Whole Health (9 page)

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Authors: Dr. Mark Mincolla

Physical (early adult years):
Earth types are generally characterized by a broad frame that is typically overweight. Their complexion is smooth, sensitive, well hydrated, and apricot-tinted. They're inclined to have medium brown hair with medium texture, and medium brown eyes. They have a moderate appetite at mealtime and
a bigger appetite for dessert. Their elimination tends to be normal to slightly loose under stress. They have moderate energy but erratic endurance. Their pulse tends to be moderate and even (60–70 bpm). They are sound sleepers and have a high requirement for sleep. Sexually they tend to be somewhat passive, but are very affectionate.

When feeling positive, Earths are supportive and caring. When feeling afflicted, they tend to be meddlesome and manipulative. Emotionally they are often spiritually pantheistic. They are peacemakers with little stamina for conflict. They have a strong need for security and very much dislike having to adapt to change. Their basic instinct is to be caring and nurturing. Their life's purpose is to heal and make peace. They are mediators who are susceptible to manipulation.

Those with Earth constitutions are prone to chronic phlegmatic conditions. They often suffer from sugar and starch addictions. They tend to suffer from bloat, bloody gums, fever blisters, stiff aching muscles, fibromyalgia, colitis, gastric ulcers, chronic fatigue, enteritis, anemia, low thyroid, hemorhoids, diabetes, nausea, parasitosis, athlete's foot, chronic candidiasis, Lyme disease, pancreatic insufficiency, mononucleosis, anal fissures, encephalopathy, Hodgkin's disease, and retroviruses.

Balancing Diet:
The diet best suited for the Earth type is a sweet-flavor diet, but not too much, as they are prone to addiction. Also, “sweet” has a much broader meaning than usual here; it refers to sustaining proteins as well as root vegetables and natural sweets. Sweet balances and harmonizes the energy of those with an Earth constitution. Sweet foods include all animal proteins, all beans, beets, carrots, corn, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash, yams, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, dairy, barley malt, brown rice syrup, stevia, rice, buckwheat, kamut, millet, oats, spelt, teff, triticale, wheat, and all fruits.

Balancing Herbs:
Aloe vera, astragalus, basil, chickweed, cinnamon, codonopsis, cordyceps, fenugreek, licorice, lycium, marshmallow, mullein, red clover,
Schisandra chinensis
fruit, Siberian ginseng, and slippery elm.

Balancing Nutritional Supplements:
Propolis, chromium, methyl B
, white chestnut (Bach flower remedy), vitamin A, and gamma E.

4. Metal Constitution

General Constitution:
Metal types are very exacting people. Everything has to be just right, or else. When it comes to Metal types, cleanliness and order isn't next to godliness, it
godliness! They make great managers and community organizers but can easily draw the ire of those closest to them for completely missing out on the deeper meaning of life. Discerning and mathematical, Metals are the world's greatest problem solvers. They must be very careful, however, not to create problems with their obsessive tendency to solve problems. While they make great providers, they are often criticized for lacking warmth and passion—that is, until they become saddened by the recognition of all the preciousness they've missed out on in life. Then they tend to become so grief-stricken and depressed that they are difficult to tolerate. Metals are wise to avoid commitments with Fire types and are best partnered with the Earth constitution.

Physical (early adult years):
The Metal type is generally erect with a medium build. They tend to be ten pounds or more underweight. Their complexion is smooth, sensitive, well hydrated, and with an apricot tint. Their hair is medium blond, platinum, white, or light brown, and of very fine texture. Their eyes are pale blue or light brown. Their appetite is light to moderate. Their bowel movements tend to vacillate between constipation and diarrhea. They have low energy and poor endurance, and their resting pulse is slow
and deep (50–60 bpm). They are deep sleepers but have no difficulty waking.

