Wicked Games (Denver Rebels) (20 page)

“You can forget about me treating everyone!” Caitlyn shrieked petulantly.

“Fine. I’ll handle it.” Nadia glared at her. “Your nose is bleeding. Why don’t you go to the restroom and get yourself cleaned up?”

Caitlyn swiped at her bloody nose and scowled. After shooting one last scathing glare at Jess, she yanked down her suit jacket, grabbed her Birkin handbag and flounced off with her head held high, defiantly disregarding the censorious stares and whispers that followed her. Nadia wondered if she would scream when she looked in the bathroom mirror and saw two deep scratches on her perfect face.

“We’ll help with the bill,” Scarlett and Jess offered.

Nadia shot her friend a stern look. “Just wait outside for us.”

After Jess left, Nadia and Scarlett settled the bill in grim silence. As they walked past a sea of shocked faces on their way out of the restaurant, Nadia’s cheeks burned with fresh embarrassment.

When they got outside, Jess was standing on the curb rummaging through her handbag.

Nadia went up to her. “Jesus Christ, Jess! What the hell was that?”

“I’m sorry I caused a scene and embarrassed you,” Jess grumbled without looking up. “But I’m not apologizing for kicking that bitch’s ass. She had it coming.”

Scarlett shook her head in amused disbelief. “Did you really sleep with her husband?”

Jess snort-laughed. “Hell, no. Not that I couldn’t have. Chandler was a disgusting manwhore who fucked anything in a skirt. He got piss-drunk one night at a family gathering and came on to me, but I turned his pervy ass down. I may be many things, but I’m not a damn homewrecker.”

Nadia gaped at her. “So you provoked a fight with Caitlyn over

“It wasn’t over nothing.” Jess wiped her split lip and smiled narrowly. “Believe me, that fight was

Nadia grimaced, gently smoothing down her friend’s disheveled hair. She suddenly wanted to give her a hug. “You never told me that Caitlyn slept with your boyfriend. Is that why you hate her so much?”

“Among many other reasons.” Jess scowled. “Dammit, where’s my phone?”

“Here. You left it on the table.” Nadia handed over the phone, watching as Jess quickly unlocked it and pulled up a number. “Who’re you calling?”

“My mom. I need to give her my side of the story before she talks to Aunt Sheridan. Caitlyn’s probably on the phone right now bitching and whining to her mother.”

As Jess stomped off toward her car, Nadia frowned and shook her head at Scarlett. “I am so sorry about that.”

Scarlett laughed. “Why are

“Well, you just got back home, and I know you weren’t expecting all this drama when you agreed to go shopping with us.”

Scarlett waved a hand, bracelets jangling. “Girl, please. After being on tour for months, I was afraid I’d be bored out of my mind when I came home. That fight was hella entertaining. My bandmates definitely would have enjoyed it.”

Nadia snorted, shaking her head. “You always were a glass-half-full kind of person.”

Scarlett laughed, draping an arm around her shoulders as they started across the parking lot. “At least
get along well. I think we’re a great example to cousins everywhere.”

Nadia grinned wryly. “As long as you never sleep with any of my boyfriends, we should be good.”





adia didn’t realize
how much she’d missed Reid until he came to pick her up for their date on Sunday night. Wearing a pale blue button-down shirt untucked over jeans and heavy black boots, he looked sexy enough to take her breath away.

His broad shoulders practically filled her doorway as his eyes blazed a trail down her body before slowly lifting to her face. When he smiled, it was all she could do not to leap into his arms, throw her legs around his waist and kiss him senseless.

“I know it’s a cliché,” he drawled, “but, baby girl, you are a sight for sore eyes.”

Her blood went hot, carrying the heat to all parts of her body. “It’s good to see you too,” she said with a smile.

He stepped inside, his hands lifting to cradle her face. Gently, as if she were a rare and beautiful thing he wanted to behold.

“I missed you,” he said in a husky voice.

Warmth pooled in her belly.

“I missed you too,” she whispered.

He lowered his head, slanting his mouth over hers.

She caught her breath, her blood pulsing furiously through her veins. A satisfied groan rumbled out of his throat as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her eyes fluttering closed. Their lips clung softly, then parted for a brush of tongues before they joined again. Heated intoxication swept through her veins, making her feel drunk and dizzy.

As the kiss grew deeper, Reid’s hands slid downward to span her waist before drifting lower. He cupped her buttocks and pulled her closer, letting her feel how hard he was for her.

She broke the kiss with a breathy laugh. “We’d better go so we won’t be late to the movie.”

“Hmm.” Reid ran his mouth up her neck to her ear. “Let’s catch a later show.”

