When Summer Ends (42 page)

Read When Summer Ends Online

Authors: Isabelle Rae

He smirked at me. “You think I’m super hot?”

I grinned. “Hottest teacher I’ve ever seen.”

He laughed and opened the door, taking my hand and pulling
me inside. The place was just how I remembered, messy, dirty, and cluttered.
But I loved it. I smiled and stepped closer to him, wrapping my arms around his
neck, looking right into his eyes as happiness swirled around my system.

“I love your apartment,” I confessed.

He smiled. “And I love you being in my apartment.”

I pulled his mouth down to mine, eager to pick up where we
left off outside. He kissed me for a couple of seconds but then pulled away
from me, smiling a little sheepishly. “Chloe, let’s talk for a bit.” He guided
me over to the sofa and sat down. A concerned frown lined his forehead.

I smiled and nodded, sitting next to him and holding his
hand tightly. He played with my fingers, looking a little uncomfortable. “Will,
spit it out!” I laughed, rolling my eyes.

“Okay, so I want to be with you,” he started.

I grinned as my heart leapt in my chest. “Well that’s pretty
good considering I want to be with you too.”

He bent his head and kissed me lightly, his eyes locked on
mine. “We could both be in so much trouble for this. There’s a couple of
options for us and how we go about this.” He frowned, and I nodded for him to
continue. “We can either be together and hide it, or wait until after you leave

I smiled and scooted closer to him on the sofa. “You’d wait
for me?” I teased, playing with the collar of his T-shirt.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and smiled sadly. “I was
planning on asking you out the day you graduated. I had this big idea of
showering you in tulips and getting down on my knees, holding a bag of Mexican
food, and begging you for another chance,” he admitted, brushing his hand down
the side of my face.

I chewed on my lip. That was actually an incredibly sweet
plan. He didn’t look as if he was joking either, so maybe he really would have
done that. “Would there have been tortilla chips in the bag?” I asked, trying
to keep a straight face.

He smiled. “Absolutely, and sour cream dip.”

“Then I definitely would have given you another chance.” I
giggled as he smirked at me. My heart was beating so fast that I could barely
keep still. I’d missed this, this easy routine, the flirting, and the smiling.
Everything was always so easy with Will.

“So we’ll wait until after you leave school then. Everything
will be easier then, and the nine months will pass really quickly. Well, I hope
it does,” he said, laughing uneasily.

He wants to wait? I don’t want that at all.
Now that
I’d kissed him again I didn’t ever want time away from him. “Will, I don’t want
to wait. You seriously want to wait?” I asked, begging him with my eyes to say
that he couldn’t stay away from me for a single second either.

He frowned. “Of course I don’t want to wait, Cutie. God, I
don’t want to wait at all. But you said-” he started but I cut him off by putting
my hand over his mouth.

“No more crossed wires. I want to be with you now, Will. I’m
totally crazy about you and these last six weeks have been awful. We’ll be
together but keep it quiet. That’s what I want,” I said sternly, taking the
upper hand for once.

He laughed. “Where did this sudden burst of confidence come
from? I like it,” he teased, waggling his eyebrows at me. I blushed as usual
and he traced his finger across my cheek looking extremely proud of himself.
“Okay, great. We’ll keep it quiet then. I’m thinking that you’ll need to tell
Amy, she’ll figure it out anyway otherwise.”

I nodded and bit my lip. Amy was going to go crazy when she
found out. “Amy’s been telling me that you still liked me, but I didn’t believe
her. She’ll certainly say I told you so when I tell her.”

“Smart girl. I thought I was doing a pretty decent job at
hiding it. Well, I was doing well until that little shit Oliver kept touching you…”
he trailed off, frowning.

I squirmed on my seat. “Will, I didn’t want to be with Olly,
you know that, right? I was upset about us breaking up, and then you started
seeing Miss Teller so I just tried to move on. And, I admit, that it started
because I was trying to get back at you for moving on so quickly with her.”

He sighed. “I know you were upset, and it’s fine. I wasn’t
seeing Miss Teller though, I promise. Nothing ever happened with her, or anyone
else, and it never would because I’m in love with someone else.” His eyes
locked onto mine, making my skin heat up.
Is it getting hotter in here, or
is that just me?

