Read What the Heart Takes Online

Authors: Kelli McCracken

What the Heart Takes (17 page)

The heat of his chest faded as she lifted her head and gazed up. “Help Layne with what?”

His head tilted toward the door. “They’re carrying in our luggage. Layne is getting his.”

“Does that mean he’s staying?”

He forced a smile and nodded. The news brought her a bit of relief, even though she knew Layne’s presence continued to bother him. “What changed his mind? He was determined to leave when I left to talk to Faith.”

Dylan shrugged his shoulders. “Your mom has a way of convincing people to stick around. She got through to him.”

His answer only raised more questions. How could her mother convince Layne to stay if she couldn’t? He was
Keeper. He was supposed to listen to her. Instead, he challenged her at every turn, like her decisions to come home, and their friendship, even the decision on where he would stay. If it weren’t for her body begging for sleep, she’d ask for an explanation. Right now, she needed sleep. They all did, including Layne.

“I’m glad he came to his senses, but he needs sleep as much as we do. We should help them carry in our stuff.” She broke their embrace and took a step past him only to be cut off a second later.

“You don’t need to lift anything. You’re exhausted, which means our baby is too.” The heat of his hands met the sides of her stomach as he stared at her. “I say we go lie down and worry about our stuff later. You need sleep, and I need to be close to you.”

She enjoyed the thought of crawling into bed, enjoyed even more the thought of him curling up beside her, holding her close like he did every night. But other thoughts wreaked havoc on her mind, thoughts that made every muscle in her body tense.

“I don’t think I can sleep.” She mumbled the response as she rubbed the stiffness in her neck.

“I take it this has something to do with Faith.”

He didn’t attempt to hide the irritation in his voice. While she didn’t want this conversation to turn into an argument, she couldn’t hide the way all this affected her. Nothing would ever get solved if she didn’t speak her mind.

“It’s Faith, it’s Layne, it’s—” She trailed her eyes down his body, lingering on the small space between her belly and his waist. “It’s you too, Dylan. I can’t take the friction between you and Layne. It’s causing too many problems between us.”

“I’m sorry, Heaven.”

The quiver in his voice constricted her chest. She knew he meant every word he uttered. The thrum of their connection vibrated with remorse. It pulled at her soul as much as the pain that accompanied it. No matter how much she wanted to be mad at him, the need to comfort him outweighed the anger.

“Don’t apologize.”

He shook his head and moved away when she stretched her hand toward his face. “You’re right. I shouldn’t. Apologies don’t mean anything if you keep making the same mistake. That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m hurting you and the baby because of my jealousy. What kind of man does that?”

His back remained to her as he peered down the hallway that led to the bedroom, the same room they would share. She wanted to be in that room, lying beside him in a peaceful sleep. But no amount of sleep would bring her peace. Until they stopped avoiding a certain conversation, the situation between him and Layne would get worse.

“We all have a lot on us, Dylan. Our relationship isn’t like normal ones, nor are our lives.”

“It doesn’t excuse my behavior.”

She detested the disgust she heard in his voice. Hating himself wouldn’t fix their issues, but forgiveness would. “Do you really want to make it up to me?” The moment he nodded, she moved across the floor, joining him in the archway. “Then end the tension between you and Layne. He’s my Keeper, Dylan. I need him.”

“I don’t know if I believe that anymore. He’s supposed to have these superpowers that will keep you safe, yet we’ve seen nothing substantial, short of burnt sheets and drumsticks.”

“Exactly. That’s all we’ve seen. That’s all he’s
us to see. There is more going on with him than what he’s sharing. You said the same before we left Jamaica.” Each shake of his head incited her more, but she kept her emotions under control. “Forget the fact that we have these reminders,” she said, pointing to the flame-shaped mark in her palm, “I feel it in my soul, Dylan. Layne is coming into his abilities. My God, he proved it this morning.”

His jaw flexed as he turned around, flashing her a set of folded brows. “What do you mean?”

“Didn’t you notice how hot it was inside my parents’ house? It wasn’t like that when we first got there. That’s why Dad started the fire.”

“So what?” He shrugged, turning back around. “The fire heated the room.”

