. "I'm sure there will be more challenging work coming your way soon."

"I can hope anyway," I say with a smile.

"I'll tell you what," he says leaning in close to me, “if things don't improve for you I can find some work that will be much more fun for you."

Is this guy hitting on me?

And with those parting words he walks away.
And he looks just as hot from the back view.

By the time I negotiate my way through downtown Boston traffic and finally make it home, Shelby has called me and let me know she's going to a frat party and then back to her place. We won't see her until tomorrow, at some point. Marcus also texted that he is already home and waiting for me. Of course he is. He's the most thoughtful guy I've ever been around.

My heels come off with a groan and a sigh of relief as soon as I'm through the door. As I walk towards the kitchen, Marcus meets me with a glass of white wine and a kiss on the cheek.

"Have I ever told you that you're the best friend I could ever ask for?" I say, happily taking the wine from his hand.

"You will spoil me for any other boyfriend."

"It's all part of my master plan to keep you to myself forever. One of these days you’ll come to your senses and realize that we’re made for each other Hails." He says this with a wink, but I know that deep down he hopes this will happen. I know our relationship is weird and we cross lines we shouldn't by sleeping together on a regular basis, but he's hot and willing and I care for him. Our arrangement seems to be beneficial for both of us.

We sit on the sofa facing one another and he pulls my feet into his lap and begins to rub my arches. My head falls back on the arm of the couch with a moan.

"I love your hands."

"My hands love every inch of you." He says with a glint in his eye and I know what that means. He's feeling frisky.

"Hold up there a minute buddy. Don't go getting any ideas of stopping my foot massage. I need to tell you about my day and then I may or may not let you have your wicked way with me."

"Okay, but make it quick, because I'm already hard as a rock from looking at your sexy ass in this dress."

"Pfft, it doesn't take much for you to get excited. Anyway, I'm supposed to be telling you about my first day at the firm. Guess who works for my dad?"

"I have no idea." He shakes his head and shrugs.

"Who would be the last person on earth that I would want my dad to have mentor me?" Marcus says nothing and just makes a funny face at me.

"Marcus! You're supposed to guess. I'll give you one more clue. Who do I despise more than anyone or anything?"

I can see the moment when he realizes who I'm talking about.

"Cory." He says just one word, but there is no much dislike and contempt in those two syllables.

"Ding, ding, ding," I mimic a bell before saying "give that boy a prize."

"Wow, I still fantasize about punching him in his pretty face. I hate that fucker for what he did to you." He says angrily.

"I know. But today actually went better than I thought it would. He tried to apologize and I pretty much bit his head off. I told him he was too late and to not bother. It felt good to get it off my chest and finally tell him what I think of him."

"I'm so proud of you baby girl. Now get your delectable ass over here." He grabs both my hips and pulls me into his lap. I gasp from the feel of his hard cock pressing firmly against my panties. My dress is bunched up around my waist leaving my thighs exposed for his attention. He slowly rubs his hands up and down my legs, each time teasingly getting closer to where I need him most; before finally dragging his fingertip along the elastic of my panties. I grip the back of his neck with both of my hands and pull our mouths together. There's some teeth banging going on in our hunger for one another. Sex with Marcus is always hot. It's like he knows exactly what to do to make me crazy and his dirty talking drives me wild. Our wet, frantic kisses continue as I grind against his cock.

He grips my hips tightly with his hands and slides them around to my ass before yanking my panties to my knees.

"Your ass drives me crazy, all I have to do is look at it and I'm rock hard."
Speaking of rock hard....
I back off of his lap and slide down to the floor between his knees. Marcus groans, "I like where this is going, baby girl," as he quickly undoes his pants. I push them open wider so I can have better access to him. I grip him around the base and pump my hand up and down a few times, before rubbing my cheek along it.

"Oh God, when you do that it feels like you really want my cock."

"I do want your cock," I say and notice pre-come glistening on the head.

"You are like the best wet dream baby. Now please put your mouth on me."

He sounds a bit desperate, which is just how I like him. Who doesn't enjoy having the power to make someone else feel such pleasure? I wrap my lips around him and suck just the head before sliding down as far as I can. I suck harder on the way up and apply pressure with my lips on the way down. This drives him crazy.

"Baby you have to stop. I want to come inside you, not your mouth."

He picks me up and throws me down on the couch on my knees, lifts my skirt up, tears my panties off and enters me from behind. I cry out from the force of his first thrust as he pulls my hips back to meet his forward motion.

"Is this mine? Hmm, is it baby?" He licks my neck and bites my shoulder making me cry out.

"Yes, it's all yours. Take it." He reaches around to rub my clit as he moves roughly in and out of me.

"You like being fucked by me, baby. Do you like it when I’m buried deep inside you?" He whispers in my ear and that combined with everything else he is doing to my body sends me over the edge and he immediately follows. He collapses against my back and tenderly kisses me behind my ear as we wait for our breathing to slow down.


Chapter Fifteen

Present Day- Cory


I'm feeling pretty thankful that Friday is finally here with the shit week I've had. Having Hailey around all the time is a test in self-control. Everything she does is a turn on, it's ridiculous. I thought making her do so much filing on her first day would drive her crazy, but it didn't seem to faze her at all. Instead, I spent the entire morning with a hard-on from watching her in that tight black dress and those red fuck me heels. All I could think about was bending her over my desk, lifting her dress and fucking her so hard she misses me for the rest of her life. It took every ounce of my self-control to not make that fantasy a reality.




"Knock, knock," she says before walking in my open door.

"Who's there?" I reply.


"I don't get it."

