With Me in Seattle Bundle One (135 page)

“I love that neighborhood.” I smile happily at the hot tattooed man next to me.

“Well, let’s see what we think of the house.”

He drives through a gate and down a short driveway to a beautiful, white and blue traditional-style home. The view of the sound is breathtaking. There is a red Toyota parked in the driveway, and a short, round young woman with dishwater-blond hair is standing on the porch consulting her phone.

“I like the outside,” I comment, taking in the rose bushes and cherry trees that will be blooming in a couple of months.

“Okay, let’s go in.” He grins at me, and we both hop out of the car and walk toward the front porch.

“Hi there! I’m Melody Jenkins, the agent sent out to help you today.” Melody has a pretty, friendly smile and oozes youth. She’s clearly still new to the real estate business.

“Didn’t you tell them who you were when you called?” I whisper to him.

“Hell no.” He frowns at me and offers Melody a hand to shake. “Thanks for meeting us.”

“Holy shit, you’re Leo Nash!” she exclaims and almost falls down the front steps.

I turn my back to her so she can’t see the hilarity written on my face.

“Guilty.” Leo offers her a charming smile. “Nice to meet you.”

I school my features and turn back to see Melody’s mouth opening and closing like a fish, her eyes wide and pinned to Leo. She’s completely struck dumb.

“Oh, for the love of...Melody?” I wave my hand before her face, catching her attention. “Hi. I’m Sam. We’d love to see the house.”

“Oh, of course.” Her hands are shaking as she consults her phone for the code to the door and leads us inside.

I turn back to Leo and mock the fan-girl, holding my hands over my mouth like I’m shocked to meet him, and he narrows his eyes at me and whispers, “Be nice.”

“This is hilarious,” I mutter just as Melody turns back to us.

“So, this is the house, of course. It’s really nice. It has a modern kitchen, a sunroom, a hot tub.” Her eyes wander down Leo’s body to his hips, and then she coughs and turns away.

“It’s the stars,” I mutter to him, earning another glare.

“I just have to tell you,” Melody says in a rush, turning to face Leo, “I am such a huge fan. I have all your albums, even the really old ones.”

More laughter from me. The really old ones are roughly four years old. Of course, she would have been in high school.

“Uh, thanks,” Leo mutters, clearly uncomfortable, and looks around for a means of escape.

“What is so funny?” Melody asks me, her hands propped on her round hips. She really is cute.

“Absolutely nothing. Nash is great,” I agree with her and smile up at Leo, who continues to glare at me.

“You know what, Melody, I think we’ll just look around on our own, if that’s okay with you?”

“Oh.” She pouts and glares at me before turning big hazel eyes on Leo in what I’m sure she thinks is her flirty look. “Are you sure? I don’t mind showing you around.”

“I’m sure, thanks.” Leo grabs my hand and pulls me toward the stairs. “You are not helping,” he growls.

“I’m sorry, but that’s hilarious, and your own fault.”

“My fault?” he asks incredulously.

“Well, yeah. One, you should have told the agency who you are so they could send someone more appropriate, and two, you’re the one who always walks around shirtless in all your videos and photo shoots. I know for a fact she wants to lick your stars.”

“Shut up,” he mutters and pulls me down a hallway, looking in each of the rooms.

“You can’t get tattoos on your sexy V, the one spot on a man’s body that makes a woman sit up and beg, and not expect to get attention,” I inform him smugly and giggle some more when he continues to glare at me.

As we pass the top of the staircase on our way to what I assume is the master suite, we hear Melody’s voice downstairs.

“You will
believe who I’m showing a house to right now! Leo freaking Nash! I’m not lying. No, he’s wearing a shirt.”

I bust out laughing some more as Leo growls and pulls me into the master bedroom. “Told you.”

“I just wanted to look at some houses,” he mutters and wanders around the large, empty space.

“I think you should have your assistant call the agencies from now on.”

“Probably. Do you like this room?” he asks me.

“It’s big.” I wander to the window and look out at the sound, the water reflecting the midafternoon sunshine. “The view is great.”

“Yeah, I like the view, too.”

“The floors aren’t giving my feet frostbite, and the walls are a light mocha color, which is warm and nice.”

“You’re wearing shoes,” he reminds me with a grin.

