Words Left Unsaid (17 page)

Read Words Left Unsaid Online

Authors: Missy Johnson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

Chapter Twenty-One


Opening my eyes, I groan as I ease my neck back into a more natural position while Max chuckles next to me. It takes a moment for me to remember where I am, the tall trees and running green hills we’re driving through sparking my memory.

“You slept most of the way,” he comments, a wry smile on his face.

“Sorry,” I say gingerly. “I guess I needed it. Where exactly are we going?”

“It’s not much further,” he promises, making it clear that I’m not going to be finding out until we get there.

I sink back into my seat and gaze out the window. Wherever we’re going, I know it’s going to be beautiful. Max slips his hand inside mine and I jump. I turn to face him, my heart racing. I process what I’m feeling and realize I like feeling him so close to me. I smile, suddenly feeling shy, as I curl my fingers around his.

I still cringe when I think about the other night. I go over and over it in my mind, wishing I could erase the whole memory—or at least go back and relive it. I haven’t had a panic attack that severe in years, and to have it at that moment of all moments…I shudder.

Regardless, I’m so glad I ended up spending the night. Being wrapped in his embrace, with no judgment or expectations, was exactly what I’d needed. My feelings are becoming less and less confused as it becomes apparent what I want.

I know what I want; the question is, am I strong enough to go after it?


We pull up outside a mud brick cabin with a beautiful wraparound balcony. The property sits on the edge of a cliff overlooking a stunning waterfall. I eagerly let myself out of the car and race up the stairs and onto the balcony to take in the view while Max gets our bags. The pang of guilt I feel leaving him to carry everything quickly dissipates when I see the bubbling hot tub in the corner of the deck.

“This place is amazing,” I gasp to Max, who has joined me through the internal sliding door.

“Wait until you see inside,” he says, wrapping his arms around me. “I wanted to take you somewhere special, and when I heard about this view I knew I couldn’t beat it.”

“This is amazing,” I repeat, my mind incapable of thinking anything else.

He takes my hand and leads me inside. I follow him, reluctantly dragging myself away from the view.

He’s right. If it’s at all possible, the inside of our cabin is even more luxurious and breathtaking than the view. Open plan and spacious, the living room is arranged around a huge open fire, and the kitchen boasts all the newest appliances—not that I plan on doing much cooking over the next couple of days.

I move through to the bedroom—the
bedroom—my jaw dropping open at the sight of the sprawling king-sized bed. Floor-to-ceiling windows look out over the balcony and into the stunning forest.

“You like it?” Max asks, creeping up behind me.

Turning around, I manage to nod. I don’t even want to think about how much this place must’ve cost him.

“It only has one room, but I’m more than happy to sleep on the sofa—”

“Max,” I interrupt, a smile playing on my lips. “It’s fine.”

“Only if you’re sure,” he says, his eyes studying mine.

“I’m sure,” I giggle, my fingers entwining in his. “And thank you. This is exactly what I need.”


We spend the rest of the afternoon exploring the retreat and making the most of our secluded location. After my second dip in the spa, Max hands me a towel, a grin on his face.

“What?” I say shyly, wrapping the towel around my naked body.

“You’re beautiful, that’s all,” he replies, bringing my face close to his. We kiss, and by accident or not, my towel falls to the floor. He leads me inside and over to the fireplace. “You’ll catch a cold,” he murmurs, wrapping a fresh towel around me. I laugh, because it’s still quite warm out. “And if we keep this up, we’ll be late for dinner.”

“Dinner?” I repeat. Who cares about food? Eating is the last thing on my mind right now.

“Go get ready,” he urges, pushing me in the direction of the bedroom.

I groan, but oblige, digging through my bag until I find the only dress I packed. It’s a simple black strapless dress that I pair with a charcoal jacket and some heels. I check my reflection in the mirror.

After I put on some make up and tie back my hair, I stroll back out to the living area, where Max is waiting for me. He’s dressed in dark pants and a deep purple shirt.

“Wow,” he mumbles. “You look incredible.” My face heats and I drop my gaze, feeling giddy inside. “Are you ready?” he asks. I nod, and begin walking toward the door. He chuckles. “Wrong way.”

“Huh?” I turn around, confused. And that’s when I see it. Out on our private deck is a table surrounded by lights, perfectly set for two. “It’s beautiful,” I breathe. “Did you do all this?” I was only gone from the room for half an hour at the most.

“I’d love to take credit, but no. It was management. We have a private chef cooking for us too,” he adds.

“I’m in shock that you went to all this trouble,” I whisper, my eyes welling. He takes my hand and guides me into his arms.

“I’d go to all the trouble in the world for you, Kiara.”


We sit down, taking in the sounds of the birds and wildlife surrounding us. A waiter comes out with a bottle of wine, pouring it into our two glasses.

“Shall we make a toast?” I suggest. Max shrugs and raises his glass. “To spending a wonderful weekend together and leaving our problems behind.” We clink our glasses.

“To us,” Max agrees. “And to springing this on you last minute, leaving you no time to prepare.”

