Read White & Black Online

Authors: Jessie M

White & Black (14 page)

“Ella…” He whispered back holding her even more tightly waiting for the sensations to start inside her. She was squeezing him over and over and it took him to his point of no return. He kissed her hard pushing his tongue at hers. He looked deeply into her ecstatic blue eyes and thrust his already much too aroused cock hard into her a few more times very fast, then he let go of himself.

He collapsed heavily on her as his body took him over. He was swept away in his own orgasmic release. His body and mind went beyond the realms of physical ecstasy and soared way up high to man heaven as his wet heat poured into her in a glorious rush.

He buried his face against her soft neck, gasping for breath and wallowing in the pulsating feelings of intense pleasure he was experiencing inside her.

She held him tightly against her, kissing his ear, her fingers rubbing gently in his hair.

“Ells … that was just so…. ” He searched for the right word in his shattered brain…

She tried to fill in for him… “So amazingly hot?”

That wasn’t quite what he had in mind.

“No Ells…. Beautiful… Just like you.” Way beyond beautiful…

“Oh Devy, you’re beautiful too. In every way.”

They lay very still for a while, locked tightly together, their breathing slowing, sweat cooling, heartbeats calming…

“Kiss me now, I need much more of you.” She whispered softly in his ear.

As he touched his mouth to hers, another explosion of want fired through his just shattered brain. Their lips rubbed softly over each other’s, tips of tongues touching and tasting. It was hot, sweet and felt sublime.

She lifted his hand to her mouth, running her tongue in a circle around his palm and sensuously taking his thumb into her mouth, nibbling, sucking, licking. Her warm breath running across his skin. Her tongue was stroking up and down each finger and sucking each one deeply inside.

“Ells, that is just so fucking sucky.” He gasped loudly with oral pleasure at the velvety wet sucking sensations of his fingers inside her mouth. Her eyes bored into his the whole time making him wild and crazy for her.

His cock instantly hardened again inside her.

The heat was returning with a vengeance and sparks of erotic electricity were shooting around inside him like a budding tornado.

“I want to get all sucky with you too baby” His head dropped down to her breast, taking her pale pink nipple into his mouth. Sucking soft, then hard, then soft again.

“More… do it some more” She gasped loudly as she felt the intense dragging sensations which were connecting themselves to acutely sensitive nerve endings deep down inside her sex. Her body tightened firmly around his hardness, squeezing him inside herself again and again helplessly as he continued to suck at her, over and over and over. She pushed herself against him in exquisite sucked ecstasy.

He raised his head to ask her something, smiling at her…

“Fucked senseless yet?”

“Not at all”

“Oh good… Shall we carry on then?”

“Oh yes”

He took a few more sucks at her as he started to move inside. Her legs tightened again. They began rolling about the bed frantically thrusting at each other. Going so hard at each other. They were soon breathless…

He was a little worried, this was getting much too hard, a little brutal in fact and way above and beyond what he normally liked… he didn’t want to hurt her. She made him lose control somehow. He made an effort to slow things down a little, then some more.

“What about some softer stuff Ells?”

“That’s just wonderful too” Her eyes flickered open and closed, her mind and body so full of him she could hardly breathe.

She seemed to love whatever he did to her and he was much more comfortable with this. He didn’t mind a bit of hard now and then, but soft was more his thing. He kissed her in a matching slow and deeply sensual rhythm for a long time. They had a slow and soft roll around, a gently heated tangle of lips and limbs, a soft thrusting was going on between them. He felt nicely aroused and fully in control.

“I’m gonna play with you now baby.” He whispered in her ear. Playing was one of his favorite things…

“I’m so ready to be played with” She was more than looking forward to this, if it was anything like the car affair…

He changed position, moving out of her and off her and lay sideways next to her lifting her legs and going back inside her again. He opened her legs wide across his thigh.

His hand made it’s way down her stomach to find her wonderfully sensitive clit and he brushed his finger across it lightly, back and forth, oh so slowly. What an amazing little thing this was…

“Like that?”