“Do you mean the fire my dad almost gave up on building because it didn’t want to start? As soon as my mom told us about Faith, it was like someone dumped gasoline on the logs. Layne did that.” The more she tried to convince him of Layne’s abilities, the more he stood in silence, unmoved by her insinuations. Why did he have to be so stubborn? “I’ve been able to feel the heat of his energy since we became friends. No one else could until the day he killed Marco. That’s when you felt it, even if you didn’t realize it at the time.”

Flinging his hands in the air, he spun around to face her once more. “What’s your point?”

“He’s getting stronger, Dylan. The more time he spends with us, the stronger he gets. I think he would be a lot further along in his development if—” God, she didn’t want to bring this up. He was already struggling with the fact that Layne was her Keeper. Anything that increased their connection would cause him more pain.

“If what?”

The hardwood floor came into view as she averted her eyes. There wasn’t an easy way to put this, no matter how much she tried to reword it. “I think he’d be further along if he and I were closer. Our friendship, I mean.” The second she noticed his energy shift, she scrambled to explain her reasons. “He needs to be in sync with me. It’s his whole purpose. How else will he know when I need him if we aren’t in sync?

“I’m not stopping him from being your friend.”

The anger in his voice made her flinch, which annoyed her even more. “Maybe you aren’t
anything, but any time he spends with me increases your hostility toward him. He suspects it. I sense it, and it’s all because of that stupid kiss.”

He parted his lips to say something but snapped them shut instead. A growl rumbled from his chest as he pushed off the wall. Each heavy step echoed down the hallway. Disbelief rocked her core with each one he took. She wanted to chase after him but the catch in her side had her taking a deep breath.

Once his steps faded, she ignored the cramps and rounded the corner. A slow procession took her down the same path as Dylan. She pressed her hand to her stomach, hoping to soothe the baby from the frustrations flowing within her. She didn’t want to go into labor, but she had to finish this conversation. Both of their lives depended on it.

Yet something in her heart warned this was about more than her safety. This was about exploring the mysterious connection she and Layne shared. There was more to their bond, a lot more. The lack of cooperation from Delia and her parents had her doubting she’d ever find out what it was.

Perhaps it would be better if she didn’t. The pull between them had increased, even if just a little. It was enough to confuse her on what it all meant, but no matter how much she fought the feelings beginning to form, she couldn’t deny her connection with Layne was changing. Part of her wanted to find out what it was, and she did her best to ignore that want, to bury it in a part of her that Dylan would never sense.

Reaching the end of the hall, she came to a stop just outside the bedroom. The door stood ajar, allowing her to see inside before she entered. Dylan faced the window overlooking the woods. His chest rose and fell with each breath he took, but no matter how serene he appeared, the pulse of his energy remained chaotic. He slammed his fist against the sill, then raked his fingers through his hair as he began to pace. “Damn it,” he grumbled. “Damn it, damn it,
damn it

His internal conflict raged on, but she didn’t allow it to deter her from her mission. They would work this out. Somehow, some way, they would make it happen. They had to, because the alternative was too unbearable.

The moment her steps echoed through the room, he came to a halt. He kept his back to her, as if he could keep her from seeing how upset he was. Like she couldn’t feel it in their connection.

One quick push had the bedroom door closing. She hesitated near the dresser, waiting to see if he’d turn around. He didn’t. His body remained in a rigid stance.

“What is wrong with you?”

He released the tightness in his shoulders, slumping them as he hung his head. “Nothing. I’m just tired. I can’t think clearly.”

“You’re lying to me. The baby might be blocking my emotions from you, but I feel every single one of yours.”

“I can’t help it!” The words rumbled through the air, accentuating the tension between them. He rushed toward her, pounding his chest with his fist. “I’m afraid, Heaven.”

“Of what? What are you so afraid of, Dylan?”

“Losing you. Okay?” The heat of his hands warmed her arms when he gripped them. “I’m going out of my mind at the thought of losing you. If death doesn’t take you from me, my jealousy will push you away. I’m going to push you right into his arms.”

“Who? Layne?” Guilt showed in his eyes as he dropped his head. “Why would you think that? We’re bound to each other, Dylan. We’re connected.”

“You have a connection with him, too.”

