Wrong (Breaking the Rules) (25 page)

Read Wrong (Breaking the Rules) Online

Authors: K Webster

Tags: #Breaking the Rules Series Book 2

“Shit! Jordan, you really are a Neanderthal. You can’t keep tossing me over your shoulder. Next thing I know you’ll be dragging me around by my hair.”

Once he carried me all the way to the bathroom, he finally set me back down. All kidding had subsided, and he stared at me with such intensity that I almost looked away. Reaching around me, he unfastened my bra and slipped it off. His eyes hungrily looked over the swell of my free breasts. Squatting down, he slid my panties down to my ankles, and I stepped out of them. He gently leaned over and kissed the skin between my belly button and pubic bone. My heart rate instantly picked up at the strangely erotic touch.

“Come on, babe,” he groaned, standing again, and guided me into the shower with him.

Lathering up the loofa, he began a slow, teasing wash all over my body. Starting at my breasts, he carefully washed each one and in between. When he washed a little lower on my stomach, I started panting as the anticipation grew. As he got near my sex, he avoided it and washed my thighs. I throbbed for his touch on my most sensitive area. After he made his way to my back and ass, I was crazy with need.

“Jordan, I need you right now. You’re such a damn tease. I can’t wait any longer,” I uttered breathlessly.

He chuckled as he ignored my request and washed my hair. While he washed his own hair, I admired his physique. His eyes were closed, his thick, dark lashes resting on his upper cheeks. The five-o’ clock shadow along his cheeks and jawline was sexy as hell. His broad shoulders were perfectly sculpted, indicating regular physical workouts. The dark nipples on his chest were standing erect, making me want to put one between my teeth. His abs were flawless and defined. Looking lower, I was mesmerized by the size of his—

“Like what you see?” he asked, interrupting my ogling.

I laughed, embarrassed, but when I looked back up at him, his eyes were burning with need. He quickly reached behind me and turned off the water. I stepped out of the shower to look for a towel, but before I could grab it, he spun me around to face him.

Leaning over, he roughly brought his lips to mine, scratching my chin with his own stubbly one. He sucked my bottom lip in between his teeth and bit down, producing a whimper on my part. Reaching down, I grasped his cock and stroked it while he kissed me.

“Lie down right here,” he demanded gruffly. Complying with his request, I stretched out over the cold, tile floor.

“Shit, Jordan, it’s cold,” I cried out, shivering. We were still wet from having not dried off after our shower.

“You’ll be hot in no time,” he promised, lowering himself over me.

Without any warning, he shoved his cock into me and I gasped. I was already so wet for him that he slid right in. My legs curled possessively around his hips. As he started pounding into me, my wet body skimmed away from him on the wet tile. As I reached out for anything to keep me still, my hands found purchase on the doorframe and edge of the cabinet.

His hammering into me continued as the sounds of our wet bodies slapping together echoed through the bathroom.

“Jordan, this is so hot. I’m getting close, babe,” I moaned and sucked his earlobe into my mouth. My climax was so close. When I felt him finally come inside me, I lost it as my orgasm pulsed around his throbbing length.

His eyes found mine, and they were full of an unexpressed emotion I hadn’t seen from him before. I felt that my own gaze matched his. The relief in his eyes made my heart swell, and we both grinned at each other.

We spent the rest of the night trying to express our emotions through our bodies.



“So as you can see, Mr. Jennings, it would be in your best interest to cooperate with us and the SEC,” AJ stated, addressing both Lou and Calvin.

Lou grunted, clearly pissed, but Calvin was already nodding his head.

“Lou, they have a point. We need to do what we can to get the proper evidence stacked against Nadia. She’s been the big player in this mess, and it’s only fair that she takes the fall for it,” Calvin told Lou.

“Fine. So I lose a big chunk of money along with countless other investors. What do we do now?” he asked AJ.

“Pete Sands from the SEC is a good friend of mine. He’s listing out everything we need to provide to prove Jordan’s and Jackson’s innocence. I have to contact each and every investor to get information on their involvement. I’m going to advise the investors to avoid any and all contact with Nadia. We’re going to close the accounts she’s been depositing to and writing checks from. That will stop her little scheme and will probably send her into hiding. Compton Enterprises will do what it can to pay back the original investors, but some of the larger ones will need to be negotiated with to pay back over a series of time. Lou, yours was one of the larger investments, so we’re asking you to give them a little extra time to pay you back. Everything from here on out is going to be carefully recorded and calculated to outline a clear and evident trail. Even though there was illegal activity, Compton Enterprises is going to do due diligence to rectify their involvement even when it was done unknowingly in an effort to save their reputation,” AJ explained.

