Wishing in Wisconsin (At the Altar Book 3) (4 page)

"Really?"  Trey had been teased enough in school that he didn't relish the idea of having a wife who teased him as well, but he was quickly learning that nothing she did was even the least bit mean-spirited.  "Well, get off me then."

Cindy grinned as she climbed off him, the nervousness in the pit of her belly stronger than it had been all day.  Yes, she wanted him, but she was also scared to death.  She had no idea what she was doing, and she wanted to please him so badly. 

Trey stood up and took her hand, moving into the house and locking the door behind them.  He half-pulled half-dragged her back to their bedroom and closed that door behind them.  "It feels strange to be making love for the first time in a house where people stay as guests."

Cindy shook her head.  "You'll get used to it.  I promise there are no guests here tonight."  She stepped back and pulled her tank top over her head, dropping it to the floor.  Then she unfastened her shorts, and pushed them over her hips.  She'd gone all out and bought a matching bra and panty set for their wedding day, something she'd never even thought of owning before.

His eyes locked onto her breasts, spilling out over the top of her bra.  She wasn't exactly what he'd describe as skinny, but she certainly wasn't overweight either.  She was just right in his eyes.  He wanted to touch her breasts, but he wasn't certain how she'd feel if he just dove at her and started touching, so he stood where he was with his hands at his sides, staring at her in awe.

Cindy stood still for a moment, letting him drink his fill.  She'd never been terribly confident about her body, but seeing the look in his eyes made her feel as if she could be a Playboy centerfold.  When he didn't immediately make a move toward her, she took the three steps that separated them, her hands lightly tracing the muscles of his chest.  "I like," she whispered softly.

Suddenly Trey realized that it was all right if he touched this woman.  She belonged to him, and he had the right to touch her any way he chose.  He caught her shoulders and pulled her against him, enjoying the feel of her breasts pressed into his chest.  He lowered his head and kissed her, his tongue sliding into her mouth to mate with hers. 

His hands tangled in her hair as he pulled her head back, just a bit, so he could have better access to her mouth.  "You are beautiful," he whispered against her lips, his hands moving down to the back hook of her bra.  He and his friends had often played a game where they would hook a bra around a chair, and then be blindfolded. They'd have to try to unhook the bra without being able to see what they were doing.  He'd always had the shortest time.  Hopefully his luck would hold true and he would get her unfastened in record time.

Cindy looked up at him in surprise.  He thought
was beautiful?  He needed his eyes checked, but she wasn't going to suggest it.  No, she'd let him keep thinking she was beautiful forever.

He unfastened her bra quickly, and pulled the straps over her shoulders, dropping it to the floor.  Once she was uncovered, he looked down at her and smiled.  "So pretty."  He trailed one finger across her breast, letting it circle her nipple. 

Cindy stood still letting him toy with her.  She'd always thought her breasts were too big for her body, and there he was, acting as if they were something special.  His lips came down on hers again, and she clung to his shoulders, thrilled that he didn't find her disappointing.

He started walking forward, forcing her to walk back until she felt the bed pressing against the back of her legs.  One quick push, and she was falling backward onto the bed, and he was following her down.  He pushed his shorts and underwear down and off.  "There, now you don't have to be offended by my tighty whities anymore."

When Cindy caught sight of what his tighty whities had contained, she swallowed nervously.  That looked too big to fit.  She'd have to trust him though. 

His hand trailed over her breasts down to her waist, where it traced the waistband of her panties.  Leaning down, he captured her nipple in his mouth, causing her to cry out with surprise. 

She hadn't realized her nipples were as sensitive as they obviously were, and she moaned softly, her fingers tangling in his hair.  "That feels so good!"

He looked up, his eyes meeting hers as he still toyed with her nipple with his tongue.  "I'm glad," he said as he released her nipple with a loud pop.

Trey knelt beside her, his hands catching the waistband of her panties and pulling them down and off her entirely.  He moved his hand between her thighs, toying with her soft flesh there.  As he slowly played with her tight bud of desire, his lips went back to hers, much more insistent this time.   "I want you!"

Cindy smiled, happy that he was still interested in her after seeing her naked.  "I want you too," she whispered, realizing it was true.  That had to be what the ache deep inside her meant.  She wanted to make love with him.  "I just...well, I've never done this before.  I
to, but be gentle!"

Trey's eyes met hers before he moved a finger to her waiting channel, which was already moist with her desire.  His finger slid inside her, moving in and out a few times, before he pulled it out entirely.  "I want to make you feel good," he said as he moved between her spread thighs.

