30 Days (20 page)

Read 30 Days Online

Authors: K Larsen

“Jenna.” Colin booms.

“Yeah?” Her head pops around the corner.

“Fix this.” He points at me.

“Get over yourself. She stays as is.” She challenges.

Colin strides over to me looking less than thrilled. “What exactly is this supposed to accomplish again?” He waves his hand up and down my body.

“Someone deserving a drink thrown in their face?”

“I’ll let you throw a drink in
face if you change.”

“That doesn't count Colin and you know it. Do I really look that bad?”

“No, you look that good. That’s the problem.” He runs his hand down the open back of my barely there dress sending a shiver through me like a burst of electricity. I can't help but smile up at him.  “Do you even have underwear on?”

“If I promise you can take me home and personally remove this dress for me to find out immediately after throwing a drink in someone’s face will it make you feel better?” I think
the dress is making me feel saucy and bold. His jaw’s still set. I watch it tick again before he visibly relaxes and grins at me.

“Deal.” He touches his lips to mine teasing me and pulls away before I’ve had enough.

“Let’s go then.” I grab his hand and tug.  I want to get this over with so we can get back to kissing. The four of us file out of Jenna’s apartment to The Underground.


It’s loud, dark and murky in the club. Like someone let the fog machine blow for too long. Jenna and I have given the guys strict orders to stay on the opposite side of the club from us until drinks have been thrown. Colin is less than thrilled with this idea but surprisingly he does as told. Sitting at the bar with Jenna as we order our second round of drinks I can feel his stare boring a hole through me. Turning slightly in my stool I catch his heated gaze. It’s hot knowing he’s watching me. That he wants to be at my side but can't. There’s something about the thumping club music, a sea of undulating bodies on the dance floor and knowing Colin and I can’t do anything but admire each other that turns me on. It’s strange being able to feel him all the way across the room. As I’m lost in his stare I notice his eyes narrow and his hands clench into fists at his sides.

“Wanna dance?” A guy shouts over the blaring music. He’s cute in a frat boy kind of way and looks to be somewhere in his twenties. Jenna nudges me off the stool towards him.

“Don’t forget this!” She shouts handing me my half full martini and winking. I grab it from her hands just as the guy tugs me through the crowd. When he finds a spot near the middle he stops and faces me.

“You’re hot.” His eyes are glassy and unfocused and it scares me a little. His hands come to my waist gripping my hips tightly as he tries to move us to the music. He pulls my hips closer into his and starts grinding on me without restraint. I’m awkwardly holding one arm up keeping my drink from spilling and my torso is leaning away from his. His hand slips from my hip and works
its way up my ribcage. With my free hand I swat it away. The lights are blinking and flashing and making me feel like I’m having a seizure and I can't find Colin.

His hand comes back, trailing up my ribcage inching towards the outside of my breast.

“Hey.” I warn.

“Aww, you know you like it.” He slurs.

“Let go.” I’ve had enough. I’d rather someone just says something rude to me at the bar. I feel sick having someone else’s hands on me. He doesn't let go though. His fingers dig into my hip and his mouth descends on my neck. It’s vile and I force down the bile rising in my face. “I said stop!” I yell and using my free hand I push on his chest hard. “Stop!” I yell again.  He stumbles back a step, eyes wild and slams into Colin’s chest. A wave of relief washes over me at Colin’s presence.  I lift my drink and splash its contents in the grabby guys face. Gasps and squeals ring out around us and people clear away from us.

“Cock tease.” The guy sneers wiping the liquid off his face. All of Ryan’s words come rushing back to me. I’m trembling in Jenna’s ridiculous heels. It happens in slow motion almost in beat with the bl
aring music. Grabby guy lurches towards me and faster than I can fathom Colin steps between us and clocks the guy right in the face sending him to the floor in a crumpled mess. He rips the glass from me and tosses it on the guy before bending and throwing me over his shoulder. He carries me with ease quickly out of the club. I’m still stunned when he sets me down outside.

