Wicked Games (Denver Rebels) (57 page)

“Doesn’t mean I wanna hear them blasting in my ear first thing in the morning.” She grinned. “You and I are gonna have to establish a few ground rules, Reid Tyler.”

He chuckled, his hands settling on her thighs. “At least you can’t say I leave the toilet seat up.”

“True,” she agreed. “Your mama and sisters trained you well.”

“That they did.”

Nadia smiled, lazily stroking his chest. “Speaking of your mom, isn’t it wonderful about her and your father?”

Reid smiled softly. “It is.”

Three years after their divorce, Roark and Arlene had announced yesterday that they were getting back together. Roark had broken up with Hanh and moved back into the house with Arlene. They planned to renew their vows in an intimate family ceremony on Valentine’s Day.

Nadia sighed contentedly. “I just love second chance romances. They’re so inspiring and romantic.”

“I agree,” Reid murmured, stroking the soft skin of her thighs.

Her eyes glimmered. “And speaking of romantic, I know Viggo and Scarlett can’t wait to see each other again. They haven’t been able to spend any time together since we left Detroit.”

“I know,” Reid said ruefully. “Viggo’s pretty bummed about that.”

“So is Scarlett.”

Off The Grid’s manager had come through at the last minute, booking the band several holiday gigs through New Year’s. Upon returning from Detroit, Scarlett had taken off for New York to perform with her bandmates. She was supposed to join the family in Canada for Christmas. Since Viggo couldn’t travel home to Sweden to spend the holidays with his family, Reid and Nadia had invited him to the Holden-Warner Holiday Retreat™. Their cabin had four bedrooms and a loft, so it was spacious enough to accommodate Viggo and Scarlett, along with Nelson and Bianca and Luke and Ana.

Nadia traced the ridges of Reid’s abdomen, smiling at the goose bumps that broke out over his skin. “I know it’s not the romantic getaway we were planning, but I’m really looking forward to our trip. I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun.”

“So do I,” Reid admitted. “And I can’t wait to meet your grandparents.”

“I look forward to meeting yours too.” Her dark lashes lowered over her eyes as she skated her fingertips down his chest. “I just hope…”

He stared up at her. “Hope what?”

She bit her lip. “I hope meeting your grandparents will go better than my introduction to your mother.”

“It will,” Reid assured her. “They’re gonna love you, baby. I promise.”

She gave him a winsome smile.

A wry grin quirked the corner of his mouth. “I’m probably the one who should be worried. If your grandfathers’ handshakes are anything like your old man’s, I’m gonna need a damn cast.”

Nadia laughed.

Grinning, he sat up and scrubbed his hands over his face, his bristly beard growth sounding like sandpaper against his callused palms.

Nadia smiled, combing her fingers through his hair. “What do you want for breakfast?”

He wiggled his brows suggestively. “Do you even have to ask?”

She laughed. “Food, man. I’m offering

He grinned and playfully nipped her lower lip. “I was gonna run out and get some coffee and breakfast burritos from that place down the street. Why don’t you take a ride with me?”

She scrunched up her nose in that adorable way of hers. “I don’t feel like getting dressed. Can I stay in the car?”

“Of course.”

“Okay. Give me a sec to brush my teeth and wash up.” She dropped a kiss on his nose, then climbed off his lap and headed to the bathroom.

While she was getting ready, Reid made his way to the closet to put on a sweatshirt and lace up a pair of Timbs. A few moments later Nadia padded through the doorway, her hair neatly combed back from her face and tucked behind her ears. The shirt she wore, like all his others, hung past her knees.

She walked to the large center island and opened one of the drawers he’d given her. He watched, unable to tear his gaze away as she selected a pair of pink bikini panties and pulled them on. His cock jerked as he watched the scrap of fabric slide up her smooth legs to disappear under the long shirt. Not bothering with a bra, she headed to the wall of shoe shelves and grabbed her Uggs.

Oblivious to his rapt gaze, she came over and sat beside him on the long bench.

She wasn’t kidding about not wanting to get dressed, he mused. No bra, no pants, no socks.

As she tucked her pedicured feet into the furry boots, he continued watching her with a quiet smile.

She met his gaze. “What?”

“I could get very used to this.”

A shy smile curved her mouth and made her eyes sparkle. “I already have,” she confessed.

His heart filled with a contented, joyous warmth. Smiling from ear to ear, he stood and crossed to the island to grab his car keys off the top.

“Are we taking the Aero?” Nadia asked hopefully.

“We can. You want to?”

“Only if you let me drive.”

He grinned. “Tell you what. If you beat me to the garage, you can drive.”


“Really. And I’m feeling charitable, so I’ll even give you a head start.”

She rose from the bench and began backing toward the doorway. “How much of a head—”

“That’s good enough.”

She squealed with laughter as he took off after her, chasing her out of the bedroom, down the hallway and out the garage door.

She stopped so abruptly he would have plowed into her if he hadn’t deliberately hung back a few paces.

She stood frozen in place, her eyes wide with shock at the sight of a sleek luxury coupe with a huge pink bow wrapped around it.

“Oh my God,” she breathed. “You didn’t…”

Reid grinned, loving her reaction. “Didn’t what?”

“You…” She lifted a trembling hand to her mouth. “You bought me a new car.”

He smiled. “It’s your Christmas present. Since we’re not going to be here, I wanted to give it to you before we leave.”

“Oh my God.” She stared at the low-slung car, admiring the gleaming pewter exterior, sculpted lines and sleekly powerful curves. “It’s amazing. What is it?”

“A Zenith GT,” Reid answered. “It’s made by Ford. Custom built, fully loaded, V
engine with 750-horsepower. It’s a limited edition, one of only two hundred slated for production.”