Cindy wasn't certain whether she should be frightened or excited when she felt him pressing against her opening, so she chose to be excited.  He obviously had no intention of hurting her or he'd have forced this on her as soon as they'd arrived home from the bowling alley. 

She refused to just lay back and let this happen to her.  She would be a willing participant in her wedding night.  She moved her legs up to wrap around his waist, opening for him better, and pulling him closer all at once. 

He leaned down, staring into her eyes before brushing his lips across hers, his tongue entering her mouth even as his member entered her body.

She cried out with pain as he pushed through her maidenhead, gasping at the suddenness of it.

Trey looked down at her with worry.  "Did I hurt you?"

Cindy shook her head, laying still for a moment as she took stock and realized the pain was over.  She'd expected it to be much worse from stories of the girls at school.  "I'm fine now.  I think."

He shook his head.  "Do you want me to try and wait?"

"I feel great.  Are you going to lie there like that all night?  Or are we going to get this show on the road?"

"Lovemaking with you is never going to be boring is it?"

"I sure hope not!"

Then he started moving inside her, and their talk stopped. 

Later they lay together, snuggled together in her big bed, both of them feeling their heart rates return to normal.  "I
that!" she told him, the surprise evident in her voice.

He chuckled softly.  "Did you expect to hate it?"

"I'm not exactly sure what I expected, but it wasn't
. We may need to eat again in a bit so we can keep our strength up.  I have a feeling once a night is never going to be enough."

He pressed a kiss to her smiling lips, thrilled with his sweet wife.  "I hope you're right about that.  I know it'll never be enough for me."

She sighed contentedly, her fingers winding in his hair as she pulled his lips down for another long kiss.  "Let's both feel like this about each other forever."  She knew then Lachele had chosen perfectly.  However the purple haired freak had done it, she was married to her soul mate.  She had no complaints.  None.  It was time for her happily ever after.


Chapter Four



Trey made Cindy absolutely crazy.  They hadn't even been married for forty-eight hours, and she was ready to poke his eyes out with a dull butter knife.  What was wrong with the man?

They were still newlyweds, and already he was turning her into a raving lunatic.  He obviously didn't know what a hamper was for.  There were clothes strewn everywhere.  And when the first guest had arrived the previous day, the elderly woman brought in a tee-shirt she found on the front porch by the swing. 

Cindy had calmly taken it from her.  "The gardener must have gotten hot while mowing and forgotten it.  I'll just wash it and return it to him when I see him again."  She'd taken it into her bathroom and thrown it on top of the now-heaping laundry hamper.  How hard was it to find your clothes and make sure they ended up in the hamper?

And the night before, he'd wanted to make love in the guest parlor.  If the B&B hadn't been full of guests, maybe she could have agreed, but it was!  He was sweet, though, and the sex was good, so they'd make it work.  She would find a way if it was the last thing she did.

She heard a scream coming from her office and she ran in that direction, wondering if there was a mouse.  She often had problems with them, her house at the edge of town like it was.  She saw the same woman who had found Trey's tee-shirt blushing outside of the office, looking into the room.  "Is something wrong?"

"There's a naked man in there," the woman whispered.  The guest must be approaching sixty, and she was there with her husband.

Cindy glanced into the room and saw that Trey was working while wearing his headphones.  She could hear the music from where she was.  She wanted to walk over and slap him upside the head for wearing just his underwear to work, but she had told him this room was private.  She quietly closed the door.  One more thing to talk to the man about later.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Graham."  She pointed to the sign on the door at eye level that said, 'Private:  Keep Out.' 

"I didn't see that," Mrs. Graham said, obviously not willing to admit she'd been snooping.  Cindy had already caught her in another guest's room, claiming to be lost. 

"Please try to stay to the main areas of the house, including your bed and bath and the dining room.  You're also welcome to go into the guest parlor.  My husband isn't used to working with a house full of people, so he wasn't expecting to be interrupted today."  Cindy would deal with

"Are you saying this is
fault?"  Mrs. Graham's voice was indignant.

Of course it's your fault, you old biddy!
  "No, of course not, Mrs. Graham.  I would appreciate it if you'd do your best to stay in the common areas, though.  I'll have a talk with my husband later."

"I should think you would!" Mrs. Graham said as she walked away.  She was in the area to visit her new great grandson, and Cindy could definitely see why she was not allowed to stay with her grandson's family.  She'd complained about that, but she'd also complained about everything else under the sun. 