The funny thing is, if Max had told me about this trip a week ago I would’ve talked myself out of going. Having no time to prepare meant I also had no time to feel guilty. I’m determined to make the most of this. I don’t expect it to fix all that’s wrong with me, but maybe it will makes things clearer.


After a wonderful dinner, which included the most decadent chocolate fondant I’ve ever had, we relax in front of the fire in each others arms. We have music playing in the background as we get to know each other on a more intimate level. The three glasses of wine I’ve had have made me tipsy and relaxed. My nerves are non-existent as things begin to heat up.

“We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” he murmurs, kissing my neck. “I’m more than happy just lying here with you.”

“I want this,” I mumble. I roll over so he’s on top of me. We kiss, our tongues entwined. Maybe it’s the wine talking, but I feel ready. I’m tired of feeling bad about how I feel.

His fingers slip under my dress and run up my thighs, riding my dress up to around my waist. I breathe in as he loops his fingers around the edges of my thong, tugging it down over my bare legs.

Desire races through me as his fingers explore my body. He lifts the dress over my stomach and over my head, exposing my breasts. I’m not wearing a bra, which leaves me lying there, completely naked.

I gasp as his hands move over me, so turned on by his touch. He kisses me again, his lips tender and soft against mine as his fingers circle my nipples and massage my breasts.

“I need you,” I whisper, parting my legs. I wrap them around his waist, rocking my body against his. “You have no idea how much I need you inside of me.”

He grunts, shrugging out of his pants, grabbing a condom out of the pocket before they fall to the floor. He’s hard already. Slowly, I curl my fingers around his length and run my hands up and down. He groans, a look of ecstasy on his face. I guide him to my entrance and roll on the condom he hands me.

I gasp as he pushes himself inside me. My thighs clench as he gently drives himself back and forth. Our lips meet in a passionate kiss. I tear at his shirt, desperate to feel his body against mine.

“You’re so fucking perfect, Kiara,” he mumbles, trailing kisses down my neck. “I can’t get enough of you.”

I whimper, my back arching as he grinds his length into me. He’s trying so hard to be gentle with me, but every thrust is deeper and harder than the one before. I cry out, my toes curling as I begin to climax.

He groans, and releases inside me, his thrusts reducing to a soft, slow pace as I orgasm. Every moment is almost too much but nowhere near enough. I push him away and pull him toward me at the same time, which makes him chuckle.

Sighing, he rolls underneath me so I’m lying on top of him. I lift my head and offer him a lazy smile, too exhausted for words. His eyes twinkle as her watches me, his fingers tracing circles on my back.

I drift in and out of sleep, the warmth of the fire and the relief of the orgasm exhausting me.
Wow. I can’t believe how amazing that was.
And best of all, the only emotion I’m feeling right now is happiness that I’ve found such an amazing man.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“I could get used to this,” I murmur, rolling over to embrace her in my arms.

She laughs and wiggles away, a playful smile on her face. Just as quickly she’s back in my arms, her lips pressing against mine.

“This has been amazing,” she says, her blue eyes locked onto mine. “I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the country air, but I feel so much more relaxed with you…”

I had noticed the change in her behavior the last couple of days. All the stress and uncertainty had all but gone, leaving a happy, vibrant woman without a worry in the world.

“Maybe we should move out here,” I joke.

She laughs and kisses my nose. “Right, I can just imagine you quitting your high-power career for a life in the country,” she teases.

I narrow my eyes, because she’s right.

“Besides, you don’t know about all my bad habits yet. You might hate living with me.”

“Like what?” I ask, pulling her on top of me.

She straddles my chest, rocking herself gently back and forth against my erection. I can’t imagine anything about her annoying me.

“Well, for starters, I’m pretty sure I snore when my hay fever gets really bad.”

“How do you even know that when you sleep alone?” I chuckle.

“I may have woken myself up on more than one occasion,” she admits, her eyes twinkling. I run my hands up over her bare skin. She gasps when I reach her breasts, as I rub my palms against them.

“I find snoring cute,” I shoot back. “You’ll need more than that.”

“Okay, this one’s pretty gross: I sometimes chew my toenails.”

“What?” I laugh in disbelief. “How can you even reach them to do that?”

“I’m very flexible,” she responds defensively. Cupping her ankle in her hand, she lifts her leg above her head while she balances her weight against me.

“See, now all you’re doing is turning me on,” I growl. Flipping my body over so she’s now underneath me, I crush my mouth against hers, relishing her taste. She sighs, her arms wrapping around my neck as I nudge her legs apart.

My mouth slowly moves down her neck and over her breasts. I take her nipple in my mouth, rolling my tongue around it. She sighs, her back arching, pushing her body closer against mine.

My cock throbs as I reach for a condom and secure it on. Rolling my fingers down over her naked body, I stop at her entrance, my finger teasing her. She gasps again, bucking her hips forward. I grin, loving watching her squirm.

I slip a finger inside her tightness while tracing circles around her clit with my thumb. Her hips lift off the mattress as she cries out. I move faster, each thrust of my finger sending her body crazy. When she’s on the verge of exploding, I quickly position myself between her legs and drive my length inside her.

