When I Look to the Sky (31 page)

Read When I Look to the Sky Online

Authors: Barbara S Stewart

Tags: #Romance


Thursday, Carlee and Matthew met everyone at White’s. Later, the rest of the family arrived. Carlee was happy that Nanny and Pops made the trip. She wasn’t sure they would feel up to it. She knew they had their tickets, but they were both eighty-seven and she knew it would be a hard trip for them. They made the trip over with Beth’s brothers, Michael, Mark, Ethan, and Evan and their wives. The families all gathered for dinner. Geni reserved one of the smaller banquet rooms for them to get to know each other. 

had worked with Cook to plan the meal. There was traditional lasagna and vegetable lasagna in white sauce, wine, laughter and plenty of conversation. And Matthew captured it all with lots of pictures. 

Everyone kept asking Carlee if she was nervous,
“No, excited!” she replied each time.


Friday afternoon, Matthew took Carlee to Andy’s room. “I’ll see you downstairs,” he said. He kissed her, and whispered, “I love you,” in her ear, and then hugged Andy. He left to go to his Mom’s room to get ready. 

When Carlee came out of
her room, Andy was overcome with emotions. She was wearing a beautiful butter-yellow dress. Her hair was down, and she was gorgeous… and he tried hard not to cry. 

I have something for you. I think they’d look nice with your dress tonight, if you’d like. It would make me happy for you to have them.”

He pulled the sapphire necklace and earrings that had been
Beth’s from his pocket. 

Papa, they’re beautiful.” She removed what she was wearing, and put the earrings in and asked, “Will you hook this for me, please?” She walked to the mirror, looked and said, “They’re perfect.”

He took her hand,

Yes, I am!”

That makes one of us,” he laughed and took a deep breath.


Carlee and Andy exited the elevator, and Geni and Matthew were waiting. Their guests were already in the banquet room.

Andy took Geni
’s arm, and Matthew took Carlee’s hand. They entered the room to applause. Carlee looked around, everything was as beautiful as she imagined. The calla lilies on the tables were perfect. The burgundy bows tied around the chairs were just the right touch. Soft music played and the lighting cast a soft glow in the room.

Everyone was mingling as they waited for
them to arrive. Carlee looked up and saw Adaleigh on the other side of the room. She was happy to see her there; she’d been part of their lives for a long time. As they made their way around the room greeting people, Carlee went to her and they hugged.

Look at you, all glowly and stuff!” Adaleigh told her.

I’m so glad you’re here! You look all glowly yourself,” Carlee laughed. “Addy, this is Matthew.”

My pleasure,” he said. “I believe we just missed you at the studio the last time I was home.”

Well, I’ve sure heard a lot about you, and not just from this one,” she laughed gesturing to Carlee. “You’ve made quite an impression on the Papa Bear,” she said and laughed. “This is Hank Chester, my fiancé.”

It’s a pleasure,” he said extending his hand. “I believe we’re here to take notes,” he laughed.

When is the big day?” Carlee asked, excited.

We haven’t set a date yet,” Adaleigh responded as Andy joined them.

Chester,” Andy said shaking his hand.

Addy, beautiful as always. So glad you made it,” Andy said and kissed her cheek.


Carlee and Matthew continued through the room, greeting their family and friends before the meal. She was happy to find Mark Jones, Kimmy’s cousin and the drummer for Traveler there - another member of her family. Finally, Cook entered and indicated that he was ready to serve. The music was soft and pleasant. The meal was incredible. The Machus was the perfect choice. And Carlee loved it all. 


Andy, Nathan and Mark disappeared for a few minutes. When they returned Andy and Nathan both had guitars, and Mark had a snare drum. The White’s staff had pulled chairs to the front of the room, and the three men sat down. Softly they began playing. Matthew sat holding Carlee’s hand in his lap.

Andy began to sing
“Won’t You.” Carlee saw tears in his eyes as he sang, and she cried. Geni saw the tears and looked at Matthew, saw the love in his eyes, and she cried too. Carlee rose when they finished singing and met Andy in the middle of the room; Matthew followed. Andy wrapped her in his arms, and then he went to Matthew and hugged him.

They served m
ore of the Machus as Brian and Thomas rose. Thomas spoke first, turning toward Carlee.

What a breath of fresh air you’ve brought to this family. Your passion for others has made all of us love stronger in our own relationships. Our dad fell in love with you the first day you walked through the door. I’m only sorry he didn’t live to witness this special moment as you two begin your lives together. Matthew, he would be so proud of the man you’ve become.”

Even if he was a pain in the butt when he was little,” Brian said, and the rest of the room laughed. 

, the serious one; Brian the joker,
Matthew smiled.

I wondered what kind of woman you would spend your life with. I think we all hoped it would be Carlee when you first shared her with us,” Brian continued. He turned to Carlee, “I knew for sure that you were the one the night of the ‘formal’ Taco Tico date. We were not honored to know your mama, or your dad, but Andy has shared a treasure with all of us. We will all be proud to share, and watch you and Matthew grow old together.” Many tears flowed at the loving words shared by Matthew’s brothers. 

Carlee and Matthew visit
ed with friends and family after the meal. Carlee made a fuss and loved on Percy and Megs, “Look how beautiful you are!” she told them.

went to Carlee and hugged her. “This is all so beautiful; I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us tomorrow.”


