Wine of the Gods 26: Embassy (30 page)

Chapter Forty-six
Late Summer 1399



Garit eyed the planning committee as they sat down. Hideously eager.
But I have more sense. Right?

"As best as we can tell, we're looking at sixteen trained magic users, five young teenage witches who may or may not be trained, nine unknowns, and a pot load of children and babies who are probably too young to be magic, and who may or may not be capable of magical attack."

Inso narrowed his eyes. "We've got five magicians and a half dozen others. We're going to need help."

"Yes. I think Magic Central, the small troop I've been working with, and . . . perhaps some of those infamous Action Teams of yours would like to get some experience in magical battle against Fallen Magicians?"

Jiol nodded. "I'm sure they will also want to send observers."

Garit shrugged. "So long as they wait until the fighters are through."

Lon grimaced. "Earth wants to send observers. How do you explain to an idiot . . . I mean, an honorable representative . . . that apparently we show up like beacons?"

Q snorted. "
of you do. Yet the only two people whose thought processes or brain wiring or something, is so different I can barely detect them, let alone read them are both Earthers. Tell your honorable representative that a David Jerold Reed in the UEM reserves would be a good choice as an observer."

Inso and Jiol both frowned at her.

Inso nodded. "I've heard of such things. Never seen it, myself."

Lon shrugged. "Poor sod. I hope he reported meeting you to the authorities. I suppose you were spying on us?"

"Actually I was buying the solar power system for the building." She waved upward. "Some of you met him when he was assisting with the hospital power system."

Garit tapped his fingers a bit nervously. "Q . . . I want you there to collapse gates and minimize their routes for escape. I do not want you to get into the fight." He watched the expressions crossing her face . . . and her reluctant agreement.
Thank the Old Gods! She knows she's irreplaceable. And we've realized that we can't do this without her.

"I've put up a gate very near to the least used of their gates. Well concealed, of course. Unfortunately, they like inhabited worlds, and their gates are often in or near urban areas. We won't be able to pre-stage troops until the last minute. But we ought to be able to hit them from several gates at once. And we can spy on them."

"Watch for signs they're preparing for another raid." Inso muttered.

"Xen? We're going to have to invite other people to play." He nodded down the table to Sommer Albrecht. "Specifically whatever police force is involved on your world. So we'll need a ton of charms to try and keep them safe on a magical battlefield."

"So go tell the FBI or whoever, that we're looking at a raid in a week. Lon? Ask Ambassador Montgomery if they want to participate, or observe. Inso, go talk to your ambassador and Director Agni. I'll talk to Purple, Arbolia, and Arrival. And I'll go talk to Rufi and borrow Magic Central. I know you lot laugh when I talk about mounted troops, but they're going to be the fastest way down the hill. If we can hit them in the open, before they can form compasses and triads, we'll fare a whole lot better."

"But this isn't a spectator sport. It's going to be dangerous. Six of the witches are career assassins, Rior is apparently a trained Oner, possibly the same one who's been protecting bandit gangs for decades. The four western wizards are well trained. Five Cove Island Rebel Mages. So one observer, each. Anyone else going across had better be prepared to fight.

"So, anyone want to bring up anything else? No? Then we'll meet again tomorrow, and talk about what sorts of assets we're likely to have."


Rael swept a glance over every boss she had. "This is an opportunity to see how Comet Fall fights. Oh sure, they want our help. But while we're helping we'll see what their wizards and witches can do, both our friends and our enemies. And as for Rior her—or him—self, I think I should go as well."

Urfa looked over at Agni. "So, how many Action Teams do you want to get some experience fighting the Fallen magicians?"

"All of them, but three are available immediately." Agni frowned at Rael. "You have no business being in a fight. You're crippled, you can barely use your right hand. I don't care what training you've had. In fact, since we've played your card against Wolfson, it's time for you to go back to the Presidential Directorate—if they'll have you."

Rael managed to giggle around not gritting her teeth.
You are out of date as to my physical condition. And there's a whole lot of things I can still do to or with End . . . Xen.

Urfa snorted. "Gladly. Now observers . . . "

"I'm sending Ajha as a remote observer." Agni's glance sheared back to Rael and his lips thinned. "Perhaps also having an observer in the midst of this raid would be useful. See what you can wiggle yourself into."

Rael shook her head. "Yes in the midst, but not as an observer. Rior was specifically picked and trained to sic on the Amma because she's so very good at mental invasions and manipulations. She will be very good at getting through shields. And I have trained on how to defend against shield attacks."

Urfa nodded. "Right. Help as needed, and try to take out Rior. That's one person we do not want running around the Multiverse."



All the FBI agents had had their cams turned on. They had plenty of pictures of the back of the house, the lay of the land, and the people in the house.

"Thirteen men, twelve women. Five older teenager girls. And then six younger children and possible as many as seventeen infants. And what they're calling magic." Senior Inspector Villalobos was giving the brief.

Hanger suppressed a grin at the expressions around the table.
It's not really funny, and it doesn't matter if they believe or not, so long as they wear all the protective trinkets the wizards and witches are manufacturing.

"So, in full SWAT gear, we'll be charging a half kilometer downhill. We're looking into getting some jeeps, most of the armored personnel carriers are too wide to fit through the gates. Or we'll just run it." He tapped the picture on the wall, with showing nearly all the people out at the pool. "We're hoping to catch them unarmed, as a fight with this many children on site could be difficult. Naked and soaking wet would work nicely."