She shivered, so tempted to acquiesce. “We can’t. I already got our tickets. And by the way,” she said, forcing herself to step out of his heated embrace, “you really didn’t have to leave me your credit card. I may not be a multimillionaire athlete, but I can still afford movie tickets.”

“You don’t have to,” he said. “Not when you’re going on a date with me.”

She lifted a teasing brow. “That’s rather old-fashioned of you.”

Reid cocked a brow right back at her. “You think I’m gonna let my woman pay for our date?”

Her heartbeat quickened, pulsing in her throat like a drum. “So I’m your woman now?”

“Yeah.” He slid his thumb along the seam of her lips. “You are.”

She stared into those blue, blue eyes of his and felt like she was drowning.

Or falling in love.

Shaken by the thought, she cleared her throat and turned away to grab her fur boy bag off the sideboard table.

Reid glanced around. “Nice place.”

“Thank you. Just give me a sec,” Nadia said, taking out a compact mirror and a tube of lipstick.

Reid watched as she smoothed the red color over her full lips. “You have no idea how hard I get watching you put on lipstick,” he rumbled low. “The things I wanna do to that mouth of yours…”

“Oh my,” Nadia purred with a sultry pucker. “These dick-sucking lips got you hooked, huh?”

“Like a fiend.”

She grinned, tossing her lipstick back into her purse.

Reid took her hands in his, holding her arms away from her body as he gave her a slow perusal.

After rummaging through her closet for over an hour, she’d put on a black blouse with a scalloped neckline over a Harajuku-inspired red plaid skirt that flared out from her hips and landed just above her knees. She’d accessorized the outfit with edgy platform heels and thigh-high fishnet tights. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a high bun held together with hair sticks.

She felt sexy, stylish and super feminine. Jess, Scarlett and Bianca would be proud.

Reid’s obvious approval felt pretty damn good too.

“Nice outfit,” he murmured. “It’s giving me anime vibes.”

“You like that?”

“Very much. But you look even younger than usual, which kinda makes me feel like a perv.” He released her hands so he could trace the curve of her hips. His touch made her pulse quicken and her breasts tingle. As she watched, he eased the hem of her skirt up, groaning when he saw that her fishnet tights stopped at mid thigh.

“Please tell me you’re wearing panties,” he said raggedly. “I won’t be able to function if I know you’re naked under there.”

She smiled coyly as she lowered her skirt. “That’s for me to know…and you to find out later.”

“Later?” He flicked a glance toward her bedroom. “How about now?”

“Later.” She winked. “I promise.”

He grumbled under his breath, adjusting himself in his jeans. “Tease.”

She laughed and grabbed his hand. “C’mon. Let’s go.”

The theater was within walking distance in LoDo. It was a funky little dine-in cinema that showed indie and foreign films. Nadia wanted to share her enjoyment of these movies with Reid, so she’d suggested seeing
Only Lovers Left Alive
starring Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton.

They entered the theater and found their seats in the middle. It was Sunday night, and the movie had already been out for months, so only a handful of other couples were scattered around. They had the row all to themselves.

After perusing the menu together, Reid pressed the button on their table to summon the waiter. They ordered bratwurst and curried chicken salad sandwiches with two draft beers. While they waited on their food, they chatted about the Rebels’ impressive 6-1 win against the Bruins. Reid had played masterfully, scoring a goal and racking up four assists. The team’s next game was at home, which Nadia promised to attend.

When an American Express ad flashed across the movie screen, she remembered that she still had Reid’s platinum card. He’d insisted on her using it to buy their movie tickets, but now that she was trying to return the card, he refused to take it.

“Just hold on to it, babe.”

“But I don’t need it,” she insisted.

“You might.”

“I won’t.”

“Then go shopping. Treat yourself to something nice.”

She grimaced, thinking of yesterday’s disastrous outing. “I think I’ve had my fill of shopping for a while.”

“Said no woman I’ve ever met.” Reid chuckled. “Just keep the card in case you change your mind.”

“I really don’t—”

He leaned over and kissed her, silencing her protests.

Then their meals arrived, the lights went down and the movie trailers started.

Only Lovers Left Alive
was about a centuries-old romance between two retro-cool vampires. Reid was wryly amused by the post-apocalyptic Detroit setting, and every time he chuckled, it let Nadia know that he got the film’s quirky humor.

After they finished eating, he reached under the table and took her hand, linking their fingers together. A pleasant warmth spread through her veins.

That was how it started. Perfectly innocent.

And then his thumb began rubbing lazy circles on the back of her hand. Her nipples pearled and goose bumps pricked her skin.

She glanced at him. He was staring at the screen, seemingly engrossed in the movie. But she wasn’t fooled. He knew the effect his touch was having on her.

