Warrior (19 page)

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Authors: Violette Dubrinsky

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

Jaisyn closed her eyes and drew in a

deep breath. She had done it for her

sister and she refused to have regrets.

But doubt still pushed at the back of

her mind. Could she learn to like

Vulcan of Morden? She saw her

brother lying in his bed, his face

peaceful and still. She saw the soldiers

of Morden cutting through her men

with a brutality unknown to her until

that fateful day.

Her eyes snapped open and she

blinked rapidly. Jaisyn of Lytheria was

the wife of Vulcan of Morden. She

did not have to like him. Most royal

marriages were not based on love. She

did have to tolerate him and his…


Grabbing hold of her will, she turned

to face him. He was gone. Her eyes

widened in confusion just as he

stepped from the adjoining room—his

tunic gone, the bare expanse of wide

chest exposed to her view, and

approached her.

A blush stole into her cheeks as she

looked hastily to his eyes, which

seemed to smolder before her gaze.

She couldn’t remember why she’d

thought them black. They were

definitely grey. He moved to her back

and began to unbind her dress. He

appeared to know exactly what he

was doing and Jaisyn wondered if

he’d done this before—and how many

times? She pushed that from her head.

She should not care. This was not a

marriage based on love.


When the lace was loosed and the

clips undone, Vulcan ran a warm

hand down the smooth, bronzed back

of his queen, seeing the contrast






darkness, between the cold of the

North and the warmth of the East.

She shivered at his touch. Using both

hands, he attempted to push the gown

from her body. Modesty kicked in and

Jaisyn clutched the material to her


Vulcan stepped around his bride and

looked down at her. Although Jaisyn

always acted the part of the strong

princess, he was certain from her

actions that she was an innocent when

it came to these matters.

“You are my wife, Jaisyn. You will

offer me your body and I will offer

you mine. It is natural in the eyes of

both our Gods.”

Her eyes lifted to his. He saw her

lips compress, as if she were holding

in a retort, before she looked away.

She released her death grip on the

bodice of the dress and Vulcan

pushed it down slowly, mesmerized

by his first glimpse of her small yet

full breasts through the transparent


When the dress pooled at her feet,

Vulcan grasped her arms and tugged

her forward, forcing her to step away

from it. As soon as he released her

arms, she crossed them in front of her


Feeling the leash of his patience

give, Vulcan was just about to capture

her hands when she said, “Please,

douse the torch, my lord. I would

prefer the darkness.”

He did as she asked, putting out the

torch so that the only light came from

the fire at the hearth. It cast a soft

glow over the entire room. When he

turned back to face her, the shift was

on the ground and she was under the


Vulcan wasted no time in divesting

himself of the trousers. Unlike Jaisyn,

he and modesty had parted many

years ago. He walked over to the bed,

knowing that her eyes were fixed on

the jutting hardness at the juncture of

his thighs. It hardened even more and

lengthened further as that thought

entered his mind.

Jaisyn released a barely audible


He slipped under the covers and

popped onto an elbow, staring down

at his wife. Her eyes were on the high

ceiling and she clutched the covers to

her neck.

Vulcan leaned down and grazed his

lips over hers. Golden eyes on his, she

remained impossibly still.

“This is not entirely new to you,

Jaisyn,” he whispered as his lips

moved to her earlobe. “Do you

remember our brief encounter in my

tent? This is a continuation of where

we left off.”

Before she could deny being in his

tent, he grabbed the covers and tossed

them behind him, exposing her to his

gaze. He’d been right. Her breasts

were perfect. As a matter of fact, her

entire body was perfect. She was one

tone from head to toe—an almost

shimmering gold—and he couldn’t

find an ounce of fat on her lean body.

He ran his hand across a flat, smooth

stomach and felt muscles jump

beneath his palm. Moving lower, he

slowly petted the soft curls a shade

darker than the hair on her head.

Vulcan lowered his mouth to hers,

running his tongue across the softness

of her lips, and inhaling the freshness

of her scent. She parted them for him

and he dipped his tongue into the

sweet confines of her mouth. Lifting

his head slightly, he noticed that her

eyes were closed.

“Move your tongue for me, Jaisyn,”

he said huskily. When his mouth

touched hers again, she did as he

suggested and his erection leaped in

anticipation, forcing a moan from his



She stilled beneath him. He moved

his lips to her neck.

“That was good. Do it again.”

His tongue tangled with hers again.

The hand at her mons moved up her

body to caress her breasts. Not

knowing why she did, but feeling the

need to, Jaisyn whimpered. Her body

felt different. She was burning up and

she could focus only on what was

going on inside her.