“Your floors in Malibu would still give me frostbite through my shoes.”

“Smart-ass.” He grins and opens a door to an enormous walk-in closet with built-ins for shoes and bags, and even a center island for other accessories.

“I might have just died and gone to heaven,” I breathe, feeling my eyes widen and my heartbeat increase. “This is just…oh my God.”

“Closet is a yes.” Leo laughs.

“This is your house,” I remind him and consciously make my face go blank. “Not mine.”


“Not mine,” I repeat and shake my head.

“Okay, let’s just say there’s space in here for you to have a drawer of your very own for when you stay over.”

“Are you mocking me?”

“Yes. Let’s look at the bathroom.”

The bathroom is even better. “I could swim in that tub,” I mutter and wander through the space. The shower is the size of Manhattan. We could host parties in there. Full concerts.

Oh my God, the sex we could have in that shower.

“Are you okay?” Leo asks, his voice light and full of laughter.

“Yep,” I respond and trail my hand over the light granite countertop. There are two sinks, roughly four feet apart, with a plethora of counter space and drawers. I turn and lean against the granite, watching Leo across the room. “I think I want to lick your stars, too,” I murmur and look him up and down.

His eyes narrow on me, and he slowly moves to the door, latches it shut and locks it, then walks to me, leans on his hands on either side of my hips and stops, his face just inches from my own.

“You don’t get to lick anything right now.”

“Really?” I raise an eyebrow and watch his eyes as they roam down my body.

“No. But I do.” He grips my sides and boosts me up onto the countertop so my feet are dangling and my pussy is close to the edge.

“Leo, that girl is right downstairs.” He moves between my knees and leans in close, his lips against my temple and hands unfastening my jeans.

“I don’t give a shit. It wouldn’t matter to me if Jesus and JFK were right downstairs. Even they couldn’t stop me from tasting you right now. Lift your ass.”

I comply, and he peels my jeans and panties over my butt and down my legs and discards them on the floor. He cups my hips in his firm hands and kisses my cheek, down to the soft spot below my ear and along my jawline to my lips.

“I can smell how turned on you are,” he whispers against my lips, and one of his hands roams between my legs and cups my center. “God, you’re already wet, baby.”

“It was the closet that turned me on,” I whisper and then moan when he pushes a finger inside me.

“Then I’d better buy the house,” he murmurs with a smile.

“Just kidding,” I breathe.

“What made you this wet?” he asks and bites my lower lip, then soothes it with his tongue.


“What about me?”

“Thinking about the fun we could have in that shower.” My breath catches as he gently brushes my clit with his thumb.

“Mmm, yeah, that could be fun,” he agrees and kisses me softly. “Samantha?”

“Yes.” Oh God, just push a little harder. Just a little harder. I move my hips, trying to increase the pressure against my sensitive nub, knowing I’m so damn close.

“I’m going to eat you out here on this counter.”

I didn’t think I could get more turned on, but that did it.

“And then I’m going to take you home and lose myself in you.”

“We have to go to dinner with the family,” I remind him and gasp when he pushes another finger in with the first.

“We have time.” He sinks to a squat, spreads my legs wide, pulls his fingers out of me and licks between my folds and up to my clit twice, making me gasp, and then settles on my folds, pulling them into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks and sucking firmly. He rubs his nose against my clit, and my hips push up off the countertop.

“Easy,” he whispers and pulls back, his eyes glued to my pussy. “God, you’re so beautiful, my love.”

My muscles contract at his words, and he grins up at me as he pushes those talented fingers back inside me, finds my sweet spot and latches on to my clit with his lips, pulling and sucking, pushing and biting, rubbing that fucking awesome metal against me, until I come apart against his mouth, my heels digging into his back, shuddering and bucking and biting my lip until it bleeds so I don’t cry out.

He kisses and soothes, caresses my thighs and stands to kiss my lips. “Love the way I taste on you,” I murmur.

“Me, too.” He smiles and kisses me deeply, and then pulls back, his hands on my shoulders to keep me steady.

“Well, that was fun.” I hop off the sink and pull my jeans on.

“Leave the panties off. You won’t need them.”

“Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

He just raises an eyebrow, and a wide smile spreads slowly across his lips. “I think I just proved that I’ll take you anytime, anywhere, sunshine.”

“Point taken.”