“Lou, I’m so sorry about all of this. I don’t know how Dad got involved with this, but I’m thinking it had something to do with the fact that he was using the wrong head when it came to judgment. I’m pretty sure Nadia seduced my father so that she could further her own agenda. She’s left a path of destruction in her wake, and we need to take the bitch down. I’ll get your money back to you, Lou, because my brother and I are men of integrity. It might kill the company in the process, but it must be done,” I declared to him.

“Let us know what else we need to do and my client will cooperate. He too is a man of honesty and integrity. Keep us advised on the progress. Jordan, do you think you could speak with me after on an unrelated matter?” Calvin asked.

The other men left the conference room to me and Calvin.

“How’s my daughter?” Calvin questioned, getting right to the point.

I hadn’t spoken to her much today. She had been busy with the fallout on the museum disaster, and I’d been in over my head dealing with the fraud with AJ all day.

“I shot her a text around lunch. She was flustered about everything, but she’s tough. We spoke to the police, and they were going to be contacting you. Have you spoken to your PI?” I asked him.

“Yeah, that’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. He found that Cole’s been charged with two counts of aggravated assault from prior altercations with two different women. The problem is that he can’t be found. He has his parents’ address listed on any formal documentation, but they say he hasn’t lived with them in years. It would appear that he is flying under the radar, which is making it a bitch to find him. I’m certain with the findings of the PI, the evidence they uncover from the fire, and Elizabeth’s testimony, we have enough for a case against him. The problem will be finding the bastard and keeping my daughter safe in the meantime.” His voice was laced with worry.

“Calvin, I would die before I let anything happen to her. She’s so damn stubborn though. If it were up to me, I’d have her by my side every hour of every day. You know how she is though. She’s independent and strong-willed. I’m thinking of buying us each a handgun and taking her to the range to learn how to use it. If she won’t let me protect her, I at least want her to be able to protect herself.”

“Jordan, that’s a great idea. Sandra and I would like to have you both over for dinner again tonight. I can assure you it will be better than the last time.”

“Sir, let me check with Elizabeth, but I think she’d really like that. Six sound okay?” I asked. It was amazing that, in just a couple of days, we went from hating each other to behaving rather civilly.

“Six it is. I’ll let Sandra know. See you soon, Jordan,” Calvin said, slapping my shoulder as he walked out.

I sent Elizabeth a quick text telling her about dinner plans and then called Jackson.

“Hey, Jordie, what’s up?” he asked when he answered the phone.

“Hey, Jackie. So I have some news. Looks like things will get worse before they get better. Now that the SEC is involved and we’re closing those accounts, everything is about to come to a head. I just met with Lou. They are going to be patient with us in allowing more time to pay them back. By the time we pay all of those investors their original money, we’ll have eaten through most of our capital.”

“Well, shit.”

“Tell me about it.”

“At least I have some good news, Jordie. Nadia finally signed the papers for our divorce. Joel ran it up to the courthouse today. He’s going to get it pushed through. At least our divorce will be finalized even in the midst of all of this chaos. She can’t stall it anymore.”

“That’s awesome news. Congrats, man. Oh, by the way, I can’t hit the gym tonight because I’m going to dinner with Elizabeth at her parents’ house.”

“It still throws me off when you call her that. I’m surprised her dad would even want to see you again.”

“Jackie, Elizabeth is her name. I think we can all encourage her to go by it. Pepper is the name that fucker gave her. I want to kill him, man. That’s something Calvin and I share, so it makes us buds now.”

“Okay, dude. Mom called earlier and needs me to help her install her new washing machine. Guess you dodged a bullet there. Again. No worries. Bring her more chocolate and you’ll be golden,” he teased.

“Ha! Have fun with that,” I chuckled and hung up.

“Jordie! So glad to see you again,” Sandra gushed as we hugged. “Where’s my girl?” she asked, looking behind me.

“She swung by her apartment on the way here to return your jewelry she borrowed for the gala. She’s probably twenty minutes behind me. Dinner smells delicious,” I praised, walking into the foyer.

“Oh, hon, you’re in for a treat. I’ve got a crockpot going with my special roast. Calvin usually eats half the pot by himself. I made sure to double my recipe today,” she said, smiling.

I followed her into the kitchen and peeked under the lid. “We should eat it now. Just to make sure it’s seasoned properly,” I advised, pulling out a hot carrot and popping it into my mouth.

“Jordan Compton! Get your hands out of there this instant,” she chided, swatting at me. I laughed and took a seat at the bar.

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