Vulcan tweaked the budded nipple

before attaching his mouth to it. She

arched into him as a strangled cry

escaped her. He caressed her other

nipple with his hand before moving his

lips to it. As his tongue laved her, his

fingers drifted down to find that little

treasure of hers hidden in folds of

flesh. Rubbing the pad of his finger

against it, he moved from one nipple

to the other. Her hips arched and she

spread her legs wider.

Heat coursed through her entire

body. Her skin felt alive, ready to

jump from her flesh if need be. Jaisyn

closed her eyes. The feeling was even

more heightened than the first time

he’d done this to her.


Vulcan moved his finger lower,

pressing against the tight opening that

he would soon fill. Moisture coated

his finger and he lifted his head from

her breast, staring down into the

beautifully contorted face of his wife.

She was ready for him. He circled his

finger around her opening, gathering

her dew, before he brought it back to

the hidden button. He flicked it,

groaning in pleasure as she tilted her

hips upward for more. Returning the

finger to her tight cavern, he slowly

pushed it in. Jaisyn’s eyes flew open

and she attempted to push herself onto

her elbows.

“What are you—”

He captured her lips with his once

more as his finger eased into her

body, stopping only when he met the

barrier that was proof of her



As Vulcan’s tongue assaulted her

mouth and his finger worked magic

inside her body, Jaisyn felt something

inside of her swell, and when she

thought she’d surely go mad if it

continued, that

violently. She half-moaned, half-

screamed and Vulcan lifted his head

to watch her.

“Oh, my… what just—” she panted,

staring into the molten grey gaze of

her husband.

The first genuine smile that she’d

ever seen from Vulcan appeared on

his lips. It was a small smile, but a

smile nonetheless.

“You’ve just had your first climax,

wife. Did you enjoy it?”


The blush that covered her cheeks,

and spread down to her breasts, told

him how much she did.

Vulcan removed his finger, grabbed

her hips, and pulled her to the middle

of the bed. He climbed atop her, his

hips cradled between her thighs. His

bare chest rode against her breasts. As

her budded nipples grazed his chest,

Jaisyn groaned and closed her eyes.

He positioned himself at her entrance.

Knowing that this was going to hurt

her, especially given how tight she

was, he brushed his lips against hers.

Heavy golden eyes stared up at him.

“This is going to hurt the first time.”

She nodded, though fear crossed her


“You can dig your nails into my


Her eyes widened as her hands

moved to his back. He lowered his

mouth to hers and his shaft brushed

against her heat.

Removing his tongue from her

mouth, lest she take it clear off,

Vulcan reared back his hips and

plunged true, splitting her maidenhead

and burying himself into her body. A

tortured groan escaped his lips as

Jaisyn screamed into his mouth and

attempted to buck him off. He only

went deeper. Her eyes pooled with

tears as her nails dug savagely into his

back. Releasing her mouth, he gave

her time to breathe and adjust to him.

“Tell me when the pain eases.”

Soon his mouth was pulling her

nipple deep into its hot confines and

although her body remained tense, she

released soft whimpers. She began to

relax moments later.

“It has stopped,” she murmured

softly, her fingers still clutching his


Vulcan began to move tentatively.

He started with shallow thrusts,

pulling out slightly only to push back

into her body. When her eyes closed

and she took her lip between her

teeth, he reared back further and

thrust forward, grinding his pelvis

against hers.


The fire began licking at her once

more and before Jaisyn knew what

she was doing, she was panting

beneath him and lifting to receive his

thrusts. She spread her legs wider,

and arched her back, little cries

coming from her throat as he speared

into her.

Vulcan placed his full weight on her,

lowering both arms to hold her hips as

he began a furious pounding. A mewl

started in the back of Jaisyn’s throat

that quickly erupted into a scream.

Leaning down, he growled in her ear.

“I think it time you became

acquainted with my name, wife.”

As if they had a mind of their own,

her hands moved down his back and

came to rest on his muscular buttocks.

She squeezed them as he continued

his strong thrusts into her body.

“Vulcan,” she whispered, feeling as

if she were drowning in his heat, in

the heat of their joined bodies.

Something was happening inside her

again. Something was building…

“Louder,” Vulcan growled in her

ear, and this time, he sucked her lobe

into his mouth and nipped at it.

“Oh sweet—Vulcan!” she cried out,

squeezing his buttocks and urging him

faster. “Oh—what—I—Vulcan!”

His hands tightened on her hips and

he began to piston into her body.

Jaisyn closed her eyes and shuddered

violently, feeling another climax take a

hold of her as her Vulcan pushed on

to his. She was coming down from her

second peak when he gave a mighty

shout and she felt him jerk inside of

her. Heat shot into her, coating a

once-virgin womb, making her feel

warm and content. They remained

interlocked for a few moments before

Vulcan rolled to the side, fearing that

he would crush her, and pulled Jaisyn

against him.

Sated and exhausted, they drifted to


Chapter 6

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