Werewolf's Way [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 1] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) (12 page)

The image her words conjured was quite disheartening. Of course, Graham had pretty much guessed the nature of the place, but that didn’t make him feel any better. He’d have liked to give his mate all the luxuries Caelyn was undoubtedly used to, not a motel with sheets bearing the scent of the desire of others.

Caelyn squeezed his hand comfortingly, obviously sensing his apprehension. Shaking himself, Graham answered, “A room. We’ll pay three hours up front and more if we end up staying longer.”

The girl nodded. “Thirty bucks. You need to pay extra for the sheets.”

Graham and Caelyn shared a look. Nevertheless, they paid the woman like they’d been bid, using the cash Raul had provided. Fifteen minutes later, their efforts finally paid off and they were left alone in a small and surprisingly clean room.

“Well, it’s actually much better than I expected,” Caelyn commented, plopping down on the double bed and testing its softness.

“Not nearly as good as you deserve,” Graham answered, walking to Caelyn’s side and cupping the sprite’s cheek.

“I do deserve the best,” Caelyn replied playfully, “and I have it.”

As if to illustrate his own words, Caelyn rubbed his face against Graham’s now-clothed groin. Some of their urgency had disappeared while making the arrangements for their stay at the motel, but just like that, it returned with a vengeance.

In the end, this was the only thing that mattered, the unique bond that had brought them to this point in time. Graham had realized it before, while on the plane. Yes, he’d have liked to shower his mate with sapphires the color of his eyes, to cover him with the most expensive silks, and have him sleep in Egyptian cotton sheets. But they had something far more precious, something that few people had the luck to find.

Throwing all doubts to the wind, Graham joined his mate on the bed. Caelyn released a soft gasp as Graham pushed him back and climbed on top of him. “Tell me what you want, my sweet seducer,” Graham murmured in Caelyn’s ear, tracing the lobe with his tongue. “I need to hear it.”

“Touch me,” Caelyn cried out. “Oh, please, Graham…Please, beloved. Kiss me. Touch me.”

“Your wish is my command, angel,” Graham replied. Deciding words could never express what he felt, he spoke through actions and pressed his mouth to Caelyn’s. Just like before, Caelyn eagerly parted his lips for him, his arms going around Graham’s neck. Graham took Caelyn up on the invitation and thrust his tongue into Caelyn’s wet cavern, tasting and exploring, taking no prisoners.

Graham’s wolf reared out of him as Caelyn’s unique flavor hit his taste buds. The sexual tension between them exploded in a desire hotter than the fires of a volcano. The torment of the wait turned the kiss frantic, almost desperate. It was so addicting that Graham never wanted it to end. Caelyn’s breath was his own, and their hearts beat at the same pace. But it was not enough.

Graham would have liked to be gentle with his mate, at least the first time they were together. But the wolf was too eager, too impatient. His claws emerged, and he tore Caelyn’s sweater, somehow managing to reduce it to scraps without even breaking the kiss.

Unfortunately from that point on, things grew a little more complicated. Caelyn wasn’t one to be left behind, and he blindly clutched at Graham’s clothing. When the material refused to obey, Caelyn somehow managed to tear it apart with just the power of his mind.

Graham had witnessed once what his angel could do, although at the time, he hadn’t been sure it was truly Caelyn behind it. Sprites weren’t renowned for their ability to fight, even using their magical abilities. But it seemed that his mate was either the exception to that rule, or their connection had somehow boosted his powers.

Either way, the result was that Graham ended up naked without realizing how it happened. Even his boots were removed, which would have been distracting if Graham hadn’t been so completely focused on Caelyn. As it was, he tore his mouth away from Caelyn’s, eager to finish unwrapping the present that had practically fallen into his lap.

Caelyn blinked, looking dazed. “When did you take your clothes off?” he asked breathlessly.

Graham arched a brow. “I didn’t. You did.”

“Oh.” The beautiful sprite released a soft chuckle. “It looks like I’m full of great ideas lately.”

Graham really wanted to get Caelyn full of something else, to be more specific, Graham’s own cock. But as much as he needed to claim his mate, he couldn’t allow his urgency and lust to push him into hurting Caelyn.

“I think we both are,” he replied as he directed Caelyn to move back onto the bed.

