Wolfen Secrets (The Western Werewolf Legend #3) (10 page)

Read Wolfen Secrets (The Western Werewolf Legend #3) Online

Authors: Catherine Wolffe

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #civil war, #werewolf, #wolf, #western

“Don’t worry, sister. I have a good feeling
about this. Everything is going to turn out fine. You’ll see.”

Briann gathered Sonja close, giving her a
warm hug. “There is one thing…” Briann released Sonja. “I haven’t
told Jeb yet. I wanted to surprise him when we reached the other
side. You have to promise me you won’t say a word until then. All
right?” Briann caught her sister’s hand in hers. “Promise me?

“What? I thought you’d already spoke with
him. Oh, Bri, why won’t you tell him about the baby?”

“Right now, there’s so much going on, he
doesn’t need the pressure. Please, promise?”

Sonja nodded. “This isn’t a good way to start
a relationship, Bri.” She dropped her eyes to her sister’s hands in
hers. “Keeping secrets only bodes ill for you.”

Briann’s shoulders drooped. “I know – I
simply can’t add to his concerns at this point. I promise I’ll tell
him as soon as we make it to the territory. Okay?”

Sonja nodded. “All right. I won’t remain
quiet long. Make sure you tell him as soon as we reach the other
side. Understand?”

“Agreed.” A smile ghosted around her mouth as
she batted a tear away. “I will, sister. Now, let’s get you into
your dancing dress.”

The emerald organza glowed in the mirror as
Sonja clipped the jet earbobs to her ears. Bare on her shoulders,
the gown hugged her bosom intentionally. The beautiful confection
made her feel special, if not a little wicked. Provocative was a
better word. Standing in front of the new full-length mirror Smitty
had brought to their bedroom was a woman where a widow had stood
before. She would wear a black silk shawl around her shoulders.

“You’re a real picture tonight. Why, I’ll
wager Ty will fight to keep the other young bucks from stealing all
your dances. You are going to be the hit of the evening,” she said
with a satisfied smile. “Jeb said it was Ty’s idea to ask you to
this dance. We both agreed it would do you a great deal of good.
Now let me make sure you’re all fastened – there. Perfect!”

“Thank you for everything.” Sonja reached
out, clasping her sister in her arms. Briann held her close.

“Well, I better get back up the hall to see
about Jeb’s suit coat.” Quickly wiping a telltale tear with the
back of her hand, Briann stepped back. “The man can’t tie a decent
tie. He always manages to get something on his coat before he ever
leaves out the door. How he made it to major general is beyond me.”
Rolling her eyes heavenward, she paused, glancing back at Sonja.
“Have a wonderful time tonight my dear.”

“I will, I promise.”

Nerves trembled along her spine. She had
taken great time with her appearance in preparation for the dance.
Ty would come for her soon. She wanted everything to go perfectly
tonight. Their first real date - she wanted to remember this night

True to his word, Ty arrived at the door
promptly at six with a lovely bouquet of daisies. The look he gave
her said it all as she twirled once for him to examine. “You will
be the most beautiful creature there tonight,” he assured her

“You clean up pretty well yourself, Mr.
Loflin,” she admonished as she let him place the shawl around her

“I went ahead and washed up with the men –
figured you could use the space to dress.” His hands lingered on
her skin. Sonja relished in the hard, strong planes of his fingers
on her flesh. Then he lowered his head, taking the opportunity to
lean in and steal a kiss at the nape of her neck. “Um, so soft. No,
the truth is I was afraid we’d never make the dance if I we got
dressed in the same room together.” His slow, sultry smile was
wicked sexy. Sonja leaned into his chest enjoying the steady beat
of his heart and the sandalwood scent of his cologne. Perhaps it
was the reason he rose so early and didn’t come in until late. He
hoped she’d be asleep? Perhaps his control was thin. So far, they’d
been lucky. She hadn’t become pregnant. One wrong move, though and
she’d bring another life into an uncertain situation.

She shivered involuntarily.

Shifting her in his arms, he took the
opportunity to kiss her soundly. “I’m going to see to it you have a
good time tonight. Ready?”

“I’m ready.”

Sonja couldn’t help eyeing Ty secretly. His
profile was so handsome. His features, a study in strength belonged
in a painting. When he cut her a look out of the corner of his
eyes, she could have sworn she’d never seen eyes as blue as his

They could hear the fiddler tuning up as the
band got their instruments ready to play. She sat next to him with
her arm slipped comfortably through his as they rode out of town.
The old weathered barn located on the outskirts of town apparently
had a reputation as the dance hall for decent folks.