Metals are logical and precise and can be obsessive and ritualistic. When they feel positive, they are courageous and bold. When they feel afflicted, they are melancholic. Spiritually they tend to be orthodox. Sexually they are mechanistic and can be dispassionate. They are inclined to be perfectionistic and detached, and are given to overintellectualization. They crave order and don't do well with spontaneity. They love to organize and implement systems. Their perfectionism is their most negative trait.

Health Problems:
Metal types tend to suffer from bedsores, loss of the sense of smell, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, sinus infections, allergies, cystic fibrosis, dehydration, nasal polyps, sore throats, strep throat, tracheitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, mastoiditis, tuberculosis, chronically inflamed adenoids, appendicitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Metals require pungent (spicy) foods to disperse and balance their energy. These include sardines, bok choy, currants, garlic, ginger, leeks, mustard greens, onions, parsley, parsnips, peppers, radish, scallions, and turnips,

Balancing Herbs:
Angelica, arugula, anise, basil, cayenne pepper, chrysanthemum, cinnamon,
Concha ostreae,
coriander, fenugreek, ginger, magnolia flower, mint, mullein, myrrh, os draconis, pepper, skullcap, spearmint, turmeric, and yarrow.

Balancing Nutritional Supplements:
Gorse (Bach flower remedy), NAC, homeopathic
Spongia tosta,
vitamin A, and vitamin D.

5. Water Constitution

General Constitution:
Water types are deep, reflective thinkers. They like to while away the hours reminiscing and contemplating,
and are very inclined to meditation and visualization. They make good spiritual students and teachers, mystics, intuitives, and quantum physicists. They are innately inclined to comprehend the deeper meaning of life and are capable of communicating it to others with ease. They may tend to become so reclusive that they become loners. They also have an affinity for losing track of reality as they become too wrapped up in the world within their mind. Water types are best matched with Metal types but they must try to avoid long-term relationships with Earth types.

Physical (early adult years):
Water types have a small, thin frame. They range from average weight to five pounds underweight. Their complexion is cold, clammy, pale, and white. Their eyes are dark blue. They have little or no appetite and tend to contend with frequent diarrhea. They have very low energy and poor endurance. Their resting pulse is very low (40–50 bpm) and shallow. In many cases their sleep is disturbed by frequent urination.

When feeling positive, Waters are cautious, conservative, and have great wisdom. They are also calm and peaceful under ideal circumstances. When feeling afflicted, they are overcome with irrational fears and tend to become disassociated. Spiritually they are unorthodox. Sexually they are often drawn to eroticism. They are mysterious escapists who deeply reflect. They like to be left alone, and hate being exposed. They always persevere. They evince a certain genius and they make exceptional teachers. Their archetype is the recluse.

Health Problems:
Water types show little interest in food. They often feel faint after eating, crave salt, have dark circles under the eyes, suffer hearing loss, and have chronic lower-back pain. They often suffer from osteoporosis, kidney stones, cystitis, edema, urinary tract infections, lupus, nephritis, sexual infertility/impotence, urinary incontinence, memory loss, insomnia, night sweats, sensory and motor problems, alkalosis, enuresis, syphilis, anorexia, gonorrhea, scoliosis, mercury poisoning, agoraphobia, and bulimia.

Balancing Diet:
Salty foods tend to soften, moisten, and balance the kidneys and adrenal glands of the Water type. Among the best examples of balancing salty foods are sea bass, pinto beans, chestnuts, endive, escarole, Bibb lettuce, Concord grapes, olives, seaweed, sorrel, spinach, and Swiss chard.

Balancing Herbs:
Actinolite, cassia, cistanche, clematis, isatis leaf, parsley, red clover, rehmannia, sargassum, scrophularia, kunbu, and natrii sulfas.

Balancing Nutritional Supplements:
Cranberry capsules, mimulus (Bach flower remedy), homeopathic
Eupatorium purpureum,
zinc gluconate, and raw kidney tablets.


