Wicked Games (Denver Rebels) (54 page)

Nadia smiled softly. “It was pretty memorable.”

Scarlett grinned. “Hell, yeah, it was.”

“And he apparently didn’t tell anyone what he was planning to do,” Aunt Sherise said. “We were just talking to his sisters, and not even
knew he was going to propose to you. But Avery said she had her suspicions, which is why she had you guys change your clothes right after the game instead of waiting to get to the restaurant. She wanted you to look fabulous just in case her brother decided to pop the question at the press conference.”

“Which you do,” Jess said approvingly. “You look absolutely gorgeous, Nadia.
that dress.”

“So do I.” Bianca ran an admiring eye over her. “Miu Miu?”

Nadia grinned. “You know your designers.”

“But of course.” Bianca grinned, holding up her phone. “And I’m glad Avery made you change after the game, because your proposal video has already gone viral. If ever there was a time you needed to look your best, this was it. And girl…” She gestured to indicate Nadia’s appearance. “Your hair, your makeup, your dress and your shoes are
on fleek!

Everyone laughed and nodded vigorously.

Scarlett sighed. “I still can’t get over that romantic proposal.”

Nadia smiled. “Where’d you guys see it?”

“In the hotel lobby. They had all the TVs tuned to ESPN while we were waiting for the limo to pick us up for dinner—”

“Yes, honey,” Jess interrupted, grinning broadly. “Your man flew us out here on a chartered private plane, put us up in that nice hotel
provided a limo to chauffeur us around. Now that’s what I’m talking about!”

This set off more laughter.

“Anyway,” Scarlett went on, her eyes twinkling with excitement, “there was a big crowd of us watching the press conference after the game. When Reid announced that he was going to propose to you, everyone’s jaws dropped, and you could hear shocked gasps coming from the lobby bar. Then when he stood up and started walking toward you…” She pretended to swoon, making everyone laugh.

“I know your heart had to be beating like crazy,” Jess asserted, “because mine sure as hell was!”

“Mine too!” the others chorused.

Nadia giggled. “It was, believe me. I was in shock. I couldn’t believe what was happening.”

“We could tell.” Scarlett grinned, draping an arm around her shoulders. “Let me just tell you, sister-girl. If you hadn’t said yes to that man, I would have jumped through the TV and choked you!”

Everyone burst out laughing.

A few moments later, Jess glanced up from her phone and grinned at Nadia. “Caitlyn sends her congrats. She just saw Reid’s proposal online, and she’s totally in shock. She can’t believe you pulled it off. Of course, you know she had to add a warning—”

Nadia held up a hand. “Don’t kill my vibe. I’ll just pretend she offered her sincere congrats and left it at that.”

Jess chuckled. “Good idea.”

Aunt Sherise smiled, looking across the room. “Well, girls, it’s been fun, but I need to head back to the grownups. I see Reid’s father introducing Eden and Lincoln to some friends. Lord have mercy,” she breathed, fanning her face. “I can definitely see where Reid gets his good looks. His daddy is scrumptious.”

Scarlett grinned lasciviously. “So is his brother.”

“Umm-hmm!” Jess, Bianca and Ana enthusiastically cosigned.

Grinning coyly, Aunt Sherise patted her hair, winked and sashayed off.

Bianca chuckled, watching her go. “Your mom is a trip, Scarlett.”

She snorted. “That’s one way of putting it.”

Bianca laughed, linking her arm with Ana’s. “C’mon, chica. Let’s go see what our men are up to.”

Ana grinned. “Last I saw, they were laughing and joking around with Reid’s brother and friends. Is it just me, or does that one guy look like Jake Gyllenhaal?”

“Doesn’t he? I could have sworn it was him! I was about to ask…” Their conversation faded off as they disappeared into the crowd.

“Well, I’m going to the bathroom to freshen my lipstick.” Jess dropped her phone into her clutch and tucked it under her arm. Then she grinned and leaned close to Nadia, her voice low enough for her ears only. “When I get back, maybe we can track down you-know-who so I can get my flirt on.”

