Windows (15 page)

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Authors: Emily Minton

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Young Adult





"I’m sorry your dad died," Lucas says.

Lindy wipes the tears from her face. "Me too."

"I’ll share my dad with you."






It has been a week since I learned the details about Dad’s murder. It’s been really hard. Learning exactly what happened brought back all the pain that I had buried away. Mom has been a total mess since she found out that I knew the truth. Lucas and I stayed with her every night this week, but today we are moving into our new house.

I am so excited to have a home of our own that I am determined not to let the sadness of the last week get to me. Even Mom seemed a little happier as she helped me hang pictures on the wall. Our house is almost identical to his parents’ and my mom’s. We have three bedrooms, but only one bathroom. There is a living room, kitchen, small dining area, and a utility room. It is just perfect for us.

I am making our bed when Lucas walks into the bedroom. "I would have done that for you."

I turn towards him and smile. "You guys won’t let me do anything. I want to help out in some way."

"You did help. You showed us where to put everything," he says, as he walks towards me. "Plus, you looked damn pret
ty doing it. Kept all of us motivated."

As soon as he gets to me, I wrap my arms around his middle. "Did all the guys leave?"

He nods his head. "Yeah. I told them all to come back later on this afternoon. I thought I might grill some steaks. Figured it was the least I could do, pay them back for all their help today."

"I’ll make a blueberry cheesecake. It’s Daniel’s favorite."

He shakes his head. "Chris already said he wanted your banana pudding."

I smile. "I can do both."

"You’re going to cook for Daniel and Chris. What are you going to do for me?" he asks with a sexy smile.

I think about it a minute, then I go down to my knees. I unbutton his pants, pull down the zipper, and take his cock into my hand. I look up to him. "I will do anything you want."

As I take him into my mouth, his hands dig into my hair. I suck him deep into my throat and swallow. I feel his body twitch. "Fuck, baby! I’m not gonna last if you keep doing that shit."

I ignore him and start to move my head faster, using my tongue to cup the underside of his dick. His hands tighten around my head, holding it in place. His hips start to thrust, sending his dick in and out of my mouth. After only a minute or two, he jerks himself away from me. He bends down and picks me up, then lays me on the bed.

He pulls off my jeans and panties and places one hand between my legs. I hear him mumble, "Please be wet."

His fingers find my core. "Your pussy’s soaked. Fucking amazing."

He steps between my legs and pulls my ass to the edge of the bed, then thrusts into me in one long stroke. "Baby, you gotta hurry. I’m not going to last long. Your mouth nearly did me in."

I lift my hips to meet his thrusts. I can tell he is close, so I tighten the muscles surrounding him. His breathing is getting louder and he is pounding into me fast and hard. "Fuck, baby. You feel so damn good."

He reaches down and runs his thumb over my clit. "Come for me, Lindy. Please!"

I reach down and place my hand on his. I squeeze his fingers together, causing him to pinch my clit. A smile crosses his face. "You want a little pain, baby?"

I nod my head. His smile broadens as he squeezes on my clit hard. Instantly, I start to come. He thrusts into me once more and groans.

He stays within me for a few minutes, before pulling back. He crawls onto the bed and pulls me close to him. He looks into my eyes and smiles. "Your pussy is better than cake or pudding any fucking day."

I burst out laughing.






"This is the best damn banana pudding that I ever ate," Chris says as he places another spoonful in his mouth.

"You should try the blueberry cheesecake. It’s the fucking bomb," Daniel says, between bites.

"Yeah, my woman knows just how to repay a man for all his hard work," I say, wrapping my arm around Lindy. She swats my leg and giggles.

"Good thing you are marrying her. If not, you would have to put up with your Ma’s cooking forever," Dad says, with a wink towards

"Hey! It’s not that bad," Mom shouts, as she tosses a pickle at dad.

"If the wedding is supposed to be next weekend, shouldn’t we be getting things ready?" Tara asks.

Lindy looks towards me and gives me a worried look. "Well, I kind of wanted to wait."

"What in the hell are you talking about?" I ask.

Everyone turns to Lindy. She is squirming in her chair and her face is beet red. I can tell she is nervous, but I don’t give a damn. If she thinks she is backing out on me, she is fucking wrong.

She licks her lips then looks into my eyes. "I love you, and I want to marry you, but I don’t want to do it right now."

"Why the fuck not?" I growl out.

"When I think back on my wedding day, the last thing I want to think about is my dad being murdered. If we get married next week that is exactly what is going to happen."

Maggie stands up and walks to Lindy. She places her hand on Lindy’s arm and says, "Your dad would want you to be happy, and being married to Luke will make you happy. Don’t let all this coming up ruin it for you."

"That’s exactly what I’m trying to do. I am not saying that I’m not going to marry Lucas. I just want to wait for a little while." Lindy turns her head to me. "Just until the Mirror Man is caught. Please, Lucas?"

Shit! I am so fucking frustrated that I want to scream, but how in the hell can I tell her no. She just learned the man that killed her father is still around, and she has been a fucking basket case since then. I look into her eyes and see the pain within them. I know that I’ve got to give this to her. "Whatever you want, baby."

"What if he is never gets caught?" Maggie asks.

"That is not going to happen. We just got approval to start pulling people in for DNA tests," Chris answers.

"Plus, Deidra Williams regained consciousness three days ago. The doctors are thinking she might end up making a full recovery. The bastard spent way too much time at her place for her not to have gotten a look at him, so you two will be having a wedding soon," Dad says, looking towards me and Lindy.

I lean over and pull Lindy into my arms. "As far as I am concerned, you are already my wife."