It is important to note that many of the foods and herbs mentioned in the above discussion of “types” generate more than one flavor, and may therefore occupy multiple categories. Each code type energetically affects and is affected by all other code types. Some codes will tend to have a positive influence, while others will tend to have a negative effect on each other. To understand these interconnections, we must perform “code compatibility.” When constitutional types are compatibly matched, relationships are very likely to flourish.

Most Compatible Constitutional Matches

  1. Woods energize Fires
  2. Fires energize Earths
  3. Earths energize Metals
  4. Metals energize Waters
  5. Waters energize Woods

Least Compatible Constitutional Matches

  1. Woods deplete Earths
  2. Earths deplete Waters
  3. Waters deplete Fires
  4. Fires deplete Metals
  5. Metals deplete Woods

You have initiated the process of identifying your unique energetic identity. In the chapters that follow, Whole Health will teach you to decipher, balance, and adapt to your ever-changing mutable nature, instructing you in how to detail your own constitutional wellness program. You will then be able to create the diet and lifestyle best suited to your specific, ever-changing energy needs.




Before presenting the complete Whole Health energy system of assessing, balancing, and preserving mutable constitutionality, I would first like to eradicate some age-old, sixth-sensory barriers and invite readers, with open arms, into a realm of higher possibility.

The Whole Health system of energy diagnosis is based on unconventional sixth-sensory techniques. Ours is a five-sensory, material culture and, to date, most sixth-sensory arguments have only served to marginalize themselves with their lack of gravity. Thus, though there remains a great divide as to the real plausibility of sixth-sensory applications, and though it is rarely presented in a convincing intellectual manner, sixth-sensory reality is undeniable. The evidence is everywhere.

Following the great South Asian tsunami of 2004, scientists
were drawn to reports of aboriginal tribesmen who exhibited extrasensory anticipation of the disaster well before it happened, affording them time to escape to higher ground. A number of recent studies have advanced new theories that the brain's anterior cingulate cortex has the ability to function as an intuitive early warning system. Scientists have established that the anterior cingulate cortex and the subconscious mind work together to anticipate life events before they actually happen, without our being consciously aware of it. But ongoing research has, of late, begun discovering multiple areas of brain involvement in sixth-sensory awareness. A mosaic of brain and mind energies work as convergent forces, coming together to create a mystical realm of higher possibility, and science is beginning to pay attention.

When NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientists lost communication with their Mars Polar Lander space probe as it entered the red planet's atmosphere in 1999, the result was a devastating $4 million loss. The project's managers were forced to find viable solutions for anticipating and avoiding the future prospects of additional costly errors. They immediately assembled an expert research team to begin studying how the brain tracks down and processes its own errors through a mechanism called error-related negativity (ERN).

ERN is an electromagnetic voltage wave phenomenon that activates beneath the skull near the midbrain. This wave is triggered by the neurotransmitter dopamine, and is measurable whenever the brain detects error. Following the ERN wave, the brain stops producing dopamine, which activates the basal ganglia and (emotional) limbic system. There is also activation within the deeper cortex that sends signals to executive brain areas to correct error before it happens. In short, error-related negativity is a neurobiological mind-brain phenomenon that actually triggers alert signals prior to error. Voltage is said to decline by 10 microvolts approximately 100 milliseconds prior to an error event. The scientific community
isn't the only establishment group that's beginning to acknowledge that we are naturally wired for both sensory and extrasensory awareness.

In February 2012, the U.S. Office of Naval Research posted a notice that the U.S. Navy was intent on developing sixth-sense research. In the notice, they expressed that existing research has proven that humans are capable of detecting and acting in unique patterns without intellectual analysis. The U.S. Army has also conducted studies suggesting that a sixth sense can arise from implicit learning—the absorption of information without an awareness of the learning process. The army is currently designing sixth-sensory virtual battlefield training programs.