Nadia shot her a confused frown. What the hell was she talking about? She’d already told Jess that Viggo was interested in Scarlett. As expected, the conversation hadn’t gone very well. Jess had been surprised and disappointed, and she’d petulantly accused Nadia of putting her cousin’s interests over hers. But in the end, she’d given Nadia her word that she wouldn’t try to cockblock.

Nadia opened her mouth to remind her of her promise, but Jess was already strutting away, her long hair swaying back and forth.

Scarlett snagged a flute of champagne off the tray of a passing waiter and smiled at Nadia. “So where’s your fiancé?”

Nadia couldn’t help grinning. “I could get very used to that.”

“I know, right? It has a nice ring to it.”

“Definitely.” Nadia sighed. “Anyway, his grandparents called to congratulate him, so he stepped out of the room to talk to them. His mother went with him. Judging by how long they’ve been gone, they’re probably having a heart to heart and patching things up.”

“That’s good.” Scarlett gave her a meaningful look. “And what about you and Mrs. Holden? Are you good?”

“We are.” Nadia smiled quietly. “We had a meeting in the ladies’ room during intermission. She apologized for her behavior and said a lot of other really nice things. I think we’re going to be okay.”

Scarlett nodded. “I’m glad to hear that. You—”

“Evening, ladies.”

Nadia and Scarlett turned toward the deep voice behind them.

And there was Viggo, drop-dead handsome in a custom-fitted charcoal suit that emphasized his tall, powerful frame.

Nadia’s face lit up with a smile. “Viggo! I’ve been looking for you!”

He smiled. “Sorry about that. I got held up at the arena doing postgame interviews.”

“Totally understand. I’m glad you’re here now.”

“Me too.” Viggo was staring at Scarlett with a look of blatant male appreciation.

And who could blame him? Scarlett looked gorgeous in a wide-legged cream pantsuit that accentuated her rich brown skin and clung to her curves. It was backless, so Viggo must have gotten a nice eyeful of her bare back—and shapely ass—as he’d approached. She had a creamy star-shaped flower tucked into her curly hair above her left ear. Her bronze eye shadow drew attention to the sultry slant of her eyes, and her bright red lipstick showed off the lushness of her lips.

Viggo looked mesmerized.

Scarlett looked pretty dazed herself.

Nadia grinned, secretly delighted. “Viggo, I’d like to introduce you to my cousin Scarlett. Scar, this is—”

Scarlett was already thrusting her hand forward. “Nice to meet you, Viggo.”

“The pleasure’s mine, Scarlett.” As his big hand enveloped hers, their eyes held. The handshake lingered, neither in any hurry to end the contact.

It was Scarlett who finally disengaged her fingers and nervously cleared her throat. “Congratulations on tonight’s win. You played a great game.”

Viggo inclined his head. “Thank—”

“Well, except for that penalty you took in the second period. That could have been really costly.”

Viggo’s smile faded, his brows furrowing into a frown.

A subtle spark of satisfaction lit Scarlett’s eyes.

After a moment Viggo shifted closer to her, just an infinitesimal fraction. But it was enough to make Scarlett’s breath hitch audibly as she stared up at him.

Those magnetic gray eyes drifted slowly over her, a deliberate perusal that was as potent as if he’d run his hands down the sides of her body, slowly peeling away her clothes.

Scarlett’s lips parted, and Nadia actually felt her shiver.

Viggo’s eyes moved back up to her face, his lips curving ever so slightly. “Are you always so…” He trailed off, as if searching for the right word.

“Am I always so what?” Scarlett’s voice was barely a whisper.

Viggo’s eyes glinted. “Opinonated?”

Scarlett lifted her chin. “You make that sound like a bad thing.”

Viggo stared at her a moment. Then a deep, rumbling laugh rose from his chest and spilled out his lips.

Scarlett swallowed visibly, lifted her glass and took a large gulp of champagne.