The barn, decked out in decorations of red
and blue streamers proved a festive site. Hay bales dotted the
exterior to accommodate those who chose to watch. Coal-oil lamps
swung from the ropes tied to the rafters above the wooden dance
floor below. Long tables flanked either side of the large double
doors. Covered in dishes, heavy pots and platters of all kinds of
food, the makeshift tables resembled an army buffet line. Buggies
lined up next to the corral and stretched as far as the eye could
see down the dirt road from town. To Sonja, the whole town had
turned out for the dance.

Everyone was in a spirited mood. She and Ty
made their way toward the area in front of the old barn amid jovial
conversation and a real party atmosphere. Amazingly, people
occupied practically every square inch of ground surrounding the
great, looming structure. Children darted in and out of the adults
in wonderful abandonment.

As Ty pulled the buggy to a halt, Ethan and
Nathaniel rushed to meet them.

“Aunt Sony, Aunt Sony,” Ethan gushed,
breathless as he thrust wild flowers in her hands.

“Why thank you Ethan, they’re beautiful. It
was very sweet of you to think of me.”

“Oh Aunt Sonja, you look so beautiful.” The
dark haired, Nathaniel breathed the compliment. He’s so much like
Briann, Sonja mused.

She allowed him to take her hand, assisting
her in gentlemanly fashion from the carriage while Ty tethered the
horses. “You’re so handsome tonight, Nathaniel. Your mother must be
so proud of the young man you’ve become.”

His face blushed crimson at the compliment,
yet he didn’t miss a beat as he helped her dismount.

“I see you have your first dance partner for
the evening.” Briann smiled as she approached. Jeb followed closely
behind and both greeted Sonja and Ty with hugs and handshakes. “I
was right, you know.” Briann flashed Nathaniel a conspirator’s
grin. “Sonja, your dance card will fill quickly tonight.”

“Oh Aunt Sony, let me, let me dance with you
tonight – please!” Ethan danced from one nimble foot to another in
excited pleasure. His exuberance made everyone laugh.

“Of course you’ll be my first partner, after
Mr. Ty of course.” She ran her fingers through his blond bangs and
grinned in collaboration with his idea. As quickly as she promised
the boys each a dance, they both found the distraction of a small
pony. Rushing off to inspect the animal, they left the grown-ups to
make their way toward the celebration.

Baby, the young private, everyone had
nicknamed because of his deception about his age, boldly stepped up
as Ty made his way through the throng of people with Sonja on his

“Mr. Taylor,” Baby tugged at his collar.
“Would you mind if I had a dance with Mrs. Taylor tonight?” His
manner was formal, which had Ty smiling. He had to admit, he was
proud Baby remembered to use his alias.

“Why no, I don’t mind. “I believe you need to
ask though.” Ty inclined his head in Sonja’s direction. “You can
dance with her, on one condition: I need to dance with her once or

Flustered, Baby’s spine stiffened. He
hesitantly took Sonja’s fingers in his. “Mrs. Taylor, would you do
me the honor of being my partner for a reel?”

“Why, I’d be delighted, Clayton.” Sonja’s use
of the boy’s given name had him blushing to the tips of his white
blond hair.

Finally, Smitty came to his recue, giving the
young private a good nudge to usher him on his way. He took the
private’s place. With his hat in both hands, Smitty’s brow knitted
in sincerity, “I’ve not seen a more lovely sight tonight than the
two of you ladies. Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Rowland, you’re the prettiest
picture here.” With another gallant bow, Smitty resettled his new
cowboy hat, before straightening the bolero tie he’d donned for the

“Well, thank you, Smitty.” Sonja dropped into
her best imitation of a southern belle’s curtsy as Briann laughed
heartily. The man shook her hand with both of his exuberantly. “I’d
be very pleased to dance with you both if that’s all right with
the...lieu.” He faltered a moment as he almost referred to Ty by
his military title. “If that’s all right with Mr. Taylor and Mr.
Rowland?” Gathering his composure, Smitty affected a serious tone
before continuing. “We’ve heard such lavish reports on the skill of
you ladies with a dance, heck, me and the boys wanted to find out
for ourselves if the rumors were true.”