I kissed him, not knowing what to say. I’d been wrong about
him and Miss Teller all along, and because of that I’d gone out with Olly.
Sure, it was only for ten days but I’d still done it, and I couldn’t feel worse
about it. He kissed me back, making a little moan in the back of his throat
that definitely raised the temperature in the room another degree.

I slowly lay down on my back, pulling him down on top of me,
kissing him deeply. I ran my hand down his chest, slipping it under his T-shirt
marvelling over the hard muscles on his stomach. He pulled away quickly and put
his hand on top of mine, stopping me from moving it any higher under his

“Chloe, you’re making me crazy,” he whispered, his eyes
raking down my body slowly. He rolled to the side, moving off of me, lying at
my side. I smiled. He always made me feel so beautiful all the time. I had no
idea what someone like Will saw in someone like me, but he clearly saw
something he liked, and that thought made my heart swell in my chest. I moved
back to kiss him again, but he shook his head. “We need to set some boundaries,
and we need to do it quick before I lose my restraint,” he said quickly.

I looked at him confused. “Huh?”

He looked at me a little pained. “I’m all up for us being
together and keeping it secret because I’d miss you like crazy if we waited.
But… I’m an adult, and I’m your teacher, so there needs to be some lines that
we just don’t cross.”

Lines we don’t cross? Please tell me he’s not saying what
I think he’s saying.
Suddenly I became very aware that he had barely
touched me at all, every time I’d touched him he’d pulled away. Every time
things were getting a little heated he’d stopped it.

“Meaning?” I prompted, praying he just wouldn’t say it.

He looked at me knowingly. “You know what I’m talking about,
Cutie. I’m talking about your pervert ways,” he teased, flicking my nose

I rolled my eyes.
Great, well that’s just great, he’s
going to leave me frustrated for nine months. Perfect.
I sighed and looked
at him questionably. Would he actually be able to wait for nine months until I
left school? The glint in his eye when he was looking at me and the way he
kissed me certainly didn’t say that he wanted to wait for a physical relationship.

“So what kind of thing is acceptable to you then?” I asked,
resisting the urge to pout and whine like a little girl. I didn’t really
understand why he wanted to wait, no one would know if we took it further.

He sighed and traced his hand down the side of my face.
“Well, I can’t not kiss you, so kissing is definitely acceptable,” he murmured,
pressing his lips to mine softly for a second. “I just don’t want to be groping
you or anything. If we maybe just stick to outside of clothes, no skin.”

I gasped. “Are you kidding me?”
He’s blowing this way out
of proportion; we don’t need to take it that far!

He sighed. “Chloe, come on, this hard for me. I’m an adult
and technically you’re not. I shouldn’t even be lying here with you, or kissing
you. Touching is kind of a stretch,” he explained, looking at me

“Will, no one will know how far it goes. We’re keeping it
secret from everyone; I won’t tell Amy anything that happens. The only ones
that will know are you and me. There’s no reason for us to be holding back and
being frustrated for the next nine months.” I looked at him pleadingly.

know, and
know. I can’t
sleep with a minor again, it’s different doing it when I didn’t know, but I
can’t knowingly commit statutory rape on a student of mine. Please understand,
I just don’t want to.” He looked at me apologetically as he continued, “The
nine months will pass really fast, I promise…” he trailed off, his eyes boring
into mine, begging me to understand.

I reluctantly nodded. I guess the time would pass quickly
enough; I would still get to hang out with him and kiss him. Maybe the waiting
would make it better in the long run; I could tell he felt uncomfortable with
me being this close to him. “Okay yeah I guess, if that’s what you want I can
go along with it,” I grudgingly agreed.

He smiled gratefully. “Thank you. I honestly do love you,
Cutie. As soon as you’re old enough and have left school I swear there is
nothing in this world that will stop me from being with you over and over. I’ll
make it worth the wait I promise… that’s if you still want me then of course,”
he teased, tracing his finger along my bottom lip, making my mouth water.

I didn’t even bother to answer the ‘if you still want me’
comment, that didn’t justify a response because it was so ludicrous.
so he said no touching of skin, does that mean I can touch him over clothes?