She tucked her finger under his chin, urging him to look up. He did so with reluctance because he didn’t want her to see the moisture in his eyes. The way he shook his head and looked away said as much.

“Yes. Layne and I share a connection, but you’re my soulmate.”

“That doesn’t guarantee you’ll always be mine.” Brushing his hair from his face, he gripped the side of his head and grimaced. “What if we’re the unfortunate pair?”

“We aren’t.”

Her reply didn’t appease him. Doubt wavered in his eyes as he stared at her. “Even if we aren’t, there’s still no guarantee that we’ll be together forever.”

“You don’t think so?” She placed her hand over his heart then guided his hand to hers. “Do you feel those beats, Dylan? Do you feel how strong they are, how they beat in rhythm with yours? That’s your guarantee.”

“I…I want to believe that, but…” He worked his mouth together as if he had something to say but couldn’t find the right words. His hand dropped back to his side then he backed away. “All we have are the stories our parents have fed us. I want to believe those stories, but I wish there was something else. Something that would prove we’re meant to be, that you’ll always be mine, no matter what life throws at us.”

She waited for him to look at her but he wouldn’t, so she grabbed his arm and placed it on her stomach. “Your proof is right here. This is us, Dylan. This is you and me, the best parts of both of us.” His hand flinched at the words, but he didn’t pull away. He trailed his fingers across her belly, cupping a section where the baby seemed to be stretching. A hint of a smile flitted across his lips as he continued caressing her skin. “The baby is our future. We created this child from the love we share. She’s proof that we’re meant to be.”

The smile spreading across his lips was undeniable. He met her gaze, raising a brow as he did. “You said
. Do you think the baby’s a girl?”

“Guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

Humor played in his eyes as she repeated the words he’d told her in Jamaica. He pulled her close then leaned his forehead against hers. “I don’t want to waste another minute fighting with you. She—or he—will be here soon. I want to spend these last few weeks focusing on us.”

“I want that too,” she whispered.

The heat of his breath teased her skin, sending an electrifying pulse through her body. The issue of Layne hadn’t been resolved, but none of that mattered in this moment. Dylan mattered. The heat of his touch mattered. Everything else could wait.

He swept his lips against hers, restoring the passion between them. Just a few passes had her melting against him like wax on a newly lit candle. He accepted every ounce of her as he cradled his palm at the back of her head. The other hand squeezed her shoulder, tugging at the sweater that donned her arms. It didn’t take much before the silky cashmere slipped away, landing against the floor with a soft plop.

A slow spin had him pulling her across the room with each retreating step he took. She followed, keeping her steps in pace with his. A rush of excitement zinged over her at the thought of where this was heading—to the bed, which awaited their arrival.

The sudden halt of the mattress said they had. He pulled back to gaze at her, a hint of mischief sparkled in his big brown eyes. She couldn’t wait to find out his thoughts. The more he flashed her his sexy smile, the more her anticipation grew, especially when he leaned back in. Yet the sweet cinnamon kiss she craved didn’t come.

“I know what would make you sleep ten times better.” He spoke the soft words in her ear then teased the skin beneath with his lips.

“Is that right?” Another zap of his energy had her smiling. She tilted her head to the side, allowing him better access. “And what would that be?”

Moist lips trailed toward the nape of her neck as he slipped behind her. He grabbed her hips and jerked her against him, whispering, “Making love to me.”

It was amazing how such a simple phrase touched her heart. Lovemaking was the ultimate level of intimacy, especially for soulmates. It was about more than sharing their bodies. They shared their souls, combining two halves into a perfect whole. Nothing could bring them any closer, and she needed him close, needed that deeper connection.

His lips continued across the back of her neck. He swept her hair from their path and trailed them up the other side. Each labored breath beat hot against her skin as they lingered below her jaw. “Do you want to make love to me, Heaven?”


The word rushed from her mouth, though she barely made a sound. She couldn’t speak with all the haziness in her head. At least he heard her. His lips made their way back to hers, covering them with kisses as soft as velvet. One swirl of his tongue had her leaning into his body. And what an amazing body it was when it wrapped around hers, completing it. She couldn’t wait to feel his skin next to hers, couldn’t wait for him to soothe the ache forming between her legs.

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