“No… I

“So do I…”

He knew just how to make her come really slow, teasing her right up to the end… just a soft circling touch, hardly touching, a little at a time… and again… and then just a touch harder and then softer again… he could keep her hanging there for ages with a simple touch of his finger tip. He started to play his game, his very own brand of tantalising female sexual torture… She’d beg him for it soon…

She’d been kept hovering in that highly aroused space for some time, just about to tip into the explosion of feeling but not quite there… it was both painful and pleasurable, this aching almost thereness he was making her feel. Her eyes were tightly shut as she hung in the painful pleasure zone.

The gentle touch of his fingers was like having a soft warm kiss on her sensitive nerve endings. It made her want to scream out loud for it… more, more, more, she so wanted more soft finger kissing. She pushed herself up towards his hand wanting him to carry on touching her, finish it, she craved more of it like nothing else, but he moved his hand up and away each time. He was in complete control of her and making her wait so long…

She couldn’t take much more of this touch and go play of his.

She opened her eyes and turned her head to look into his as he lay beside her, his hand gently stroking back and forth, round and round, watching her with a small smile playing on his lips.

She smiled back at him. What a hot tease. “Dev, c’mon, just do me for fuck’s sake…!” No point being subtle, was there?

He moved himself out of her and knelt on the bed. He pulled her round towards him and opened her legs wide leaning down towards her. He just looked at her for a moment… all exposed and opened up. He loved this view like nothing else… His heart skipped a dozen beats with the desire flooding through him. His finger ran down the seam of her touching her soft pink folds and circling her wet opening. He dropped his head down desperate to get at her. His tongue circled her clit. Washing over it slowly. He pushed his thumb inside her, massaging her inside and slipping his hand under her backside with his fingers wide, squeezing gently. Just a few long up and down licks is all it would take… maybe a nice big suck to finish her off…

Her mind and body surrendered in licked and sucked ecstasy as she finally tripped high into her much too long awaited orgasm, her hips raised up towards him, her arms flung out across the bed, her legs were suddenly even wider apart. “Oh God in heaven.. I’m so, so done” She gasped out loud in a mixture of heavened out pleasure, fucked out wonder and acute sexual relief. Waves of deep rhythmic ecstasy flooded through every cell of her body, her insides tightening against his thumb, hard and deep inside her. She was in love with his thumb. And his tongue. Maybe all of him…

He lay down next to her on his side propped up on his elbow watching her. His fingers traced a circle around her stomach and he dropped a kiss on her lips.

“Feeling better now?”

“Completely fucked out actually”

“Does that mean senseless?”


He could feel the heat coming off her. She was on fire. So was he.

Gorgeous and beautiful. That was what she was. And all his.

He loved watching her and feeling her come. He could do this to her all night… and he was going to.

Pleasing her was more important to him than anything else in the whole world just now. He wanted to make her moan for him for hours, say his name over and over, kiss her hundreds of times, push parts of himself inside her, touch her everywhere, suck her and make her come until she was completely overwhelmed and finally wonderfully senseless… it made him feel so good to do this, all for her.

His mind was involved to an extent he’d ever experienced before. Sex was normally much more functional than this. He was swamped by unfamiliar feelings emerging from nowhere.

This was no longer just a physical act. He wasn’t fucking anymore. This was something quite different.

Chapter 20

“Dev… I’m shattered… can we take a break…” They had been locked together for hours and she had to admit exhaustion was creeping up on her. Her leg, hip and thigh muscles ached like mad and her insides felt pulled inside out. It was a lovely kind of achy exhaustion to be feeling though.

“Really? I’m just getting warmed up” He joked with a little smile.

“You’ve been inside me for the best part of three hours. I’d call that a very long session. I need to use the bathroom, have a drink of water and then I need a rest”

He rolled off her warm soft body and onto the cool sheets the other side.

“Right. Off you go then. Don’t be long.” He lay back watching her walk into the bathroom. Fuck, she looked just as good from the back… he loved that sexy little ass of hers.