“Elle, are you ok?” He questions concerned. I snap out of my haze and look at him.


“Something happened. You looked pissed,  then you froze and looked terrified.” He worries.

“Ryan.” I breathe. “It was Ryan all over again.”  Colin pulls me close snaking his arms around my middle and holds me tightly.

“Let’s get out of here.” He whispers in my ear. I nod my head yes into his chest, inhaling his scent one last time before I let go. He gently tugs my hand to get me moving but I stop and remove my shoes first so I can walk without hurting myself.

“Did you cover my butt?”

“What?” He chokes out.

“When you carried me... did you cover me or did I just flash everyone in there?” I watch his ribs shake with laughter before he can speak.

“I covered your butt.”  I blow out a sigh of relief and take Colin’s hand in mine.

“Elle...” He trails off.


“You can’t freeze. If that had been Ryan, you can't freeze. You need to fight, like we’ve trained.” Concern laces his words.

“I know you’re right but can we deal with that tomorrow? I don't want to ruin tonight anymore.” I tell him honestly.

“Babe, tonight’s not ruined. Plus, now that I
you’re panty free I’m taking full advantage when we get home.” The devilish grin on his face lightens my mood instantly.

“Then let’s get home.” I wink.

DAY 20 -21


“Get that.” He groans and nudges me awake.

“What?” I yawn.

“Your phone. It keeps beeping.” He mumbles into his pillow. I reach out to the nightstand and tag the phone. Flipping it open I press it to my ear. “‘Lo?” Nothing. “They hung up.” I mutter.

“It didn't ring Elle. It beeped.” I open my eyes letting them adjust to the light and rub them vigorously. Jenna has been blowing up my phone texting me. I shoot her a quick message that I’ll call we’re still sleeping and I’ll talk to her later. Almost instantly it beeps at me. Sighing I pull the phone back open and read; It’s picnic day. Meet us at the beach at four.

Colin’s arm swings over my waist and he drags me backwards into him spooning me.

“What’d she want?” He murmurs in my ear. His hand drifts up and down from hip to ribs always lingering on my tattoo.

“Picnic day. Beach. Four.” I breathe deep enjoying his trailing fingers.

“What time is it?” His hand slips down between my thighs.

“Noon.” I rasp as he kisses the back of my neck.

“Plenty of time then.” He whispers before his fingers start working their magic.


My pulse quickens and I moan into his teeth as we kiss. He takes his time exploring my body ankle to mouth with his tongue.
The electricity sparking off him sending currents through me. His defined muscles flexing as he moves, I can’t tear my eyes away. Watching him is carnal. He pins my wrists above my head as he enters me, his eyes never leaving mine. It’s intimate and leaves me dizzy and struggling for air. His slow movements tease me as he takes his time loving me. Slow and sweet and gentle. He dips his head to my ear and runs his tongue up my neck, circling my earlobe. “Come with me Elle.”  He commands low and rough.

My hips buck wildly as his pace picks up and moments later we’re exploding together. Colin collapses on top of me. I trail my fingers over the muscles of his back and kiss his neck lightly, trying memorize every divot and hollow of his frame.

“I love it when you do that.” He sighs.


“Run your hands over my skin like that.”

“I love it too.” I murmur and shift. “It’s almost one. We should get up. I have food to make.”

“Danishes?” He asks hopefully.

“Hmm... I don’t know.... will you help?”

“Anything for a Danish.” He answers playfully.

I smack his behind giggling. “Up then, we have work to do!”


We actually managed to make a batch of
Danishes, a cheese, fruit and cracker plate and grab a bottle of wine before needing to meet Ben and Jenna at the beach. I was thoroughly impressed with us. Us. It’s a funny word. A short one, but it carries so much meaning behind it.  I snap out of my thoughts as I feel Colin’s hand collect mine.

