X-Treme Measure (15 page)

Read X-Treme Measure Online

Authors: S. N. Garza,Stephanie Nicole Garza

He wasn't the only one that was overexerting. My bangs were damp and glued to my hairline. I blew out a much needed breath, even with his heavy weight on top of me, but I liked it. He felt…safe And I felt…amazing.

"Fuck. Fuck." His hands went to my hips and held me still as his hips jerked, connecting our bodies with firm hard strokes until he stilled. A new wet warmth bursting inside me.

My hands caressed up his shoulders and sifted through his hair. The black tresses were still slightly damp from our shower, and his body trembled under my fingertips.

He moved down, his softening flesh breaking free of mine. His hand skirted over my legs, and I felt it between our bodies as he removed the condom.

Then he tossed it somewhere towards the bathroom, I wasn't going to look, I was too entranced at the way my body felt. Kind of like my body was breaking out in hives, but in a good way. Everything seemed hypersensitive. My body trembled as the aftershocks ran its course throughout my body.

"That was...you are," his mouth kissed a path up my shoulder stopping after each one with a compliment, "beautiful, sexy, adorable, smart."

"At least you know it."

I felt his smile at my neck as he kissed up my jaw, his nose rubbing back and forth on mine before landing a soft, gentle kiss on my lips. He turned our bodies to the side. My leg went over his hip, his hard muscular thigh wedged between mine. I laid my head over his bicep and his fingers traced a delicate line over my curves. One finger stroked over my breast and brushed across my collarbone until he tucked my hair behind my ear. Daniel's hand cupped my face, his thumb caressing back and forth on my cheek.

"Thank you for not staying mad at me."

"I couldn't. I just felt like you were talking down to me. Daniel, I am an adult. I don't need a father figure telling me what I should or shouldn't do."

The leg between mine moved, bringing me closer. "Moriah. I know you are an adult. I can't help the way I act. I care for you, and wanted you safe. You want to go out, that's fine. I'm not going to stop you. Although, I’d prefer you not to go any places like XM."

"Why? It's not like I was looking at anybody except you."

"You did and I know how we were dressed and the type of people that occupy those places."

"Did you?"

I couldn't even ask it even though it burned in the back of my mind. I knew a part of the club was an escort business, and I was curious, but I was afraid of the answer he might give me.

"Yes, I did. I stopped a month ago."

I looked up at him, his eyes steady on mine with an acknowledgement of promise. "Why?"

"You really have to ask that? When I couldn't get it up without thinking about you well, I wasn't going to substitute one woman for another. So I gave up the few clients I had, recommended them to someone with adequate experience and when they asked why, I told them the truth."

My heart was spinning, pumping hard and fast as I said, "What truth is that?"

"I found someone and she's the only one I want to have that part of me."

"That someone being me?" Don't be an idiot, Moriah. Of course he means you! You just had straight up hot sex with the guy.

"Moriah, you're the only woman I want to touch. You are the only high that could fix me."

"And the dancing? Do you like that?"

His shoulders shrugged, "Do you want me to quit?"

"It's your job. I don't care what you do."

"Really? Because I’ve seen it before. Chicks who get their hooks in a guy who is a male stripper, and says their dancing is fine and then they get jealous or bitter because their men take off their clothes and practically eye fuck the chicks in the club so they make better money.

"Is that what you do?"

"It's a part of the job. It may be what I do, but it's not who I am. However, I don't plan on doing this very much longer." Daniel shifted, removing his arm from under my head to lean up on his elbow as he looked down to me. "Before this, I worked solely at a gym. Then Reighlyn happened and I was a single father. Just working at the gym didn't cut it."

"No wonder you're so ripped."

The laugh came unabridged and his smile was brilliant with his white teeth flashing. He was so sexy like this. Easy and relaxed. Like it was a part of him he didn't show many people. Not even Reighlyn.

"Yeah, well, I liked working at a gym. After I save up the amount I want, I was going to find a piece of land, build a home for Reighlyn and then open my own gym."

"That's a great dream, Daniel. If I have any say, I don't mind that you dance—


"Okay. Perform. Your motives behind it are just and who am I to say otherwise?"

"A girlfriend to say otherwise?"

Did he just say girlfriend?

"Wait. Two months you barely even speak to me. In which I’ve only known you those two months and then yes, well tonight has been an experience I won't ever forget and you want me to be your girlfriend? Isn't that…I don’t know. Kinda fast?"

His body tensed, the smile slipping from his face and I felt the emotional distance rise. "Just an experience? Is that all you want tonight to be? Just a one night thing? Am I not good enough to be your boyfriend?" He disentangled himself from me, moving so fast he was sitting up and facing away from me before I could reach for him.

Whoa. Left field!

