Wicked Ugly Bad (A Kinda Fairytale) (10 page)

in her wedding dress, she looked up at Gustav and waited for his orders.  It
had better be something really depraved or she’d make him suffer later.

he knew what was expected of him.  That was the benefit of properly training
your pets.  “I’m going to come on the floor.”  He began unbuttoning his pants
and she nearly purred.  “Clean it with your dress.  I want you to remember how
dirty you are on your farce of a wedding day.”

eyes grew heavy as she watched him work a hand over his erection.  “I’m a
princess.”  She whispered, her eyes on the swollen flesh.  “You can’t treat me
this way.”

nothing by a cleaning wench.”  His eyes glowed as he rubbed himself harder and
faster.  “You’re only good for scrubbing up my leavings.  And your work had
better be spotless or next time I’ll make you wash it with your tongue.”

wouldn’t dare.  Not again.”

and again, until you learn to do your chores properly.”

licked her lips in anticipation.  “Couldn’t you just come in my mouth, sir?  It
would save me so much time.”

he allowed that, but only when some of the other men were there to see her
lower herself.  The sexual humiliation got her off.  Especially when he refused
to let her come.  Gustav didn’t relish chore time the way some of the men did,
so he often got creative about carrying it out.  Sometimes, he’d order her give
him a blowjob and then leave her aching, while the other guards laughed at her
frustrated cries.

was no wonder he was her favorite.

me and I’ll consider it, wench.”

sir.”  Cinderella whimpered as she saw he was getting close.  “Please let me
suck you.  Don’t make me scrub your seed from the floor.”

don’t deserve the taste of my cock.”  Gustav head tiled back, the tendons of
his neck straining.  “Remember, I want it all spotless or you’ll be sorry.  The
men like to see me punish your disobedience.”

yes…  And she liked to be punished.

degradation of someone like
at the mercy of these low creatures…

gave a shudder as he came all over the marble.  It was a euphoric release for
her to see the sticky mess and know she has to clean it.  She almost wanted to
do a bad job of it so he’d make her do it again, this time with her mouth and
with the others all watching her shame.  God, she needed this after the day she
was having.

do your chores, wench.”

you, sir.”  She panted and started scrubbing.

Chapter Six


Benji must
build his confidence!  Why is the big oaf too stupid to see that?


case notes of Dr. Ramona Fae


aren’t rotting in the basement.”  Avenant didn’t seem thrilled by the news.  “I
didn’t expect Dr. White to be smart enough to see through Scarlett’s pitiful Ramona
disguise, but I thought at
she’d toss the wolf into the pit for
some torture.”  He sighed.  “Every day in this place is another opportunity for

flicked him off.

ignored them.  She sat down beside Drusilla at the arts and crafts table.  It
was macaroni necklace day, so her sister was carefully stringing brightly
painted noodles, a distant expression on her face.  They’d drugged her, again. 
Usually, she and Dru had different craft times and it was disheartening to see
her sister struggle with even these simple tasks.  Drusilla’s eyes were
unfocused and glassy, all her attention on choosing just the right blue
rigatoni.  It was going to take her awhile, since she couldn’t focus enough to
thread the yarn through the hole.

had to get Drusilla out of the WUB Club before it killed her.

reached over to gently touch her sister’s wrist, helping Dru hold the pasta in
the correct position, and then glanced over at Esmeralda.  The witch was still
disguised as Scarlett, so it was kind of disconcerting to look at her own face
with someone else wearing it.

long can you keep this spell up, Ez?”

Ramona’s Esmeralda mask disappeared, this whole plan would fall apart really
quick.  When the doctor woke up in the dungeon and started ranting that she was
really Ramona, chances were the guards would just ignore her.  If she actually
like Ramona, though, her story would have a
more credibility.

can keep the glamours up until tomorrow, maybe.”  Esmeralda already had three pasta
necklaces looped around her neck.  All of them were painted black.  “Anything
more than that, I’ll have to use more power and it’ll set off the magic

they had a day.

let out a long breath.  Okay.  She could do this.  She wasn’t sure
but her grandmother would expect her to take charge and think of something. 
Villainy was in her blood, not matter what Marrok might think.

we have Ramona’s keys.”  Scarlett told the group, trying to sound positive. 
“We just need to find a way to use them to get all of us out of here.”

seven of them were crowded around one of the craft room’s repurposed picnic
tables.  The gloomy space was about half the size of an average school
cafeteria and painted in a particularly lifeless shade of prison gray.  Add in
the bars on the windows, and the fact that the only two “crafts” the inmates
were allowed to make were edible jewelry and cotton balls glued into the shape
of white rabbits, and Scarlett had never felt particularly inspired by the

now, though, she needed some creativity.


crunched his way through a handful of dry noodles.  “Well, you look like
Ramona, Scarlett.  You can just walk right out the front door.  Maybe you could
tell the guards we’re all going on a fieldtrip and just take us with you when
you go.”

fieldtrip?!”  Rumpelstiltskin hissed incredulously.  “There are never any
around here except to the dungeon.”  He gave his scalp an agitated itch,
smearing yellow paint in his hair.  “As soon as we try to leave the grounds,
we’ll be gassed.”  His eyes went up to the stained acoustical tiles of the
ceiling, already scanning for the telltale clouds of purple smoke.

was staring at Esmeralda.  “I just cannot get used to looking at you looking
like Letty.”  He frowned like the witch’s Scarlett façade annoyed him for some
reason.  “You two need to switch faces again, because it’s creeping me out.”