At first, Caelyn didn’t really react. He was just staring at Graham, seemingly enraptured with the sight of his naked body. Graham couldn’t have been more pleased by his mate’s reaction at his nudity. He allowed Caelyn to look his fill and slowly maneuvered the sprite onto the pillows.

Once he had a little more room, he removed Caelyn’s boots and socks and tossed them onto the floor. As the footwear hit the floor with a thud, Graham focused on the last items of clothing separating him from Caelyn’s naked body. As he unzipped Caelyn’s jeans, the sprite snapped out of his trance and wiggled around, helping Graham with his task.

Still, it seemed to take forever until Graham finally managed to get Caelyn completely nude. Once he did, he was temporarily struck dumb. There on the bed, within his reach and at his mercy, lay the most beautiful creature on earth. The expanse of Caelyn’s flawless skin taunted Graham, practically begging to be touched. And oh, Caelyn’s eyes, his impossibly beautiful eyes… From sky blue, they’d turned aquamarine, almost black with lust. Graham was in awe, humbled by how impossibly lucky he had been.

Naturally, the want and lust eventually won out, and Graham pounced, crushing his lips to Caelyn’s again and bringing their naked bodies together. His hard dick said
to Caelyn’s, making both of them groan. As he kissed his beautiful mate, Graham allowed himself the luxury to explore every inch of Caelyn’s lovely form, to learn the feel of his silken skin. It was pure heaven to have his angel in his arms like this, a gift Graham had never thought he would receive. And the most perfect thing of all was Caelyn’s responsiveness. Each of Graham’s touches made Caelyn let out small gasps and whimpers that Graham swallowed into his kiss. Even the smallest caress seemed to enflame Caelyn beyond measure, fueling Graham’s own arousal. The scent of Caelyn’s lust enveloped him like the strongest of aphrodisiacs, until Graham couldn’t take it anymore.

As he broke the kiss, he glanced at Caelyn’s lovely, flushed face and said, “I need you, angel. I have to claim you.”

His wolf ached for it, demanded it in nearly angry howls. His soul and body craved it. But Graham still wanted to give Caelyn a choice, just in case the sprite needed to wait a little more.

Some of Caelyn’s shyness had melted in the heat of their passion, but it seemed to return now, along with the uncertainty. When the sprite didn’t immediately answer, Graham softly asked, “Are you afraid, Caelyn?”

Caelyn bit his lower lip, in the process drawing Graham’s attention to his lovely, oh-so-kissable mouth. “I just don’t want to disappoint you. I’m not sure what to expect.”

“Just relax,” Graham said, running his hand over Caelyn’s naked hip. “This is natural. I’ll take care of you. And remember we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

Caelyn averted his gaze. “You must think I’m really silly, running hot and cold like this.”

Graham gripped his mate’s chin and forced their gazes to meet. “Not silly. You’re very brave, angel, but you’re also confused. We can wait for as long as you like. I don’t want you to have any doubts.”

“It’s not you I’m doubting,” Caelyn answered. “It’s me.”

Graham’s heart overflowed with affection for Caelyn. His mate was beautiful, but not only on the outside. His lovely exterior had been crafted to match his generous heart. Because somewhere deep inside, Caelyn still blamed himself for not doing something sooner for the lower castes, for participating even in the slightest way to Graham’s oppression.

Instinctively, he knew that no words he could say would give Caelyn what he needed. Even if Caelyn believed him, there would always be a seed of doubt and guilt. Caelyn was just that kind of person. But Graham wanted to wipe away Caelyn’s misgivings and sadness. He wanted to start anew, to show Caelyn that their pasts and the artificial labels placed on them had no effect on their love.

Smiling slightly, Graham started to pepper Caelyn’s face with butterfly-light kisses. He brushed his lips over Caelyn’s eyelids, his forehead, his sharp, aristocratic cheekbones, his nose, and that sinful mouth that seemed made to suck cock. With each kiss, the tension inside Caelyn started to dissipate. But Graham was only beginning. He went on to nibble on Caelyn’s ears, then directed his attention toward his mate’s collarbone.