"Daniel. It—

"No, that's okay. You don't have to explain. You know what I do for a living. That's how you chicks are. Fuck, I'm such an idiot." He got up, any warm, fuzzy feelings that had cocooned us split open. He bent, which gave me a really great view of his ass and what was between his own legs, and pulled up his briefs. "Here I am, fucking talking about my feelings and dreams and shit while you only want tonight."

"HEY! You just wait a damn second, buster."

"Fuck that. I'm not going to just be good enough to fuck and then wait for bread crumbs."

He looked like he was ready to attack. The feral way his nose flared with indignation and bitterness.

"Who the fuck hurt you so bad that you feel like you're not good enough?"

His eyes flashed black fire and he shook his head, saying, "You can get dressed now and go home."

What. The. Fuck?

"You are kidding right? I didn't say anything. I was just asking a fucking question. I never said you aren't good enough. So whatever the fuck your brain is firing, you better get over that shit, because I am not that kind of girl. I never said what you do belittles who you are. You have no idea about my life, my past and the fact that you think that low of me, only means you really think low of yourself. And I sure as hell don't need you to talk to me like I’m just a piece of ass. I've never had a relationship before. I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do!"


"Shut the fuck up. You don't ever get to talk to me like that again." I got up, madder than I have ever felt in my entire life, and there have been times, I mean, growing up with the parents I had well, it was an everyday occurrence, but this? Takes the fucking cake. "You can just chunk those clothes in the trash since they're ruined, I can't wear them. Oh, and you owe Ashley three grand for ruining it. Happy fucking birthday to me."

I walked, naked and angry around to his dresser to grab my clutch, not knowing what I was going to wear home, but not wanting to wear anything of his, because there was no way I was going to speak to him after this and I didn't want to have anything that was his. So if I had to walk naked across the hallway, oh damn well.

His hand shot out, grabbing my wrist and he jerked me to him, growling, "You're not leaving here naked. Here." He bent and grabbed a shirt that was on his bench and my eyes narrowed. Instead of taking the shirt—didn’t I say I wasn't going to take anything of his? Yeah. Exactly!

"Watch me." I yanked my hand free and walked with every bit of bravado I could muster and marched out of his room, him following me with angry pursuit.

"Like fucking hell you're leaving here and walking out there naked, Moriah. Put some clothes on, dammit."

I ignored him and hurried to the door. Just when I unlocked it and opened it a few inches, his hand reached out, slapping on the hard wood, slamming the door shut.

"Don't even fucking think about it."

Taking everything I had, I turned and whacked him on the head with my clutch that held my phone, keys and a few makeups.


"Fuck you, asshole. Since you reduced me to nothing but pond scum like every other woman out there, you can grow a real set of balls and get the fuck over it." And with that, his hand holding his head, I opened the door and ran—hey, I was naked—to my door, hurrying to unlock it.

Just before I shut it, I saw Daniel making his way, angry and amazed I hit him or actually had the lady balls to walk outside naked to my door. Just as he marched over, I smiled, flipped him off and shut the door. Securing it just as he began pounding his fist against the door.


"Goodnight, Daniel. Have a nice life."

I walked quickly towards my room, hoping not to disturb Ashley, but that would have been too good to be true. I was about to pass his bedroom door when he opened it, sticking his head out.

His eyes widened before saying, "Don't even wanna know, girl." And shut his door so he didn’t have to see my nakedness any more than was surprising.

I shut the door behind me, and then it was like the adrenaline flowed right out of me because tears I hadn’t thought would come, came. I slid down the door, my knees rising and my hands covering my face as I let out a sob. My fist rushing to my mouth to keep my scream of frustration and embarrassment quiet. Didn’t stop the screams from blaring quietly in my brain.

How could he think I thought so little of him? Wasn't it fast? I mean, we barely spoken to each other in the past few months and he wants to rush into a relationship? I hadn't thought he wanted anything serious. I couldn’t even talk to him without him interrupting and saying that I was just like any other girl who would have sex with him, but thought he wasn't good enough for more. Any girl would be lucky to have him. He was a great guy—well, not right now he wasn't. He was a royal asshole.

I felt my phone vibrate, but I didn't bother to answer. Instead, I got up, showered and threw on a nightgown before falling into my head, heart heavy and mind jumbled.

The best thing for me right now was getting some sleep. I would think about this night that started great, went hot, then angry, then hot and then depressed and angry, later. Like forever later. I had more important things to do than worry about a man and his own personal hang ups.





What the fuck did I just do? Idiot. My head laid against her apartment door, knowing it was probably the last time she’d ever speak to me. Why did I have to see her tonight? Of all nights.

For weeks I’ve been lusting after her, my hand sore as fuck from jerking off at night, especially when I was in the shower and thinking about her in the shower and thinking about her naked. Then all of the things I could do to her and her me. And look what I did. Pushed her too damn far.