“Wow,” Nadia breathed in awe. “It must have cost a fortune.”

It had. And she was worth every fucking cent and more.

But he was starting to get worried. Because she hadn’t taken one step toward her new car.


She turned to stare at him. There were tears in her eyes.

Concerned, he touched her cheek. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s just…all these expensive gifts. The Chanel bags, the platinum card, the penthouse suite, the designer clothes and shoes, the Harry Winston engagement ring. And now this…this limited edition car.” She shook her head slowly. “I’m not a multimillionaire, Reid. I’ll never be able to reciprocate your generosity. I’ll never be able to lavish you with expensive presents.”

“Ah, baby,” Reid groaned, her words causing his throat to tighten painfully. “Baby, baby, baby. You’re killing me right now.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful—”

“You don’t. Not at all.” He cupped her face in his hands and rested his forehead against hers. “Listen, sweetheart. Listen carefully. I don’t need or want expensive gifts from you. Every day we spend together, every moment in your presence, is a priceless gift. The way you look at me, the way you touch me, the way you smile. You show your love and concern for me in so many different ways. Remember that little joke you made at the restaurant, the one about you being my ride-or-die chick? Jesus, Nadia. You damn near brought me to my knees. And that commemorative plaque you gave me at the party meant more to me than you can ever imagine. You had me in tears in front of all those people.” He stared into her shining eyes, his voice deepening with emotion. “You don’t ever have to worry about buying me presents. You gave me your heart, Nadia. And that’s worth more than
money can buy.”

As tears slipped out of her eyes, she gave him the most beautiful, glowing smile and whispered earnestly, “Thank you.”

His chest squeezed tight. Fuck, he loved this woman.

He rubbed his chin against her forehead, then thumbed her tears away and tenderly brushed his lips over hers.

“I love you,” she said softly.

“I know, baby. And I’m a better man for it.” Smiling, Reid walked over to the Zenith and opened the driver’s side door for her. “Now get your pretty ass in the car.”

She let out a teary laugh and came forward. “Yes, sir.”

He grinned, watching as she sank into the sumptuous front seat. She closed her eyes in dreamy appreciation, luxuriating in the softness of the leather and the new-car smell.

He closed her door, then rounded the front fender and slid into the passenger seat. The custom interior featured handmade silver trim, embroidered headrests and premium leather upholstery.

“So luxurious,” Nadia purred, running her hands over the plush console and dashboard. “I feel like I’m sitting in a cloud of silk.”

Reid smiled, pleased. “One of the car’s main selling points is that it has the elegance of a Mercedes and the horsepower of a Lamborghini.”

Nadia smiled at him. “And the best part is, it’s American.”

“That’s right, baby. I’m a true believer.” Grinning, he explained the advanced navigation and entertainment systems, and pointed out several other custom add-ons. “Plus it’s loaded with a ton of safety features.” He winked at her. “I want you and our children to be safe when you’re zipping around town in this baby.”

Nadia grinned. “Good looking out.”

“Always.” He grinned. “Why don’t you turn her on, see how she sounds.”

Nadia pressed the keyless start button, beaming with delight as the powerful engine purred to life.

“Oh, man, I can’t wait to take this baby for a spin.” She touched a button to open the sunroof, then swept another look around the interior and sighed happily. “I love my new car, Reid. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, stroking his knuckles down her cheek.

She glanced around the garage. “So what’d you do with my Fiesta?”

“It’s parked in the driveway.” He smiled. “I know you’ve had it for a while, so I wanted to give you a chance to say goodbye before we get rid of it. I mean, we can keep it if you want,” he hastened to add. “But I was thinking we could donate it to the Salvation Army since they’re always in need of reliable vehicles. What do you think?”

Nadia smiled warmly. “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”

“Yeah? You sure?”

“Positive.” She reached over and touched his cheek. “Thank you for giving me a chance to say goodbye to her first. That means a lot to me.”

He turned his face into her hand and kissed her palm. When she shivered, he gave her a slow, wicked grin. “I think we need to christen your new car.”

She laughed. “Oh, so
why you bought it.”

“But of course.” He winked. “We’ve made love in every other car in this garage. Consider it a tradition.”

“A tradition, huh?”

“Yes, ma’am. The first of many.”

She stared up at him as he climbed over the console to lay on top of her, pressing her deeper into the plush upholstery. Reaching down, he pressed a button to recline her seat and slide it all the way back.

Her eyes shone with pleasure and she purred low in her throat.

He turned off the ignition and then nestled between her legs, making himself more comfortable. Smiling, she looped her arms around his neck and shifted beneath him, aligning her hips with his.

He grinned down at her. “See? Look at all this legroom. This car was made for front seat lovin’.”

She grinned. “You think so?”

“I have it on good authority.”

She giggled. “You do not.”

He cocked one eyebrow in mock reproach. “Have you forgotten that I’m a spokesman for Ford? Why wouldn’t I have the inside track?”

“Hmm.” Her eyes sparkled with laughter. “Good point.”

He grinned, brushing her hair back from her face. Her lush mouth beckoned invitingly, her lips already parting for him. He bent his head, stroking his mouth over hers in a whisper-soft kiss that quickened her breath.

Her eyes on his, she slid her tongue between his lips. A jolt of pure lust shot through him, clenching his balls and hardening his cock in a rush. She tasted minty and warm, her lips sweetly flavored with cherry balm.

Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he slowly curled his tongue around hers, teasing her, tasting her, savoring the hell out of her. She gave a breathy moan and speared her fingers into his hair.

Without breaking their kiss, he reached down and cupped her through her panties, groaning at the damp heat that warmed his palm. She was wet for him. Primed and ready.

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