“Mmm?” he murmured, kissing the side of my neck lightly,
making me tip my head back to give him better access.

“You said no skin, right? So over clothes is fine?” I
whispered huskily.

He groaned against my neck. “I don’t know, Cutie, I guess

I rolled him onto his back, moving on top of him, straddling
him. I could feel how excited he was downstairs, and it was making my whole
body ache. “I think over clothes is a nice compromise,” I whispered, kissing
him passionately.

He moaned in the back of his throat, and the sound made my
heart start to race in my chest. His hands trailed down my back, but he stopped
just before he got to my ass and I couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated
about it. He kissed me just as fiercely as I was kissing him. Unconsciously I
ground my hips against him, making a little burst of pleasure shoot around my
body. He moaned into my mouth and gripped my hips, holding them still when I
tried to do it again.

I pushed his hands off of me, interlacing our fingers. “This
is over clothes,” I whispered, grinding on him again, loving how intimately we
were rubbing together.

He groaned. “Chloe, dry humping isn’t really something-” he
started, but I ground against him harder making him stop talking and look at me
Oh yeah, he definitely likes that!
“We… It’s not… I…” he
stuttered, looking torn.

“There are better things you could be doing with your mouth
than talking, Will,” I whispered, brushing my lips over his lightly.

His hands left mine, one tangled into the back of my hair,
pulling my mouth down to his roughly. I smiled against his lips as he wrapped
his other arm around me, rolling me onto my back, kissing me like it was the
last thing he’d ever do. His kissing was amazing; every nerve ending was on
fire as my whole body tingled. He made me feel so special just because of how
much he wanted me too. This incredible boy wanted me, out of everyone he could
choose, he chose me. I’d never take his love for granted, ever.

“I love you, Will,” I mumbled breathlessly.

He pulled back and grinned. “I love you too,” he whispered.
His breathing was just as ragged as mine.

The make out session was getting hotter and hotter by the
second, but he didn’t once try to overstep the invisible line that he’d drawn.
I did though. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own. When one hand pushed
down the back of his jeans so I could squeeze his ass, he pulled it back out
quickly, pressing his face into the side of my neck, rubbing his nose along the
skin there. “That was naughty, Miss Henderson,” he whispered, biting my neck

“So give me detention then, Mr Morris,” I teased, giggling.

He laughed and pulled back slightly, hovering above me as he
brushed the hair from my face softly. “Seriously, over clothes, please?” he
begged. I took comfort in the fact that he looked like he hated this agreement
as much as I did.

I nodded. “Over clothes,” I agreed, raising my head and kissing
his lips softly.

He nodded and kissed the tip of my nose before pushing
himself up, taking my hands and pulling me up to sitting. “I’m going to order
the food,” he stated.

I smiled and nodded. “You go do that, and I’ll choose a
movie to watch.”

He looked at me so softly, so tenderly that it made my heart
race in my chest. “I’d rather just watch you.”

I giggled under his intense gaze. “Then you can watch me,
and I’ll watch the movie,” I teased, flicking his nose like he always did to
me. He just stood there looking at me with a small satisfied smile on his face.
“What are you waiting for? Shoo, go order the food!” I ordered, waving my hand
towards the door jokingly.

“I love you, Cutie,” he said casually, before turning and
heading to the kitchen to get the menu.

My heart melted into a puddle. I seriously wasn’t getting
used to that phrase coming out of his mouth, every time he said I wanted to
jump for joy. I sighed contentedly, slumping down on the sofa with a big goofy
grin on my face. Nine months was going to feel like a long time, but I was
pretty sure he’d cave on that at some point. Someone like Will wouldn’t be able
to wait that long for sex. At least, I hoped he wouldn’t be able to wait
anyway, because I sure as heck didn’t want to.



Chapter Twenty-Eight



That night passed in a blur. Saturday was the happiest I had
been in a long time. Just chilling in Will’s apartment, holding his hand, and talking
to him like we used to was incredible. We settled back into our old routine so
easily that it was almost like magic. The only trouble was that the hours that
I spent with him just didn’t seem enough; the night had finished too soon. He
dropped me home with a small kiss and one of his beautiful smiles. It took me
hours to fall asleep that night, all I could hear was him telling me he loved me.

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