Zombies vs. Unicorns (2 page)

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Authors: Holly & Larbalestier Black,Holly & Larbalestier Black

, who was a nonpracticing zombie until anthology stress made her fall off the brains wagon.

, who has been a zombie lover ever since a pack of them took out all her high school enemies.

(also known as Subject M), who can be subdued by being given her computer, whereupon she will spend hours typing out “brains brains brains brains” on Twitter.

, who founded the Southern Zombie Refuge and is still in possession of almost all her limbs.

, who holds numerous patents in flame-thrower technology and is the inventor of the zombie-proof cravat.

’s Team Unicorn members are:

, who has ridden in the unicorn rodeo since she was knee-high to a grasshopper.

, who was brought up on a unicorn farm, and learned as a girl that you can’t trust them. You really can’t.

, who likes unicorns even more than she likes bears, elephants, langur monkeys, and naked mole rats.

, who distills frightful eau-de-vie from the tears of scorned unicorns.

, whose unprecedented career as a land pirate could not have been achieved without her unicorn-drawn pirate ship.

, who earned a PhD in Unicorn Studies from Yale for her dissertation on the limits of parthenophobic behavior in the lesser species of
Monoceros monoceros.

Because Holly can’t stand to read about zombies and Justine would rather eat her own eyeballs than read about unicorns, we have kindly ensured that each story is marked by a zombie or unicorn icon. No unwary zombie fan will accidentally start reading a unicorn story or vice versa.

We can all rest easy.

Especially those among us who love to read about zombies
unicorns, who now have a book crowded with stories about both creatures by the best talent in the field.

If you’re strong enough to read all the stories, you will know by the end of this anthology which is better: zombies or unicorns!

: ZOMBIES!!!! (I win.)

“The Highest Justice”

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