“Excuse me,” a nervous voice interrupted.

Everyone turned to see a pimply-faced young waiter staring up at Viggo with an awestruck expression.

Viggo gave him a lazy smile. “What’s up, man?”

The waiter swallowed nervously, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “I-I’m sorry to bother you, Mr. Sandstorm— er, I mean Mr. Sandström—”

Viggo chuckled. “I know, it’s a tongue twister. Just call me Viggo.”

The waiter gulped. “I know we’re not supposed to talk to the guests, but I’m a huge fan of yours and it’s my last day at the restaurant. So I was just wondering if you, uh, could take a picture with me and some of my coworkers?”

“Sure,” Viggo agreed.

The waiter beamed with surprised relief. “Awesome!”

Viggo glanced at Scarlett. “It was nice meeting you.”

“You too, Viggo,” she murmured. “No hard feelings, I hope?”

A glint darkened his eyes and his smile widened just a fraction before he turned and sauntered away with his excited young fan.

As soon as they were gone, Nadia stared at Scarlett in stunned disbelief. “Okay, what the hell was that?”

Scarlett was guzzling her champagne as she watched Viggo’s retreating back.



“Why did you insult Viggo like that?”

“I didn’t insult him. What I said was true.”

“Yes, but did you have to say it upon your first introduction to the man? And considering how well he played tonight, your comment was pretty nitpicky.”

Scarlett shrugged. “He’s a big hockey star. I’m sure he can handle a little constructive criticism.”

Nadia raised an eyebrow. “Is that what that was? Constructive criticism?”

Scarlett ignored her and downed the rest of her champagne, then grabbed another glass off the tray of a passing waiter.

“Take it easy with those,” Nadia warned wryly.

Scarlett waved her off as she guzzled more champagne. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks were flushed. The brief encounter with Viggo had gotten her all hot and bothered.

“Are you okay?” Nadia asked, all innocent concern. “You seem a little…flustered.”

“I need to go work on some music,” Scarlett muttered under her breath.

“Oh, really?” Nadia gave her a sly grin. “Is someone suddenly feeling inspired?”

Scarlett stared down into her glass. “Maybe.”

Nadia threw back her head with a peal of laughter.

“What’s so funny?” Scarlett grumbled.

“You! That man got you shook!”

Scarlett didn’t try to deny it. “Damn him. He’s even hotter in person.”

“Told you.” Nadia grinned, dabbing at her eyes. “I think it’s pretty obvious he was feeling you too.”

Scarlett bit her lower lip, then let it go and shook her head. “I meant what I said about not having time for a relationship.”

Nadia gave her an amused look. “Are you trying to convince me or yourself?”

Scarlett lowered her gaze to her glass without answering.

Nadia grinned. “Why don’t you go talk to him?”

“About what?” Scarlett mumbled.

“He loves your music, so start off with that. Sing him a song. Ask him about Sweden. Tell him how much you loved touring in Stockholm and how you can’t wait to go back.” Nadia paused, lips twitching. “But I’d probably hold off on telling him about your dream wedding at that castle.”

She laughed as Scarlett clapped a hand to her cheek and groaned. She could practically see her blushing. It was adorable. Guys rarely made Scarlett Warner blush.

“If you’re interested in him—and we both know you are—I think you should make your move before someone else does.”
Like Jess,
Nadia thought grimly

Scarlett nodded slowly, contemplating her suggestion.

“But,” Nadia admonished in a stern voice, “before you say anything to him, you need to apologize for being rude.”

“I wasn’t—”

“Yes, you were. All because you were flustered and trying to front like you weren’t. It was a punk move and you should apologize.”

Scarlett scowled, then drained her glass and heaved a sigh.

Nadia arched an eyebrow. “Well?”

“I’ll think about it.”

At that moment Ana sidled up to them, sipping from a flute of champagne. “Hey—”

“I need to use the restroom,” Scarlett muttered, handing off her empty glass to Nadia before striding away.

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