Legendary psychotherapist Carl Jung often spoke of intuitive types as acting not upon rational judgment, but rather from sheer intensity of perception. The great Conrad Hilton of Hilton Hotels fame was said to have had intuitive dreams that tipped him off as to the exact amount of money he should offer on his property bids. During one of his most important property deals, he was said to have prepared to bid no more than $165,000 for the property. The night before all bids were to be in, a dream clearly instructed him to bid exactly $180,000, which he did. He eventually secured the property, and it ultimately garnered him more than $2 million in profit. Hilton later discovered that the next highest bid was $179,800.

Historical accounts tell us that ten days prior to his assassination, Abraham Lincoln had a dream that the entire nation was passing through the East Wing of the White House, grieving the death of the president. On July 22, 1961, President John F. Kennedy wrote a note revealing a premonition of his untimely death on November 22, 1963: he'd been told by God that a place had been made for him, and that he would soon be coming to take his rest.

Many of us have had experiences where we've correctly anticipated events well in advance of their happening. I will never forget
an interesting, intuitive experience that I had at the age of twelve. I was driving with my mother from our home in upstate New York to visit my brother, who was living in Lynn, Massachusetts. As I looked out of the car window at the world going by, I fixed my gaze and suddenly went into a trance state. I remember going deep into my mind to some very deep, faraway place. As I did I had a series of remarkable visions of my own future. I clearly saw that I would live in Massachusetts and that I would be a very different kind of doctor who would help a great many people. I also saw that I would have two sons and one daughter. I conveyed this to my mother, who simply replied, “That's good, Mark.” Little did she know that all my visions would come to pass.

My dear dad was abruptly awakened by a premonition on what turned out to be his last day on Earth. My stepmother tells of how he rose up startled in the middle of the night following a dream he'd had of himself hanging in the woods. The next morning he went off to clear some wooded property that he'd just purchased. After just a few hours of working in those woods, his heart stopped. It seems as though a sixth-sensory premonition had projected through my father's last dream on Earth.

When it comes to sixth-sensory consciousness, there are a myriad of important questions that might be considered, as we are clearly dealing with a remarkable phenomenon. Being who I am, my questions were always about whether we could ever harness sixth-sensory power to heal. I often wondered: Can sixth-sensory awareness manifest as a collective consciousness, and can it be perceived at nonlocal distances? What predisposes one to arouse such an uncommon sense, and can it be commanded? Some of the scientific answers I had always hoped for have at last begun to surface.

Researcher Trish Stafford, neuropsychotherapist at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, recently led a study of 30 volunteers aged 21 to 65 who were evaluated for 180 hours, hooked up to electrocardiographs, and monitored for skin
conductance resonance to help identify what is described as a “heightened moment of awareness.” Stafford discovered that the subjects' nervous systems could be aligned or unified in sync, despite having no physical contact with one another. This study was peer reviewed in four journals, and is considered to be the first of its kind to have discovered that when the brain's parietal lobe is triggered into action, a sixth sense is engaged.

Respected Cornell University psychologist Daryl Bem has conducted sixth-sensory precognition studies with more than 1,000 volunteers and submitted his findings to peer-reviewed scientific journals. In one study, he asked volunteers to view a computer screen with two curtains. He asked the volunteers to guess which curtain had a randomly placed, computerized erotic photo behind it. The subjects guessed correctly 53 percent of the time. Moreover, Bem noted that subjects' physiological arousal responses to the erotic photos occurred a full two to three seconds prior to the actual appearance of the photograph. In short, arousal appears to influence sixth-sensory awareness.

