Where I Wanna Be (57 page)

Read Where I Wanna Be Online

Authors: Vera Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial


Yeah, I’ll be there.” Eli replied. “Mom’s watching Nathan tonight so I’ll have some free time tonight.”


Good,” Tony rubbed his hands together, “I need to win some flowers for a special lady.”


Oh?” Eli’s eyes twinkled. “What special lady is this one?”


Tony shyly smiled as he thought of Krista. She saw him as the immature Tony who didn’t know any better and he was determined to show her there was a more serious and sensual side to him. “It’s nobody, really.”


It wasn’t until Simone sat around the kitchen table with her cousins, did she realize how much she needed to be at home.


The weather was better. Traffic was much easier to navigate through. The air was cleaner. People were much friendlier in Houston. The only thing Simone had to worry about was if her hair was on point, since there seemed to be a hair competition every corner.


She got to spend time with her cousins and play catch-up with Alicia and her children. Simone had lunch with her father the other day; she truly missed being around him. Home was where the heart was and Simone felt foolish she thought she could get the same thing somewhere else.


I thought you were permanently stuck in Georgia and New York.” Meredith made a cup of coffee and sat down with her daughter at the kitchen table. “It seems like I never see you anymore.”


I was trying to get my business off the ground, Mom. I have to stay to make it run. I no longer work for someone else. I work for me now.” Simone justified. “It’s a different ballgame now.”


But there’s a reason why you came back home, katydid,” A slow smile crept on Meredith’s face. “You didn’t just pop in to say hi to us.”


I want to move back home,” Simone replied. “I think Houston is where it’s at.”


You’re just now realizing that?” Meredith commented.


I’m hard-headed just like you, I’ll admit that.” Simone nodded. “But I just think it’s time for me to be closer to home. And Houston is a good place to raise a baby.”


Simone’s revelation caused Meredith to look up briefly before she turned to her daughter. “Are you pregnant?”


Simone remembered when she discovered she was pregnant with Eli’s baby. She was showing a wedding site and had to excuse herself so she could throw up. Knowing that she didn’t have anything to eat that morning, it didn’t take too long for her to realize what was happening to her body. She wanted to tell Eli the night they broke up, hoping it would convince him to finally divorce Faith and start anew with Simone.


Eli was in love with Faith and that was something Simone just couldn’t compete with, and neither did she want to try anymore. “Six weeks now.”


And what does the baby’s father think?” Meredith asked. “Assuming he knows?”


He’s made it clear he doesn’t want anything to do with me.” Simone told a half-lie. She was sure Eli would do whatever he could to make sure Simone and their child was covered with whatever she needed. But if Eli disregarded Simone and her feelings for the duration of their relationship that was a risk she didn’t want to take for their unborn child. She didn’t know if Eli would play favorites with his children purely based on the relationship he had with the respective mothers and if he did, there was a good chance Simone would always play second to Faith—just like she had been. “That’s that.”


Meredith grasped Simone’s hand. “You know I will support you. It’s going to be hard, with a lot of sacrifices, katydid. But it can be done. When do you plan on moving?”


As soon as possible.” Simone added. The faster she got out of New York, the better for everyone involved. “I’ve already started the paperwork to start over here in Houston. I will be here by the end of the year.”


End of the year?” Meredith was surprised. “That’s quick, katydid! Besides the obvious, why the rush?”


The real truth was Simone didn’t want to be around to see Nicola’s New Year’s Eve nuptials. “I’m just ready for a fresh start and being around family. That’s all, Mommy.”




Dude, you are in so much trouble,” Joey laughed.


I didn’t do anything!” Eli defended. “I just only said hi to her!”


Eli greeted a potential bride and her party in the shop. After briefly talking with the bride, she fainted. Marissa called 911 while Eli and Joey cleared space and made room for the bride to come to. Joey elevated her ankles while Eli fanned her as her head rested on his lap.


Did she eat anything at all today?” Eli asked the bride’s friends.


She had four cups of coffee,” one bridesmaid shrugged, “I don’t know what else.”


Oh, and a Red Bull,” chimed in another bridesmaid.


Eli and Joey looked at each other. “High on life,” Joey smirked.


And not much else,” Eli commented. Just then, Darren entered the shop and stood in a nearby corner. He briefly caught eyes with Eli, who smiled back at him.


After a few minutes, the bride came to and looked up. “What… what… what happened to me?” She asked.


You fainted,” Eli smiled down at her, “don’t worry. We have an ambulance coming and they’re going to take care of you soon.”


The bride narrowed her eyes together and briefly tried to lift up her head but fell back into Eli’s lap. “I don’t remember anything else.”


It’s okay, sweetheart,” Eli lightly stroked her forehead, “we’ll take care of you.”


