Wishing in Wisconsin (At the Altar Book 3) (11 page)

"I hope you're not going to say you need to watch us making those munchkins, because that's not happening, Lachele."  Cindy shook her head at the older woman to emphasize her words. 

"Nah.  That can be private.  Just make sure I get an invitation to the baby shower."  Lachele sighed.  "Another happy match."




Later that night, Cindy asked Trey, "What exactly are you and Lachele hiding from me?  It's going to make me crazy!"

Trey sighed.  "It's not my secret to tell!"

"So, there is a secret. I
it! Don't let that stop you!"

"I really can't say.  I promised!"

"Fine.  Don't tell me.  See if I care."  Cindy rolled over in bed so her back was to him. 

He trailed his fingers over her soft back.  "Don't be that way.  I have a feeling you're going to know soon enough anyway."  He pressed a trail of kisses along her shoulder.

"So why can't I know now?"

He moved over behind her, kissing the back of her neck.  "I'd tell you if I could." 

"Fine."  She kept staring at the wall.  "Why didn't you tell me you loved me before?"

Trey sighed.  "I had it in my head that you were supposed to say it first.  I know that's stupid, but it's how I felt.  I do love you, Cindy.  More than I could ever express.  And I want to have those munchkins with you."

Cindy laughed and rolled back to face him.  "We need to have a little girl."

"Why a girl?"

"So Cissie's daughter will have someone to tell all her secrets to, of course!"

Trey frowned.  "You know Cissie's not married yet, right?"

"Oh, it's only a matter of time now that Dr. Lachele is on the case.  She'll have Cissie married in a matter of months.  Weeks, probably."

Trey brushed his lips across hers.  "If you think it's going to happen that fast, maybe we should start working on those munchkins right away!"

"I think that's a brilliant idea!"  Girl or boy, she loved the idea of having children with him. 





Cindy hung up the phone and hurried to Trey's office, pounding on the door.  "Let me in!"

Trey answered the door, standing there in his boxers as usual.  "I just did you three hours ago!  Can't wait 'til bedtime?"

Cindy hurried in and shut the door behind her, shaking her head at him.  "Cissie just called.  Wedding is in two weeks!"  She was practically bouncing up and down she was so excited.

"Lachele found her someone?  That's great!"

"I'm meeting her for lunch in an hour, and we're going to shop for dresses.  Can you check in the couple that's supposed to be here around three?  Like with pants on?"  She looked at his bare legs pointedly.  She had never known anyone who rejected clothing as often as he did.

Trey sighed.  "The things you ask of me.  Wearing pants, indeed!"

"You can do it!" she said with a grin.

"Fine.  I'll wear pants while you run all over finding a wedding dress.  You're the matron of honor, I assume?"

"Yup.  I can't wait!  And you know what the best part of the whole thing is?  They're getting married right here in Blevins!  I offered the barn for the reception, but she wanted to use the bowling alley. Said her dad would never forgive her otherwise."  Truly she didn't care where the wedding was held as long as it was soon.  Cissie was getting married!

"He probably wouldn't."  Trey grinned at her excitement.  "It'll be nice not to be the third wheel with you two."

"You're not the third wheel.  Cissie is!  But it doesn't matter now, because we'll have
four wheels
!  I can't wait!"  Cindy threw her arms around him.  "I don't think I was this excited when I found out that
was getting married!"

"I'm glad you're happy for your friend.  I am, too!"  Trey couldn't wait until Cissie saw who she would be marrying.  Bob was a good man, and he deserved the best.  Other than Cindy, Cissie was it.  Bob had no idea what he was in for.



Watch for Cissie's book, Dreaming in Dairyland, coming in July of 2015.



As people have read this book in pre-release, I've been asked repeatedly what fried cheese curds are.  I grew up in Wisconsin, so to me cheese curds are just something that people eat.  Not so in the rest of the country apparently!

Here's what Wikipedia has to say about cheese curds: 
Cheese curds start off with fresh 
. The 
 is pasteurized, much like in the process of creating 
. During this process, 
 is added to clot the 
. After the milk has been pasteurized, the result is a mixture of 
 and the early stages of the curd. This mixture is then cooked. Next, it is pressed to release the 
 from the curd, thus creating the final product of cheese curd.

I grew up calling cheese curd "squeaky cheese" because in its raw fresh state, cheese curd squeak in your teeth when you eat them. 

This is what Wikipedia says about fried cheese curds: 
In the 
Midwestern United States
 (primarily in 
 and eastern 
) they are a local delicacy. Deep-fried cheese curds are often found at carnivals and fairs, and often local non-chain 
 restaurants and bars, as well as a few chain restaurants of local origin, such as 
. Deep-fried cheese curds are covered with a 
, like that used for 
onion rings
, or are breaded and placed in a 
deep fryer
, they are sometimes served with a side of ketchup or ranch dressing.

In many areas where fried cheese curds are common, the term "cheese curds" refers to the fried variety; non-fried curds are distinguished by calling them "raw" or "plain" cheese curds.

Now, if you can't get them from one of the local places, then A&W or Culvers will do the trick if you have one near you. 


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