Finally, Cook entered the room pushing a beautiful wrought-iron cart with the small, three-tiered wedding cake. It was decorated with pale yellow frosting and white daisies. On top of the cake was a crystal heart, a gift from Nanny and Pops, surrounded by white carnations and daisies. Cook called for Matthew and Carlee to come make the first cut. He handed Carlee a Waterford crystal cake cutter, “A gift from me and the missus,” he whispered in Carlee’s ear. 

Thank you,” she hugged him.

Matthew took her hand and together they cut the first slice.

Carlee held his hand tight, before he reached for the cake. “Don’t you get that all over me,” she scolded. 

He laughed
, and said, “Let’s do it like we are planning the rest of our lives, together.”

Aren’t you just the sweetest thing?” Carlee said and everyone laughed.

They both picked up a bite of cake.
 Matthew put his other arm around her waist and pulled her closer. They fed the cake to each other, and Matthew pulled her closer for a kiss, licking frosting from her lips as their friends and family laughed.


Staff came in and quickly rearranged the rooms to allow dancing. This was a surprise for Carlee from Matthew. There was a selection of music that Matthew had put together for the evening.

When the first song began
, he took Carlee’s hand. It was Van Morrison, one of her favorites. He wrapped her in his arms as the classic; “Have I Told You Lately That I Love You” began to play. In his arms, Carlee cried as he softly sang the words to her.

The next song was Nat King Cole, a special request by Andy
when Matthew asked if he’d like any special music selections added. Andy took Carlee in his arms and kissed the top of her head as she snuggled against his chest and they danced to “Unforgettable.” After a few minutes, Matthew joined them to dance with his mom.

floor was then open for everyone to dance, and they did. Even Pops danced with Carlee, and Matthew with Nanny. Andy danced with Geni several times and with Carlee every chance he got. Carlee noticed him with Geni, and she liked it.

Matthew made plans with Cook to freeze the top layer of cake for them.
 The hotel was storing the gifts until Matthew and Carlee would return to the flat.


Around eleven that night, everyone said good night, all looking forward to the festivities in the morning. Those staying at White’s
filled the elevator to go to their rooms. When they reached their floor, everyone departed the elevator. Matthew quickly pulled Carlee back, pushing the button for the lobby.

What are you doing?” she laughed, as he hurried her out the front door and led her to a bench at Green’s Park.

Seems like this bench is our spot,” he said, and pulled her to him for a kiss. “I just needed five minutes alone. Have I told you that I’m crazy about you?” It was chilly; he slipped his coat off, wrapped it around her shoulders, and eased her a little closer as they sat there.

You have,” she laughed.

Carlee tonight was perfect. I love you more and more each moment, not day - moment. I’m so excited about every tomorrow, and I can’t wait to wake up with you Sunday morning when you are Mrs. Matthew Davis.”

“We think differently,” she laughed. “I can’t wait to go to bed with you tomorrow night as Mrs. Matthew Davis.” She paused, nuzzled his cheek and looked lovingly into his eyes. “Matthew, I love you so much.”

They sat on the bench a
few minutes longer, Matthew’s arm around her. Finally, he pulled her into his arms for another kiss. “I’d better get you back,” he said.   

In the elevator he kissed her once more, a long passionate kiss.
 When the doors opened, he walked her to the door of the suite she would share with Andy and said good night. He made his way down the hall to his Mom’s room.


She was already dressed for bed when he entered. “What a beautiful evening,” Geni said.

It was,” Matthew smiled thinking about it all.

Matthew, thank you for sharing this evening with me; I’m glad not to be alone.”

I love you Mom…”


Carlee entered the suite where Andy waited. “Come sit with me,” he said. She walked over and sat on the sofa beside him.

Sweet, sweet girl, I love you so much. Matthew is a lucky man. Just always remember, I loved you first.” He thought about Pops saying those same words to him about Beth so many years ago. “You look like an angel,” he said. “Tonight was beautiful, special.”

Thank you. I wanted it to be special in its own way to everyone. I saw lots of tears. Aunt Kimmy, Nanny, Pops, Roddy, Dina… you,” she said, and placed her hand on his cheek.

Papa, I’ve been so blessed. After Mama, while my dad didn’t know what to do with, or about me, after he died… Thank you for the beautiful life I’ve grown up in. You didn’t have to, but you loved me like I was yours.”

Carlee, you are mine. It may have started that way because of your mama, but it ended up that way because of you. I love you so much sometimes it hurts. Matthew told me not long ago, when we were talking about you, that he didn’t know you could actually love someone so much it hurt. I’m here to tell that I know it for a fact. First your mama when I screwed up, and then when she allowed me back,” he paused. “Then when she was gone and I had to give you back to your dad.” 

He took a big, deep breath to continue,
“I prayed every day that he would honor her wishes and keep me in your life. When he did,” he stopped again, trying to keep it together. “When he did, I thanked God, and then when he died, I thanked God that you knew how much I loved you, and you chose to spend the next part of your life with me. Now, while I’m sad because it means you are leaving me, I will share you with Matthew. I am proud of the man you chose. I told you right from the beginning that I liked him. But it’s more, Carlee. I love him, because he loves you, and there’s no question in my mind how much he loves you.”

I didn’t know where you went when we came back upstairs and you disappeared. I looked out the window; you can see that bench in the park from here. That bench seems to be an important place – I’ve seen you there before. But tonight, the vision of the two of you there was so beautiful.” He smiled and pulled his phone from his pocket and showed her the picture he snuck of them. “I prayed you’d still be sitting just like that until I figured the damn camera out,” he laughed.

I’m going to bed now and cry myself to sleep,” he laughed. “Wake me in the morning. I need a few more minutes alone with you before I share you with Matthew,” he said, and then added “forever.”

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