She stood quietly in the bathroom drinking a handful of water beaming from ear to ear. This was so amazing… What a scorching hot sex god he really was! And she was never going to exhaust him, ever. She might want to die trying though. She was seeing at first hand his fatal attraction. It was no wonder he had a bloody long queue… But something else crossed her mind as she made her way back to the bed for her rest interval. He didn’t let her do much to him. It was almost like he was playing with her, in a very nice way of course.

“Dev, can I ask you a rather personal question?”


“How many women have you slept with?”

“Are you sure you want to talk about this right now Ells?”

“Yes, tell me…”

“I’ve lost count”

“twenty? thirty? I’d like to know…”

“More than that”

“Oh, quite a few then…”


“Just interested”

“So what about you?”

“Six, including you”

“Well that’s a lot, I’m not sure I like that at all”

“Oh shut up, Mr ‘I’ve lost count’” She poked him in the chest.”I’m going to sleep now. Turn off the light and wake me up in an hour. Put your alarm on first.”

She slid beneath the sheet and he curved up behind her after putting the alarm on and switching off the light.

“Ells, I don’t know if I can wait an hour. Can we make it a quick thirty minutes?”

“No Mr super stud… I’m all done in. Go to sleep.”

They both drifted off to sleep very fast. He was more tired than he thought. He didn’t even have one of his weird dreams which made a pleasant change.

After another lengthy session later on, they finally dragged themselves out of bed, got dressed and he drove her home just before dawn Sunday morning. She wished she could have stayed with him for the whole weekend and secretly so did he, but of course she had responsibilities and couldn’t.


They sat in the car for a while outside her house.

“I had a wonderful time tonight. I won’t ever forget this Dev.” She was as high as a kite flying in a gale force wind…

“Neither will I”

“I just love your place…”

“You’ll have to come over again”

“’Night then, see you sometime” She didn’t expect too much of him, she wasn’t sure what was going to happen now.

“When?” She wasn’t getting away with a vague sometime. No way…

“Don’t know Dev… what do you think? I don’t want to ruin a good hot friendship”

“Well I know I’ll be thinking about you every fucking second of the day, so soon would be good”

“Are you being all sweetie pie again?” She suddenly felt very much more hopeful.

“It seems like it. I don’t know what’s come over me lately”

“That would be me. I’ve come over you a lot” She smiled naughtily at him.

“I guess you have, hopefully you will again, very soon”

“Oh yes please… now come here and let me kiss you senseless before I go in.”

She would have like to have been a little more forward about her growing feelings for him but didn’t want to push it, being as he was an OCD commitment phobe. She gave him a smattering of kisses and a big passionate one and then opened the door to get out of the car. He held her arm back.

“Ells… I’m real sorry I exhausted you, I wanted to go on and on forever.”

“No, I loved it… all of it. Even being exhausted. You made me a very happy woman tonight”

“How happy exactly, tell me?” Fuck, had his mind just spoken out loud?

“What kind of question is that?”

“It’s a question I can ask my hot close friend, or can’t I?”

“Look Dev, I know all about you being OCD commitment phobic. I’m not pushing you for anything.”

He laughed at her description of him. Then his face took on a serious look. “Perhaps I want a push”

“But we’ve only had one night together…?”

“Go on, try me out. Tell me something you are thinking about me… Let’s see how OCD I really am with you” He was about to go into uncharted territory.

“Okay… I really, really like you.” She began hesitantly.

“I really, really like you too.”

“What about this… I think you are gorgeous.”

“You’re completely gorgeous yourself… go on…”

“You’re just about the sexiest thing alive.”

“No, you’re sexier…”

“You make me feel so hot”

“You do more than that to me”

He was being really sweetie pie right now and it made her a little light headed.

“Ah now this is a really good one… I’m completely in love with you”
Oh shit!
Why had she dived straight in the deep end so fast? She just couldn’t stop herself. She hated her honest genes at times. She had really done it now, he’d run an OCD mile… She looked at him nervously.

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