The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program represents nearly three decades of scientific human consciousness studies. The PEAR lab was founded by former dean of engineering Robert G. Jahn. Jahn proposed trials to measure whether or not collective human consciousness could be traced with highly sensitive electronic devices. To do so, he and his team constructed what they called the Random Event Generator (REG), a finely tuned sensory receptor that could pick up changes and peaks in human energy. PEAR researchers hypothesized that there was a collective consciousness that generated a strong enough field of energy to be traced by the REG. The researchers were able to track changes in collective human energy transmissions, especially during holidays such as Christmas and New Year's Eve. Just prior to the attacks on September 11, 2001, REGs were placed at virtually every corner of the globe while still being linked to the master
computer in Princeton. The strongest peak in human collective consciousness readings was reported a full two to three hours prior to the World Trade Center disaster, seeming to indicate that a collective sixth sense was engaged in anticipation of the tragedy.

Ready or not, sixth-sensory medicine has gone mainstream. Northwestern University recently introduced a remarkable, innovative program with their newly developed Raby Institute for Integrative Medicine. The institute offers an array of intuitive and energy-healing programs, including healing touch, body talk, bioelectromagnetic therapy, Reiki, Qigong, and other vibrational medicine modalities. Their approach places a great emphasis on innate emotion and unconscious intuition as a means to guide patients to better health.

The emergence of programs such as the Raby Institute signals a radical shift in the way we're approaching health care in America. There is growing interest in energy and sixth-sensory approaches to healing that are now becoming a part of the mainstream landscape.

Sixth-sensory awareness is nothing more than a reservoir of inner knowing that operates from deep within the recesses of our unconscious minds. It's merely been excluded from the picture of our everyday reality. The Buddhists refer to “no mind,” a purer stream of consciousness that eradicates the clumsiness of cognitive processes. It's a little like the martial arts philosophy of karate, which means “empty hand.” The more you empty out your own force, the more the emptiness allows for a greater force to take over.

The debate rages on as to whether or not sixth-sensory awareness can be consistently and reliably tapped into. Is it a pipe dream, or is it just that we've been programmed to think of it as such? Can a materially biased culture such as ours harness sixth-sensory awareness in ways that enhance our lifestyle, health, and healing?

Noted American theoretical physicist Dr. David Bohm frequently addressed the concept of sixth-sensory inner knowing from
a quantum perspective. He theorized that there was an upper-dimensional space, a field rife with the flow of infinite information, and that the energy generated by the vacuum of its fluctuations provided a background illumination for our ordinary world.

Thus, to Bohm's way of thinking, sixth-sensory awareness is the illuminating of our ordinary world of possibilities, which taps into the quantum field of infinite information. In other words, reductionist thinking isn't likely to access it, and it's not energy that's going to announce itself to us. The quantum sixth-sensory field of infinite information that Bohm refers to requires expansionist thinking open to discovery. The quantum sixth-sensory field has the potential of shedding a light of infinite possibilities on our ordinary world.


At the energy level, we are forever shifting and changing. A food that you healthfully consumed yesterday may produce a mild headache today. You might need a break from a friend you've been spending a great deal of time with. Whole Health Healing has developed detailed systems to help you keep up with your mutable energy needs. Adapting to your subtle energy needs will further enable you to keep all your vital energies in balance. When your energies are in balance, your whole being is better in balance. Let me explain the Whole Health system sixth-sensory muscle-testing system that I developed.

There are many systems of muscle testing and as many theories about how and why it works. Whole Health has developed its own muscle-testing system as a medium for sixth-sensory diagnosis. The system is called Electromagnetic Muscle Testing (EMT). The term
life force,
reveals a great deal about why this muscle-testing system is so effective. All living humans emit an electromagnetic energy, or “life force,” and modern medicine routinely
performs MRIs, EEGs, and EKGs—tests that measure human bioelectricity in the body, brain, and heart. This imbuing energy represents the quintessential life force, the difference between living and nonliving bodies, a balance of which is synonymous with vibrant health.

Scottish researcher Dr. Rutger Wever, who was once an associate of Max Planck's at the Institute for Behavioral Psychology, tells us that human bioelectricity transmits approximately 0.025 volts of ambient electrical charge. We know that the heart pumps electricity, and that the brain stores and redistributes it at somewhere between 3 and 50 cycles per second (Hz).

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