Where I Wanna Be (61 page)

Read Where I Wanna Be Online

Authors: Vera Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial


Eli set down his cards and gave Art a long hug. “Dad, where have you been all my life?”


I’ve been here,” Art hugged back, “just waiting for your mom to meet me.”


It had the setting to be the event of New York. The much-celebrated wedding between Nicola D’Amato and Police Commissioner Arturo Rodriguez.


Thousands of flowers from Madre’s decorated the cathedral, in shades of lilac, cream, and pink. An aisle full of rose petals led to the altar which was surrounded by several lit candles. At the end of the aisle, were Nicola’s and Art’s initials intertwined together. Guests began filing into the church and taking their seats.


I have to say this is probably my best work yet,” Eli stood at the back of the church, admiring the décor.


You outdid yourself this time, bro,” Nick joined him, “this looks phenomenal.”


How were you able to convince Father Thompson to have so many flowers and petals?” Kieran inquired. “Usually churches are reserved on what they want inside for a wedding.”


A generous donation plus free flowers for six months,” Joey added, “amazing how people’s minds change when there’s money involved.”


Well, the church is a business first,” Tony replied.


A very profitable one,” Nick deadpanned.


The brothers were soon joined by their respective partners. “Are we ready for this?” Tiana interlocked arms with her husband.


It’s not my wedding and I’m ready for it to be over with,” Kieran sighed.


How about you, stranger?” Zerrin smiled. “How are you feeling?”


I should be asking you that question,” Nick placed a hand on Zerrin’s womb, “have the contractions stopped?”


Here and there,” Zerrin shrugged, “we might have a few more weeks or we might have tonight.”


A New Year’s baby,” Tony nodded as he waited for his mother. He was going to escort her down the aisle. “I can get down with that.”


Joey interlocked arms with Zoe and placed a kiss along her earlobe. “You look absolutely breathtaking,
mi amore


You keep that up and we won’t last through the reception,” Zoe whispered back.


Maybe that’s my plan,” Joey whispered.


Mm-mmm.” Kieran cleared his throat, causing Joey to step away from Zoe, “we should be getting in our places now.”


Eli approached his wife. She and her team spent the morning doing the hair and makeup for the bridal party, all of them wearing different styles that coordinated with the woman’s personality and looks. Faith chose to wear her hair in a half-up, half-down do, with many ringlets. It reminded Eli of their wedding day. “You look just absolutely phenomenal, Faye.”


Why, thank you, Eli.” She flashed a big smile at him, “you look amazing, yourself.”


He held out his arm for her to grab. “Are you ready?”


I’m ready!” Faith cheered. “Let’s get this show on the road!”




Nicola knew her wedding to Art was going to be the last one she’d ever have and she spared no expense. The reception was held at the famed St. Regis Hotel. Thousands of white flowers complimented the hotel’s rich gold décor and elegance. The wedding menu contained lobster tail, a choice of filet mignon or chicken breast, and an open bar for guests. A DJ spun old-school soul music, a request from the groom. Each guest received a mini-version of the towering wedding cake that stood about four feet high and was decorated with fresh rose petals.


Nicola and Art sat at a sweetheart table just for them, while the rest of the wedding party shared a long rectangular table for all them. A couple of nannies from Fits and Giggles chaperoned the children at a nearby table. During the reception, all five sons got up and gave speeches, toasting their mother and welcoming their new father into the family.


Well, I have to say, I have never seen mamma so happy,” Kieran looked over at his mother, giggling with her new husband.


She deserves it.” Nick smiled. “After everything she’s done for us, she deserves nothing but the best.”


To mamma,” Tony held up a glass.


The rest of the party joined in. “To mamma,” they all said in unison.


Eli glanced down at his watch. The reception was going to be over in a short while and he still needed to put the finishing touches on the honeymoon suite. “I need to go up to the honeymoon suite and decorate it; I’ll be right back.”


Do you need help?” Faith leaned in towards her husband. “I’ll help you decorate.”


A slow grin appeared on Eli’s face. He knew what his wife meant; at least he hoped he did. “Only if you want to, baby girl.”


I do.” Faith asked Zoe if she could watch Nathan while she stepped away for a moment and she agreed. “Let’s go.”


Eli and Faith stood up from their table and made their way to the elevators, with everyone else at their table watching them.


Damnit!” Zerrin stomped her foot. “I swore they were going to hook up after the wedding rehearsal.”


Better than me,” Tiana shook her head as she nursed Gianna, “I had them before the rehearsal dinner.”


Okay, so who bet on the wedding sex?” Joey asked.


That would be me!” Nick nodded, as he watched his brothers pull out their wallets and pay him.