Scarlett ordered.

Ramona’s keys access the weapons locker in the front security office?”  Avenant
inquired.  He thoughtfully added a red rigatoni to his necklace and studied it
for a beat.  Changing his mind, he switched it to a green one.  For some
reason, he always took craft time seriously.  “If we could get into that, we could
acquire some guns and force our way out of here.”

and Esmeralda looked intrigued by that idea.

not using guns.”  Scarlett snapped.  “I told you when we bombed the security
cameras, we’re doing this so no one gets hurt.”

for Dr. Ramona.”  Benji reminded her guilelessly.  “You hit her in the head
with that chair.  That probably hurt a lot.”

New rule: Hitting with chairs is, okay.  Guns are
”  Scarlett looked
over at Marrok.  “I don’t want to kill anybody.”  She insisted, already
anticipating his eye roll.

he nodded.   “Shooting our way out the front door won’t work.  It’s not just
out, it’s
out.”  He leaned forward, his body very close to
hers.  For some reason, it made her heart speed up.  “We have two options:  We need
to slip away quietly, so they don’t have the flying monkeys on our ass right
from the jump,
we need to leave so big that they’ll be distracted.”

monkeys were the best trackers in the Four Kingdoms.  As soon as Dr. White
found them missing, those flying bastards would be hunting for them.  Marrok
was right.  They needed to be very careful not to raise any alarm bells
they needed to set off every single alarm there was and slip away in the
confusion.  Otherwise, the escape would be all over before it even began.

winced at bit, both at the idea of being tracked by winged chimps and because
she was suddenly noticing Marrok’s stunning profile.  Why did he have to be so

going insane and it was all his fault.

She cleared her throat.  “Well, no matter what, we have to go tonight, when
it’s dark.  Everyone on board with that?”

Esmeralda asked.  “We’ll be locked in our rooms.”

too bad Charming isn’t here to help us plan.”  Dru mused hazily.  “He could get
us out.  He’s very smart, Letty.”

is under a spell.”  Scarlett told her.  “But, I know he’s doing everything he

shot her a brooding look.  “Yeah, he’s really come through for you so far.”

under a spell
.”  She insisted.  “Like that other prince was when the
mermaid gave up her voice to win his heart and what’s-her-name tried to take her
place by hypnotizing him.”

Jesus, you
that story?”

point is, Charming is
”  There wasn’t a doubt in Scarlett’s mind,
but she didn’t have time to wait for him to get things done.  “Even when he
isn’t enspelled, it’s hard for him to get through the bureaucracy of the
Westlands, though.”

why I banished all bureaucrats, lawyers, politicians, and sports stars from my
kingdom.”  Avenant agreed.  “They all want to steal my power.”  He looked
pointedly at Marrok.  “
the sports stars.”

that plan worked out
for you.”  Marrok drawled.  “How’s the view
from your lofty throne?  Oh wait… better ask the
ruler of the

quickly, because that usurper won’t be sitting on my throne for long.”

ignored the bickering.  “What’s important is Charming’s on our side and working
to free us.”

he is.”  Marrok refocused his snark on her.  “Which is why he’s organizing a dream
wedding with your mortal enemy.  I guess it’s all part of his master plan.”

to marry Cinderella.”  Scarlett was starting to get
annoyed.  “He’s been brainwashed!  He’ll be thrilled when we show up to save
him.  Believe me.”

believe you.”  Marrok assured her.  “But, he’s still an asshole.”

is not!  Charming is a deeply noble man.”

nodded.  “And handsome, right Letty?”

course.”  Although, it was hard to call any man handsome when she was looking
at Marrok.  The wolf just reset the bar.  Charming was studious and clean-cut
and… kinda vanilla when compared to the jackass currently glowering at her.

thought come from?

cleared her throat and refocused on Esmeralda.  “Anyway, like I was saying, we
can use Ramona’s keys to get out.  I’ll unlock your cells tonight and we’ll all
go together.”

we’re just supposed to believe that you’ll come and save us?”  Avenant scoffed.

looked over at him.  “We all know she will.”  He said with flat certainty. 
“You and I would leave everyone else to rot, but she’s not like us.”

not Good.”  Scarlett insisted.

glanced at her skeptically and then looked back to Marrok.  “Even if I buy she’s
one of them --Even if I accept that she’ll let us out of our rooms tonight--
what do we do?  How do we get

had no clue.

opened her mouth to say something vague and reassuring, only to hesitate when
one of the craft room nurses meandered by.

okay, Dr. Ramona?”  The heavyset elf named Harriet asked without much interest. 
She looked as bored and hopeless as most of the inmates.  The WUB Club staff
showed up every day to work at a place where people were sent to be forgotten
and decay.  Not surprisingly, they weren’t a joyful lot.

tried to look professional and calm as she smiled at the woman.  “Yes, thank
you.  I’m just bonding with my favorite share circle.”

slid down in his seat, trying to disappear.

shrugged like she didn’t see why anyone would bother with any of them.  Then,
her gaze fell on Marrok.  She preened a bit.  “If you don’t want to waste your
time with these nuts, Wolf, I could probably find you something more…
interesting to do in the back room.”

eyes narrowed at the nurse.  “He’s fine right where he is.”  She snapped.

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