Wicked Games (Denver Rebels) (21 page)

“C’mon, Reid,” she whined in exasperation. “Give it back.”

“Why? What’re you hiding?”


“Let me be the judge of that.”


“Yup.” He turned away from her with the phone.

Torn between disbelief and amusement, she jumped onto his back, heedless of her flaring skirt. Reid barked out a laugh, reaching behind with one hand to steady her as she looped her arms around his neck.

“You know what?” she teased. “After the last tug of war we had, I ended up with a badass collection of Chanel purses. So on second thought, go ahead and keep my phone.”

Reid’s shout of laughter made her grin.

She leaned down, nipping his ear.

“Ow!” he yelped in exaggerated pain. “What was that for?”

“For perving on my mom.” She soothed the sting with her tongue, felt him shudder. “You can put me down now.”

“Nah,” he drawled. “I’m carrying you the rest of the way.”

“That’s probably not a good idea.”


“I’m wearing a skirt. A good strong wind will give everyone a peep show. Is that what you want?”

“Oh, hell no. That’s for my eyes only.” He stopped and bent down so she could climb off his back. As she smoothed down her skirt, he turned around and handed her back her phone. She stuck her tongue out at him, making him laugh.

As she tucked the phone into her purse, he tweaked her nose. There was a playful glint in his eyes, and his grin was relaxed and boyish. He looked as happy and content as Nadia felt.

He caught her hand, lacing his fingers through hers, and they resumed walking toward her building.

When a car sped past blaring rap music, she gave Reid a teasing look. “Do you like Eminem?”

He shrugged. “Not particularly.”

“What?” she gasped in mock horror. “How can you say that? You’re
to like Eminem!”

Reid laughed. “Why? Because we’re both white boys from Detroit?”

. You know, solidarity and all that.”

“Solidarity, huh?”

“Yeah.” Nadia cocked her head, lips twisted to one side. “C’mon, man. Why you frontin’ on Marshall Mathers?”

“’Cause he’s an asshole.” Reid grinned. “But I’ll admit he’s had a few catchy songs over the years.”

Nadia laughed. “Wanna know my favorite Eminem song? ‘Lose Yourself’ from that
8 Mile
movie. Oh, man, that song used to get me so
when I was twelve.” She began rapping the words to the hook, playfully bobbing her head. “
You better lose yourself in the music, the moment

She trailed off at the look on Reid’s face. He had stopped walking and was staring at her with a quiet, arrested expression.

Her smile wavered. “What? You don’t like my rapp—”

Right there on the sidewalk, he grabbed her face and crushed his mouth to hers.

She gasped.

It was a kiss that stole her breath, that made her tingle all the way down to her toes and made her so weak in the knees she had to cling to him for balance.

As his lips moved possessively over hers, everything else disappeared. The sounds of traffic, honking horns, people laughing and talking, everything. It was just him. His mouth. His hands. His heat and intensity.

She whimpered into the kiss, her heart soaring. She wanted to snatch it back, wanted to harness the joy radiating through her soul. Lyrics from the song “Wicked Game” drifted through her mind.

I don’t want to fall in love…I don’t want to fall in love….

By the time Reid dragged his mouth from hers, she was breathless and trembling. Dazedly she reached up to touch her swollen lips, where his kiss still burned. “Um…wow.”

Reid drove his fingers into her hair and drew her face close to his, his eyes dark with emotion as they searched hers. What she saw in his gaze set her heart hammering.



They spoke at the same time, then stared at each other.

“Holy shit!” a voice exclaimed nearby. “Hey, aren’t you—”

Reid turned his head, shooting the interloper a glare that warned:
Not now.

The guy stammered out an apology and quickly retreated with his friends.

Reid turned back to Nadia.

They shared a long look fraught with meaning.

“Your place or mine?” Nadia whispered.

“Yours,” Reid said so swiftly she laughed.

“Why mine?”

He grabbed her hand. “It’s closer.”



They staggered through
her front door, panting hotly, mouths locked in a feverish kiss.

Nelson was spending the night at Bianca’s, so they had the place all to themselves.

They would need it.

After backing Nadia into the loft, Reid kicked the door shut behind him, palmed her buttocks and lifted her off her feet. She locked her legs around his hips so fast her platform heels clattered to the floor.

He pinned her against the foyer wall, kissing her with all the pent-up need they’d both been feeling while they were apart.

Gasping, she wound her arms around his neck, her body arching closer to his as their tongues thrust and tangled furiously. The ravaging intensity of his kiss had her head spinning, rivers of molten sensation flooding her bloodstream and wetting her panties.

“God, I missed you, baby,” he rasped.

Her heart leaped. “I missed you too.”

Her head fell back as his mouth trailed along her jaw and down the side of her neck, sending sensual shivers racing across her skin. As he sucked the beating pulse at the hollow of her throat, her heart pounded in her ears and her fingers curled into the back of his shirt. He was so strong and brawny, his body radiating heat and power.

His mouth returned to hers, consuming her, leaving her senses reeling and her body quaking. She speared her fingers into his hair, clutching the thick silk as his hand slid down her blouse and cupped her aching breast. She shivered and whimpered as he swirled his thumb around her puckered nipple. She wanted her shirt and bra gone, wanted to feel his big hands on her bare skin.

She met his glittering eyes in the bright moonlight streaming through the windows. Holding her gaze, he ran rough palms over her hips, tugging her tightly against him. The hot press of his huge erection made her gasp, her pussy giving a warm squeeze.

She licked her lips and whispered, “Let me suck your dick.”