Strangely, he lingered there far longer than he’d have expected. He’d never considered collarbones sexy, but again, with Caelyn, it was different. And there seemed to be something particularly fascinating about the hollow of Caelyn’s throat.

It was only when Caelyn’s pert nipples drew his attention that Graham finally managed to abandon his exploration of his mate’s neck. The little buds of flesh had already peaked, as if demanding Graham’s touch. Who was he to deny them, to deny his lover?

As he engulfed one of the nubs in his mouth, Caelyn arched his back and cried out his name. “Graham… Oh, sweet Jenarra… Please, fuck me! Claim me!”

Clearly, whatever thoughts had made him hesitate were vanishing now, pushed aside by the passion. Even so, Graham didn’t immediately release Caelyn’s nipple. He was enjoying this exploration of his mate’s body very much. He wanted to find each and every one of Caelyn’s sensitive spots, preferably with his mouth.

Graham used his fingers to tweak Caelyn’s other nipple, and the sprite went wild. As much as Graham would have liked to prolong this, it was only a matter of time until the scent and feel of Caelyn’s desire would become too much for him to bear.

With a wet pop, he released the bit of flesh and somehow managed to speak. “Are you sure, angel? Are you sure this is what you want?”

He almost didn’t recognize his own voice since he sounded like he’d swallowed sandpaper. Still, he managed to convey the message well enough. He had coaxed Caelyn out of his misgivings, but he truly didn’t want the sprite to have any regrets after that.

Obviously understanding him, Caelyn took a few deep breaths. His eyes were a little clearer when he answered, “Yes. Yes, beloved. No matter what happened or what happens, this is what I want.”

That was the answer Graham had been waiting for. At last, he could claim his mate. Sadly, in that moment, Graham realized he’d completely misplaced the lubricant. He’d put a tiny bottle in the pocket of his jeans, but now, the garments were in pieces all over the room. The gods only knew where the lube had ended up.

Cursing under his breath, Graham left the bed. “Graham?” Caelyn asked.

“Just a sec, angel,” Graham replied, rushing to the bags they’d brought into the room. They’d decided to carry all their supplies here, just in case, especially since there were so many valuable items inside. Graham had placed another bottle of lube there, but it seemed to take an indecent amount of time to find it.

When he finally set his eyes on the elusive thing, he released a victorious sound and retrieved it from the bag. As he returned to the bed, though, he found Caelyn had either decided to start without him or to give him a show. He was moving his hand up and down his own prick, once again biting his lower lip as he watched Graham with wild, nearly desperate eyes.

Graham’s brain practically short-circuited, and he almost dropped the lube. Fumbling, he managed to keep his hold on it. In a daze, he walked toward the bed, completely hypnotized by his mate’s surreal beauty.

When he climbed onto the bed again, Caelyn exposed his nether opening to Graham, bending himself in half in the process. Holding onto the lingering traces of his resolve, Graham supported Caelyn’s legs on his shoulders. Gazing deeply into his lover’s eyes, he searched for any signs of doubt. There were none, just anticipation, lust, and need.

Reveling in that emotion, Graham opened the tube of lubricant and squirted a generous amount of liquid on his fingers. Slowly, so as not to spook his sweet mate, he reached behind Caelyn and rubbed the tiny opening that tempted him so very much. Caelyn gasped lightly, his body opening up to Graham’s invasion, practically demanding it. One finger slid inside Caelyn with ease, and Graham’s choked groaned echoed Caelyn’s. The tightness that engulfed his digit had him wild with the question of how his mate’s little ass would feel around his prick.

At this point, his head was swimming with the desire to be one with Caelyn. He was so very close to snapping that it frightened him. He tried to focus on Caelyn’s desire to distract himself from his own. Predictably, it didn’t really work. If anything, it aroused Graham even more.

In the end, there was nothing he could do but embrace it and follow his natural instincts. Caelyn was still moving his hand up and down his dick, and Graham’s wolf decided that it simply would not do. It was his job to pleasure his mate, and he refused to fail in that more than exciting duty.

Slapping Caelyn’s hand away, Graham replaced his mate’s palm with his own. As he did so, he added another finger into his new lover’s channel, scissoring them gently and preparing his mate with plenty of lubricant. He was a big boy, even for a shifter, and he didn’t want to hurt Caelyn in any way.

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