“Oh,” she gasps, her fingernails digging into my back as she throws her head back against the pillow. “Oh, god yes.”

Seeing her so close spurs me on. I thrust deeper and harder, the pressure building inside me with every movement. I force myself to hold back, determined to make her come first. She groans, her legs going limp as her body begins to spasm. I drive myself inside her, groaning as I release. My head falls forward and she kisses me, her thighs milking the last of my release from me.

I collapse on the bed beside her, rolling her into my arms. My body is buzzing, and even the weight of the sheets against my skin is almost too much to handle.

“That was….I have no words,” she mumbles, nuzzling into my neck. I smile and kiss her head, knowing exactly what she means.

We drift in and out of sleep for the next few hours, not moving from the bed. This whole weekend has been fucking perfect. I watch as she dozes next to me, noticing every little thing about her. I wonder what she dreams about?

Gently, I stroke her hair. She stirs, but settles back against my warmth.
I want to stay like this forever.
I haven’t said it yet, but I love her. I love her so fucking much it hurts. I want to be with her all the time and when I’m not, she’s all I think about.

Somehow, this kooky, funny woman has become my world.


Fuck, I hate Mondays.

After such a great weekend, having to get back to reality and work feels like such a letdown. I lay in bed as the clock ticks past six, waiting for my alarm to sound. As soon as it does, I know Lance will start barking, demanding not to be forgotten before I go off to work.

I roll over and enjoy the last few minutes of my sleep while I think about Kiara. Could she be any more amazing? I’m falling for this woman, and I’m falling hard. I try not to show it, but this whole thing scares me too. The only woman I ever loved left me, and it’s something I’m still getting over.

After I take Lance for a quick jog and set him and Mr. Scruffy up for the day, I head into work. Pulling into the teachers’ parking lot, I rub my neck. I’ve never looked so forward to summer break. My first term as principal has been a real eye-opener, and with all the stuff that’s happened with Kiara on top of that, I feel like I need some time to sort out my head.

My morning routine continues with my second coffee for the day, which I prepare in the staffroom. It’s barely seven thirty, so I pretty much have the place to myself. I’m about to leave for my office when a faint sound grabs my attention. I set my cup down and walk to the other end of the staffroom, rounding the corner.

Kelly sits alone at a table, her face buried in her hands. It doesn’t take a genius to realize she’s crying. I wince as my foot kicks the leg of the table. She looks up, her eyes wide.

“Sorry,” I mutter, my voice sheepish. “I heard a noise and thought I’d check it out…” My voice trails off. Why I’m here seems kind of pointless now. “Are you okay?”

Great question. Obviously she’s not.

“I’m fine,” she answers hurriedly, wiping her eyes. “It’s nothing.” She even manages to force a smile, and although I’m not convinced, we’re hardly close enough for me to pry any further.

But you have an obligation as her boss.


Sighing, I pull out a chair and sit down.

“I’m a good listener if you want to talk,” I offer. “No judgment. Pretend I’m a friend and not your boss.”

She shrugs. “It’s nothing, really. I’m just…” She shakes her head. “My parents are visiting and they know exactly how to make me feel like shit.”

“I can relate to that,” I say. “I was never good enough for my dad. I’m still not. He thinks what I do is a waste of time. He never forgave me for not following in his footsteps.”

“What does he do?” she asks.

“Lawyer. Same as his father and my brother.”

“Right, so you get it then.” She pauses, her fingers circling the edge of the table. “They see teaching in much the same way as your dad—a waste of time. For me not to be able to get the principal role at the school I’ve been working at for the last five years…” She laughs. “Well, you can imagine how that went down. I can’t have a conversation with them without it turning into a lecture about how I’m wasting my life.”

“And how do you see what you do?” I ask.

She looks up, surprised by my question. “I love what I do. I love working with kids and helping shape them into who they want to be. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.”

“For me, it’s all about helping the kids, but not from a teaching perspective. I couldn’t handle that. I’m all about the planning and administration side of things. If you had gotten this role, do you think you would’ve enjoyed it?” I ask.

“Maybe not. I’d miss the kids…” She sighs. “I’m just sick of feeling like I’m not good enough.” Her eyes catch mine, and she hesitates. “I’m sorry if I’ve been a cow, Max. I’ve done nothing but make things harder for you since you’ve started here. The truth is I’m jealous of how well you’ve slotted into the role.”

“I don’t feel like I’ve slotted in well,” I respond truthfully. “Most of the time I question everything and wonder what the hell I’m doing.”

“Well, you have me fooled. You seem so confident. I hate that about you.”

I laugh and sit back in my seat.

“Because the moment people can sniff out your fear, they have something over you. Focus on what you want, Kelly. Fuck your parents and everyone else. Teach. Enjoy what you do and stop trying to live up to their expectations. You’ll be a lot happier.”

She smiles, wiping her eyes.

“Thanks for this, Max. Honestly, you were the last person I would’ve picked to make me feel better.”

I give her a wink and stand up, taking my coffee with me. I sigh, the relief I feel having sorted things out with Kelly huge.

Now, if I could only convince myself that I’m doing a good job.



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