Albrecht cleared her throat. "Very quiet electric vehicles with easy egress might be best." She received a glare. "Especially after what I've seen, I'd rather give them as little prep time as possible."

Villalobos kept a repressive eye on her as he continued. "Reports of psychic abilities . . . well, we'll no doubt show them just how little help that nonsense is against rational, modern agents. The agents, along with their usual gear will have the newest version of the sonic stunner. Range ten meters."

Hanger bit his lip and nodded.
Xen says most magic is short range. Of course he also says some of the wizards he knows are very powerful.

Danzinger gestured to catch Villalobos' attention. "There's a dirt road from the gates on the ridge to the mansion. The electric carts are a good idea. I don't know about the ocean side."

"If we can take them by surprise, this should be a walk over. If they fort up in the house, it could get messy. A standoff with children."

Only as long as it takes them to open a gate inside the house and walk away, free.


"And you'll need lots and lots of vid coverage, to review later. This is your first raid, right? There will be things that worked and things that didn't. And I can help you with that." Napoleon Zambrano sat back, seeing the reluctant agreement on Prince Garit's face.

"Right. But you're going through dead last."

"I was thinking some miniature vid cams on some of the troops might be useful."

Garit's eyebrows rose. "How miniature?"

Napoleon pulled out the case. "Here are four. They just clip on, push the button, the green light means it's recording, and unless you shut it off, with another push of the button, it's good for about twelve hours."

"All right. I'll put these four on some dispersed troops. Maybe they'll be facing the right way when the shit hits the fan."

"You think there will be a problem?"

"We'll have three times their numbers. But I'm a natural pessimist, so I doubt it'll go smoothly." Garit grinned. "It's our first planned action."

"As opposed to Q being in the right place at the right time? Yeah. Well, after what she did to those soldiers, maybe you ought to send her in alone." Napoleon gave his most challenging glare.

"No. However tempting adding the extra firepower to my assault forces, Q is going to sit this one out."


"So we'll have three Action Teams, an observer and a . . . sorry, culture shock to have 'Princess' as a college degree . . . "

Rael giggled. Genuinely. "It's not just the training and education. It's the linking of magical power with political, early in our history. And . . . I'm sort of a hit man for now. My orders are to get Rior. He or she, is also a very well trained princess, specializing in mental influences and martial arts. I know the sorts of things she's trained in, and how to counter them."

She could see Xen's weight shift microscopically. His face remained on the border between interested and indifferent. By his lack of natural small movements she judged the expression an impressive façade.

One of his spy gang colleagues, introduced simply as Captain Easterly, no first name, eyed her. "That's our orders, as well."

"Princess, perhaps you should go with them. They'll be mounted and hitting the mansion from the front." Garit eyed her. "Can you ride a horse?"

Rael nodded. "That will work. And yes, I can ride, although I may need to borrow a horse."

Deena nodded. "We've several spare mounts."

Garit looked to his right. "Q? We'll start with you opening a gate from here, for the FBI. They go through at the same time the troops attack through the Grantown gate. When we go, Michaelson will throw a corridor down near the southeast corner of the mansion. Easterly and Xen will come through the northernmost gate, with two corridors to the northeast corner and the front of the mansion. Then you start taking down gates."

"Priority?" Xen's sister looked like a bright studious high school kid.

Did she do the sleep for a year thing and get younger? Or is she really that young?

"Close Grantown, in case they try to run home. Leave up your gate, and take out the three on the ridge, then start on the new gate they opened below. As new as it is, if they escape through it, I doubt they'll have many resources yet, so we may be able to find them."

Ajha leaned forward. "Where do you want the Action Teams?"

"I think they should stage through the Ice Farm gate. Then if we've caught them out on the patio, they can follow Xen through his corridor. If the witches are inside, they follow Easterly's small group to the front and enter from the front."

Grins from the teamers spread out on one side of the main forum.

"Disco personnel who can't ride? Follow the FBI through the new gate. Then use your eyes, ears and common sense. Hit them wherever it look like they need it."

He eyed the Earthers. "Xen? Can you set them up with weapons they're more comfortable with?"

"Yep. I've got a collection."


"We picked up some equipment, now and then, while your fellows were planning to invade."


Mantigo ducked through the opening of what Xen had called a storage bubble and into a big metal warehouse . . . full of weapons.

Chang and the civilian Lon Hackathorn followed him.

"Oh. My." Chang started grinning.

Lon shook his head. "Out of my area of competence. Karl? You have a range of a five hundred meters to two kilometers. Min and max. What can the two of you operate? I can request additional soldiers if you need them."

These two soldiers were shaking their heads as they homed in on a single weapon.

"80mm mortar. How many bombs . . . Good Lord, we could carpet bomb. Lots and lots of augmentation charges too. Did they leave these behind?" Mantigo stared reading box labels.

Xen strolled up. "Umm, no we started looting early. In case they really were going to keep attacking. We left persistent illusions behind. So they didn't have an accurate count of weapons or ammunition."

Chang grabbed a self propelled flat and started loading crates. "Mind you, this is not a good idea for use in a battle field with horses and children. We'll take it, though, but sniper rifles will probably be more useful."

Mantigo looked around. Stalked over to the long crates. "And here we go. You like the AR 12 don't you?"

"Yep." Chang straightened and looked around, grinning. "And you know what? Let's not happen to mention this to anyone, on account of they'd try to make you give it all back."

Lon grinned. "And you never know when Disco being able to arm a small army will come in handy." He headed for another flat. "Grab a rifle for me, too. How much ammo do you think we'll need?"

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