As he kept up the maddening stroking, her breathing became uneven and her skin grew flushed. Her nipples were so hard they felt raw as they strained against the lacy fabric of her bra. She found it difficult to concentrate on the film when her body was in such a heightened state of arousal.

When Reid lifted their joined hands and brushed his warm mouth over her knuckles, she clenched her thighs against a sudden rush of moisture.

This time when she looked at him, she found him watching her. His gaze was searing in the semidarkness.

Releasing her hand, he cupped her knee and gently squeezed. A knot of arousal tightened between her legs, sharp and hot and almost painfully intense.

He drew slow circles around her knee, making her squirm in the seat as her panties went from damp to drenched.

She parted her legs as he reached under her skirt, running his hand along the inside of her thigh. The heat of his touch burned through the sheer fabric of her tights and scorched her skin.

She licked her lips, her breath coming in shallow spurts. He watched her face as his fingers slid higher to caress the bare flesh of her upper thighs, right above the edge of her tights.

Her nerve endings exploded, firing her blood. She stifled a whimper.

He leaned close, his breath warm on her cheek. “I tried.”

“Tried what?” Her voice was a choked whisper.

“Tried to forget what you’re wearing under this little skirt. Tried to concentrate on the movie. I tried, but...”

He stroked toward the apex of her thighs, his fingers coming closer and closer to the lacy barrier at her crotch. She was almost panting by the time he slipped his hand inside her panties. When his fingers dipped into the hot, slick moisture that bathed her slit, he inhaled sharply.

“Holy shit,” he rasped against her cheek. “You’re soaked.”

Her belly quivered. “Your fault.”

His fingers feathered over her clit with short, light strokes that made her shiver. Her heart was racing, her lungs squeezed tight with excitement and arousal.

When he sank a long finger into her pussy, it was all she could do not to moan.

Or maybe she did.

Three rows ahead, a woman glanced over her shoulder, eyeing them suspiciously.

Nadia bit her lip, guilty heat suffusing her face.

When the woman turned back to the movie, Nadia whispered shakily to Reid, “You’re gonna get us arrested for lewd conduct.”

His low, wicked chuckle was the sexiest sound she’d ever heard.

Undeterred by the threat of getting caught, he slid another finger inside her while his thumb stroked her clit. Her head fell back, her eyes closing as jolts of pleasure sizzled through her, curling her toes.

He caressed the walls of her pussy as hot juices spilled out of her, coating his knuckles. She writhed against him, hips rocking, thighs clenching around his hand.

His fingers plunged deeper, hitting the sweet spot that sent her over the edge. As her orgasm slammed into her, she bit down on her lip to keep from crying out.

Reid growled something low, the words drowned out by the roar of blood in her ears. He stayed with her, drawing out her pleasure as delicious spasms convulsed her body, her muscles clamping around his fingers.

When it was over, he slowly withdrew his hand, leaving a slick trail across her inner thigh. She slumped back against the seat, her legs trembling.

As she watched, Reid slid his fingers into his mouth and tasted her cum, his eyes closing in carnal ecstasy.

She nearly climaxed again.

In the semidarkness, she could see the telltale bulge in his jeans. She wanted to kneel between his legs, wrap her lips around his cock and suck him bone-dry.

It was the first thing she’d do when they were alone again.

As the credits began rolling, they grinned mischievously at each other.

After leaving the theater, they headed back to her building where Reid was parked. They held hands as they walked along together, talking and laughing. Even on a Sunday night, the streets were still pretty crowded. Every time a rowdy group of bar hoppers jostled too close, Reid pulled Nadia against his side, his hand big and warm around her waist. The protective gesture made her feel small and fragile, and incredibly safe.

She was having such a good time that she didn’t even mind the stares from people who either recognized Reid, or were absurdly surprised to see an interracial couple.

As the crowd thinned closer to her block, she took out her phone to show Reid photos of her parents.

He scrolled through the images, smiling as he observed, “I see where you get your looks. Your mom’s beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Nadia grinned. “You know black don’t crack.”

“It sure as hell doesn’t.” Reid paused on a photo of her mother lounging on the beach in a white swimsuit that complemented her toned figure and smooth dark complexion. “Damn. If I were ten years older…”

“Hey!” Nadia protested, poking him sharply in the ribs.

Laughing, he slung an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. “Relax, babe. You know the only Warner woman I want is you.”

“Uh-huh,” Nadia grumbled, fighting the tug of a smile.

After looking through the rest of the pictures, Reid held onto her phone, his long fingers sliding across the screen.

“What’re you doing?” She eyed him suspiciously. “Are you going through my contacts?”

His lips twitched. “Gotta make sure you’re not keeping in touch with any ex-boyfriends.”

” Nadia tried to snatch her phone back, but he laughed and held it high over his head, easily out of her reach.

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