She said she wasn’t a virgin and although I believed that, she had the tightest pussy I’ve ever had. The grip it had on my dick was like a silk vise. And pushing every inch inside of her was pure torture and the most pleasure I’ve ever had. Period. In my life. And I was only thirty. In all that time I’ve never had a stable relationship. I went out on dates, got laid but nothing ever serious. I had Reighlyn I had to take care of and think about. Why I had thought maybe Moriah was different, I don’t know.

She was right though. I didn’t know her. I wanted to though. I wanted to know everything about her. How she came to be here in the city. Why she wanted to be a child’s therapist. What about her family? Was she close to them? Did she have any siblings? Why didn’t she have a boyfriend? She’s had sex, so why didn’t those relationships ever work out? Not that I was complaining because then I wouldn’t have ever touched her. I would have gotten over the lust and moved on.

The few times mother told me that Moriah went to go see Reighlyn at her karate classes made me like her even more. She didn’t seem like she was playing any games. She was a part of Reighlyn’s life already without even trying to get close to me. Which made her special. She didn’t need me. She wasn’t calculating what I could do for her. Was I too quick in telling her she’d be my girl? My woman? Maybe.

Uh. I shoved away from the door and went back to my place, giving the door a good slam before locking it and going to the kitchen for a stiff drink. I didn’t drink often but when I needed one like I do now, I’m glad I had a bottle of Jack handy. I took a quick shot, letting the warmth of the shot settle the chill in my veins.

I set the glass in the sink and made my way back to my room. As soon as I entered the room, it was like her essence was all over the place. Her ruined party dress was on the floor in the bathroom, still visible with the dim light. That three thousand dollar dress that Ashley, my bisexual neighbor, bought for her. What the hell was he doing, buying her a dress like that? She looked sexy as fuck and beautiful. Any guy would be proud to have her on his arm. Was he into her? I mean, he
bisexual. He could have the hots for her. Did he? I was going to have to get answers from him. Buying her high ticket items, birthday or not, that was more than just a birthday gift. Had to be. I was going to have to confront him about that. If he had a thing for her, I might have a problem.

I’ve never had a problem with him before and I really didn’t want one now. But I had to be sure. He had money. Hell, his parents owned this building. Was their roommate-ship anything more than friendship?

Thank God I left work early. After seeing her leave, I hurried through the next set and I told them I had to leave. An emergency came up and thank god, the boss said I could leave. I wanted to make sure she got home. But when I got home and Ashley said she was still out…well, that wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear. It made me upset that she was still out, getting drunk. Fuck.

I walked to the bed, hoping maybe I’ll just pass out. When I closed my eyes, all I saw was her sprawled out next to me. And when I inhaled, all I could smell was her. Having her in my arms at the club was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced there. I could get drunk on the simple taste of her soft flesh. She smelled like sex, sin and woman.

And of course, detective dick went hard once more. It was her birthday too. Twenty-two. And how did I treat her? Like a fucking side show. That deflated the hard flesh between my legs rapidly.

Groaning, I threw myself up and looked at the bed I made love to her in. The first time I’ve ever had a woman here in this bed with me and I fuck it up. I realized I had made a mistake but of course, did I even let her stand up for herself? No. I kept plundering on like a blabbering idiot because she was the first girl to ever make me feel like I could ever have more. Didn’t matter the small amount of time I knew her or didn’t know her. It’s not like I was asking her to marry me or anything. But was it that bad to think if we had sex, mind-blowing, heart-stopping, can’t get-enough-of-it kind of sex that maybe we could be more than just neighbors. More than friends. She was friends with my daughter, therefore she was friends with me by association, right? Exactly. Reighlyn was my daughter, anyway.

I needed to make it up to her. Since it was her birthday, well the day after now, I could do something nice for her. I could ask mom to watch Reighlyn tomorrow night while I took Moriah out.

Yeah. A date sounded good. I mean, I could court her. Woo her. Girls like that shit. I might have made her mad, but like she said, she couldn’t stay mad at me for long. I’d make sure of that.

First thing in the morning, I had errands to take care of and Reighlyn to see to, but tomorrow night, I’d make Moriah change her mind. I did think she was special. I wanted to get to know her. A date could help with that.



When I walked up to their door, I made sure I looked presentable. Jeans, Docs, and a polo shirt that stretched across my chest was really the only look I had. Hopefully she wouldn’t turn me down. I wasn’t all that charming, really. I knew I was gruff but then I had a little girl I had to take care of. And while that girl had me wrapped around her finger, she had discipline. She knew how to be independent and confident while knowing I’d always take care of her.