Sonja fairly beamed. She couldn’t help
getting into the part of a flattered young woman with the offers of
several eligible men at her beck and call. “Your blarney is
showing, Mr. McMichael. Still, I’d be honored to dance with such a
fine gentleman as you.” She reached out, giving Smitty’s hand a
good-natured pat after he raised her fingers for a kiss, which
hovered over her knuckles.

Ty gave his eyes a roll skyward, before
taking her elbow indicating it was time to make their excuses.
“You’ll pardon us gentlemen, as we have to sign in for the first
dance, the band’s about to start.” With Sonja beside him, he
motioned to the fiddler who bent near. “What’s the first reel

The fiddler’s handlebar mustache bounced with
the nodding of his head. “Why, the Virginia Reel, of course.” His
mustache twitched as he winked at Ty. “Time to get this shindig
under way.” The fiddler motioned for the band, raising his arms
wide. “A one and a two and a three…”

Turning toward Sonja with a low bow, Ty
practiced the manners Maggie had drilled into him years ago. “May I
have this dance?”

“Yes – yes you may, thank you, Mr. Taylor.”
Sonja curtsied, accepting the hand he offered her.

Ty smiled for her as the tune started. “You
realize we can’t turn back now. Every eye is watching,” he said,
grinning at her conspiratorially.

Patting his arm, Sonja beamed at him. “Don’t
worry, I won’t start another war. The opportunity to dance with you
has proved too intriguing.” Sonja gave him a wicked smile as he
swung her about. Following the lively reel was a waltz, so the
dancers could catch their breath. Floating in his embrace, Sonja
was enjoying the attention he lavished on her. He’d made sure they
were partners as often as possible. Each moment in his arms was one
she’d remember always.

“Are you enjoying yourself, Nymph?” Ty asked
the question close to her ear as they participated in yet another

“Oh Ty, this is a magical night. I am having
the best time.” She breathed the words as he held her close. His
use of her pet name warmed her heart, making her feel cherished. Ty
held her the way a man holds a woman he cherishes and Sonja
languished in the sensation. Mentally shaking herself, she forced
her mind back to the present. It did no good to dream like that.
Reality was still alive and well, as long as the vampires still

“You deserve all tonight offers and so much
more.” His strong hands held her fast. His eyes never left hers. A
keen longing showed in their depts. “I’ll do my best to make it
work.” He made the vow without even realizing he’d said it out
loud. Before she had time to consider his slip, he quickly covered
by explaining, “I’m really glad you’re enjoying yourself. I have to
leave you for a bit. Got to check on the men,” he explained as the
tune ended. “Don’t go and give away the rest of your dances to
these durned old cowboys who can’t take their eyes off of you,

“I promise.”

She made her way over to the food tables to
visit with Briann as others sought refreshment. She could sense
their curiosity toward the two sisters. Before long, she and Bri
had struck up a pleasant conversation with the ladies. The women’s
friendly banter allowed her to relax.


She was having a good time. Watching from
across the dance floor, Ty thanked the gods for the night and
Sonja’s chance to enjoy being a woman. Everyone was anxious to meet
her. Ty was pleasantly surprised to witness the outpouring of
attention and congeniality toward his…woman. He found it satisfying
to see the majority of those gathered around Sonja, were more
interested in her as a newcomer than hesitant because she was a
stranger. Perhaps the worst was behind them, he mused. A new life
and a new beginning awaited them in Texas. Heading back to her,
Clemens haled him, dragging him to a quieter spot.

“Ty, the river rats brought news of a paddle
wheeler, the St. Louis Belle leaving out in three days. Word is
there’s room for four passengers.” Clemens glanced back as the
dancers twirled past. We make a show of securing those berths.
Maybe the vampires will take the bait.

“Better secure those berths tomorrow morning.
Be sure Sonja and my names are on that manifest.” Ty gripped
Clemens’ shoulder firmly. “I appreciate this.”

Clemens nodded. “Glad I could help. I won’t
keep you away from the dancing. Enjoy yourself.”

As Ty broke away going back to seek her out
he found her in the arms of yet another of his men. Twirling with
Connors, she danced around the floor in perfect time with the
music. Ty’s breath lodged in his throat. He found himself willing
the vision to memory for safekeeping.
woman, a jewel,
who’d somehow found her way into his world. There was no letting
go. A small hand tugged at his coattail and brought him back to the

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