Women of Intelligence: Winning the Second World War with Air Photos (46 page)



1  Danesfield House Hotel in Buckinghamshire. During the Second World War this was RAF Medmenham, the headquarters of Allied photographic interpretation.


2  The gardens and River Thames in 2011.


3  ‘The Airwomen’s Mess’, sketched by Mary Harrison:

‘For breakfast, sausage with baked beans,

For dinner, camouflaged with “greens”,

For tea, it finds itself in batter,

By supper – Oh, it doesn’t matter.

The Eternal Sausage.’


4  A cartoon, ‘Stereo Pair – 60% Overlap’, drawn by Flight Lieutenant Julian Phipps, a PI at RAF Medmenham.


5  Camera loading into a PR Spitfire painted in distinctive ‘Camotint’ colour. A re-enactment in 2011.


6   The Wild A-5 stereo-comparator, used for calculating exact measurements.


7  ‘WAAF Methods of Travel’:


‘I wonder if you’ve ever tried

When going for a lorry ride

To climb into it “dignified”

I did and darned near died.’


8  The Christmas dinner menu 1943, at RAF Medmenham.


9  Pantomime programme for a production at RAF Medmenham.


10  Section Officer Diana Byron (Cussons), who worked in Second Phase.


11  ‘WAAF on Parade’, illustrating the inconvenience caused by a broken suspender.


Evidence in Camera
booklet. Produced weekly, it selectively publicised some of the best reconnaissance photographs taken during the war.


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