I wouldn’t mind if you took care of me,” the bride smiled. Sirens soon surrounded the building and a pack of emergency personnel rushed into Madre’s. They took care of the bride and she left in the awaiting ambulance for some more testing.


Darren walked up to Eli and congratulated on him on a job well done. “You did great back there,” he smiled, “you should be proud. You were her Prince Charming.”


Out of all of the years I’ve been here, I never had a bride faint,” Eli chuckled, “oh well, there’s a first time for everything. Anyway, how can I help you?”


I heard when it comes to flowers, you’re the man.” Darren inquired. “I have a special request.”


I bet you do,
Eli thought. The thought of Darren mounting Faith while she clutched at his arms made Eli’s skin crawl. “I’ll meet you at the table in the corner over there. I’ll be right back.” Eli rushed upstairs to retrieve a notepad. First, he had to calm down. All he kept thinking about was connecting his fist with Darren’s jaw.


Is the bride okay?” Joey asked.


Oh, yeah, she’s fine. But I have something more important downstairs.” Eli beckoned his brother to look down at the showroom. “That’s my problem.”


Ooh…” Joey stroked his goatee. “Hey, can you get me an autograph?”


Eli turned to his brother incredulously. “I know you didn’t just ask me that.”


Let me go ask for an autograph and a picture.” Joey quickly left and Eli watched him take a picture and hobnob with Darren. Joey then made his way back up to the office. “Man, this is so going on Facebook for bragging rights!”


Okay, dude, are you going to help me with this situation?” Eli asked.


You love Faye?” Joey asked.


What the hell kinda question is that?” Eli shot back.


Do you love your wife?” Joey repeated.


Yes, I love my wife.” Eli hissed.


Then handle your business, bro.” Joey smirked. “Or he’ll handle it for you. Simple as that. Good luck!”


Eli grabbed the notepad and made his way downstairs. He saw the girls had already served tea cakes and tea to Darren, who was looking at the various designs. Eli let out a breath and said a silent prayer.
Father God, please keep me from whuppin’ that fool’s ass.


So how can I help you, today?” Eli asked as he sat down.


I heard you were the man when it came to floral design and by what I can tell, you are amazing.” Darren clamored. “So, I’m here for a special request for a special lady.”


Sure thing,” Eli started scribbling on the notepad. “Tell me about the lady.”


Well, her name is Faith but I call her Faye,” Darren smiled. “Um, she likes pink, that’s her favorite color. She loves to watch all those reality shows on TV. She’s a hairstylist and a pretty good one. She’s known all over New York. She loves chocolate and ice cream. Hmm… what else? Oh yeah, she has a son named…”


Nathan.” Eli finished for Darren. He had just about enough of Darren’s mouth.


Yes! Do you know her?” Darren asked.


I say I do.” Eli tightened his lips and looked over at Darren. He ripped the sheet from the notepad and handed it to a nearby Madre’s employee. “You’re my wife’s new boyfriend.”


Darren finally got to meet the elusive ex-husband of Faith. He was no longer a figure clouded in mystery. Oh no. The asshole was directly in front of him with a smirk on his face. Darren kept a calm composure and a blank face. “Your


The last time I checked nothing has been signed yet,” Eli reminded, “legally, she’s still Mrs. D’Amato.”


Physically, I would say otherwise,” Darren smarted back.


Eli took a sip of his cappuccino and smiled at Darren’s boldness. Was he begging to get his ass beat? It sounded like it. “Spending time between her legs doesn’t make you a Faith D’Amato expert.”


Darren took a bite of the tea cakes. “Oh, I think it does.”


Eli felt his heart pound through his chest. For a brief moment, he was about to throw away the classy reputation of Madre’s for a beat down in the middle of Manhattan. “Is that right?”


Ask her,” Darren sipped his tea, “she’s not complaining.”


Well, I wouldn’t complain too much if it’s a temporary situation, neither.” Eli took a bite of his tea cakes.


Darren slightly turned to Eli and smiled. He should’ve known the confrontation was going to happen at some given point while he was with Faith; he just didn’t think Eli was that bold to confront him. “You talk an awful lot of shit for someone who left his wife and son.”


And you’re awfully confident for someone who’s just a temporary dildo for my wife,” Eli quietly replied back, “You see, that’s the thing about toys. They’re nice to play with when you just need to get your jollies off, but eventually, you’re going to want the real thing.”


Just when Darren was about to say something, a Madre’s employee came with Faith’s dummy floral arrangement. “Please let me know if that is to your liking. We can make any changes as you see fit.” The employee stated.


Despite his hatred for the man next to him, Darren had to appreciate Eli’s fantastic work. “It’s beautiful. When will this be ready?”

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