I looked down to my watch, it was seven o’clock—that would have given her plenty of time to get over her mad. If she hadn’t already. I’d explain to her that I was sorry for saying the bull-headed things I did. Knowing where I worked had been a problem with women, even though I never took any of them back to my place.

I heard unlocking and Ashley popped his head from the door, looking surprised to see me.

“Daniel, how are you?”

“Is she here?”

“Wow. I’m fine, thank you. No she’s not. She’s at work.”

I couldn’t help my head as it fell forward. DATE FAIL!

“Alright, thanks.” I was starting to turn when I remembered, “Hey, Ashley?”


“Do you have a thing for Moriah?”

His eye brows disappeared behind his bangs with surprise. “Excuse me?”

“Do you have a thing for her? I mean, you bought her an expensive party dress and shoes. I didn’t know after I ruined it. Sorry, but not really.”

He snorted and rolled his eyes. “No wonder why she ran in here naked. And what if I did? Have a thing for her, that is? What would you do?”

“Something that will get me arrested.”

“Ha. Well, rest assured. It was only a birthday present. You should see her clothes. She isn’t a party girl, so I thought I’d help out or she’d probably wear something like her leggings and a dorm tee that did nothing for her. Did you not like what you saw, Daniel?”

“I fucking loved what I saw, but I’m making sure you know who she belongs to.”

“I’m positive that girl belongs to no one except herself.”

“Then you’d be wrong. Because she is mine, I proved it last night. I’m just telling you now. Don’t try anything with her.”

I knew how fucked up I was sounding, but I didn’t give a damn.

“Daniel, I don’t think about her that way. She isn’t my type.”

“So you don’t think she’s beautiful? She’s the most—

“Daniel. Please stop talking. She is a beautiful girl and young woman, but I don’t like younger, alright?”

I nodded, letting that sink in. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. This is the most entertainment I’ve had in a while. But I will tell you this, she is vulnerable. Even if she does her best to hide it. Something must have happened to her when she was younger to make her so very alone in this world.”

“No siblings? What about her parents?”

“That is for you to find out, Daniel. I am not your pet. You can catch her at work. She closes.”

And with that, he shut the door in my face. Only one place I had to go now. I just hope she was over her mad. Because I didn’t know what I’d do if she wasn’t willing to talk to me.

I made it to Chili’s where she was waiting on another group of douchebags. Is that all that came in here? Didn’t those boys have anywhere else better to go?

She hadn’t noticed me yet. She was busy taking orders. I sat down in a booth facing her and waited patiently. I could see the stress lining her features. She looked harried and tired.

Just as she turned, one douche bag reached out with his hand and patted her ass. All I could see was red. That mother fucker touched what was mine. I got up, determined to pin him in his place and probably bash his face in when I had two delicate hands grip my bicep and push me back down.

“What are you doing here? And don’t even think about it. I can handle them.”

“I can handle them better.”

“Daniel. What are you doing here?” There was a hint of bitterness in her voice as she spoke. When I looked back, I could see the blue irises blaze with furious fire.

“Still mad at me, honey? Haven’t you figured out I’m an idiot yet so you can forgive me?”

“Well, yes. I am mad at you. And right now I am at work. I am not in a forgiving mood. I am busy. The other girl called in, and so it’s only me. It’s a busy night and guys like that are only the topping on a very bad piece of cake.”

“Let me handle it then.”

“Not while I am working, Daniel. You need to go.”

“Nope. I’m hungry. You need to feed me so here I am. I’ll be keeping both eyes on those douchebags. Don’t worry, sweet pea. I got you covered.”

She rolled her eyes and walked away. Not a moment later she had a drink in my hand. Exactly what I ordered last time. A nice, cold Dr. Pepper with extra ice. How she could remember that had me amazed.

I ordered food and just kept my eye on those boys who continued to ‘accidently’ touch her. I was practically grinding my teeth right off while she just kept on going, not even paying attention to them. Where the fuck was a manager? I was getting good, right and tired of seeing their paws on her.

I was about to get up when douchebag from last time came in. And sat right next to the guys at the table. Go fucking figure. Last time I was in here, I followed him to the bathroom and almost wiped the floor with him telling him not to ever disrespect Moriah again.
Don’t even talk to her. Don’t ever approach her. You see her, you sit in another section
. Obviously, he ignored my advice. Because there he was and he was in a mood too. He also hadn’t seen me yet. I’d say
poor guy
but he was warned. His hand was moving, then crept up the back of her thigh and did he just?

“Don’t. Touch. Me.”

“Come on, Riri. Go out with me already. I know you want to.”

I looked up to Moriah and she had this shocked expression written all over her face with a subtle underlining of rage sparking in her eyes with a healthy dose of disgust.

“Are you serious? George, leave before I get my manager.”

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