A hard shudder rocked him.

“Later,” he growled, low and primal. “I need to be inside you, and I can’t wait much longer.”

With that he lowered her feet to the floor, then dropped to a crouch in front of her. Leaning weakly against the wall, she stared down at him as he ran his hands under her plaid skirt, lifting the hem to reveal the mesh triangle of her black thong.

“Holy shit.” He stared at her crotch, his eyes blazing with such hunger she felt as if she could be devoured by merely a look. “They’re even hotter than I thought.”

He touched the racy leather bows on each hip, then hooked his thumbs through the string waistband and eased the panties over her hips and down her trembling legs. When he reached her ankles, she stepped out of the thong, then watched as he lifted it to his face and licked the sticky crotch. His guttural groan of satisfaction sizzled through her pussy, nearly making her come.

Nostrils flaring, he stuffed her panties into his back pocket, then removed her skirt and rolled her fishnet tights down her legs.

“So sexy,” he uttered raggedly. “So fucking

Her belly quivered, the ache intensifying between her thighs.

When he surged to his feet and grabbed her hand, she thought they were heading straight to her bedroom. But apparently he couldn’t wait that long.

He led her into the shadowy living room, snatched a throw off the back of the sofa and spread it out on the floor. Then he lowered her onto the blanket, his strong hands swiftly removing her blouse and bra.

She cried out as his mouth clamped down on her breast, sucking hard with a desperate groan that made her weak. He kissed her all over, leaving no part of her untouched.

She moaned and arched against his exploring mouth, hot shivers of pleasure wracking her body. “Reid…ohh…Reid…”

He pulled back and tore off his button-down shirt, thick muscles bunching and flexing. She rose up on her knees to flatten her palms against his chest, petting his warm skin.

He inhaled deeply as she kissed his biceps, tracing his rocket tattoo with the tip of her tongue. Feeling him shiver, she kissed her way around to his hard pecs. She licked the bulging pads of muscle and sucked his flat brown nipples, making them harden before she moved lower, touching moist lips to a dozen other places on his chest.

His jeans rode so low on his hips she could see the elastic band of his dark briefs. She watched as he dug his wallet out of his back pocket and removed a condom. Then he unbuttoned his fly and shoved down his jeans and underwear. Her mouth watered when she saw his engorged cock. Moisture beaded at the tip and clung there until she rubbed the pad of her thumb over it, smearing the slick wetness across the head.

Reid hissed out a breath, making her smile.

“I missed him too,” she purred.

His eyes flashed wickedly. “You have no idea how happy that makes both of us.”

She let out a breathy laugh, watching him take his hard cock in his hand and slide on the condom. She wanted him so much she shook with it.

Too impatient to remove his heavy boots, he lay back on the blanket and reached for her, his smoldering eyes telling her just what he wanted.

She straddled his hips, bringing a husky moan from him.

He wrapped his big hands around her waist, guiding her over his jutting cock. Their eyes locked as she sank down onto him slowly, moaning at how big and hard he was. As her muscles stretched and rippled around his delicious fullness, he let out a raw groan of pleasure.

She braced herself above him, her hands splayed over the washboard ridges of his stomach. “I’m probably not gonna last long,” she breathed.

He grabbed the swell of her ass cheeks. “Neither am I.”

She slowly circled her hips and then began riding him, sliding up and down the scorching length of his shaft.

His head fell back, eyes rolling closed as he groaned hoarsely. “Ah, shit, baby. You feel so fucking good. So tight and wet around me.”

She stared down at his face, shivering when his eyes opened and locked on hers with blazing intensity. She leaned down to kiss his chest and lick his erect nipples.

“You missed making love to me?” she whispered.

“Oh, yeah,” he rasped. “Hell, yeah.”

“Good.” She upped the tempo, making him groan before he leaned up and latched his mouth around her nipple.

She cried out, bit her bottom lip and whimpered.

He sucked her nipple as she rode him harder, her head flung back in pounding abandon. Hot with sweat and bathed in silvery moonlight, their writhing bodies threw erotic shadows on the wall.

Reid reached down between them and rubbed her swollen clit with his thumb. A violent shiver of arousal tore through her and made her cry out again, slick moisture leaking out of her to soak his fingers. The wet sucking sound of her pussy could be heard around the room as she bounced up and down on his dick. The size and heat of him were so intoxicating it had her feeling drunk.

“That’s it, baby,” he whispered roughly, stroking her clit. “Give it up to me. Fuck me good and hard.”

The raw carnality of his words made her cream even more. Bracing her palms on his chiseled abdomen, she rode him faster, her ass slapping his thighs as she pumped harder and harder on his cock.

Soon she was trembling all over and panting hotly, her gasping breaths making her chest rise and fall rapidly.

Reid thrust upward, his fingers digging into her flexing ass cheeks. Every slap of his body against hers sharpened her wild, driving need for him.

They came explosively, one right after the other, shouting each other’s names as their orgasms ripped through them, leaving them gasping for air.

Nadia fell forward onto Reid’s slick chest, her thighs weak and shaking against his. He ran his hands up and down her spine, then wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close.

“Mmm,” he rumbled against her ear. “Now that’s what I call a nice homecoming gift.”

She managed a breathless laugh. “

“Outta this fucking world.”

A drowsy smile curved her lips. “That’s better.”

He nipped her earlobe, making her shiver. As her eyes drifted closed, she whispered, “I need to catch my breath before we do that again.”

“Take your time, darlin’,” came his lazy drawl. “We’ve got all night.”

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