Chapter Twenty

“How often do you all get together for these family dinners?” Leo asks me as we drive to Will and Meg’s house.

“About once a month.” I shrug.

“That’s a lot of people in one house.” He chuckles and shakes his head.

“Yeah, but otherwise we don’t see each other much. Everyone is busy.”

He pulls into the driveway behind Luke’s Mercedes SUV and takes a deep breath.

“Ready?” I ask.

“As I’ll ever be,” he mutters as he helps me out of the car. He takes my hand in his and leads me to the door.

“We don’t knock on family dinner days. No one would hear us.” I smirk and open the door to chaos. Babies are running, or toddling, around, adults laughing and arguing and bustling around in the kitchen.

“Hey!” Jules exclaims when she sees us and pulls me into a big hug. “Will’s a douche bag and ordered pizza.”

“Everyone likes pizza.” He scowls at her from his couch and then smiles over at us. “There are thirty pizzas in the kitchen along with beer, soda and I think Matt is mixing drinks, too.”

“Are my parents here?” I ask Jules.

“Yep, all the parents, and I do mean all the parents, including Brynna’s, are upstairs in the loft enjoying some quiet away from the chaos. Although, they took Olivia with them, so they’re living in their own special chaos.”

“Yes, we’re aware.” Leo nods and opens pizza boxes on the kitchen counter. “She’s adorable but a handful.” He takes a big bite of pepperoni as he snags a beer in the bottle and walks into the living room to sit by Meg and chat.

“That’s my offspring you’re talking about,” Luke informs us and gives me a big hug. “How are you?” he whispers in my ear.

I nod happily up at him, and his deep blue eyes soften. “Good.” He grabs his own beer and follows Leo into the living room, scoops Natalie up into his lap and kisses her hair.

“What would you like to drink?” Matt asks me from across the kitchen island.

“What do you have, handsome bartender?” I ask and climb up onto a barstool.

“Pretty much anything you want. I raided Will’s liquor cabinet.”

“I heard that!” Will calls from the living room.

“I don’t care!” Matt yells back. “So, what’ll it be?”

“Do you have olives?” I ask with a grin.

“Uh, no.” He shakes his head and laughs.

“Damn. Okay, I’ll have a fuzzy navel.” Matt sets to work. “Where are Brynna and the girls?”

“I’m not sure. Caleb called earlier and said he was taking them somewhere this weekend and they wouldn’t be here.”

“Mysterious.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “How did you get the bartending job?”

“Might as well. I don’t drink.” He shrugs and pours orange juice over my peach schnapps and ice and passes me the glass. “Pizza?”

“I’ll get some in a few.” I take a sip of the drink and smile in surprise. “This is really good.”

“Don’t be so surprised. I tended bar in college.”

“A jack of all trades,” I tease him with a grin.

“Hey, friend! When did you get here?” Stacy appears at my side and stares longingly at my drink and then up at Matt, who laughs.

“You want one of those?”

“Yes, please.” She grins and winks.

“Leo and I got here a few minutes ago. Where’s Isaac?”

“He’s playing Xbox with Nate and Mark. Nate’s kicking ass.” She smirks and finds a mostly full box of pizza, tucks a couple beers under her arm, and takes her drink from Matt to wander back into the game room.

“Do you need help?” I ask.

“No, I’m a mom. This is nothing.” She winks.

I lean back against the island and observe the family around me. Matt is wiping down the counter, deep in thought. I can hear Nate and Isaac yelling at each other in the other room, and Jules and Stacy laughing. Leo and Meg have their heads together, plotting something. Will and Luke and Nat are in deep conversation.

“We need to find you a girlfriend,” I mention to Matt, who stops and frowns at me.


“You’re not getting any younger.” I laugh when he scowls. “You’re not gay.”

He throws his head back and laughs, shoves his hands through his dark blond hair and smiles at me. “No, I’m not.”

“Well, then.”

“I have particular tastes,” he murmurs.

“I know.”

His eyes shoot up to mine. “You do?”

I raise an eyebrow at him, a half smile on my lips, and he sighs and nods.

“You’re damn observant.”

I smile sweetly and sip my drink, waiting for him to talk.

“It’ll happen eventually,” he finally concedes. “But I have a feeling she won’t be easy to find.”

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