"Yeah and you never will." She says with a smirk on her luscious red lips. Damn. She is the coolest girl about quick wit. I'm attracted to her brain just as much as I am to her banging body. Okay, that may be a slight exaggeration but her high level of intellect is hot too. She's so prickly and spirited. I love that about her. She takes shit from nobody, especially me and that's not how women usually treat me. I'm used to them falling all over me and she makes me feel like an ugly wart covered toad.
Why do I like her so much?

"Can we get to work now or do you want to practice your stand-up comedy routine next?" I ask her, totally deadpan.

"Ha-ha, not. Comedy is not your strong suit Cory."

"I'm good at," I pause to lick my lips, "other things."  I say suggestively. She ignores me and sits down in one of the chairs in front of my desk, crossing her legs and waits for her next assignment.

"So what am I supposed to be doing? She prompts after a minute of silence.

"I have to meet with a new client in thirty minutes. I need you to make two copies of everything in this folder. The originals have to be filed in my cabinets and the other two should be collated and stapled together. Place them in conference room two, that's where the meeting is. I want you sitting in on it and taking notes."

"Okay." She grabs the folder from my desk and she's off to make copies. She follows my instructions well and it makes me wonder if she would also take direction in bed.
I really need to get laid.




I'm feeling great now that the weekend is finally here and I'll have a break from the torture of being around Hailey. Jake, Brian, Tom and I are all at Big D's one of the more popular bars downtown. It feels great to be hanging with my boys. Now that we no longer live together, we try to hang out as much as possible. We're sitting at the bar, shooting the shit with Danny the owner of Big D's when I feel a female hand slide along my shoulder. I turn to my left and find Gen with a G but pronounced like Jen with a J. She and I hooked up a few times last year but she started to turn into a full on clinger and I had to cut her loose. She's got a huge rack and a small I.Q. but she's a decent lay.

"Hi handsome," She says, batting her eyelashes at me. Why do girls think we like that? It looks like something is in her eye and she's trying to blink it away.

"Hey Gen."

"I haven't seen you for a while."

"Yeah, work's keeping me pretty busy."

"You must be stressed out. Do you need to release some tension?"

Could this girl be more obvious? I swore I'd never go near her again but with the Hailey situation I really need to either get laid or a get a blow job. I'm still weighing the pros and cons of reopening the Gen can of worms when I notice Hailey across the room. She just walked in with Marcus, Shelby and some other girl I don't know. I notice that Hailey and Marcus are holding hands and I wonder if they are together like a real couple or still just best friends.

Gen is rubbing my thigh with her hand trying to get my attention back to her, but I can't seem to tear my eyes away from Hailey. Her beauty outshines all the other women in this room even wearing tight fitting jeans and a Foo Fighters concert tee. I watch as she and her friends down shots before heading towards the dance floor. They find an empty spot not far from where we are at the bar and I have a front row seat to the show her hips are providing. She shakes her ass from side to side along to the beat of the music playing. Marcus puts his hands on her hips and turns her around before pulling her back against him, with an arm wrapped around her waist. It's all I can do to not go over there and rip them apart as I watch her grab his free hand in hers and trail her other hand sensually down his thigh. She's rubbing her ass all over him and as much as it killing me to watch this, I can't seem to stop.

"Jake, did you know Hailey's here?" I hear Brian ask.

"No," he says glancing around the bar. "I should've known she'd be out there," he says gesturing at the crowd of patrons dancing. "She's always loved to dance."

"I hope you don't punch me for saying this, but your little sis is smokin' hot. Are she and Marcus together?"

"Tom, dude, you need to stay the fuck away from my sister. She is off limits. As far as she and Marcus being a couple, who knows? They live together in an apartment, spend all their free time together and I know they've had sex because I walked in on them one time about a year ago. I'm still traumatized from it." He grimaces and takes a sip of his beer.

"Gross dude, no guy wants to see their little sister getting it on. Did you beat the snot out of him?" Brian asks.

"No, I didn't because Marcus loves my sister...he always has. If I could hand pick any dude for her, it would be him."

I take a sip of my beer and think about the conversation I just overheard. I glance over to where Hailey was dancing, but she's no longer there. She is suddenly standing between Jake and I as if I have conjured her with a mere thought.
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"Hi Jakey," she says hugging him, with her back facing me.

"Munchkin, I wasn't expecting to see you guys here. How ya doing Marcus," he asks as they shake hands.

"I'm great. How about you?"

"I can't complain. Works been busy but that's a good thing."

"Hey Hailey." I interrupt. I swear I can see her shoulders actually tense up at the sound of my voice and I decide to mess with her. I lean in close to her ear, close enough that my lips brush against it as I say "didn't you get enough of being around me at work? If you need some private time with me just let me know." She turns and glares at me, not saying a word. Even her dirty look directed towards me is adorable.

Marcus steps closer and puts his arm around her. If he thinks that's enough to deter me from her, he's got another thing coming.

"Marcus, how ya been, man?" I ask.

"Cory. I've been great." He says glancing down at Hailey. She smiles back at him and it makes me grit my teeth and wish it was me she was looking at like that. Marcus leans down, brushing his lips against hers and I want to push him away and claim her as mine. In all of my thirty years I can't remember ever feeling so jealous and possessive over a woman. I wonder if it's karma paying me back for all the times in the past that I've made fun of my friends for feeling this exact way. Whatever the reason, it sucks big time. This fired up Neanderthal is not me...I don't commit to women and I don't fall for them. I'm not sure what she's done to burrow so deeply under my skin and no matter how hard I try or how much I want her gone, she just sinks deeper and deeper into the cold, dark recesses of my psyche
. I'm so fucked.

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