Most of Cindy's guests were pleasant, and tried their hardest not to make extra work.  Mrs. Graham went out of her way to complain about every speck of dust she could see.  Why she'd had the audacity to complain that she could see a tiny smudge on the outside of her window.  Cindy had the windows cleaned every spring and fall, but she was darned if she was going to have someone come out weekly to clean the outside of the windows.  It was just too expensive!

Cindy walked back into the kitchen to finish cleaning up after breakfast.  She took deep breaths to calm herself as she went.  She knew that Trey had gone into the office clothed earlier.  Had he really gone in there and stripped down?  She walked to the refrigerator and added a new door knob with lock to the grocery list hanging there.  That would take care of that, and hopefully Trey could figure out how to keep his underwear covered until she could make it to the hardware store.

As she slid the morning's dishes into the dishwasher, she thought about what she'd make for lunch.  Usually she ran to the bowling alley for lunch while she was picking up whatever she needed from town, but now that she had a husband, she would need to feed him.  She wondered if he'd go to the bowling alley with her. 

She finished the dishes and started dinner in the crock pot.  A simple recipe that she hoped he'd like.  When she had that set up, she wandered down the hall to talk to Trey.  She had calmed down enough that she was relatively certain she could have the conversation without beating him about the head and shoulders.

Cindy opened the office door and closed it quietly behind her.  She walked over to where Trey was staring at his monitor, the music blaring out of the headphones he was still wearing.  Those and his tighty whities were his entire attire.  She shook her head.  He had to wear clothes to work. 

She put her hand on his shoulder, and he jumped, grinning at her when he realized who it was.  "Were you lonely for me?"  He caught her hand and pulled her down on his lap, and she could feel him pressing against her thigh. 

Cindy rolled her eyes.  "I have no time for that during the day."  She wiggled a little, though, liking knowing he was interested.  "I'm going to get a lock for this office today, and I need you to start using it."

He removed the head phones and dropped them on the floor, pulling her head down for a kiss.  Surely, he could get her interested, time or no time.

She pulled off and sighed.  "Trust me, I'm interested, but I have no time right now.  I have to go to the hardware store, the grocery store, and a couple of other places.  Quickly."  She stood up.  "One of our guests decided to explore the house today.  She ignored the sign on the door and came in here, screaming when she saw a man sitting there in his underwear."

Trey's eyes widened a bit, before he burst into laughter.  "Did she see enough, or does she need me to take them off?"  He stood up, catching his thumbs in the waistband of his underwear, and inching them down.

Cindy laughed softly.  "She saw enough.  Trust me.  One of the reasons I'm going to town is to get you a lock for the office door.  There's no reason for you to freak out the little old ladies who stay here."

Trey stalked Cindy across the room, and she backed up against the door, where she stopped, because she could back no further.  He pressed against her, his mostly naked body firmly against hers.  She wore a light sundress, which she found perfect for doing housework in the summer. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, thrilled that he not only wanted her, but she had the right to kiss him anytime she wanted.  Being married wasn't so bad.  She just had to train him out of his bad habits.  "Want to go shopping with me?" she asked.  "I'm going to have lunch in town, so if you're hungry..."  She left the rest unsaid.

He groaned, burying his face in her neck.  "What I want is to drag my wife to bed."  He glanced over his shoulder.  The room had two desks, two chairs, and a couch.  "Or the couch.  We could totally make love on that couch!"

She shook her head.  "We need to get a lock for the door first.  We don't need to be known as the B&B where you can come for a free peep show."

"Yeah, I probably need a bit more practice before we take our show on the road."  He shook his head.  "Yeah, let's do lunch."  He walked over and pulled his clothes on quickly.  "I can't always go out for lunch, because I do need to work, but today is fine.  I told my clients I'd be taking the week off anyway."

"Oh?  This is your week off?"

He nodded.  "I figured with a week off, we'd have a better chance to get to know each other.  I'll probably work half days, though, just so I don't get behind."

Cindy smiled, pleased that he was willing to work hard.  She knew too many men who married only for a free ticket to life, and she was pleased Lachele had found her a man with a good work ethic.  He pulled his shoes on, and they walked together toward the front door. 

"What do you do for a living anyway?"

He pushed open the front door.  "Isn't it obvious?  I'm a computer geek!"

Cindy made a face.  "That covers a wide range of things.  What kind of computer geek?"

He grinned taking her hand as they walked toward the truck.  "I build websites, set up all kinds of user experience stuff to make them run more smoothly."