In the honeymoon suite, Eli and Faith decorated the California king-sized bed with rose petals in shape of a heart and a trail of petals leading from the front door to the bed. A bottle of champagne chilled in ice, with chocolate-dipped fruits and cheeses on a tray in a nearby corner. Flameless candles surrounded the suite, adding to the romantic atmosphere.


Eli stood back and looked at the suite. He thought it would feel weird decorating a honeymoon suite for his mother on her wedding day but he was very proud of his work. Despite the expected glitches of the wedding, Eli could say it was his second favorite of all-time. His first favorite wedding was his to Faith.


He could still remember going through three dress shirts because he sweated through them. He had a couple of vodka shots before he walked down the aisle but it was nothing compared to Faith, who was clearly drunk. It didn’t matter to him, though. He was married to his soul-mate, the woman who stood by him when he had nothing, the woman who was with him when he gained everything. The woman who suffered through 15 hours of natural labor to give birth to their son.


The woman who deserved so much more than him. The woman he would be forever indebted to for putting up with his antics. No, it wasn’t antics. She put up with his shit. A lot of it. All of it.


She deserved more than dinners at the city’s most exclusive restaurants, shopping sprees at the country’s most extravagant boutiques, vacations at the world’s most elite hot spots, and orgasms and hollow embraces in the still of lonely mornings spent together. She deserved more than the divided attention of a man who was incapable of giving her everything she truly deserved.


Are you okay?” Faith’s voice broke through the silence.


Eli shook his head and jumped back into the present. “Yeah, I’m fine.”


You were staring into space. I was saying how beautiful the suite was and it was
as nice as ours on our wedding day. It’s a close second, though.” She smiled.


Faye, um, can we talk for a moment?” He asked.


The worry in Eli’s voice concerned Faith. “What is it? Is everything okay?”


No, it’s not.” Eli admitted. “Everything’s not okay. Let’s talk in my room.” He walked out of the suite and headed towards the elevators. Faith quickly followed him. When they arrived at his room, Eli sat down on the bed and Faith sat next to him. “Listen to me, and just listen. I really, really fucked up. I can admit that. I walked away from you, from Nathan, from our marriage to chase some high school fantasy, when it was a nightmare in disguise. And I know nothing I can do is worthy of your forgiveness. I know there aren’t enough flowers in the world, enough fancy handbags, and fancy jewelry to make you forgive me for being such a tool. I know this and I’m willing to accept that. And if you don’t want to get back with me, I understand. I’m not worthy of you.”


Faith chewed on her bottom lip. She promised herself she wouldn’t cry at the wedding because she spent a lot money and time getting her face done and she didn’t want to look like a raccoon at the end of the night. Still, the tears streamed uncontrollably down her cheeks. She licked her lips and glanced up at the ceiling. “Eli, I’ll tell you the same thing I told you when you proposed to me the last time,” the memory caused a chuckle from the couple, “I don’t believe in divorce. It’s not an option for me. So I’m afraid you’re stuck with me. Stuck!” She laughed at him.


I don’t deserve you,” Eli sniffled, “I truly don’t.”


I know,” Faith agreed, “but you need to understand that you married a woman who was raised in the Church. It would be silly of me to ask forgiveness from God when I can’t even forgive my husband. Now, it’s going to be a long road. We’re going to be in therapy for a while. It’s going to take some time for us to move past this but if you’re willing to go the distance for me, I’m willing to go the distance for you.”


Eli wiped away a tear. “You mean it?”


Faith held out a pinky. “You wanna swear on it?”


Eli interlocked pinkies with his wife. “I swear on it.” His lips hovered over hers briefly before capturing them. Faith felt the soft waves of desire course through her body as Eli gently parted her lips with his tongue. She forgot how skilled his tongue was, how it created quivering heat within in her belly, crawling all the way up to her neck.


His lips moved down to her neck and Faith naturally parted her thighs for easier access. This was home.
was home. Being with her husband, her partner, the love of her life, her everything. She knew it was going to be a long road ahead of them. A lot of prayer and a lot of therapy. It was going to be a while before she would be able to fully trust him again.


They would fight more as they worked on their issues. It was going to be tense as she would try to forgive the past and focus on the future. It was a risk Faith was willing to take. She couldn’t give up on her marriage until she knew for sure there was nothing else left to fight for.


His hands wandered all over her body, landing at her breasts. He softly squeezed them through the soft fabric of her dress, eager to taste them once again. Eli’s lips became more demanding, swallowing her lips with a fervent hunger and making her moan louder, crying for a release.


Faith felt Eli’s hands travel down the soft curvature of her breasts to what he really wanted, her sex. He lifted up the dress and found her damp panties, soaked with desire and need. He slid a finger inside her panties and Eli almost lost control. She was completely bare and smooth. He forgot how innocent she felt. How tender she was. When he slid a finger inside her heat, she immediately clenched around him. He totally forgot how tight she was.

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