“Penny for your thoughts.”

“Oh it was nothing really.”

“You’re a terrible liar Elle.”

I smirk at him. “I was thinking about the word ‘us’.”

“What about it?”

“That it’s a tiny word with a big meaning...and that when I think of me or you... it’s as an us. Now...where’s my penny?”

“I think that particular thought is worth a lot more than a penny.” He kisses the top of my head as we hit the beach and look for Ben and Jenna.

“Hey! Over here!” Jenna’s voice carries across the beach.

“Hi guys. Good spot.” I tell Jenna as we spread out another blanket.

“Ben found it.”

The four of us make ourselves comfortable as Jenna and I unpack the feast we’ve packed. The spread we concocted is delicious and filling. By the time we’re ready for the
Danishes I’m not sure I have room for another bite of anything.

“Oh.” Ben moans mouth full of
Danish. “These are heaven.”

“Seriously, you guys made these?” Jenna asks in awe.

“Yup. We learned in that cooking class.” Colin beams.

“Are there more?”

“There’s two for everyone...because Elle’s bad at sharing pastries.”

“Gimme.” Ben swipes his second
Danish from Colin’s hand.

Ben, Jenna and Colin and I hang out on the beach together enjoying the view and company until all three bottles of wine are empty.

“Well, we should head home.” Jenna stands brushing sand from her pants.

“Oh yeah, it’s hot sex time!” Jenna shoots Ben daggers as Colin and I burst out laughing.

“TMI!” I chuckle. I help Jenna load their stuff back into their bag and we say goodbye promising to train tomorrow together.


“It’s so peaceful out here.” Colin squeezes me into him.


“Elle, let’s knock two things off the list.”

“Which ones?”

“Why don’t we sleep out here tonight and watch the sunrise together?”

“I didn't pack anything for us to keep warm with though.”

“I did.”

“You did, seriously?”

“I thought it’d be romantic.” He stammers.

“It is. I just... you’re always one step ahead of me.” I grin.  Colin runs up to the car leaving me on the beach quietly enjoying the sound of the surf. When he returns he has a pillow and one sleeping bag.

“Ahh... where’s the other one?” I question.

“It’s a two man sleeping bag.” He winks.

“Those exist?”

“Yup, now climb in here with me.” He spreads the sleeping bag on top of our beach blanket and strips down to his boxers before crawling into the bag. Watching him strip never gets old, my heart still pounds and I my breath catches in my chest. He’s
stunning, but beyond that he’s so much more. I don't know how I got so lucky but I’m running with it. He motions for me to join so I stand, pull my shirt off and drop my pants.

“This is as naked as I get.” I tease. Colin’s heated expression makes me want to take that statement back immediately. I can feel the sexual tension as his eyes roam my body.  I shimmy into the bag with him resting my head on his shoulder. I struggle to control my breath. The feel of his skin on mine makes me feel bold and devious.  “When the sun set’s, the panties come off.” He breathes in my ear. I run my hand down his torso and let it rest on his erection before lightly stroking him through his boxers. “Think you can make it till then?” I whisper. He cocks his head and his lips collide with mine. I can feel all the love and desire he holds for me in this kiss. He rolls us until he’s on top of me. His mouth never leaves mine. I expose him through the hole in his boxers as he pushes my panties to the side and slips in. I’ve never made love on a beach before. The sound of the surf and the stunning sky combined with the salt air and risk of being seen heightens every sense as he
languidly rolls his hips withdrawing and entering again and again. Tremors wrack my body as I cling to him until I can’t hold back any longer and I let the pleasure blast through me. He finishes with a low animalistic growl that makes my belly whoosh. We lay spent and breathless twisted together.

The first stars of the night sky become visible and as I stare up at them completely satisfied and held tight in Colin’s strong arms a lonely fat tear rolls down my cheek. I’m overtaken with emotions. Safety, love, adoration, tenderness, and happiness.

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