"Oh!  I need a website for the B&B.  I have a listing with a couple of local B&B directories, but no website of my own.  You could work on that this week!"

He groaned.  "I should have known better than to get specific!"  He opened the door on the passenger side of his truck and waited until she was inside before closing the door.  He ran around the truck and slid behind the wheel.  "Yeah, I can help with that during my spare time.  No biggie."  He slid across the seat and kissed her really quickly before he started the truck.  "Isn't it a problem for you to leave during the day?"

She shook her head.  "Not at all.  Every guest has my cell phone number, and they know to call me if they need something.  We'll get what we need to get, have lunch, and come back to work."  She paused.  "You'll have to help me pick out what you like to eat for lunch.  I usually fix dinner for myself in the evenings, but I almost never cook lunch.  I'm in the habit of meeting Cissie at the bowling alley before she starts work for the day."

"Cissie is your best friend whose dad gave you away, right?"

Cindy nodded. "Right."

"You can still meet her for lunch.  I'm not totally helpless.  Get me some ravioli and some American cheese, and I can nuke my own lunch."

She looked at him to see if his face indicated he was joking.  "You'd eat that for lunch every day?"

He shrugged.  "Why not?  It tastes good, and it hits all the food groups."

She blinked a couple of times, wondering what
food pyramid looked like.  "We'll make sure to get you a few cans then.  I can also cook extra of what I'll fix for dinner for us, so you can eat leftovers as well."

"If you do that, make sure you put clear reheating instructions on the leftovers.  I'm not exactly good in the kitchen."

"I'm gathering that."  She shook her head.  "Where are you good?"

"Oh, the office.  The bedroom."  He looked at her and winked.  "You seem to think so anyway!"

Cindy couldn't believe how quickly he'd gone from a man who blushed at everything to one who was proud of his bedroom prowess.  "Not unsure of yourself at all, are you?"

He pulled into the parking lot of the bowling alley, catching her hand and yanking her across the seat toward him.  "Not where you're concerned."  He kissed her again, and she melted into him. 

They jerked apart at the sound of a loud horn from the car beside them.  Cindy glanced over her shoulder to see Cissie laughing in her car.  Cindy slid across the seat and got out, glaring at Cissie.  "You're so funny!"

Cissie had gotten out as well.  "I think so."  The two women hugged tightly.  "How's marriage.  Is he okay?"

Cindy nodded.  "Really, he's a great guy!  He has some rough spots to be ironed out, but we'll figure those out."

"Call me later when he can't hear!"  Cissie smiled at Trey.  "I guess you're my new friend-in-law.  Are you going to be worthy of being called friend?"

Trey shrugged.  "I'll try.  Will you be worthy of being
friend?  Or worthy of being friend of
my wife

Cissie stopped and glared for a moment, then she looked at Cindy.  "He'd better be kidding.  He's
joking, right?"

Cindy shrugged.  "I think so.  Trey behave!  You're scaring Cissie!"

"Yes, you are!  And I've got dibs on her, because she's been my best friend since before we had any idea what boys were good for."  Cissie dropped her voice so only Cindy could hear.  "What
boys good for?  You figure that out yet?"

Cindy's mouth quirked.  "We'll talk later, my friend!"  She reached over and threaded her fingers through Trey's.  "We're here for lunch," she announced to Cissie.

"As if I didn't know that.  You've been here for lunch every weekday since your grandmother died.  Where else would you be?"

"I might be cooking lunch at home a bit more, now that I have a husband."

"Well, that would stink.  I need my best friend time, you know."  Cissie looked around Cindy and glared at him.  "You'd better decide to be my friend, too, so I can have some time with Cindy."

Trey wasn't certain what he'd just walked into, but these women seemed almost proprietary about each other.  "What have you got on the menu here?" he asked, trying to change the topic of conversation.

"Bowling alley food.  You know, stuff like hot wings, burgers, fries, fried cheese curds, chili nachos, chili cheese fries, and that kind of thing." 

"Okay.  Corn dogs?" Trey asked.  He wasn't sure why, but he'd been hungry for corn dogs for a week.

Cissie shrugged.  "Sure we got corn dogs.  They're on the kids' menu, but I can have them whip some up for you."  Well, not for him.  She'd do it for Cindy, but she'd let him eat them.

"Okay, thanks."  Trey hadn't spent a lot of time around girls other than his sister, so he wasn't quite certain what to expect from these two.  They seemed like Siamese twins joined at the brain.

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