"You know you need to give that shit up before the baby gets here," I say to Dad, as he lights his cigarette.

"I know I do. I promised your Ma that I would put them down the day the baby is born."

"Shit! I’m thinking about taking up the habit. I need something if I am going to have to see my daughter with that dickhead much longer," Chris complains, as he watches Tara and Daniel ride away on his bike.

"He’s a good guy," I say, with a chuckle.

"If he was a good guy, he’d have a ring on my baby girl’s finger instead of just shacking up with her."

Oh, fuck. "A ring. I didn’t get Lindy a damn ring. How in the hell could I have forgotten that?" I groan, more to myself than anyone else.

"I was wondering when you were going to think about that," Dad says, as he puts his hand in his pocket. He pulls out a velvet covered box and tosses it towards me. "It’s your mother’s. She got it cleaned the day Melinda came back to town. Then she got it sized the day you moved in with the girls. I’ve been carrying it around for months now, just waiting for you to ask."

I can’t help but laugh. "She was pretty sure of herself, wasn’t she?"

Dad nods. "I told you, son. Your Ma is always right."

I am just stuffing the box into my pocket as Lindy, Ma, and Maggie walk onto the deck. Lindy comes straight to me and wraps her arms around my waist. I sling my arm over her shoulder and kiss the top of her head. "Are you tired, Lindy Lou?"

"Maybe a little," she says with a smile.

"That’s our cue to leave. Where’s my old lady?" Chris asks, as he gets out of his chair.

I’m right here, but I’m not old," Abbie says, as she walks outside, carrying a bowl. "You better give Melinda a hug. She is giving you the leftover banana pudding."

It takes a few minutes for everyone to say their goodbyes, and then Lindy and I make our way inside. She goes right to the couch. She sits down, jerks off her shoes and sprawls across the sofa. "I am so tired, but I didn’t want to be rude and tell everyone to leave."

I walk over to the couch and pick up her feet. I sit down and start to rub them. "You could have told them that you were tired. They wouldn’t have been mad. Shit! You should have told me. I would have run their asses off."

She giggles. "I know you would have. That’s why I didn’t say anything."

I let go of her feet and pull the box from my pocket. "I’ve got something that I should have given to you a long time ago, but I am a man. I forget this shit. It’s your job to remind me."

"What do you have?" she says, through a yawn.

I pop the box open and take out Ma’s ring. Grabbing Lindy’s hand, I slide it on her finger. "I’m sorry that I forgot, baby."

She looks at her hand and smiles at me. "Lucas, it’s beautiful."

She climbs onto my lap and kisses me. "Thank you."

"Oh, you can thank me all right." I say as I stand up. She wraps her legs around me, and I carry her towards the bedroom.

As I walk in the door, I feel her body tighten. "Did you really just tell me that it is my job to remind you to give me an engagement ring?"

I chuckle at her delayed reaction. "You can bitch all you want later. Right now, I want some pussy."






I am at Abbie’s today. Mom and Wanda are here too. We are all sitting around the table, eating Abbie’s famous homemade cheese wontons.

"These are so good. I have been craving them all week," I say, as I stuff another one in my mouth.

"When I was pregnant with Lucas, I use to make Paul drive all the way into Mobile to get me baby ribs from Dick Russell's Bar-B-Q," Wanda says.

"That ain’t nothing. I use to have my mom mail me her lemon bars when I was pregnant with twins," Abbie counters, with a chuckle.

"I never had any specific craving when I was pregnant with Lindy. I just ate everything. Sammy used to stop by the Piggly Wiggly every night, just to make sure he had something to eat," Mom adds.

"I am going to get fat again if I don’t stop eating like this all the time," I grumble, still stuffing my mouth.

"You’re going to get fat anyway. Just as well live it up while you can. You’re young. You will lose it all after the baby comes," Abbie advises.

I am just about to grab another, when Tara walks through the door. She walks straight to the table and grabs a wonton. "I don’t like this. I have to work all day, and you get to sit around here and eat my favorite food. It’s not fair."

Abbie looks towards the clock then looks back at Tara. "You’re not supposed to be off for another two hours. What are you doing here?"

Tara shakes her head and plops down in a chair. "Kelsey came into the ER, and she went nuts when she saw me."

"Why?" I ask.

"I don’t know anything. Seriously, I only saw her for about two seconds and she started screaming bloody murder. I thought she was going to attack me, and there was nothing I could do. If I laid a hand on her, I would have lost my job. Freaked me out so bad that my supervisor told me to take the rest of the day off. I’m telling you, it was crazy."

"That girl should be institutionalized," Wanda says.

"Yes, she should. It took three orderlies to get her into an exam room. There is something really wrong with her," Tara says, between bites.

"I think her parents broke her. They pushed her so hard that her mind just cracked," Mom says, then looks at me. "Do you remember winning the student of the year award in third grade?"

I nod. It was the only one I ever won. Kelsey always took home all the awards.

"I was really proud of you, so don’t get me wrong. It was just a little piece of paper saying that you had the highest GPA that year. It wasn’t like you won the Nobel Prize. After you won, I saw Kelsey’s father screaming at her in the hallway. The poor little thing was crying. He just kept going on and on, about how he expected more from her. Her mother just stood there watching. I felt so sorry for her." Mom shakes her head, remembering.

Wanda nods. "We were at one of Lucas’ games, and the cheerleaders did some sort of routine during half time. These two girls tossed Kelsey in the air, but something happened and she didn’t land right. All three girls ended up on the ground. After the game, I saw Mr. Reynolds giving her hell for screwing up. I swear that I thought he was going to hit her, but he saw me and stopped."

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